b v w-. ..-. ...vi- PAXIE TWT1 ' DAILY EAST OREGONLIN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY; MAY 20, 1919.' TWELVE PAGES New Arrivals of-$mm!?tGoodj: Md&e Now is (he time'(o buy too. Prices are on the upward trend, niany sharp advances have occurred in the past few days, the best for the price, no matter what the price,. , j.- . fttf ,.. jVVOr- Don'Jt wait, you'll pay more if you do. We are prepared to serve you with (fa- ... fi:rw f in jiving Style h Definition . Style, to our way of Think ing, is synonymous with dis tinction, individuality, good taste. You'll catch the idea in our clothes better than we can define it LL3 sfe- 1 Cytul4 JlaM Sdnffaw ft Mux - Style is never a veneer here. It is imbedded deep i " H'.i f in quality. OUR SUITS are priced from $20 to $65 Wednesday Surprise Package Sale -....T Rwtte. HUrshoustv v." Wednesday Surprise Package Sale WEDNESDAY, ANOTHER . SURPRISE PACKAGE SALE At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning we open with one or the most popular sales held In Iho Harffain Basement. . - , , . - - .-A, Oreat Stock of Surprise Packages. Some packages containing silk dresses, some con taining Silk Skirts, or Fine Waists, etc.. to a, value not exceeding J1S.O0. Every package con tains SOc worth at good, serviceable nmrcbandise nothing old and useless. Each pacing is securely wrapped ana tied with a list placed inside that you may. check its content. ' Sixed garments may be exchanged for correct sizes only. ' THERE'S . GREAT. HKi Sl'ltPUIBE AIVITI.V1 you 50 CENTS CAXT IIEI.P BI T GET VOUR MOXEVS WOItTII. POSSIBLY f 15 MORE LET'S GO! LET'S SPECULATE ' WTednesday-Morningf,' Beginning at 10 o'clock IN THE BARGAIN BASEMENT. MORE NEW PATTERNS IN Printed Georgette 1 Crepe - dark or light grounds, 40 inches wide, Ijeautif ul designs that are absolutely new. The yard $3.00 to $3.50. Spring Wash Goods 1? 4 i t that are different, .Yau will want to see the many new and pretty designs in sneer voiles th,at axe so popular this season., A wide selecr tion of .many styles to choose from, colorings that are .representative tf the latest fashions from - , . , ... 35c to $1.50 New Bag Top Is ; Frames entirely new styles in colors to harmonize with the silks used in making the new bags. Prices from I' 95c to $2.25 "Patent Leather Belts, narrow to wide widths in black, white and red . . 35c to $1.00 . Windsor Ties', medium and wide 'widths of navy, red, black, green, etc 35c to $100 Kayser Silk Gloves' are for service, appearance and economy. In all wanted colors and, sizes, the pair . .85c to $1.50 New Dresses We have just received a shipment of smart dresses in pongee and "khaki kool." All are made in the very latest styles. They are very serviceable, launder nicely, and are cool, for sum rner wear: All sizes are included. These are truly wonderful values at the prices we offer. Qualities that should sell at $22.50 up to $28.50. Special Offering 1 9.50 $ Jiff dtZWi 'ti T. P. W. Pure Food Shop The Flylew Grocery. . CLEANI.lNEfcS 3 liu Une riioncfi, all IV STRAWBERRIES From. Milton and Kennewick, the box i i ..... ; '. . 25c Kippered Salmon, fresh by ex press, pound . . ...... . , . . . . 40c Bluehill Pimento and Green Chili Cheese, package 20c Fancy Mild Tillamook Cheese, In Our Model Sanitary Itawiuint M-ONOMY SEHVIOI-: ., . - . i'( All CMbcr ilM, ooH tl pound 50c Wisconsin Cream Brick Cheese, pound 50c Fancy Domestic Swiss Cheese, pound . . . 85c Columbia Boiled Ham and Dried Beef and Swift's Premium Ba con Sliced to Your Order, PENDLETON AGENTS FOR J BUTr TERICK PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS PENDLETONX greatest department store 3fiePeoplos rehouse, VWM':MjJ:,'i WHERE iT PAYS TO TR F. l,M:WliB.fCTffil7 BUY NOW AND SAVE. RECLAMATION - FARMS FOR MEN WHO SERVED;: as to just what to do, are appealing I rests solely with Congress. The plan Involves "the new farm' t ice will be stationed on each project to the repartment of the Interior fori Briefly the Ie part men t is saying '. irtea" in ..thai tbore-wiU. be built what; to teaclx the men Tiow to make asuc- ii'ini iriii-i.Hfi um to inw imvmwnw ok int , mat, it, auch lesiaiauon in passed, worfc r-jcnowa. um community aatiiemeDui, m b or inrmintt- Salem, Ore., District WASH INOTONV Tay 'Ot With an eV:-r increAiiingr flood of menMi ing hcme from the war to La..c Hnt'V? the tasks of civil life, many of them with reatly changed Ideas of lift- and em bit ions and in a quandary This will make it plan ot will begin at once in the development each containing a number of farm : possible for men who know nothlna of cooperative farm ettlpmentn for hemes, so that the men will have near about farming- to make a success ot these farms. Tho plan is to be open to every man who has worn Uncle Government in its proposed .rm-lrlinD- farm. fr,w BnlH iarm Such a deluge of requests has been soldiers and sailors in nearly all of neg inborn. Knod roads over which received from the men who wore the the States. in practically every hrlns; their produce to town, and a uniform as to emphasize the Reason of State in the t'nlon there are large j market for the sale of the produce all other wars that the service men. I area of land suitable for this purpose, within a short distance of the farm because of, army life, with its openness; Jobs oar Home. home. Kfforts will he made to over- and acLivity, largely seek out-of-doors; Many of the soldiers have asked It vocations. j It will be possible for them to obtain The Interior Department has aU-a Job near their homes by draining, ready explained to more than 40.000 clearing. Irrigating and improving men that the development of Its plans these lands. That again depends up- f ;4 Second in Northwest in Centenary Drive Sum's uniform in the great war. 'come the handlcattm of farm life that i are driving the peopla to the cities- the lack of society in the country, the) distance between farm homes, the' rc-moteneH from the postoff ices fend WAIMIIKK IXSritANf-H liritKAU HAH NinV 1 IK A D REFRIGERATORS 5 114 E. Webb J . r. . - Tl V . Phone 548 HEADQUARTERS FOR Rhinelander Cleanable ' Refrigerators fire great h (jjh in kilh-n economy, fo sr-ientifacsilly criHtiHctr-d that left-overs may be ket for later sse with practically no spoilage. And ffr, keeT"g meats, "wilfk,- butter, 4-tr., frenh snd on'ontaminaied by inrs or dunt, the lhin-landr can not b- ben i en. Hre in sizes for evry home. One-Piece Porcelain Lininpr Means Easy Cleaning and Perfect Lti.italion. We collect rent whiJe others pay rent, thercforel you can always do be! (er at " - " on the action of Congrras In providing "hp newspeiwr," the desire for better ) the money for construction. . Ths' school facilities for the children. Un j plans propose that these settlements j der 'he new way there will be the b- scattered all over the country, "so farm village, the settlement ot far mers around a center which Is their Kj.ttiat it would be possible for every 5 -honorably discharged soldier or sailor or marine to work near his old home. There would he work of all hinds In connection with these settlements, from the highest technical and clerl oaf position to that of laborer. -l-L-L-S-J. - 1. .L... DR. CARTER'S K, B. TEA g FINE SPRING TONIC IS home, in which can be gathered most of the advantages of the city the school, the church, the moving picture the well-outfitted stor and the.". with good roads, the rural express, the telephone, the automobile and the postoffice will make life on the farm a thing of far different meaning from the Isolated life It has been. in Pick l,nd. After these service men have re claimed the land, the Government In tends to allow the men to pick out one of these farms. The plan provides that these farms and homes shall be J paid for In small payments over a I long term of years. It Is expected that the men will be able to pay the Dr. Carter's K & n Tea Be Spring Svsumi 4 lea ncr Make It at Home Yoi rH f tM Almost Nothing. I ituer ine img winter munins near ly everyone needs spring medicine first smiili payment out of the wages that will drive out accumulated lm received from the Government In purities and put the system In good helping to' build these settlements. WASHINGTON, Way 20. Appoint ment of Colonel It. C Chomeley-Jones of New York as director of the bureau of war risk insurance was announced today by Secretary of the "Treasury Glass. Colonel Chomeley-Jones succeeds Colonel It. T. Ldndsley, who resigned after accusing Secretary Oliiss of "playing politics" in tho management of the bureau. Tough r-wk,, IK.?, LONG liKACIf, May 20. Dr. E. V. Smith has lost his sphymonano meter. He thinks some one stole it. To make it doubly tough it was a genu ine PHIinffxfttrth sphymomanometi LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES condition. - One of the best spring up builders and regulators we know of, Is made of root and herbs and Is called Dr. Carter s K It Tea your Grand mother can tell you about It. . Get a package of this tea at any drug store and brew a steaming cop ,1efore you go to bed to-night you'll use n. w. Um up lend id for the liver and bow. els. sick headache and bllllousness. S The kiddles like It too, because it does d them lots of good, because ft never y ' act hnrwhly. Yon can get Dr. Car- wr S K a 11 ifi mi Mnj oru( vim-. The balance can be paid from the pro ceeds from the sale of crops. It Is planned that the Government Will also furnish the new farmers with the necessary stock and farm Implements, these to be paid for In small payments spread over several Girls! Make beauty lotion for a few cents Try It! Houeeze the Jui of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beau tinr, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any years, a nrttg store or toilet counter, win sup-, These farms will contain forty to! ply three ounces of orchard whits eighty acres for general farming pur-! for few cents. Massage this sweetly; pot, fsnm eighty to one hundred andj fragrant lotion Into the face, neck, I shcty acres for live stock purposes. arms and hsndn each day and ses how i from fifteen to twenty acres for fruit freckles and blemishes disappear andj farms and from five to twenty acres' how clear, soft and rosy-white the for track farms. jskln becomes. Yes! It is harmless Competent Instructors In farm prao- and never irritates. j 24 hours of the drive, the Olympi. yVanhlnKton. district which has raised 100 per cent of Its tiota of $10i,(00, heads tho entire Northwest.' The Ha k m. , (iregon, district with 75 per ctnt of its quota of $2 10.000 Ju a close second. PORTLAND, May 2.Northwewt headquarters of the f 105,000,000 Methodist centenary movement fof re-j The Yellow stone National Park, the building the world reported at noon crowning wonder of America's won Monday that with reports missing, derlands, has within its area 8813 from one-third of the communities square miles, several high mountain in ine northwest. fl.llo.&UK had been ranges, three large rivers with their subscribed. At the close of the first tributaries, 8 hikes and 2S waterfalls. Reo Soeed raon mm "THE GOLD STANDARD OP VALUES" What is the life of this Geo 'Speed Wagon?" is your natural query. And our reply is, "We do not know." Every one we have ever built is still in service, and it is now four years since the first Reo "Speed Wagon" went into the hands of a user. Independent Garage Distributors Cole Eight, Reo, Dort and Scripps-Booth. Court at Thompson St ' - - Phone 533