..r WW'tH"'" a.....-,, TEN PAGES ' PXIET ESST UREGONfAH, I'EWUIigl'OH, OBECUN, FRIDAY, MAY IS, IMP. r NtNTC ii l I 1 Lnli ! jrfsaassseat'r ' HUMMHW (hHH " MMttMMH WBHfHMHWiH e: :r 3 r: -- for Kent, Htc. Classified for Easy Reference MWVT TODAY .' ' ' Back new advertisement will be run under "New Teeer for Jlie first luaertlon only. During ubsauuent Insertions of tba ad It will appear under Ha proper lasslflcatlon. For Sale FOR SALE Belgian bora. bis. . Ill Cos- j FOR SALE All hinds of Insurance j' J. If. Bates, 614 Main St. Phone (04. NEW TODAY DltF.KHMAKlNO-411. -I7 Willow. Phone ANVOXH DKHIIUNO WORK DON? on lots at cemetery phone 2941. WAN'TKD Ily experienced ' woman cook. iHMltioii. Bowman Hotel, , room at. . ..... , PIANO FOR HALK Cost f 800. Bell for $400 If a-. Ill in next few day Homo buy. 08 H. Webb. Wanted OIHLS WANTED at the Delta. No experience necessary j .. WANTED Good clem rat u tCne East Oregonlan off.ce .- -. . FOR SALE Holt 7t Caterpillar, 1111 modal, with plow niton. Pendleton Motor Sales Co. Phone 610. HEM8TICHINQ at the Slncer ahop. Mail orders promptly attended to. . N O T1CE S 27TH ANNUAL. REUNION it Uma. tills, County Pioneere, Weaton, Ore., June nth and 7th. Pairiotlu program. WIND SHIELD OLA8H Compfet stock. We can set them promptly.! Bring your car to the mill, you wont' have to wait long. B, L. Burroughs' Inc.. College and Webb streets. I HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY Tbls Dlreetary is capeeiaUy bandy for the out-of-town reader who may- awl the) aame) and address) of responsible basin) men arbo represent the following; various lines. All ere reliable, r pnaslhu B lores cm. cerae wbo stand ready to give you prompt and efficient aerrtoa, Auto Tops WANTED Cook" od ranch. 4F4. . . Phone FOR SALE Three 1000 buahel metal rain bine with elevator and bulk wagon beds. Otla Hampton. Pbone 1F4. - -- It lt RALII ton O. M. . truck. ; completely rebuilt, wllh all wearing I'n"ne fl porta new. I'riee Is right. 1". O. Box 113., ' 1117 SAXON, first clans condition, run oniy ouvu nine, uooa oargain at ". Terms. 722 Cottonwood. WANTED Girl for general work. Pbone 78. house- WASTED Work on ranch by boy IS years old. Inquire (13 .Maple evening. . , FOR 8 ALB Several head of mules. Inquire W. jr.. Campbell, Pendleton, WAXTKII Yniiiiii women to learn or phone 11F7 3, telephone operating. lisjrinanent i position assured. Salary paid while; FOR BALE Holt propelled combine earning. Apply to chief operator at1 harvester. Price 12000. Only cut WANTED Olrl to nsBlst with house. work on ranch. Address Box 111 Pendleton, Ore, Not:ce Daphne Circle. There Is to be a double assessment IF YOU NEED a New Top or Cur- for six months on all members of the! tains for your car. Bee Glise, 101 Neighbors of Woodcraft Initiated be. fore Jan. 1st. llv. Hade necessary by so many deaths cuused by Influ-enza. WANTED, TO KENT A modern - or 7 room houae In good neighbor hood, b,y May 15th. Inquire H, O, Fawott,.Oreon Market. Phone too. teleltono office. ' BOY A HOME TOTJ'l.fc FIND f MORIS "IN" IilFKI Study the ada. Answer those - that look "likely." Btudy the problem of where you'd LIKK TO LIVE and decide on a bouse that's a little better, that your CAUTION telle you that you can AFFORD. For with a good home, whose vakje la Increasing ail the time, you'll be able to work to greater purpose, and to EARN MORS. Some of today's ada SHOULD mean a good deal to you. Any how find out! - He'll look you up If hie scis sors have encountered your "for gale" ad. He'll be clipping and answer ing ads tomorrow, too: and yours ought to be there whan he reads the paper If you have ANT THINO TO SELL. THINGS If. to SOMEBODY, thev are worth money. TUB "RCYKK IS ABROAD IX TIIH I-AI. AllMr.ti WITH )MK CUPPEIt WANT AI8I ;about 1000 acres.. Addreae Crow, Pendleton, Oregon. John WANTaiD Modern furnished house, or apartments, permanently by re sponsible parties. Phone or call I. C. Penney Co. . ,. . - No4Jra to Contractare. Proposals are solicited by the City of Pomeroy, Wash., for the improve ment of (600 feet of Main street, in said elty. The project contemplates about . 000 yards or grading, 1200 yards of . crushed rock and 12,000 yards ofj ' E. Court. AUTO TOPS and shoe repairing, 121 f .Weat Aha street. - . Bicycle Repairing: ' Lubricating: Oils AUTO Tires. Vulcanized, bicycle. iw" Matlock and Alta Bta. F. O. uUleaa, Eastern Oregon representative. supplies. Savage tires, key fitting, I Pendleton Cycle Co., 22 E. Court. Batteries (Willard) Auto Tire Service WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service Car. We go anywhere, any time. Simpson Tire Service Cow Pbone IL BATTERIES repaired or recharged, new and rental .batteries. Electric ! Service Station, Main and Water. Legal Blanks Chiropractor Auto Tires FOR BALK Two nice lota, level, no grading, no street grading, 'no re taining walls, east front, fine location. W. D. Humphrey. 107 E. Court atreet. mBttre furnished - , Wash. run PA1.K aoaern house ana Tour bits with garage. 12 Jane at. Pendleton, Ore., s. S. Butler. 1111 Indiana Avenue, Spokane, Wash. ' Plymouth ' Rock 15, II. SO; 60, Men), Wanted, ' ' For . Attalla irrigation district. Teamsters and laborers, (4 for eight hours. New camp, spring beds and Apply Wallula. General Construction Co. pavementt three-fourths of which Willi PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup, SU be aaphaitio surface, the balance' vertown Cords. Wallace Broa, water-bound macadam.' J . i Healed bids win be received by thai ... . , "' City Clerk up to 1:00 p. m. of thej . Architect 27th day of May, Il. Bids must bel- --. as .a--- accompanied by a certified check j RAYMOND W HATCH Architect, equal to per Cent of the- gross ! Phene lit, Room i and . De- DR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, j office over Caah Market, 10 X. LEGAL BLANKS of every doeerln- i tion. Blank Deeds, I.asaes, Write, ) Bill of Bales, Contracts, . Subpoenaa, lAffidavita, Complaints, : Sumraooa, - etc., for Bale at ant Oregonlaa Office, ' For Rent APT 8. AND ROOMS ALTA APT 8. FURNISHED - APT. BamUtoa Court FOA SALE Barred eaKS for hatehlna-. 15.00; 100. u.00. Not prepared to' HOUSEKBEPlNa ROOMS, (41 Clay. amp, j, v. Allen, 1011 Callfor la St.. t Phone 11 tj. YF.IAjOW DENT Seed corn, grown In Umatilla county for i years. 'Why send away when homegrown is better and cheaper. Blydensteln eV Co. Phone 161. FOR KENT Part or store bldg. Ia - quire til B. Court. amount of the bid. ' 1 A copy of the plane and speclflca tlona are on. file in the office of the City Clerk where they may be exam ined by prospective bidder, or cop. lea may be obtained from the City Engineer by depositing tG.40 with him to loKiire return of the copies. , ' -D.'A. TAYLOIt, City Clerk. Lost spain Bldg. GEOROB R. WRIOHT. ARCHITECT Telephone 04; 14 Main St., Pep dleton. Ore.. Monuments DR. LOR ETTA H. BTARBA !u MONTERASTBLLI Marble and! 1-10 Feebler Bldg. t to 11 a. m.i , Granite works; write or arrant log 1:10 to t p. m.; other hours by ap-; interview for prices, styles, ete poletmeat; phones Of. ill, Rae. 11(1. 1 Contractors & Builders PARKER A BAN FIELD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing; 10 years J experience in concrete and brick con istruction; Columbia bldg, Portland, Or Piano Tuning: , Auto Repairing: LOOT Small bull dog. Has leather collar with Tax No. 13. Phone (14, Reward. FOR. RENT Cosy, light front room. Fourth door from postofflce. Pbone 727 J forenoons. V'KT Tire ohain, S2xs 1-2, on Cab bage H1U Sunday., award f return rl to W. L. Cummings. If reeding the arts will help you to buy more wisely. Isn't ibe task worth trhlleT P. It BALR-4. rt;mdy, 4 -room bunra'ow, o tl-iee dandy ba. 'nr f1H0 caah. rhe i- a beautiful ;ut! homo at.il a ro.-J ruy See mo at nce. J. It. Enteii, '. Main St. Phlne (04. " ;e FOR SALE World champion pedl- greed male and female Russian ' wolf hounds. Six months old. Right age to train. First 1260 takes them, R. S. Hill. 161 Court House, Portland,;' Ore. - ' !' FOR RENT Large t ont - sleeping Mom wit Ha , H TnnitlM VIS Ann ni.v. moderi ,treet ,VMllagm The etor "ads" give rou light on Ihe aul,jvt of the next purchaaee yon plan i( maun. Alter rnaoing mem, fou KNOW and do not bava to !' BROODERS, aa good as new, cheap. Try Laotine for your chicks or lay, - lng hens, best and most economical feed. Lilly's chick food, Bly'e or Lillys Laying Mash. Corn, scratch food, remedies, dip. Blydensteln" A Co Phono 151. " . t TIME CARD Wealon-Fendieton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:46 a. m, and 12:46 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton, at 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adam for Pendleton, at S:10 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPUERRIN, Driver. e LOST Two cream colored horses, weight about 800 rbs. each. Both branded A on right hip and shoulder. One also branded Circle U on left hip. Latt seen near Combs canyon. Suit able reward for Information leading to recovery. Address- August Alex ander, care East Oregonlan. BEAUTY SHOP MILLER BEMENT All kinds of automobile repairing. Chevrolet and Velie service station. Our work absolutely guaranteed. (10 Cotton wool. Phone 203. Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your car, condition no object. Anto Clearing House, Garden A Alta. Phone 7S6. AUTO PAINTING BY MEN WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shop at Wallace Bros, 111 Johnson. Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. E. M. ACKEBMAN, CONTRACTOR Excavating. 1101 East Court. Pbone WM. ' Cleaning: and Pressing CLEANING, Pressing Altering, Rand Tailorings Emil Beck, Tailor, Hotel Pendleton Bldg., phone 1001. 'B DO CLEAN I NO.' pressing, alter ing and repairing. Rudd the tailor, 200 W. Webb. Phone MS.' BERT MCDONALD, Piano Tuner. Let me take care of your piano by that year. Special rate. Phonographs re paired; phona (4S-W, 610 W. Weba. Painting & Paper Hanging' PAINTS, Wall Pap Picture Fraaa lng. Ia. J. McAfee, the Practical' Paint Man. Lowe Bros. Palnta. J. W- JACKSON. General Contractor Painting, papering and kalaomlnlaa done quick, neat and cheap, (1(. Calvin. Pbone 1034. Dentist DR. THOMA8 OHMART, Taylor Hardware Bldg Pendleton, Ore., Phone 607. Draymen 'Auctioneer WANT AD CU(.CMI; asjD CLASSIFIED IHRBCrORY Counting six ordinary words to the lias and charged by the line. Want ads and locale Hates ter Lies. First Insertion, par hit,. .l se Each add. Insertion, per ltne. eo One w-k (si Insertions), each Insertion, per line - to 1 mo. each inaertlon, per tine. 4e ( month eoalraet, eacei Inser tion, par line ...... . - , to 12-month contract, each In sertion, per line n.,,, 10 No ads taken for leee than 1 lloea. Minimum charge M ..lie Ada taken over the telephone oniy from F'a-t Oregonlan sub scribers and those llatad In the Telephone IMrectory. Copy muat be In our office not later than 1:10 o'clock day of publication. . FOR SALIJ 1470 acres of fine wheat; land, one and one-half mile from j station. xieod house and barn, 100 1 acree Ineammerfallow. All , plow i lund. Price li.lle per acre. Part j rash. bat. rron narments. a per cent Int. W. 8. Smith, lone. Oregon. ! INDEPENDENT ., Cull 1020-W. Pilot Rara-rnidleton Anto Stage. Leavee Pilot Rock itl.m,. Leaves Pendleton at 10:10 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leavee Pendleton at 4 p. m. PANCIIO STUBBLE PI ELD, Prop. HAIRDRBHSINO. SCALP TREAT- merit, facials. Hair dyeing all colors. Marie Robb. Room 11, Judd Bldg. Tel . 1060. For Sale THE BONO with a heart and soul, "When Blue Stars Turn to Gold." will live thru the jvara Get " your copy now at Warren's. FOR SALE Fresh milch cow with calf. Addreae Mn Blanche Swan- son, Riverside. R. P. D. 1, Pendleton, re. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. Auctioneer, makes a apecialty of farmers stock and machinery Bales "The man that gets you the money.'' Leave ordera at Eaat Oregonlan Office. Auto Electric Work AUTO Electric Work of all - kin da; magneto, starter, ignition, etc El ectric Service Station, Main A Water CALL FENLAND Broa Transfer van to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 111.. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OPTICAL Dept., any size, style or shape glass while you wait. D. N. Reber, M. D., , 10, 11, Beits Bldg. Engraved Cards Attorneys Miscellaneous . PITY Scavenger. 1-Yar Kalo or Trail-. 65 acree land In Southern Idaho, all covered by ditches, private pump- Ing plant, good locotjon, plenty open! QUICK. SERVICE, wind -shield glass. any Kixe. set while you wait. H. L. Burroughs Inc. College and Webb range. 9 mile to good town, 150 cat-, , . T,V ,nvi. . k,.w,i ,.c r t w m 1 iv-ve s,i firiu 1 ow n, j a s.-m tfc 4 hoi-sen, all nffCfwary implement Tho HpHnff pot hnn deciaml war, ami In now firing blank vrw ntjM editor. , . f tA fiZtl llSlffl alfalfa nntj whfl. Kany term Small Amount down. Trice $6500. Inquire nt 711 CofMilo streot, IVndleton, V " v1 -s-n-A -. i.i i- Tour d. should Hrvi you quickly when the cook learea. Uhorty Hall Wdnwln.'s. M o n d ays, Tuesdays, Coupling experience In buying with up-to-tiuto study of th ,d,M a wo man bocomea a highly BPPICIENT member of the home-making partner nip. ... If yott would win friends you mum be friendly. .The Rlnmp clerk, oftn weiRhn out niher ieoIe'a words. WITH FINGERS! CORNS LIFT OUT HOUSEHOLD j Freezone isamaeicl . Corns tod ( calluses lift right off Doesn't hurt a bit t A few cents buys a tiny liottlo or lh muKlo Kreexnne nt nny drug store. Apply a few drops of Frcezono upon a lender, mhlng corn or a callua In- Ivrollanrous ItcHpce Ilrown limad 1 cup porridge, 1 cup molasses, 1 eup hot water and butter else of an epic. 1 yeost rake, flour enough for sponge. Let rise until morning; add 1 tablespoon of sond and flour enough for stiff batter, put In pans and let rise. ftrcntl laucakcM 1 pint milk, 1 pint bread crumbs, 1 pint flour, 2 egffM, 1 tetinpoon cream tartar, 1-2 tennoon soad. a little salt. MMcarotit Sour. 1 pound macaroni, 1 quart water, A ounces of cheese, 1-2 pint milk: or HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG XOIIODY CAN TKI.I, WHRV YOC IlAltKF.N fiRAV. l'.l)l l HAIH WITH KAtiK TKA. Grandmother kept herT)alr beauti fully darkened, gleaey and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, fiuittl or streaked- npiaranco. this almplo mixture was nppllod with won derful effect, By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth'B Suae and Sulnhur stnntl.v Hint troublesnme corn or callus , Compound," you will get a large bot litops hiirtlnK. then shortly you lift It t lo of this old-tlmo recipe. Improved nut, root and nil. without nny poin. I 1V tn(, addition of other ingredlenti. soronesa or Irrlliillon. These lit tlo i nt rrndy to -use nt very little coat, hotili'x of Freestone ' contain Juet j TritH simple, mixture can be depended ciuiuah to rid tin feet of every hard upon to restore naturul cctlor and corn, soft coin, corn between the tue.i no,,tlly I0 tne hajr. nod the riUliieea on boitfm of feet. Sei well-known downtown .druggist eu-y! Ho elntplo. Why wait? No Wym overylody uses Wyeth's Snge and Sulphur Conilound now because it dnrkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It hns lieen applied it's so eey to uao, too, Tou simply dampen n. comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time.- By Morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two. it is restored to Its natural color and looks' gloss), soft and beautiful. cream, twill macaroni In stock till ten der, take, out 1-S and leave the other half boiling until It Is reduced to pulp. Add stock until the whole with milk makes 6 pints. Great cheese, add-the rest of macaroni and season ing. Kent up, but do not boll. 8hldlord' Pie. Three cups of minced cold meat 1 small onion, l cup of stock, 1 cup of Bread crumps, pepper and salt, a little nutme-r. .Mix all together, place in a baking dish. Spread mashed potatoes over the top. and bake 1 hour. The ton should bo a guidon brown. Cabinet Pndilliur. Cut stale bread Into-small squares; butler each piece and sprinkle with powdered sugar and a rpeck of nut- mcR", place In a pudding basin or bowl, add a few chopped raisins and pour over tt 1 pint of milk. Into which add I Toealen enx. Let the bread soak up nil the milk and egg. Steam for 1 hour; eat with whipped cream. Kniisml Ilerrlnjr. Plx fresh herring; scrape and clean them; cut off head and taif and re move Itack bone; sprinkle each fieh with salt and pepper and a few bits of butter. Roll n and -tie each with a Piece of thread; place In a deep dish, pour over vlnegnr enontrh to cover Found rut aa end to thai aeiay an renting that house or apartment through ratting yenr- messarw to the veailare D. W. BAILS r. Attorney at Law, Rooms 7, S. t, Deapaln Building. VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncements, Invitations, many de signs and styles to select from. For sale at East Oretfonian office. THE HOUSE PAINTER WENDT Tinting, ' Paper Hanfflnf Etimates Famished Phone 1144 Shop 728 Cottonwood Poultry Supplies CHICK FOOD, scratch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oata, rolled barley. C. F. Coles worthy, lis s. Alta. Plumbing and Heating HEATING plants, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing sup. plies D. 1). Fhelpa, 117 E. Court. Radiator Repairing GEORGIA W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt block, . ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS II East.AUa street. All snakee ef. radiators repaired. . Work guaran teed, Edw. A. Porter, Prop. HAVH your Radiator repaired by oar --- --wk expert. Thorough satisfaction guar POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms ; :.nteed. r. . phrlne, 117 B. Court, .and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs, i , Geo. Hooker, llorist, 521 Mam EC Florist Take home a Delta fancy brick of Ice Cream.. They are put up in -card board cartons and will keen for one eniir. them, add a few. bay leaves, and bake In a alow oven for two. hour. Eat when cold. Snider Corn Cake, -Three-fourths cud corn meal ' and flour to fill cup. 1 cup sweet milk, 1-1 cup sour milk. 1 tablespoon sugar. 1-2 teaspoon salt, 1-2 teaspoon soad (scant), 1 egg. 1 tablespoon butter. Mix dry Ingredients. - Beat egg, adf 1-2 of the sweet milk and. all of th sour milk and stir this into dry mix ture. Melt butter in a large spldei and pour mixture lnu It, Now pour re. matning one-half cup of sweet will over the top. but do not stir rt In. Bake 20 minutes over medlus flame. CARTER A SMTTHES, Attorneys, at Law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building, Farm Loans j FEB A FEE, Attorneys at Law. fices In Deapaln Building. Of- R. L. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24. Smith-Crawford Build ing. Snow & Dayton. 117 B. Court St. Real Estate. Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. Bee us about a loan, - Real Estate UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa, lands, Pendleton - - property, stock: ranches, grail ng lands. W. H. Morrison Gates Half-Soles 8. A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office in Deapaln Bldg. S A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford Building, PETERSON. BISHOP & CLARK, at - torneye at - Law. Rooms 1 and 4, Smith-Crawford Building, HAVE the old tires half-soled; 1600 miles guaranteed; have proven worth, G. W. Bradley, CSS Cotton w'd. Horseshoeing Restaurant THE. QUELLE. eat. . A good place to Second Hand Dealers BILL JENKINS, the Expert Shoer, will shoe your horses satisfactorily. Now located (31 Cottonwood St. Jeweler and Optician hum bug! You have got to clean and clear the bowels thoroly to have good health nfter months of Indoor life: you would do a now If you could see them as you do your face or hands. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea cleans and rlenrs'as nothing else. Start tonight. .. . . . -. -!.... FRECKLES Now It tiio Time to fin Rid of These , I (rt' HpntN. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles. aa (ithlue double strength la guar anteed to remove these homely spots, Sim-ply get an ounce of Othlne dnuiiie strength from any druggtet and apply a 1IUD f it night and morning and you should soon see that even tho worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than nn ounce Is needed, to torn. Pletely Wear the skin' and gain a beautiful, clear complexion.' He sure to ask Tor the double strength, othlne as this Is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles, ' Raked rteans With oil. Let one quart army and navy beans boll slowly on the stove until nearly tender and stir In one tea spoonful of baking soda and when It bolls up pour off Immediately and wash the beans nder the faucet Then ?t1noe the beans In a baking pan or bean pot and add one teaspoon-ful-salr, one-half cup molasses, one- half cup of any good cooking oil. Cover with cold water and bake six or eight hours, adding more cold water as needed. -Nut Loaf (A Meat Substitute.) -One small onion chopped fine; one half eup bread crumbs, one teaspoon ful sage, three tabtespoonfuls salt, one-half teaspoonful pepper, one hard boiled egg chopped fine, one. and one half cups of broken peamute or any kind of nut Mix this with three cups of cooked hominy and moisten with one cup of milk. Pack tightly In a greased pan and dot the top with butter or oil. and bake until brown on top, basting as necessary. This is very nourishing and may be served cold or with tomato sauce. '!-. m : . , . 1 JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com- , . 1 pany. .- . . - , v, . iRALET AND RALET, Attorneys at ,f Law. Office In American National Bank Building. - - - - - - .-' FRED E. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Job Printing - Law. Room 14, Smith-Crawford -., jaasJg.'.- Bide ' LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Bill - i- i - - i i Heads. Loose Leaf Bills, Commer- BlacksmitMng CI Forms, Dodgers, Placards, etc. .r--,. ,L , , r, ..TTTr-T-rr-w printed to your order., ,- East Orogoni THB BOWMAN SHOP, Blacksmith aa Office. Ing, Horseshoeing our Specialty. Re- I pair auto springs, wheels, all sixes. LaatHldry V. STKOBLE, dealer la new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second band goods; Cheapest place to buy household goods. Ill K. Court, Phone 271W. Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL works, chimney tops, gutters, skylights, troughs, auto bodies, 711 Cottonwood. "Taxi Service WHEN TOTJ NEED a taxi or touring car, call Goedecke- We go any. where, anytime; all new taxis; phone 4(4; stand 411 Main St. Tailors LINDGREN A FRANSEEN.aUor alterations; 711 Main St. Used Cars USED CARS as genuine bargain oris. description. You can do better J There's an agent in your town. at the Pendleton. Motor Sales Co here. A. P. Bnrgtn. (11 Cottonwood. Troy Leeawlry, t Garden St. i Cottonwood Water Sta.. Phone CIS. Hog Run is Liberal heifers 5.00 5.50'cates a steady tone at unchanged val- But Price Down Little (Bulls sisow 80 . "Tiencral sheen ranee: calves S.OOSf 12 .50 Prime spring lambs .. Stockers and feeders ... .00tj S. 50 , fair to medium lamhe. No Milium la Koceivrtl. . YenrlinCT ,. . No arrivals at all were shown in the ' uvthT mutton and iamb alleys at North Kwes Portland overnight. Trend of the i;uck shec; trade Judged from latest sales Indl. Soft Water. Amoni tho squad of nolioemen who were being examined on ambulance Piew work was one to whom the doctor put I Bulk the following questions Doctor "What would you do to a man who had a out on tho forearm? Policeman "Shure. eorr, I'd bathe It with wnrm. soft water.' Doctor "What do you mean by soft water.' Inllceman "Oh, just soft water, aorr wet wntcr!' TVictor "And what is hard water?" Policeman "Ice, sorr. PORTIVAXD, Ore.. May 16. Quite libeciLl. arrivals were, r-hown in the swine alleys at North v Portland over night but some of the shipments were direct to other centers. Because of the continued weaken ing of the eastern situation and the lowering of prices there during the Inst few days, the local trade is not quite so steady nt the opening. General hog range: Prime mixed ...I lit. 00'.? 20.25 Medium mixed la.r.o-ii 20.no Hough heavies 1 -i.no 5T 1 s. 25 Pigs H.509 lll.TS IS. S 19.75, ;a.2.Ki'20.r. 4"atnV Kituatlon -steady. ill 001S. 09 U.OO01J.5O II 00WIS.04 S.00 011.00 (.00910.50 4.4 6.0 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children lo Use ForOver 30 Years Always heart the Gtenature of srvrver.su rears j, ORE THROAT or Tonsi'itis, garj-le with warm salt then apply. ICRS VAPOTHI YOUR HOOYGUApn-'-in ftnrTon flood Radiance. "Shall we hire a detective to watch our wedding presents?-'' "I hnrly think that will be neces sary, my dear. Our friends have sels. ed the opportunity to work off a lot of old Junk." - Situation in the cattle trade re-1 mains oil a steady hawis with another small run reported in the North Port. j land alleys. No ctvuia-n was shown In the gon-1 oral price Kst. 1 General cattlo ranue: , CUTe J'OU. Host, steers fl 3 no s? I .-,.r,0 i . ir . . . . , , flood to choice steers... 1 i.on 1 1.30 iAi,'Vrrh 15 ,mlo''"1S nosH when Medium to good steers., s r.04fio.oo ?k" .-tr'U and a;r Fair to good steers S.noi. 9.00 KV gthlnV f P31"'"1 an;- . 1 . - . S r.a,i cu,t ureatninff and ether Uiscom- Common to fair steers... on f But the real danJer come. Ihoic,, cow, and heifer. .1O.M4MI.O0 whr it rcacn '"'0 ' G.od to choice cows and j Junps heifers .... ... snow 9.75 Thi"s why you 5hoM at once Medium to good cows and ' fralire the importance, ot the proper heifers 9.00 e 7.00 treatment, and lose n x. rair to meuiuin cow ana , All Choked Up With Catarrh? Why Continue Makeshift Treatment? siprays and douches wiU never dies which touch only the surlier, lo be rid of Catarrh, you must drive tlie disease Rcrtui out of your blood. Splendid retults have been report ed from tile ate. of S. &i' which completely rouu from your blooil me vaiarrn germs, tur woitn it is 3 perfect antidote. . S. S. S. is sold by all druBRun. II you wish medical advice to the treatment of your own individual rase, write to-day to Unci Mcdiwl Adviser, iwilt SueLihc La li.n.. jptriwenuag with worUl4 ru 1 ti, tuiui Ua, - . .J