Section Two Pages 7 to 10 Section Two "'. Pages 7 to 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1919. REV. CORNELISON, Y WORKER IS DRIVING TRUCK IN B ALTON ! Writing ' from Balloon Biirthe, ""ranee-. Instead of from Brest, via Porta to Coblnnx, Germany, as ha had planned, J. M. Cornellson. oversea V. M. C. A. worker, savs that his nlana "t rnawrea because hla frlond, It. u. taicott, who won to go to Ger many with Cornellson with a Pierce . Arrow truck, waa called home In- ueaci. In describing- his work In the let. ter to the East Oregonlan, Cornellson naya. "I made It easy for Tulcolt 'and then rave Ui my I'lerce-Arrow truck Job- to Germany and was to return to l'sxla to take up a line of work In some leave area running a "y'hut, mess hall or hotel, as I have run our headquarters mess ever since 1 have been In France, alone with drlv. Inr nlKht and day. I hod my order to Paris ready . when the personnel man In lj Mons got my ear and pumped it full of the great, real and crying need of a motor transport man I In this Ballon area Where things were not and had not been moving Al ways, and especially in France, my middle name im to fill such a need. 80 I packed up and Sunday morning my good friend Talcott brought me over here and then he beat It for Paris. It is hard to say good bye to such friends. I had rather Just turn around and walk off. The need here was not exaggerated. I got hero at 111 a. m., secured a billet and dinner and was on the Job 1:30 and have seen no end yet. I write this nil dolled up In my greasy, "monkey' overalls, having Just gotten a enr In shauo to go for a party of welfure workers who are serving hot cocoa and cookies at Beaumont to the troops or the 29lh Division, "the Blue and the Orny. who are entraining to leave this area for some port to embark for Ameri ca. This morning I went to work without breakfast to get a lady's car In shape. Bhe has charge of the ac tivities In this area and she waa Just In a flurry to get off, don't you know. good, Now I must "pound the roads again. I hope to be here a few wffcks till things get to rolling and then I will return to Paris as I had planned. Very slncroly yours, J. M. CORNEUSON, AIJEV NKITTHAI.8 FORFEIT ItKillTS OF CITI7.KNKIIIP BV ItJ-II'l'MINO TO FIGHT , (By United I'ress.) WASHINGTON, May 16. Rhfht to 1 become citizens of the United States is being forever denied to about 20, 000 neutral aliens, because of their refusal to fight for the United States. Bureau of Naturalization records show. This represents the number of neu tral citizens who took advantage of the provision In the Selective Service I-aw granting tlieir exemption from military Hervice. If they desired to for feit fnpwap hale iHirhts to hppiimk Added to thnt, the cnn in about I American. Spaniard and Mexican form the largest percentages of them Blank em. Under the law the Bureau of Naturalization Is filling petition In all courts where these neutral aliens have declared their first Intentions, asking that the court enter an order forever barring; thone who preferred to re nounce thHr pOMibillties for securing citizenship instead of entering the military service of the country. Re cords of the others who have not taken 01 it their first papers will be kept at the bureau here and every application for cftleenshlp checked with the stock, era list before It Is granted. month inte here, so ihey sny, and It was raining norm, and Inter turned to Know, while I waa working outxfde In It all. Oh, boy, this la a cruel war, hut lots of fun If you don't weaken. Then I took a ton truck of welfare stuff with four ladies and a man to the entrain ing point that I have mentioned above which was a little over 10 miles, j eventually got a combined break fa; and dinner at 2 p. m. The combina tion saved me several francs. I got the Jobs put over and am none the worse, so I should worry, it's an 111 wind Indeed that blows nobody any : 4al HTi i I That's BETTER AND . SOFTER LIGHT la assured by ths as of some of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light Illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tlr or strata the eyes. They aot expen sive onaldeting tnetr extra ef ficiency and ertra beauty. Why not at least gee tbezat J. L. VADGHAN PARTNERSHIP INCOME TAX RETURNS NOW DUE fieotlon 324 of the recent Revenue provides: "Tliat every .partnership shall make a return for each taxable scar, stating specifically the Items of Its gross Income and thei deductions allowed by this title, and kIihII Include In the return the names and ntdmini of the Individuals who would bo entitled In share In the net income If dln trlbutetl and the amount of Die dlxtrluutive share of each Individual. The return shall Iw sworn to by auy one of Uie partners.'' This means that every partnership must make an Income tax return regard lew of iho fart tliat the Individuals comiioftlng: this partnership have made individual returns. The new Partnership lleturn Blanks have Just arrived. I am here lo givo you assistance In work of this kind. CECIL COSPER BMITII-CRAWFORI) IlLIMi. TELEPHONE ItCIO Agent for Wales Adding Machines, ITBMC ACCOUNTANT I.MXIMK TAX ABVIKFIt BILL GIVES MONEY FOR HOME BUILDING EACH SOLDIER MAY GET $2500 ADVANCE IliilllllllUlitUIMiMimtUlltUdUllllllHir HHUIIUHItMl.mUlllilHHUim Everybody Eats Strawberries AT THIS LOW PRICE. WHILE THEY LAST Compromise Rec Iamation Bill Agreed Upon by Congressmen. Under terms of the compromise Ir rigation bill, reported In the Ka.t Oregonian's wire Her vice yesterday, a soldier dIrlng to take a homestead on government reclaimed land may secure an advance of $2500 from the federal government. The measure, which will be intro duced .early next week, is a compro mise between bills drawn by Repre sentative Mondell, Wyoming, and Sen ator ftraoot, Utah. It provides that soldiers shall be employed In reclamation of arid lands at $ a day. They are to be privil eged to homestead ouch reclaimed lands under a long term payment plan, Kach soldier Is to be entitled to an advance from the government jf $1200 for erection of a house and other buildings; $800 for a team and farm implements, and $500 for other purposes. The agreement on this bill came at a conference called by Lane and at tended by Representative Mondell re publican leader of the house; Champ Clark, democratic leader; Representa tives Kinkald, Nebraska, and Slnnott, Oregon, and Senators Smoot, Utah, and Myers, Montana. Lane expressed the hope that the compromise plan will succeed In over coming the opposition which devel- oed last session and which prevented passage of ans measure for giving the soldiers land. An effort wilt be made to get an early report from the house and senate public lands com m It tee. task of every German to revenge this unprecedented deception." DeHplte the present wide spread campaign against signing of the treaty careful inquires among factional lead ers, convinced the correspondents that Germany will accept the terms when It conies to a "ahowndown." TAKKM OYKIt AM, WORK OP . FRKNOJ( IIUJII COMMISSION THEY ARE NICE BIG LUSCIOUS ONES. YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. GET 13 m 3 GUARANTEED COUNTRY BUTTER $1.00 A ROLL CRISPY FRESH VEGETABLES Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Peas, New Tomatoes, Head and Hot House Lettuce, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Spinnach, Beets, Tur nips, Parsnips, Carrots, fresh daily. a DELICIOUS FRESH FRUITS Fresh Rhubarb, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Bananas, etc. THE GRIGGS SYSTEM WILL PAY YOU THE GRIGGS SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU Remember we give the big 5 per cent cash discount and give all telephone calls the same car,e as if you called in person. TELEPHONE 445 Four Runs in Inning Give Portland Victory SACRAMENTO May Portland made It two straight from Sacramento by a four run rally in the sixth, the final score being 6 to 1. Batteries Jorres and Baker; Proupgh and fisher. LOS ANGELES, May 16. The Seals piled up an early lead on Vernon and despite Chadbourne'a home run, won out, $ to 5. Batteries Sea ton and Baldwin; Houck and Devormer. SALT LAKB CITY, May 16. In a game with 14 hits by each team Se attle defeated Stilt Lake by an 8 to 7 irore. Batteries J rain, Blgbea and Scciiang; Dale, Stroud and Spencer. i .j!ry : ! I M 1; 1 r I it I 15 i i L t ' r i I ay;-Motli8r Goina to Save Us both Lots of Work" Western Electric POWER & LIGHT LESS work for you in' tbe house clean sale lights all over 4 the place. And it's going to do a good many chorea tor , me about the barn too. Everybody should have one of these outfits. lighting your farm? How about CHARLES MILNE Klertrtc Contractor Pendlrton, Ore. KEROSENE RUNS IT" MAURICE CUtHAVE It is poor consolation to the girl who has been stung by & bee to know that bees are partial to sweet things. If some men were to accuse thont selves of being liars, lota of their as quaintances would believa them. ' jnhi?'coUnaIMahuerlcerevnlCta " '" Illltl II 111 I It 1 1 II IIIKI M Ml f 1 1 ill I illlllllll 111 III II III II III! I( taking over all the work previously handled by the French high com mis. Blon. M. Capenave formerly was mln. ister to Braxil. s Orepon Theatre, Thu.,May 22 1 OAKLAND May won from Oakland 16. Los Angeles 4 to 1, despite the Oaks' sending in Steen. former Sfvtl hurler, I an attempt to win. Hatterles l'ertlca and Boles; Steen and Klllott. National IxMrno Results. Chicago 2, New York 6. rittburg 8, Philadelphia 0. Cincinnati 10. Brooklyn 0. American ICAgiie Result. Xew York 4, Hetrolt S. St. Louis 2. Philadelphia 0. Boston 6. Chicago B. Olevelnnd 6, Washington 3. PROVIXCKS OI'IHISS I'OI.ISII CORRIROR Griggs Grocery 209 EAST COURT STREET By JOHN ORAt'DEXZ (United Tress Staff Correspondent.) BERLIN'. May 14. The strongest oppooitlon to the treaty appears to be In the eastern provinces, especially In West Prussia and East Prussia. Thousands of teletrrama have been re ceived, here from those districts threat' enlnR armed rewiHtence If the irovern- mcnt accepts the article providing for a Polish corridor which would sepa rate purely Gorman territory In Kust Prussia, Hudlcnla declare the treaty must be signed, and that world social ists will revise the terms later., llopo To ltanraln Commercial and industrial lenders cona'der tho terms more than the maximum the allies expected and the latter cnnfooucntly will be willing to bnrfmtn. with Wilson In the role of bftrgtiiner. oven opposition to the treaty by tho government as expressed! by Scheldennyi and others. Is gupple montwl by statements from varum (lerman Dr. Streswman declared the terms mean slavery and loss ot Independence. He said they are mockery of Wit son's principles on which basis CJer many surrendered. It Is predicted the result will be destruction of the Kuropean peare. He declared "ft should be the life I'fif rs' ' j ' S Fjigugcroent Kxtraordlnsry S t 1 if J&'sJ It 'E T,w SmrfliW- Trrnjcfidous Ovcrwlirhnlnp Sensational Musical , S- I iTR U - SLU I E . Comedy Hit 5 33SS5jyf-1 S Iih from nearly Two Years in X. V. 5 j leS jl OVKIt M IS TIIK COMPANY . ' I TR U 'Bl-U I (. j SPECIAL COMPANY ORCHESTRA ' it V-V ? 5 20 Song lilts of the Whistling Kind; "Tickle-Toe" and Other . P.4l PP....r C..s. J ) ) f." & lll l ' Mail Now Accented. Hurry! riSr-gjS- . I'HICKS 7Sc to $3.00. Scats Mar l, at Thomrwonsi I)rr Store. CRACKERS FORJOU- "limillllliMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIk r n : " (OVERALLS Peg. U.S. Pot. Off. Is our RegistereJ and Common-law Trade-Mark and can only be right fully used on goods made by us. Koveralls are garments (or children I to 8 years of age. If a dealer tries to sell you, under the Koveralls name, any garment not of our manufacture, you may be sure he has an article that he is trying to market on Koveralls reputation' Unless made by Levi Strauss & Co. they're not KOVERALLS. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit astw FREE ,F2EEY KOVERALLS are msde enl hr Lrv-i Strains Ac Co Ssa Frsocttco asd bear thi label I OVERALLS Lf VI STRW5S & OV; Safety First You cannot afford to take chances on your life and your load by driving a truck of poor design and inferior con struction. You are not taking a chance in buying an Acason truck. Umatilla Auto Go. Don Truitt, Pres. AT CAMI-III I.I. I-IJK.VT.KI, MOTOR CO. 722 Cottonwood St. Phone 46