rTWEEVE PAGES 1 rmnrt exst oregonian. I-snulktun. oirecoN. 'Saturday, may n, iaig. MEWS NOTES Of PENDLETON 1 1- - M. A. Withy nraaku llil. M. A. J t Ik by, while moving a atove which ha vnnm taking to JlKy'n Hec ond Hand ntora yenterdH, Hllpped and hrok two rlu. Mr. IUKy l con vulHclnir at' hl home. :xMHm to live to Ho KM). Henry Taylor, prominent Pendleton rltixen, Ik 88 yearn old today. Mr. Taylor 1m In excellent health and way he hope to iv to be luu. He wyN , u Retflnif more enjoyment out of life every day. Nlfoce of T4m Oilicn MtHm, Mr. M. Hchwarta, formerly Minn 'Jennette ManoHse of Athena, and a ulece of Leon Cohen of thin city, died yeHterduy in Kappa, California, of heart dlaeane. Mr. Cohen left toduy on No. 1? to attend the funeral. Chili mem ber yeHterduy. Tho prem ium lint In ttlHo under way. Am soon an the opinion of roae growem can be obtained an to the most advlmihle date for the how, the time will te net. I Intro Now Kurt ut P. . A hiiKe mi To, weighing D330 pounds, wan installed yeaterduy at the local poHtofflce, I'enlund Hrotnem having the contract for the Irmtallutlon. Ac cording to J'ontmaHter T. J. Tweedy, the wife hatt been needed ever Hinca tho office becamo the central office for the county. It mipplemenu three other mn ii Iter nafea. I master, next Monday, Mr. Alexander hail been In the mercantile bun I net In I'endleton for 41 yearn. He In lay ing at the Imperial. Oregon Journal, Circulation tMaiuiffrr Here. Charlev Hurton, circulation munuKr of the ICveninK TeleKram, 1m in the city today on buslneeH. Mr. McAU III. Mrs. Fanny McAteo in very III at her home on Mill Htreet and chances for her recovery are reported slight. Will 1-IkIi on KuhMtn. (luy I. Wyrlok, fluy Matlock, Mock KiiHter, Cleorge HtunKlnr and Oeiin Bhull will leave thli afternoon for Mctollun on a big trout flHhlng trip, which will Inet for several days. The local eportemen exiiect 4o take the limit of trout on the DoHrhtiten and will not return until they net thdr baskets full. AnI lloiiml-l'i Dafca. W. Wolfe, of llelllnKham, ha added hi name to the roll of iwjiiirer ubout thla year fioond-ITp. Mr. Wolfe, who In an Klk, will attend the state con vention at Yakima late In AuKUHt and wantH to come to the local show on the name Jaunt If poHsible. C. K. Cranrtton, HecrMtary of tho Commer cial AhhocIuUom, wrote Mr. Wolfe to duy that the Hound-Up will be held on Keptember IS, 19 and 20. How Show IMaiia lrort. Commlltecii for nrranicements for the I'endleton Hone Khow r par tially appointed at a meeting of Civic H. Alcsaiider In I!trtluinl. It. Ali-xiindrr of Pendleton arrived in town thin morning to see hi new frrnndchlld, born To em! ay to Mr. and Mm. H. W. Collins. After vlnltlng his duiiKhlcr Mr, Alexander will go to Salem to alti-nd the (hid Fellows lodge, of which he Is a pant grand Carter Named AdniliilMrator. Charlea H. Carter Is named ndrnln Intrator of the estate of Gottlieb Kp ple, deceaaed, In an order In probate court today. May Kstate AH!crs Named. J. W. Maloney, W. W. Hurrah and J. K. Montgomery were named ap praisers of the estate of Alfred F. May in un order In probute court today. WH Administer Tloop Rttato. J. T. Hrown was numed admlnls trataor of the estate of William W. Hoop today. M. it. Yates, K. T. Wade and Fred Jiul were named to appraise It. Pendleton Couple) to Wed. Kdwin Ii. Hife and Sara June ent rner, were iBsucd a license to wed to day. The bride In 16 years old ami the groom Is 23. Ho U a recent re turned soldier. 101101101101101101101101101101- "The new 'phone number at the Delta is 32" Rogers Peanut Butter "The Brand in Demand" Made from choice Oriental peanuts, hand shelled and graded, properly roasted, properly ground and to which a small percentage of salt is added nothing else. A blessing for hungry children. Aside from sandwiches, used in countless ways in home made confections, soups, salads, or in place of other shortening. In glass, tins and bulk. "Waste Less Buy the Best" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) Ib'lH-rou-iitH I-ahor lliirraaii. A. M. lalrymple, representing the IT. 8. government employment service department of labor, wan a victor In Pendleton yeHterduy. consulted with N. llerkeley, local representative of tho bureau. ;rmlHillil In llinliilay I'reseiit. H. Alexander, who celebruted hit birthday last Tuesday, contend that he received the beat birthday present of all. It was the presentation of hiR new granddaughter. Miss Catherine Collins, born on Mr. Alexander's birthday. -T0I TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT Lcal Man on Magi. Appearing; In vaudeville at the Or pheum In Portland this week Is Reu ben Beckwith, of Pendleton. Beck with, who recently received his dis charge after service as a lieutenant, is a pianist and his playing is the fea ture of the act. Snow In tltc Mountain. William Hooh" was In the city ye ! terdny from Itlnxham BprinfT He ' reports thsit there haa been snow In ! tho mountains. In spile of this being j the middle of May. Mr. Koch an nounces that the formal opening of the resort will be May 25. Henry lulounllo If eve. Henry Iatotirello. Hejulleton boy who is a member of the United Btates navy. Is in the city on furlough. Henry hits been in South America much of the time during nut service. He has ut i II a year in the navy before ie can secure his discharge. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" FOR SALE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME ON THE NORTH SIDE. $9,000 A REAL BARGAIN! JOIi KRRLEY Successor to Chaa. K. Heard, Inc. . "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate 711 Main Pendleton, Oregon utn ItrfHitr 1UII Vnpaid. I R K. Trombley. former owner of the j Oregon Motor Garage, today brought suit in circuit court against Mrs. I. C. Campbell for $96.86, aih'Ked due on jrcpuirH to her automobile during No vmber and Iecember. 1H18. He asks that the car be sold to eatisfy the ; Judgment he seeks. j I'mmI Hanic Home Sunday. ; Fred K. Harnes, one of the orlgrhnl Troop D members and who was with the HMh PteUl Artillery on the wewt lrn front and In Germany will arrive j tomorrow from Camp Lewis. He wbn 'in the hospital with the Influenza and ; has thus been discharged earlier than ! the other men who went with Troop D. - . Sue for Note I Alleging $3500 due on promissory j notes. Kd Campbell today entered suit jagainst iK?. J. Dresser and Hena DrcH ner for $3608 now alleged to be due, jHe alHO names the Peoples Warehouse las a defendant, asking that his claims be given priority to a lion ! held by that corporation on property owned by the defendants, llu a I .so lasks $.tU0 attorney's fees. VcriHMi Kennedy 1 lore Corporal Vernon Kennedy, Mr. und Mrs. O. F. Kennedy, through I'endleton yesterday ing en route for Camp Lewli son of ptis.tcd morn I. with Biggest Values in Town in USED CARS We have on our sales floor today the best used car preposition in town, and at the right price too. 1917 JEFFREY, 7-PASSENGER This car is just out of the paint shop w ith a bright new coat of black. The motor is in excel lent condition, and the car in general is in first class condition throughout. A payment of $450.00 down and the balance in payments of $15.00 a month will make you the owner of one of the classiest and best looking cars in the county, and at less than half price. Cottonwood & Water St. Phone 530 MIMillllllllllllMillllllliP 1 3E members of tho 2nd Hat la Hon, lrt 2 Infantry, formerly the Third Oregnn. He hnn been in Kngland for a ycur'and a half acting ji instruc tor. After receiving his discharge he will return to Pendleton. .?. A. Potter Is lcad. News has been received by Mrs. Frank Saling of the death in Corvitl lis last evening of J. A. Potter, former Pendleton resident who had his home tit 210 South Main street. Mr. Potter was afflicted with cancer. Ho had. resided in Pendleton for five or six f years and recently went to Corvullist where his son Krmln Potter is an in- structor in O. A. O. Another son, 1 Lyle Potter has just returned from ! overseas service. ' j Grocery . Phones 526 Use the Phone PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Department 78 Use the Phone Our Boys Department IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS IN THE STORE. BRING YOUR BOY HERE, WE CAN OUTFIT FROM HEAD TO FOOT. PRICES RIGHT; QUALITY Till BEST. .:.!L.;iJs3,L BOYS HATS 75c to $2.00 Now is the time to buy your Boys' Hat. We have quite a good assortment to select from in cloth and straws. BOYS' WAISTS 65c TO $1.50 Boys' Waists in "plain colors, stripes and small figures. Made to fit and wear; sizes G to 14 years. BOYS' UNDERWEAR 85c to $1.00. Makes no difference what kind you like, we have it. AH ready for summer now. Buy your underwear while we have the sizes, light weight, no sleeve, knee length. KAZOO SUPPORTERS 75c The one hose supporter that will hold the boys. Come in all sizes. Buy a Kazoo Supporter next time, fits like suspenders and has a belt. BOYS' WASH SUITS $2.50 TO $4.00 A complete showing of Boys' Wash Suits to wear right now, and thru the summer. Offered in several styles, well made, and they wash, sizes 3 to 8 years. Pick out several now while the se lection is good. ' BOYS' BATHING SUITS $1.50 to $5.00 We have just received a lot of ' Boys' Bathing Suits in plain col ors and fancy stripes, all sizes. They are well made and fit well: BOYS' HOSE 25c to 75c Boys' Hose that will wear, in black, tan and tobacco brown; long legs, double toes and heels, medium and heavy weight; sizes 62 to 10. BOYS' TIES 35c to $1.00 Four-in-hand ties, Windsor ties in plain and fancy. They are ties of quality and lots of snap just the right kind and length. BOYS' SHIRTS 75c to $4.00 Boys' Shirts, made just, like men's shirts of Madras and silk, neat patterns and designs. Sizes 1112 to 14ij- Come in boys, now, and pick your pattern while the assortment is good. Seasonable Merchandise for Early Summer Gingham pretty checks, picnic dresses to $20.00. Dresses plaids suitable in and for . i I Hi I FT' - - A 1 1ftw MiXA w: rf $3.50 White Wash Skirts in pique, corduroy and dimity $5.00 faul Jones jr- middies with or navy col- "Sbt" lars $2.75 to $4.50. Sweaters in slipover and button styles, all colors, prices from $4.50 to $35.00. White Sateen Petticoats with scalloped edge $2.50 Tedyalls in khaki $2.50 to $6.95 Walking Skirts in khaki S4.50 Middies in khaki U5 Bathing Suits,' all colors $2.50 to $15.00 Bathing Caps, all colors . 50c to $1.30 ( St NEW COTTON DRESS MATERIALS VERY MODERATELY PRICED The voiles will positively interest every woman who is desirous of securing the newest weaves at little cost. Voiles, Ginghams, Organdie, Tissue in a variety of stripes, checks, plaids and new floral designs in many attractive and beautiful color combinations. Tissue Ginghams 35c to 75c Gingham Voile 50c to $1.00 Colored Voiles, neat designs 50c to $1.50 Dorinda Batiste, beautiful quality and pattern. 40c Wash Skirting, white and colors 25c to $1.50 Dress Ginghams, beautiful. plaids and plain colors, yard 50c French Ginghams, neat patterns, plain shades, finest quality 75c Pique, every size wale 40c to $1.00 Percale, light and dark patterns 25c and 35c Plain Voiles, white and colors 35c to 65c Plain Organdie, colors 65c Plain Organdie, white 35c to S1.50 White Voile 25c to $1.25 Dress Ginghams, good quality and patterns 25c to 40c Calico, light and dark colors and neat patterns. 15c Plain Plisse, for underwear, all colors, yard... 35c Phe has been .,.. , ...., i . .... l l..,.,i,..l l lh. A. HODeris lOU.iJ. buck eOUKiiu mr muic umii o m-.-.. t.u.i.th broken jail wnen neiu on u i-narKP hi JSchool, Tacnma. Hoping that the clU I wounded who were brought mine of Vndlton would restore her from the lines. Miss Hajiiinn and heulth, phe cttme to I'endleton in Miss McQuire were in army service 14 March. Hr many pupils to whom months before beinp sent to France, she endearied herself, mourn her loss, and Miss Simpklns was in service in The funeral will take place Mondavi the states four monlhs before she morning at 1ft o'clock from St. An- "was sent overseas. beiiiK '.'w i-nian drunk. are Hoth the prisoners. mull and thony'a Hospital. ,iunrtllan May liny Itoml. Xew Train SerUi INipular. Train No. 21. wnich a erves the ! traveling public with a night train toi Portland and also does Jocal work for the west end. Is Drovinir nnmilnr lnc.or.lli,- i- ner nrmj Jhn W. Dyer, guardian of Asa i rteti. ..f thi iun.ii..t..n Thornton. Is empowered to Invest Association, who was one of the pe. tltionera for the train. The local travel la Just as heavy as In the days of the motor, according to word from I'matllla. while the sleeper which serves Itaker. Ia (Irnnde and Pendle ton la getting all the patronage It action ngnlnst Gottlieb Miller, has i Attorneys of the Mississippi Vail needs. K'omplain from wlest end been dead for several years, the ac- Trust Oo.. and the Detroit Tru residents re very few. Mr. liner . i""n ordered dismissed In circuit have approved court today, upon petition of West's i bought iti .t iio.mlf.nl. attorneys. . leounty on April Ita and the bonds will CoiiMgiis Wool for sale. Alfred Smith, of Pilot, ISock, who on Thursday refused an offer of r.l1 cents a pound made by K. J. Parke Thornton. Is empowered to Invest t.-'for 6S.0H0 pounds of wool, has con- the Victory l.lherty loan, in an order :stgned the wool to Mr. Purke for sale. Issued by Jude C. H. MitTsh today. jMr. llurke announces that the wool W ill Moot Soldier llit-lvaml. Mrs. oiin McFeron left on No. IT today for Portland to meet her hus band who has been in active fighting since ho went overseas last Auuust. Mrs. McFeron was accompanied by her sister Miss Thelma Orabill and by her cousin. Miss Dolly Panister. 1 svrr 4 V-)UJ wii.i. not ri m.isii tiiimtv liaintlff ixad. Suit lMsmisKpil. Hecause Peter West, ilnintlff in an will be sold in Hostn Itond Issiu- Ammivvfl. PMSIS. S.liy 1". The "Ws ronr" i decidcl today not to uililih I full text of tho (icniian tniity until ll a--eclitHlire. it u.s leanHMl from ix-liablo Co.. ! sourves uwluy. ltert'Miuull'?. of lii- tho ITriC.i'oil bonds lla vr rwueu ny tm- "insf lour by those concerns from the tlil afternoon. I ! le here i terlng. iliortly for simting and reyts- Hister Agntholla died at St. An-!Arniy Xiirstn Here, thony'a Hospital last night nt :4!. Miss Cecelia Oagnon. Miss Vivian She contracted pneumonia kist Jan- Siinpkins and Miss Oeorgnna Me-! Allegetl A-tmpllce Taken, tiary and her death was the result of Quire, who have been In France for Lxniise lott, alleged accomplice of her protracted Illness. She was a the pnst eight months as army nurses. Ned Harsche. who is held in the city Ifoston'an and after entering; the Sis. are In Pendleton today, returning to jail on orders of the V. S. Marshal, terhood was stationed at St. Fmncls Walla Walla from overseas. They 'charged -with violation of the Mann Academy, Itaker, for many years, spent tho time in central France and act. was arrested by Police Chief A. WAR XST $ll.;ln.1.HMI.lMM WASHIN'CiTOV. May 17. iiicrira' nclual war eH'iitlimr"s totale.1 aoa.tMKMHMI.CIilfr of Staff Mtirvli an nounced today, tif tliis. t-o.ooo,-tMMt n-prrnciilnl Hh normal govern ment cM'iHlltiiri. ll- remainder reireseiitlng the etra war eeas. Tlio army alone siH-nt fourteen billions. I M mm in iiiiV4.ife I S v . I -rum Viiitr,ill-i MADEL NOEMAND ''in A Perfect ALTA TODAY.