East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 17, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Image 7

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    Section Two,
Pages 7 to 12
Section Two
Pages 7 to 1 2
British Labor Leader Says In
justice Will Be Removed as
Democracy Tempers Victors
(United I'msa Htaff Corresondent)
1'AIUS, May 17. "My advice to
the Germans would bo to sign the
treaty," Arthur Henderson, JlrlUsh
labor loader declared, In an Interview
hero tod ii y. Henderson has been aid
ing In preparing the report of the
"lillf four" regarding the German's
labor recommendations. Ho recently
urt!clated In a three day conference
of socialists of various countries who
adopted resolutions partly endorsing
and partly condemnlnK the treaty. "We
are bound to recognise that certain
Injustices, allrl'tu table to paHt wars,
have been repaired," be said. "Home
peoplen lonjff kept In subjection have
been liberated. We .welcome the cre
ation of the lc-UKue of nations In the
present form, however the league la
an association of governments und
executives rather than of peoplen una
parliaments. Jt falls to compel mem
ber to renounce entirely a recourse
to war. Instead of being an organ of
international justice, it has the ap
pearance of a victorious coulftlon
dominated by five great power. Fail
ure to Include Germany and l(ula
hiulI be righted us speedily as pos
alblo If prevention of war is really de
al red.
"The whole treaty shows that na
tions are silt! menaced by the policy
that to the victors beyong the spouts
In utter disregard of tho fnevitaablu
consequences. However, Germany
should sign and await the time whvii
western peoples will bo more dunio
cratie and there Is every Indication
she wont have to whII lontr."
HAI.KM, Muy 17. Thirteen of lilt)
84 criiiiH.ca In uri'Snri In which ntute
rcnul w'l-li It In iirnureHH haw already
HlKlied tins rnallit4';lianee ugreumonl.
whli'h iiroviilfn fur a Oo-OO" split bo
twecn thw county und mute In the up
keep "t tho hlKhwa.Mj after they havuijilr.
been bulli. according to announce i
nient of the commission. Only Co-!
Ituu'hia county lias refused to hIkii j
the contract op to date, tho county j
court declaring that the aKreement taj
unfair, but railing to specify In what;
-particular It is unfair, according to I
J. .VI. lHjvers, assistant attorney K:n-i
eral, who Ik In charge of the legal do-!
partnit'iii of the highway commission,
and who bus written the Columbia
county court for further details as to i
objections to tho contract. The re-j
maiiilng counties In the lift are ex-'
Mct-d to sign the aKreement soon. !
Two counties,
work Is being d
to enter into th
The counties which have signed tho
agreement are Wasco, iJeschuteH,
Jackson, Yamhill. Washington, Grant,
Gilliam, ri.itsop. Morrow. Kherman.
lieutou Crook and Josephine.
NEW YORK, May 17. The ad
vance deluge of funds for the $100,
000,0 10 Methodist centenary dr'lve
commenced to pour Into national
headquarters, although the week of
the Intensive drive does not begin un
til Huuday.
"The biggest Individual gift of
fered was for $7rO,0OO, one half the
giver's entire foitune." declared
George M. Kowles, centenary treas
urer. "I went to the donor, who In
tends to remain anonymous, und told
I him j wanted a million dollars," said
Fowles. "He asked me how
much I thought he had and r told him
a million and a halt', 'llight,' be said
'and you have the nerve to auk me
for two-third of It.' " Kowles sas
he then took two hours to explain the
whole world program of the centen.
at-y whereat the donor to be said:
"Tho church for the first time is at
tempting a real bis thing. In a high,
business-like way. We'll compromise
on 97ro,0uo."
n-K)dent or China t.he $J(Mn.
The president of China has con
tributed (1000 and other Chinese of
ficials lesser amounts. Th cen ten-
la which no highway nry budget calls for the expenditure
Pilot Rock Shearer? Will Try
to Trim Pendleton Nine in
Return Game Here.
King Kane ball will enter Pendleton
for the 1919 season tomorrow after
noon, when the nines of Pilot Ttock
and Pendleton play tho first game
of the year at Kound-L'p Park. The
game will beg.n at 3 o clock and
gives promise of belmr a real contest
as the Pilot Hock sojiad trimmed the
local men last Hunday, 3 to 2. '
The .Sheep Shearer have a fast
outfit, composed entirely of local
hoys, and- they are coming In tomor
row determined to give the Pendle
ton fans an exhibition of real base
ball. Captain (dinner Peterson has
had his men working out every even
ing and has Instilled a lot of fight in
them. They are going out tomorrow i
liuvo been aked
maintenance agree
of nearly $8,000,000 In China, of! determined to reverse the count of
Miss Verda Hanks
Tells How Cuticura
Healed Her Hands
"I had small watery pimples on
my hands which caused them to be
swollen and irritated very
much. The pimples came
to a head and were mostly
in blotches, and the skin waa
sore and red. The breaking
out itched and burned caus-
? ingscratchingand irritation.
and I could not put my
hands in water, or do my work. It
also caused disfigurement fbr the
time being.
"This trouble lasted about six
months.. Then I used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment, and I used four cakes
of Cuticura Soap and four boxes of
cuticura Uintment when I was
healed." (Signed) Miss Verda
Hanks, Salem, Utah, June 25, 1918.
W Cuticura Toilet Trio "VU
Consisting of Soap, Oi stmertt and
Talcum, promotes and maintains
skin purity, skin comfprt and skin
health often when all else fails. The
Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint
ment to soothe and heal, the Talcum
to powder and perfume. Then why
not make these gentle, .fragrant,
super-creamy emollients your every
day toilet preparations?
Sold everywhere at 25 cents rh. Sam
ple each free by mail. Address: MCuH
cvra. Dp. R. BoSm." Do mo for, thm
iwcHUimg tragraot I aici
The Hit ii lit but.
"Jtrudder Siuiihh." said the new pas.
tor. "how would ile conggalion aland
on de question o givln' one-ten' o dcre
income to s'port do preachah?''
"1 don't believe dey'd atun on It,"
replied Urol her Simms. "Ieyd Jump
on it wid bof feet
whjch $86&,000 is to be raised among
the Chinese themselves.
.V V. W. OtUw Over.
raitTIANU, May 17. That a
northwest tout of $'). ooij out of an
allotment of S2,An,0f)u had been
reached and 50 citlCH already com
pleted their quotas waa announced
Thursday by Ir. A. I IlViwarth, asso
ciate executive secretary of tho cen
tenary movement for the northwest.
the first game,
The local boys have scheduled a
number of gatnes with nearby teams
and promise a real brand of baseball
for the summer season with Proper j((Uffered' ,asit Augllst , a faM.
noppori. r. nioun hwiiiiosi'mi vt in
bo charged.
at his home. An hour before hie de
mise his wife called in Dr. A. Louise
Klchm, who reported the death to the
coroner. leath was due to an injury i
Just Pi in & Few Gallons
of KorosenoAnd You1 '
Have PInyf Power & Lihri
We will show you how "easy it is to install
how simple to operate how economical to run. , j
See this plant in operation.
Mother-in-Law Problem
Confronts Wife of 82 Yrs.
Dy C. p. GHDAT
(I'nilfil I'rew Staff CorreKpoiKii-nt.)
1'ArilM. (By Mall.)
-That bolshc-
vsm will rifvfi un3 uiiir iiiiii intiu
82, may be ta-,)r th stntes in the statement
(lly I'nltert Prewi.)
WK.VATI'HKH. Wanh., May 17.
Th uinther-ln-law problem is liable
to confront the wife of 82 years, as
well n. the brlilo of 20. If the cane "f vlsm
Mrn. i-;uen . cooiey
Ken hk a criterion. of American authorities here who
Mrs. Oooley han brouslit milt for ill. know pconomia and ,cloloKical con
v.irce aKKinst her husband. Ferdinand ;dit,ns both here and in the United
t'ooley, "0. on the grounds that hif!vateH
mother. S2 has alienated hiaaffec-j' Th,'y )ased their conclUBions largely
t'"1- on the fiiot that IwilKhevlsin has flour-
The wife, who was a wealtny spins- . h . extensively where the class
Heavy Hitting Marks
AU Coast Contests
KACIUMENTO, May 17. I'en
ner's offerings were clouted to all
corners of the field, the Solons beat
ing the IJeavers hy a i to 1 score.
flatteries Gardner and Flshefr;
Penner and Uaker.
1.9 AXGELFOS May 17. San '
Francisco pitchers were ", easy -for;
Vernon and the Arbuckle boys won 1 of doctor honoris causa upon the fol
handily, to 2. j lowing:
liatteries t'olich. Smith. Crespl and: President Wilson, Premier Lloyd
McKee; Dell and Hrooks. 'George, Premier Clemenceau,
Klertrlc Contractor .
Pendleton. Ore.
Western Electric
dent Pol n care and President Masarylt.
Prague is the capital of Bohemia
(Czec ho-Slovakia), formerly m. part of
resi- the Austria-Hungarian empire, t
runs In the e.ghth broke
17. Four,
a tie and!
Have lxs Angeles victory over Oak-
land. 8 to 4. '
flatteries Flttery. Aldridge and
tor of 67 when conley courted and won diHtlnr( .., r lhe Greatest where j Krause and Milze.
bcr at Muskegon,
were as happy
Your. Protection
You've always had your life covered by
You've always been protected against loss in
case your house or your factory should burn.
But did you ever have a policy before on
which the premium is paid and you get the
It doesn't cost you a cent to have your Willard
Battery insured. It takes only a few minutes of your
time. Drive your new car around right away, and
have the battery registered. That is all there is to it.
If you buy a new Willard Battery for an old car,
we will register it for you before we put it on your
car. Be sure, when here, to ask about the few simple
rules that should be followed to keep your battery
In the best condition and lengthen its life.
Electric Service Station
Cor. Main and Water Sts.
We leitTrepalf and re
jharge storage batteries,
and always carry a full
supply of battery parts,
new batteries and rental
Mich., says they
t youthful honey-
mormerN for ifl- vmFtr-nfter thler moxwi
rff but whfn. she claims, the mo-iher-ln-law
arrived at their home, and
the old chestnut stane Joke IwKn
the Rulf between the rich and the poor
is the widest. H thJ connection they
polntod out that Russia waa the first
1 nut ion to fall victim to the excesses
, of bolshevism. There the sap between!
i tho rirh nnd Dia rwifir tt'flS the BTeat-
dfvHop ral burrs frr Mrs. Cnoley. ),,-. I
Tho would-be 82-year-old- divorcee Bolshevism does not
di lares oo!ey frave bis mother the n who haVe studied it
best room in tne nouse ana rorceo ner nnt (nat every preat war ,n Klirope
(o livo in the attic, and that after he nj heen foUuWe( hv a mor or esn
boopht a two-seated roadster. It was voIent rear,ion. Once it developed
the mother and not she w ho road be- intn ,...,- fnP more nItable dis.
trlbution of the wealth of nations. 1
13 to
tide him.
Hho stayed at home or
KVONEV, May 17. Australia is
ronsidprlntc a "Marry Kariy" cam-
"jiiKn and perhaps a bonus to young
mothers to overcome the ueclininR
birthrate. Jn 1918 only 496 of 1,000
women married were under 25 years
of aae. The average for the preced
ing 10 years was 642 to l.doo.
Like Scrofula, Eczema, and Many
Skin Troubles,
As well an a general Spring medi
cine for catarrh, rheumatism, dys
pepsia. Hood's Sarsaparllla is of
great value to men, women, children.
It does Its thorough work In these
well-defined diseases by cleansing
the blood, on the pure, healthy condi
tion of which depend the vigor and
tone of the whole system.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is equally suc
cessful in the treatment of troubles
that are not so well defined cases
of a low or run-down condition or
general debility, loss of appetite and
that tired feeling, or cases in which
we see now very plainly after-effects
of the worry and anxiety caused by
tho world wnr and the debility fol
lowing thn grip, influenza and fevers.
In all such ailments it has accom
plished a wonderful amount of good.
Hood's Fills help ns a stomach
toning, digestive cathartic.
FAL.T LAKE CITY, May 17. In a
se&Tftftr'TtalTle which weit thirteen '
Innings, Seattle beat Halt Lnket
Barteriej Sehults. Itownfan, Big- js
bee and Schang; Gould, Markle, '2
surprise the : fccnorr ana uyier.
They point
National Kcairuo Jicwnits.
St. limits 4, Hoston 2.
PUtsburg 8, Philadelphia 3.
Cincinnati 1. Brooklyn 0.
Chicago 0, New York 3.
Amr-aii lioafnio Kcsult.
Boston 4, Chicago
Kiifiagpment Kxt inordinary
The haiaJiiji Tremetidous OterwhefaiUoff Sciuatioual Maskjaf
Comedy Hit
Americans here who have been
keeping their finder on the pulse of
Kurope believe that the pendlum will
wlng back to a more nearly normal
state. There has been much talk
that Germany would dissolve into bol
shevlsm. This may or may not bo
true. Some people coming out of Ger
many say they doubt It. Tho French
have recently been circulating what
purports to be a wpeech of Rrockdorff
llantzau declaring that there la no
menace of bolshevism In .Germany, but
declaring that the threat will be held
over the heads of the allies in the hoi;
of securing a letter peace than other j
wise would be the ense. j
Then there are prediction that;
Kranco will mir lnlo revolution when
she finds that she must pay, higher
taxes because Germany is not to 1e
forced to pay the whole cost of tne pirwirK I'M Vt'ltSiTY
Kven the children are beginning to
talk motor jargon. "Iook, mother." S
said a little fellow, pointing to a hole is
In his stocking. "I've had a blowout." 1 3
A Utile girl, being a.sked how "he-fjj
managed to catch a chicken, replied:, 3
"I just runned him till his gas gave out ' S
an' then I picked him up." j 35
A third youngster who was usual-;;;
ly ihw in be Ing- his mother's call, zs
ccme quickly enough when she called -5
him to dinner, tin her pointing this 5
fact out to him, he said: "Oh, I al- : 35
ways change to hih when I come to ,53
l meals.' 1 53
FYesh from nearly Two Years In X. Y..
Itig t horns f Youthful ItcauUrnl Olrls.
OVKlt eo IX -Till: COMPANY
3" Song Hits of the WhiMlinjr kind; 44Tiokle-TneM and Other
triilar Cioms, -r
- Mail Ordi-r Now AccclHed. Hurry
ATeipooBfnIof PERUNA
Three Timet a Day
Kt'Himi 221 or the, recent ltovcimc iirmlilr:
"1'luit every .imiiiM-rHliip llnll mnkn a ri'lnrn fur f.ii'li (avahlc
ll' iiiH if tls stih llll'OIIIC anil
Irllilitnl mill tin
)rr, Nlllllllir MH'i lflcall v I In'
lliiliirllullH ulliiwiil hy litis title, mill ullitll liu'lllile In Ilio liMnni
lilres-ses of (lie Inillvltliiiiln lu wonlil lie cnllllill lo linrc In lhe net Iniiime If ills.
iiiiKMitil of Hie ilNti'Hiiiflve slnire of fiieh Imlli Itlinit. Tho return linl lie nwnrn lo
li any one or me pnriner-. .
Thin menus tlint eery mrtiierslil must make an Ineonie lux return rvunnlless or the tnvt
tliut llm Inillililimls eoml !' imrtnen-lilo lime niailo luill IiIhhI reliinis.
The new rrtnerslili lletiirn lllnnks linve Just arrlviil.
I am liero to ! " iiNilni-e In work of Mils klml.
SMI l ll-t lt.VI'lIU lU.IMi,
Ti:i.i:rnoM: n:
.$eul for Wnlex AiIiIIiik Mik IiIiics.
I'Iiimc uvorvr.WT
war m the politicians originally sain
she would. Iut American experts
have told the Tnltcd Press that theyj r ft AGUE, May IT. Prague unfver
believe there is mr prospect of in- eUy nas bedded to confer the dentree
dustrial unrest snd perhaps real
holrthevism in England than In - - 1
I.osh t'ltantt irTO. j
As for the United States, they say;
that there are less chances of bolnhe-i
vlsm there than anywhere else. They j
believe thtt America has prosperity,
ahead ns sot in ns lar conditions are j
readjusted, and they pay that there Is,
comparatively little claws distinction.
Some of the experts admit that bol-
Nhevlsni has been over pa in ted. One
birh American official declared: j
T don t believe there has been any
more violence in Uussia under bolshe-1
vlsm than there wax before. You re
member the thousands in the Siberian
prisons under the Cswir; and you recall
I how many were slaughtered in that
regime. Well there probably aren't
I anymore killed now. The trouble is
I that bolshevism is simply a nw form
t of autocracy. It-seeks to impose the
1 reverse of the former system.'
i "None of the Americans think. th-ut
j food Is a cure all for bolshevism, but
! these experts d-i believe that food will
j help. Thev point out that Is has
; worked well s fr In Austria, that It
I had a tendency tn keep down violence
'n Hungary, und that Uussia Is thiuk
1 ing more sanely under the spur of
j hunger.
' "If these people could have food
they would ben one more normal."
! said one expert. "They would realix
that bolshevism is an extreme which
I Is impractical."
The experts do n;ree that a new In.
; dustrial and economic. era Is upon the
: world.
I l-s 75e lo S3. (Nl. St ats May lt, at TImiMos lrujr More.
iiffiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiuiifitiiiiiiiiiiiiitttiitiiiiiiiifi iiiitifiiiitiiiiifiiitiifiiiiiittiir
j Itcfnses MimIIchi Aid; lics.
CHIt'AGO. May 17. True to a Ion
standing dislvelief in the power of phy
sicians to heal, Charles J. Sutterle, 5rt.
a druggist of Xiles Center, refused
medical attention and died last night
Has Never Been Down
9 Sick Since Taking
Read this letter from Mr. Robt.
Minnick. Grass Range, Montana.
"In 1900 I was out In Kansas
ninalH( it thrahln engine and
the thrcuhinij crew had to sleep
out of doors. On of thw crew
brought a Prru Almsnae to
the engine one day and 1 was
feeling very 111 from leplaa;
ont. I tfrrlded to frlre Prrnaa m
trial and sent for a bnttl of Pe
runa and a box of Peruna Tab
lets, which straightened ma out
in a hurry.
"I have aeree beea dosn alrfc
alnre that time. I do not take
mmj Other ancfllctaeo excrpt Pe
runa. I Always kflop it on hand.
If I get my feet wet. get a cold,
feel chilly, or a little bad. 1 al
ways take Peru 11 a. People should
not wait until they r down
pick and then take tt, but should
keep It en hand like I do and
when they feel bad, tbey ahead
a tt. 0
Recommended for Catarrhal
Inflammation of every description.
Good Weather or bad
the Acason truck is always ready to go.
When equipped with the big pneumatic
tires it will travel through snow or mud
just the same as on pavement. It will
go any place. Plowed fields, soft
roads, snow and mud will not stop it. It
is a truck you can use the year round.
Auto Go.
Don Pruitt, Pres.
AT l Mrill.l,l, . r-KKSTZKL SlllTOIt C.
723 Cottonwood St.
Phone 40