,j...v. TEN' PAGES " PmCT EKST OREGONlAygNULgl'UW, PKEGON, MONDAY, MAY 19, 1019. rpAGENINT! tn"rvl IB) Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, ror'Ilent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference , v ; ., , .. . ' . , - -A .. . . B1W TODAY. sell at edvartlaemant will be run under "Now , I'.dar" for the first lueertlon only. During subsequent insertions of tfaa ad It will appear undsr. I La proper classification. - For Sale JTOII, BAL15- bis. -.Belgian hares- 119 Cos- NEW TODAY CO It HALM Sharpies Cream separa tor. Address 3il V'IIIqw atreet. FOR SALH At a sacrifice. 1DU7 Saxon Blx, In running condition. Call Dil Llljcth. . . ... WAXTKl To rent a rdoma by May iu Lilleth street. Foil SALE All kinds of Insurance. ' J. U. Eates, 614 Main Bt. phono 04. 1'IANO FOR SALECost 380,0. Bell fur I lull if sold In .next few daya Homo buy. U6 K. Webb. FOB SALE Holt 75 Caterpillar, Jilt model, with .low hltcb. Pendleton Motor Sales Co. Phone (30. KOIl SALE Fyvernl hcud of mules. Inquire w K. Laiupneii, i-enaieion, or phone 13 PI 3. ta. M. Buley, tt'ANTEU Position woman cook fin crew. Kxuerle need. Kureku, tK Willow SU Room 1 FOR SALE Three to OH buahet metal a rain blna with elevator and bulk wagon beds. Otis' JXantptoo, Phone IF4. Wanted Cl 1 if 1.8 WANTED at the Dolta, No experience neceaaury. . DRESSMAKING 617 Willow. Phone 4 21. ' , (The WANTED Good cleen rags at East Oregonlan off.ee HEMSTICHINO at the Sinter ahop. . Mall orders promptly attended to. Wanted Cook on ranch. 4F4. , , . Phone WANTED Girl for general work. Phone 7. houae- i - 1917 SAXON, flrat class condition, run only S'liio miles, fiood bargain at 75. . Term. 723 . . .Cottonwood. Phone 46. COR iBAI.K Pour cylinder Ilulck Just thiiroiiKbly overnnulod. Willi , M il on terms; will take p.trd an part i FOR SALE Holt propeliaa combine imvnient. Indencndertt tlaraUc. Tele-1 harvester. Price 2000. Only cut none 633 . . r. about 1000 acres. Addreaa WAXTEI Work on ranch by boy 15 yeara old. Inquire 633 Maple evenlnga. .NOTICE'S ANYONH DESIRING WORK DONE on lota nt cemelcrj phone 29J. 27TH ANNUAL ItBUNION of Uma. tllla County Ploneere, .Weaton, Ore. June 6th and 7th. patriotic program. WJ.VD SHIELD OLAB8 Complete Mock. We can eet them promptly. Hrlng your, car to the mill, you wont have 16 wait long. . II. L. Burroughs Inc., College and Webb atreeta. L8TATE! AND COUNTY Agents wanted for distribution of patented farm implement -needed on every farm, fie tails 66.00. Exclusive territory free. No competition. Worth your while to ace 'demonstration. Ask for Mr. Cowan. ' Pendleton Hotel. Lost HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY - ' ...j This Directory la enpcctaJJy liaiMjy for Urn out-of-town reader who may want the- teapouaible tmslneM men who represent the following various tinea. All ai eeraa who ataiul ready to grlve you prompt and efflcleiit aervice. aatae) aaMl addreasi of Auto Tops IF TOU NEED a New Top or Cur tains for your car, flee (iadwa, 101 E. Court. AUTO TOPS and a hoe repairing, 11 Weat Alts, street. Auto Tire Service WANTED Girl to asnliit with house work on ranch. Address Box 113 Pendleton, Ore. WANTED, TO RENT A modern 6 or 7 room house In frood neighbor hood, by May 25th. Inquire If. O. Fawpelt, Oregon Market. Phone 600. LOBT Cravenette ladioa' rain coat on street. Finder please return to this office for suitable, reward. WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Bervlce Car. We go anywhere, any Uma. Simpson Tiro Service Co., Phone 661. LOST -Hmall ball dog. Jlas leather collar with Tax No. 13. Phone 614, Reward. Auto Tires The ' Woman's Benefit 'Association of the Maccnbes will hold their reg ular session at 2 p. m. Tuesday after noon at the Kugle-Woodmen hall. The second degree will oe. conferred, All local and visiting members In vlted. ' Mlt8. M. A. FEHOl'SON. I Crow, Pendleton, Oregon. John Not'ttt to All l.udy MurratxHfi. ' If you huv'twiot done so. kindly pay your lodge dues by the 20th to Mrs. Alice Krlehblll) 715 Wilson street Phone 24SJ. Notlfe Pendleton Clrclo. Neighbors of ' Woodcraft. lniportonttualness meet ing, followed by social hour, Tues day. May 20th. All members are urged to come. By order of Guardian Neighbor. FOR BALE Modern bouse and four lots with garage. t2I Jan St. Pondleton, Ore., & 8. Butler, lilt Indiana Avenue, Spokane, Wash. - FOA BAI.II Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching, 15, 11.60; 60, 65.00; 100. 68.00. Not prepared to ship. J. W. Allen. 1023 Calltor la St., Phone 115J. ' WANTED Modern furnished house, or apartments, permanently by re sponsible parties. Phone or call . C. Penney Co. YELLOW DENT Seed corn, grown In Umatilla county for 6 years. Why send away when homegrown la better and cheaper. Blydenateln 4 Co. Phone 351. BUY A 1IOMJ3 l'OO'Lb risu MOIIK "IN" life: Study the ads. Answer those that look "Ilkoly." Study thff problem of where you'd LIKE T0 LIVE and decide on a house that'a a little better, that your CAUTION tells you that you can AFFORD. For with a good home, whom value la Increasing all the time, you'll be able to work to greater purpose, and to EARN MORE. Soma of today'a ada SHOULD mean a good deal to you. Any how find out! SALB . rttindy. n'. mode." 4-room bunualnw, or. cirner, with tl iee dandy lots, 'or $1ir.'l cash. Tim I - a beautirul .Hl'.s homo ai.rt a " 'l t uy See mn at once. J. It. Estee, 6:4 Main Ht. Ptnne 04. FOR BALE World champion pedi greed mala and female Ruaaian wolf hounda. Six months old. Right age to train. First 6250 takes them. R. 8- Hill. 163 Court Uousa, Portland, Ore. Men Wanred. For Attalla irrigation district Teamsters and laborers. $4 for eight hours. New camp, spring beds and mattress furnished. Apply WaUula, Wash. General Construction Co.'' For Rent -.- I'm 1 -1 t -1 ia -Vt'T1 jffrrfiT J APT a. AND ROOMS AXTA APTS. VJ8T Tire chain, 32x3 1-2, on Cab bage Hill Sunday. Reward If return si to W. L. Cummlngs, BEAUTY SHOP HAIKDJtEdSING, SCALP TttEAT ment, facials. Hair dyeing alt colore Marie Robb, Room 31, Judd Bldg. Tel 1050. PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup, vertown Cords. Wallace Broa. Bicycle Repairing AUTO Tires Vulcanized, bicycle and . auppllea. Savage tires, key fitting. Pendleton Cycle Co.. 226 E. Court. Batteries (Willard) BATTERIES repaired or recharged. new and rental batteries. Electric Service (station. Main and Water. Lubricating: OOs MONOGRAM Otla and Greaaea, all dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehouse) Matlock and Alta Bts. T. G. Bulllvao, Eaatern Oregon reprasentatlvaw Legal Blanks Chiropractor 811. Architect RAYMOND W HATCH Architect. Phone 768, Rooms f and (. S spala Bldg. 1 For Sale FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 601 Clay. FOR RENT Fart or store bldg. In quire 321 &V Court. FOR RENT Cosy, light front room. Fourth door from postoffice. Phone 72JJ forenoons. FOR RENT Large 1 out aleeplng room wit a bath. Inquire 716 Ana street, evenings. THE SONG with a heart . and soul, "When Blue Stars Turn to Gold.' will live thru the years. Get your copy now at Warren's. FOR SALE 2 ton G. M. C. truck. completely rebuilt, with all wearing parts new. Price la right. P. O. Box 333. !eeeeeaeeeeeeee ! TTMB CARD Weston-Pendleton AMo Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:45 a. m. and 12:46 p. m. WANT AO OOI.UM AND CLASSiriKD UIItKVTORT Counting six ordinary words to the line and charged by the line. Want ada and locale, latee Per Llee, First Insertion, per line XOfl Uacb add. insertion, per lln. 60 One week alx Insertions), each Insertion, per line . 64 1 mo. each Insertion, per line.. 4o 6 month contract, each Inser tion, par line So 12-month contract, eacb In sertion, per line . 10 No ads taken for Jess than lines. Minimum charge .5o Ada taken over the telephone enly from East Oregonlan sub scribers and those listed In the Telephone Directory. Copy must be In our office not Inter than 1:10 o'clock day of publication. Try Lact'ine'for your chlck.'or lay. Athena for Pendleton at 1 ..... ,nnmii :00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. feed. Lllly'a chick food, Uly's or Lilly's I-aylng Mash. Corn, acratch food, remedies, dip. Blydcnsteln A Co. phono 351. FOR SALE 1470 acres of fine wheat land, one and one-half miles from sti'.tion. Good house nnd barn. 800 acres In aummerfallow. All plow land. Price 625.00 per acre. Part cash, bal. crop payments. 6 per cent Int. W. 8. Smith, lono. Oregon. If rending the ana will help you to buy more wisely. Isn't the tank worth uhlleT For Salo or Trade 55 acres land in Southern Idaho, jail covered by ditches, private pump ling plant, good location, plenty open range, 9 mile to good town, 150 oat range, a miles to good town. 1 5 cat tle. 4 horses, all neceiwary Implements alfalfa and wheat. Easy termsi Small amount down. Price SSf'O- Inquire at 711 Cojsble street, Pendleton. The etori "ada" give you light on the aubject of the next purchaaea you plan to make. After reading them. ou KNOW and do not have to Leaves Adama for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton t Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weaton at 10:00 a. m. find 4 p. m. O. tt. McPHERRIN. Driver. e e e mint Rocst-rendleton Auto Staso, Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. co Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. . rANCHO 8TUBBLEF1ELD, Prop. Miscellaneous JNDISl'KNDKNT Call 1020-W. CITY Scavenger. FOR SAL13 4000 acre wheat farm. one mile from the warehouse, best improved place In Gilliam county. 1900 acres in fall wheat and over 1100 acres in summer fallow. A mod ern home and various other buildings on the place, worth 615.000. Imple ments and equipment, everything ne cessary to operate the ranch, valued at over 815.000, all goes at 315 per acre. Reasonae payment down, an other after crop Is sold, balance rea sonable terms. If interested address Hurlburt Realty Co., Condon. Oregon. Wanted MAN AND WIFE want work on farm. I'hone Co2Wt WANTED Position , by stenographer. Phohe experienced 356M. GEORGE R. WRIGHT. ARCHITECT Telephone 604; 614 Main Bu, Pen dleton, Ore, DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, office over Cash Market, 30 E. Court; phone 154. DR. LOR ETTA H. STARBA 8-10 Feebler Bldg. to 13 a. m.; 1:30 to 6 p. m.; other hours by ap pointment; phones Of. 583, Res. 114. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion. Blank Deeds, leases. Writs, Bill of Bales, Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits, Complaints, Summons, etc, for sale at East Oregonlan Offloa. Monuments Contractors & Builders L. MONTE RASTELLI, Marble nnd Granite works; write or arrange for interview for prices, styles. ete Piano Tuning: Auto Repairing MILLER A BEMENT All kin da ot automobile repairing. Chevrolet and Velle service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed. 630 Cotton woo4. Phone 203. Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your car, condition no object. Auto Clearing; House, Garden A Alta. Phone 755. AUTO PAINTING BY MEN WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros, 812 Johnson. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Auctioneer COI W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales "The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan Office. Auto Electric Work WANTED Four or five room fur nished house. Phone 283 R. WANTED Girl for licht housework in small family. Phone 282M call at 213 E. Bluff. WANTED By experienced woman cook, position. Bowman Hotel. room 2 9. Your ad. should serve you quickly when the cook leaves, QUICK SERVICE, wind shield glass. any size, set while you wait B. L. Burroughs Inc., College and Webb Bts. MARTIN JONES School of Dancing. Liberty Hall Mondays, Tuesdays. Wednesdays. Take hnme a delta fancy brick of Ice Cream. They re put up m card board cartons nd will keep for one hour. FKOR SALE Some very beautiful lots on the North Side. See me be fore you buy. J. H. Estes, 614 Main street Phone 604. WANTED About June 15th, Job op erating caterpillar by experienced man. Address BenJ. 1L Inman, Cor vallis. Ore. AUTO Electric Work ot all kinds; magneto, starter, ignition, etc El- ectrto Service Station. Main A Water Attorneys PARKER A BANFIELD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing; 10 years experience in concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg, Portland, Or E. M. ACKERMAX, CONTRACTOR Excavating. -120 East Court Phone 266 M. BERT McDONALD, Piano Tuner. Let me take care of your piano by the year. Special rate. Phonographs re paired; phone 445-W, 610 W. Webb. Cleaning and Pressing CLEANING, Pressing Altering, Hand Tailoring. Emtl Beck, Tailor, Hotel Pend'eton Bldg.. phone 1008. VB DO CLEANING, pressing, alter ing and reta:rlng. Rudd the tailor, 206 W. Webb. Phone 485. . Dentist DR. THOMA8 OHMART, Taylor Hardware Bldg., Pendleton, Ore- Phone 607. Draymen CALL PEN LAND Broa Transfer van to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do eoun- try hauling. Telephone 33. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept. any size, style or shape glass while you wait D. ri. Reber, M. D.. t. 10. 11. Belts Bldg. Engraved Cards VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncements. Invitations, many de signs and styles to select from. For sale at East Oregonlan Office. D. W. BAILEY, Attorney at Law, Rooms 7, 8. , Despaln Building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. Florist CARTER A EMYTHB. Attorneys at Law. Office in rear of American National Bank Building. FEB A FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Despaln Building. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS A dollar is enough to get home on! BY ALLMAN I Surptfse. I ouuht To. Oil Tom OP AMD SEE HtaX HE'3 FCELIfciu -ME W PRETTN SKT THIS MOKNINu I K. 1 I lit i VhJ ---s Mm THAT3 Rk.Hr He WAS TU A PAMQoer LAST HJW ARC Vol) FEELIeKS MoW.TOM? V) ABE GOIUG TO SEE A Doctor P well, Vov comb RrSMT ttOMB AFTER VOU LCAVe Ml OFFICE nun BHOu AFTER VOU I ., ' I ti 1 1 LCAVe l OFFICE )-V V A II "iHL uTrnyTT I IQI v FAioA-He J',' H tvWO"t ( StP 1 I "J I CHARGED ME.TE-4 l i felt' JfM 1 J L ls?rfb POIiAR MtO - ' ' ' ' C WANTKD Young women to learn telephone o pern tiny. FeVmunent position assured. Salary paid while warning. Apply to chief operator at telehone office. , - R. La KEATOB. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Build ing. ' " ' & A. LrOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office In Pes pain Bldg. WANTKD tSalemeii to handld ex clusive territory for an article that all accessory dealers can sell end ta needed by . all atutoiuobUe owners. This is a practical .necessity. df win put you in a good paying busi ness. See Mr. Uclknap, Pendleton Hotel. Found jfut an end to tnat aeiay in renting that house or apartment through retting your metuiara to the readre 7 B A. NEWBERRY. Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford Building. PETERSON", BISHOP A CLARK, at torneys st I .aw. Rooms 2 and 4. Smith-Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. RALEY AKD RALET. Attorneys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns: funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker, florist, 511 Main 6t Farm Loans Snow & Dajton, 117 E. Court St., Real Estate. Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. Painting: & Paper Hanging; PAINTS, WaU Pap Picture fram ing. L. j, McAteet the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros. Paints. J. W. JACKSON, General Contractor. Painting, papering and kalsomlnlng done quick, neat and cheap sit Calvin. Phone 1034. THE HOUSE PAINTER WENDT Tinting, Paper Hanging Etimates Furnished Phone 1144 Shop 738 Cottonwood Poultry Supplies CHICK FOOD, scratch food, tonles. bone, shell, grit. corn, oats, rolled bnrley. C. P. Coles worthy, its B. Alta. Plumbing and Heating: HEATING plants, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing sup plies D. D. Phelps, ll B. Court, Radiator Repairing ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work teed. Edw. A. Porter. Prop. HAVE your Radiator repaired by our expert. Thorough satisfaction guar an teed. I. D. ptielpa, 17 SL Court. Real Estate Gates Half-Soles HAVE the old tires half-soled: 600 miles guaranteed; have proven worth, G. w. Bradley, S3 Cottonw-d. UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa lands. Pendleton property, at oca ranches, erasing lands. W. H. Morrison Restaurant THE QUELLE, eat. A good nlaae to Horseshoeing BILL JENKINS, the Expert Shoer, will shoe your horses satisfactorily. Now located 633 Cottonwood St. Jeweler and Optician FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 14. Smith-Crawford Bldg. Blacksmithing THE BOWMAN SHOP, Blacksmith ing, Horseshoeing our Specialty. Re pair auto springs, wheels, all sixes. BRIGGS AUTO WOOD-SAW Andmem Oa. era ats IS cord t atM. 3S cwda. Goes Anrwlere Any Ante. BRIGGS BURPEE CO, lac, Muefacttrers 279 Hawthorns Ave.. Portland. Swad for heomatJoa and Itinerated Circular FIRST CLASS Blacksmithlne of every description. You can do better here. A. P. Burgin, 633 Cottonwood. Job Printing LETTER HEADS. Envelopes, Bill Heads. Loose 'Leaf Bills, Commer cial Forma, Dodgers, Placards, etc, printed to your order. JEast Oregonl an Office. Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest plane to buy household goods. SI B. Court. Phone 371W. Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL works. chimney tops, gaitters. skylights, troughs, auto bodies, 733 Cottonwood, Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring car, call Goedecke- We go any where, anytime: all new taxis; phoaa 44: stand $11 Main St. Tailors LINDGREN A FRAN SEEN, Vailora alterations; 735 Main St. Laundry Used Cars EVERY article Laundered perfectly. USED CARS as genuine bargain pric, There's an agent in your town. at the Pendleton Motor Sales Co Troy Laundry, 60S Garden St. Cottonwood A Water Sta. Phone I3. in this unusual musical comedy, forj t teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vhkh Otto Harbach nnd James Mont-, baking soda. Slix ull together in nan: jgomery have applied the book and j set it on back of range and turn boil. lyricM. and that well known composer.! ine WJlter from tea ksttin v,r the ml. II IIIIIPriirilTC 1 MI.IUOCI.ILI. IO III "Coliw l'l." Lots of pretty girls In the chorus, a corking fine cast of principals to visualise the numerous rotes, and a production that includes a real aero plane that makes an actual flight during the course of the performance, are the attractive features of an an nouncement from Cohan and Harris in connection with the production of their newest musical play "Going lp" which had a most remarkable run of nearly two yeara at the Liberty theater. New York, and Is announced tor the Oregon May 22. "'Joing I'p" is a unique musical piny In that it has a coherent story, the scenes of which are laid partly on the around and partly in the air. This assertion may he taken literally In view of the fact that in one of the acts the hern, goes aloft in a real slrshlp nnd wins n race in competi tion with a rlvnl "hlrd-mnn." While this exciting event I liable to stir one's hlo.xl. tt is only one of the luany exciting features promised, Louis A. Hirsch has written the mu sic. One of the b'.gitest of the many hits in "Going I'p" Is the "Tickle-Toe" number, a song with dance accom paniment that ha literally swept the country with its cadence and rhythm. It Is safe to say that nothing like the success of the 'Tickle-Toe" has been seen inside a theater In the past de cade. But there are ax or eight other songs through this aviatiou musical comedy that are equally as fascinating. Corn Mem uaniHH'ks Take 1 pint granulated corn meal, 1 cup w hite bread flour. 1 teaspoon ia!t ture until It thickens and the grains are well cooked. Ilin out with moon on hot eriddle which ha hn Wfltl greased, fry brown on both sides. Care must be taken to have water boiling hot. CHICHESTER S PILLS 9jcls. vn k Diamond bbambv V" la B4 ad t.ltl miHleSX7J b- irt. SMiaax -wtfh IU ,A ttsrwtsL TeT J.;-.:.. .w'r, f.JLj SOI B BY DSUGOtSTS EVERY!iff W er,a fATARRH For head or throat Catarrh try ts vapor treatment r hOUti BOOYGUABD"-30 frO?2g AH Tr.aces of Scrofula Cleansed from the Blood Impurities Promptly Wiped If there is any trace of Scrofula, or ether impurities in your blood, you cannot enjoy the run physical devel opment that a healthy body is ca pable of until your blood ha heci thoroughly cleansed and purified of all traces of impure matter. S. S. S the wonderful oU r-ureT;-rejcetuMe boo4 remedy, has an ejual for remo.-mff the last trace of Scrof ula and other blood taints, and there) is no case that it docs not promptly reach. S. S. S. will thoroughly cleanre and remove every disease germ that infests the blood and Rive you new life and vigor. It is sold by all drutr eists and you should get a bottle and berin its use) to-day. Write a com plete history of your esse, and yott can obtain expert medical advice free by addressing Medirnl Director, S'' Swift Latortory, AUuuta, Gs, Con Dung Low Louies Place Fine home-made FISH NOODLES Chili Con Carne, Span ish style. Chop Suey, Chinese style. ;rr All kinds of Soup. ' p Short Order Meals. ' ' Good Steaks. Lunches, Coffee, etc. China Tea for Sale UNDER STATE HOTEL Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Bts. Phone 1(1. Pendleton, Ore.