Section Two Pages 7 to 12 "" i jLi-P1 " " ' JL "V 1 ' Section Two DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1919. WHITMAN PRO FtSSOR DUCKED IN LAKE BY UNDERGRADUATES Professor Storer had Failed to 'Memorial Service ai i- n. it- .!..!'! Sunday Forenoon ? ftoaiai in oiUdii-UJHWIVIIies At Baptist Church on Campus. WAU.A WALLA May 23. -I'rof. Kugcne Htorer, director of tho man Conuservalory of Music, foil afoul of student catni'UH day rule yester day and took a header Into Laketn Uuckem, on Whitman campus. A delegation of husky undergraduates tossed him Into thvh.Htoric lako, Amontf tho stupdcnU who also took Involuntary baths yesterday fur vio lation of the campus day rules vera Ouorga InKruham of Spokane. Nut 1 'en rose of Wnlla Walla, and A Men Thompson of Yaklinu. , I'rof. Htorer wan waited on by a delegation of Htudontu who told him ho was expuected to help tho student mid faculty clean up the campus, prof. I'rof. JSlorer pleaded that he had Jilst returned fmni a 50" mile trip and was tired, and In fact thinking of go ing homo to go to bed. ""Nothing- like cool water, to Invig orate you." said the spokesman of the students. After no me further parleying the students delivered an ultimatum, to the effect that the di rector had five minute to Join them. At the end of the five minutes they' returned. I'rof. Storer said he was game but he spent about ten minute looking dour, telephoning, etc., but finally accompanied the students. ' When they reached the lake he re moved his coat and hnt and the stu dents tocd him In. tie climbed out apparently enjoying the experience an much as the students. All iiu'ii who wort tlio uniform of the. army, navy or Marine In tho reci-nt world war; Die mem lux of I ho A. It.; the KjmiIk1i AiiutIcmii War VoU'raii; tint dlt or tho . A. It. and Ute Iji Hon of tho HumhIi-AiihI'Ihii Mar VctoruiN' Aiivliary. have Im-cii gWn HiMM'Ja-f Invitations to attend tho MojiiorlJtl uprvliw at tho lUipiint church on Sunday at 1 U, Illi t Tho Itcv. W. II. Cost wIM nticli tlio itictiiorlul sermon aiHl (hero will Ik hmh'Ju music; by the choir of I lie chtircJa. Tho mwvIcch will bo art of lioiMllotoit'H inomorlal lirogriitn, anil will ro(Oflo tho Decoration iMiy (-rrcilHinlc which will Im liohl I he following I Tlday, May L FAILED TO HOLD SESSION South Hillside Sewer Con tract Delayed in Consequence. ERNEST BOYLEN TO BE HOME Br SUNDAY Passing Soldier Leaves $10 He Had Borrowed at Brest. WOMEN! DRY CLEAN , THINGS AT HOME WOMAN I, Hot water, absence at lodgo con vent. ona. Illness in the family and other causes unexilalned kept all but two of Pendleton's councllmen awaj j rrom the city hall lat evening and an n result there was no meeting. Mayor J. I Vaughan, City Jlecorder Thonius Kftss fierald and Councllmen Joe Kll and Frank King constituted the offi cials who appeared, ready for business. Little of Importance Is In the air at ('resent, the only delay being the in ability to pas an ordinance author izing the contract for tho south hill side sewer. The matter of openintc the city nattaorlum is also becoming a live issue, but next week, wi(h Mltnrlltrw.n IJ T Tuvli.v a rwl Uuniinl Friedley Wk from Salem and other'0" w,nda iiiemiKTs able to resport, a big bus I moms session will lie held. James Alusgrove of Hulherlin. needed money while In Jircst, France, as a member of a navy hospital unit, and Kt nest Boylen of I'endleton, also a member of the unit,, staked him to This morning at the Red Cross can teen MuHgrove, on his way home aft er receiving a discharge, left the $10 with Instructions that the money b given to Mrs. Tom Boylen, Ernest's mother. Musk rove received his pay while on the way home. Krnest himself would have been home today had not he fallen a victim to mumps while ut Hoboken, Koon aft er returning from France. Mrs. Uoy-1 len expects that her son wll Ibe here Try it! For a few cents you can dry clean everything. Have five to ten dollars pjickly by dry cleaning everything In the home with gasoline that would bd ruined by soap and water suit, coals. wa:tf, silks, laces, gloves, shoes, Yur-s, dra;j peries, rugs -everything! Place . gallon or more of gasoline i In a diuhpan of wah boiler, then put in the things to be dry cleanei, then j wpj'h them with Solvit soap. Shortly ; everything confes out lookine like new. Nothing fade, shrinks r wrinkles. ' It not attempt to dry clean without j botvite soap. Thin gasoline eoan Is the J secret of all dry cleaning. j A package or Solvite soir contain- j log directions for home dry ubaulnor, cU II trie at any drug- stor?, Ury clean outdoors or away from flime. Officers Decorated for Distinguished Service Marshflebl, May 22. Mrs. ItridKet Hailey. wffo or Charles Italley Sr.. who died at her home In Wedderburn. urry ciuinty. was one of the oldest pioneers In that part of the, state. She whh aed 93 years and had re sided on the place where she died for 62 years. She was born at Limerick. Ireland, In lL'fl. Khe came to Amort. In 1M4 and settled at I'ittsburtr. where she was married. The 'couple came to Oregon In 18T.7 and homesteaded the plare where Mrs. lialley died. The place in located at the mouth of the Hhkuo river and Is a sheep ranch. Why Buy a Truck? VKI ON ONI-: WAKHlN'OTOV, May 22. Award FA KM FOR C2 VFAIS8 of the dlstlnRUtohed service medal to Klbert J. Hall, formerly a lieutenant colonel In tho signal corps, for his work In dfiNitfnhiff the Liberty motor Is announced by the war department. Medals also have been awarded to former Itrijfadier-Oeneral B. I. Tisiue. Frank Scott, former chairman of the war Industries board; Ir. Wil liam Mayo, formerly colonel In the medical corps, and posthumously Mlsa Jane A. Delano of the American rted Cross, who died last month In France. Other awards announced were to FtriRadipr-Oenernl Oeorpe H. McMan- us. Cobweb Frederick F. Russell, Kd ward 1. Wolfe Max C. Tyler, James U. Dlllard, William F. Haw, Klch- ard Park. nnii- Van Voorhis. Culver OTor radio telephnne, W. If. Walker. Victor C. Vuwrhn and Wil liam H. Welch. IJeutenant-Colonels tlchard H. Kimball and Edward Or- ton Jr.. Major John T. Axbon, former Colonels F. H. Wells. Arthur H. Car ter. F. M. Dorsey. Walter "Dili Scott and former Ucu tenant -Colonel. . X Rent H. SlaURhter. tITIKNS AXOItV AT AltUIVAIi OF hllKltll KS SJ.AYF.Il: K II'JAKTS Beavers Star Hurler Bumped Hard by Seals j BAX FRANCISCO, May 22. The Seals bumped. Carroll Jonca for his first defeat today, winning a second straight from Portland U to 1. I Uatteriei- Jones, Mitchell and Iia ker, Fallentine; Heat on and Baldwin. my ..wlX.1t worrylong with the old ex pensive methods of hauling?. Why cut down your expenses and be progres sive? Why accomplish greater results with less time and labor. " The answer is Acason. Umatilla Auto Go. Don Pruitt, Pres. AT CAMPM-XI. I'ltKNTXFli Ml ITdlt 11. 722 Cottonwood St. Phone 4G foil i!li3 YOU CAN SAVE KlflONEY BY PUTTING IN YOUR STORAGE COAL NOW. . There has been a temporary reduction at the mines, !: and we will give our storage customers the advant ; age of it. Kemmerer Lump Goal The best by test of the United States Government, a hard coal and one that will stand up while in storage. For the first time in three years we are now able to get this coal. LET US FILL YOU UP. while we can get this coal, and while the reduction in the price prevails. Oregon Lumber Yard A Coated tongue? What jt Means ; A bad breath, coaled Innen. baa tut in the mouth, languor and debility, re nsually signs that the liver ia nnt n order. I'Ror. Hbm mkteb Bays: "The liver is an organ secondary in importance only to the heart." We can poisons within oar own - bodies which are as deadly as n snake's venom. The liver acts as a Rnard over our well-being, sifting nut the cinders and ashes (rom the general circulation. A blockade in the intestines piles a heavy burden upon the liver. If tbe iiiUtine are choked or clogged up, the circulation of the blood becomes poisoned and the system becomes loaded with toxic waste, and we suffer from headache, yellow-coated tongue,. bail taste in mouth, nanwa, or gas, acid dyspepsia, languor, debility, yellow skin or eyee. At suh times one should take a pleaeant laxative. Such a one is made of May-apple, leavea ( aloe, Ialnp, put into ready-to-use form by IKx'tor Pierce, nearlv fifty wars ago, and sold for 25 cents by all druggists as Vt. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Stockton. Foe constipation, sfck besdarha, an inactive liver, indiratlon and bill ouinwa thero ia notfilna to equal Dr. Pierce's 1 Pleasant TelleU. I have tried otlier things but like the Telleta' but of auY,"-Mns. t', CaM riLXD. 3211 8. Giant SUrct CAST LK ROOK, Wash.. May 22. The uppearance of Martin Swift, the self-confessed slayer of John GU moro. In CwMtlerock Sunday occasion ed considerable commotion. An ln diRnation meeting was held, several city officials and prominent citizens attending. The sentiment of the meeting waa that Kwlft should leave town aL once. The city marshal? James Price, was deputized to notify i wlfl, which ho did. fiwift demurred.! A.Nt,h.L,fcH, May 22. AlthuiiKh saying that he "had a perfect righli the Angels made ten hits off Maila, tr. be here." The marshal Informed; hl wild pitch allowed the only run him that he would be powerless to"1 me game, won oy ixs AnKeles l to protect him should he remain. Swift SACRAMENTO, May 22. Vernon had one good inning and nosed out the locals 5 to 4 yesterday. Batteries Dell, Fromme and Brooks; Bromley, Vance and Murray. left. Swift killed Oilmore of Sightly, De cember 13. Oilmore's body was found dead, ridled with bullets. Swift was acquitted when tried recently. His Rubber Suspenders Broke Rule of Church COLUMBl'S, O., May 22 Seven biahops and preachers of the Amlsh ttennonlte Church of Holmes county were enjoined from further 'melden- Ing." "miting" or boycotting Ell J. (ilnerlch, a former member of the church in a decision by Judge Kin- kead. Glnerich refused to countenance the rules of the church requiring "mlt- " "-"" " Los Angeles ,,B,W " p, Oakland M r,. wo, -p. .n. ... v...v '"san Francisco . arifl wiinnrew irtui ine f-jturt-ii. j lie 0. Batteries Mails and Cook; dall and I-apan. Cran- SALT LAKE CITV. May 22. Oak land won & second free hitting game from Salt Lake, 14 to 1). Extra, base hits were frequent. Batteries K. Arlett, A. Arlett and Metze Levereng, Dale and Siencer. National Ixrsuruc KcMilts. Plttaburg 4, Boston 2. Philadelphia 6. St. Ixmls 0. Amerk'an Ijeaane lccsults. Washington 0, St. luis 1. Detroit 6, Boston 5. Cleveland 7, Philadelphia 2. Pacific Coat league Staiuliiiga, W. 2 .. .25 seven hihojm and preachers tlcn H,jvernon . ... la sued i "mltinff" order affEtinutt him. tSat ijako . . ..... m Hp told thp court he wa unable ;a tM ir to obtain help on his farm, cider mills j fortluncl ..... 2 refuwed his ajiples, his daughter wan' ' unahle to he married in hi.s home, hin: brother was "mited' for refusing- to mite" him. and he became practl-f rally nn outcat. , ELECTRICITY finds many ways to brighten your house and lighten your work. Snap a switch and any room is flooded with clean, safe light. Put in Western Electric Power and Light and have light for every room in your home; every stall and passage in the, barn. It gives you power to run the many electrical household devices as well as the grindstone,' separator, fanning mill, water system, etc t' See this Western Electric outfit in operation f Charles Milne Electric Contractor leadleton. Ore. AXTI-SMOK1XG OKHKIS. HKlNt.S AUOl'T STRIKE If reading the aoa win neln yon to Hiuy morai wisely. Isn't Ut task worth J" rCT. !. ANGELES. May 28. Flie 1j .slj hundred union machinists and theirt - i helpers went-m-trllre af the Is An-; IT .C6(gees Shiiibuildlng Drydock com-j 13 -6-: Mnv'B nlunt at San Pedro as a nro-! GAS in the . Stomach 2U 21 23 S7 s7,,.Ht, ,h riixrhariro of twelve ' ?our. atomach i , . , SWi .4 0 .395 .308 Coupling experience m buying with up-to-date study of the "ads. a wo man becomes a highly EFFICIENT member of the home-making partnership. Bring' Your Car to Us We can furnish prompt ly any size Wind Shield Glass We have an experienced man who will set the glass while you wait B. L. Burroughs, Inc. Corner Webb and Col lege Sts. fOlSKST GIIOVK STOKE fheartburn). -BelcblnK. . II 1.' .1 1 . . ien at mo k.u.h qUeBUy complained of after kieala re- tlon of the company's rulea by smok I Jjeved in Tm Hlaatta, Atmoet In i Ing while on duty. The atrikers de-stant relief from pmins la tba Stomach I manded the reinstatement of the dis. j caused by undigested food. Itll)ll BV 111 'KULAKS charged men. FOItlCST GIIOVE, Or.. JEtty . 22. Tho hardware store of M. II. Allen WdJV A iCC TRIAL DATS Nine hundred and thirty-one oficfersj and enlisted men of the 3d United; ! Sent lOe for Postage anirf War Tax i name and address, and w will imm) States Army have been assessed ap- you on approval our stomach Dretara- kcsaleal C IT C WIT T TI A VI? iTirii"i VT -irton' hardware store of M. II. Allen; proximately $5,140 to reimburse a tlon, J-i, for JO days, it which timt CKkW IvACJc, l"J(JjWs entered Saturday niffht and over; French railway company for the los:'"1 ro o " or return tha VMiO worth of knives, razcrs and all- f 2,1 75 bottles of champagne which , JJj u noi periecny aaus- i r 1 v r riti . 1 , aihv j j. 1 11 w 1 ni li - .i r, i- r.imii'-o nu3 smuru i uiepimreu 1 rum a car one n-K'n rooi AWfrMi RellaKchaaa Cke any or i;aurornia oarsmen win cnm-!i"''UB ier niuuw. 1 hupi inese Americans arrived m xoui iBdtlRgluiM, Wasav Pete In two races next year int-fi ., ' ' of one. . as has been the custom here- . ; : " tofore. The first race will be over the Oak land estuary course against Stanford University for the supremacy of these two col If pes. The second event wllli bo the IntercolleKiate affair at Wash-I jnKton, where. California. Washing1, j ton and Stanford will all compete in! varsity and freshmen races. j The Berkeley colleee will have a far better crow In 192ft than the var j sity eiRlit tliat rowed oKainst Stan- 1 ford and "Washinffton. Now that it I has been definitely understood that J California will go iu for crew racing : it Is planned to have Coach Bon i Walt En devote a great deal of his time toward whipping the crews into shape. A new boat and other essentials will be bought immediately for use by California, 'HIGH" AND "LOW" JAILED TOGETHER Kxtremeo cell at the CHICAGO. May 22 com fortt-d each other in a detective bureau today. MalachI Hfnigen is the largest pris oner In that city. Ho Is 6 feet 6 inch es tall, weighs 2 Til) pounds and is charged with stealing 200 pounds of butter. Just to show his annoyance I being arrested he broke off the 1 door of the first cell the officer! thrust him Into. John Miller is 4 fet 2 Inches short and by jumping hard can tip the beam at flft pounds. lie filched gloves from a department store, the police say. Henigen is proud of his record. "You should have seen me at K kmuo five years ago,' said he. "Tt was me Hgainst three coppers. They brnke Hire clubs over my head, and then T surrendered. And that isn't all. Knur years ago I fought seven Chit-ago poliiemcu. They broke three more emus Mini I surrendered again. man lloMs for a Cliancc. The woary Hnud pallid little entered the drug stnro. "! ym keep 'Kixie's Ueviver? "Yes,- replied the druggist. 1 "Uinime six bnttles fur my wife! "Tried wll other remedies without success, eh?" said the druggist, con versationally. "No; she ain't III at all. But I saw In the advertisement where a woman wrote, after taking six bottles. r am a d 1 flf erent woman!' " B I timore Sun. eUb Illlflw 1 1 Anil Mjwttvfe. 's; 'f i !l Simiiiiiaw' tssr ' ' w III hT J. Hrynfrldi Tobcvo Co. Tour ad. should aerva you quickly when the cook leave lMMiMMWMMM.i YOU can't help cutting loose joy'us remarks every time you flush your smokespot with Prince Albert it hits - you so fair and square. It's a scuttle full of jimmy F'F 'u Ligaicuc miULui 5 sunsnine ana as sattsiy ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four I It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert pleasure pasture 1 For, P. A. is trigger-ready to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had in your smokecareer. That's because it has the quality. Quick as you know Prince Albert youll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or parch your throat. And, it never will! For, our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tongue! Toppy nd fcorI tidy r.d tint, KasoWmt poaraaf mnd kmlf y trims' tin , humidorm and that choir, practical pound cryntnt gimm fiainiiin untk tponrm npuinur top that kop tho tofrorco im mck morfoct rsiiasrisii. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Compmny, Winston-Salem, N. C