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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1919)
I VACt. Tl M 'VaF.ETEN DAILY EAST TENDtEfOR OREGON, FRIDAY, MA Y"l6, 191f. 'ten PAGES Old Faithful Pickles in sweet, sweet mixed, sour and sour mixed, chow chow and India relish. Fine for pic nic and auto trips. Special jar 10c Mountain Potatoes, sorted, 100 lbs.. . . $2.23 Fresh Country Butter, 2 lbs. full vt. $1.00 Minced Clams, per dozen $1.20 Saratoga Chips, package 15c Seed Potatoes Early Ohio French Mushrooms, can 75c Frank's Meat Treats, fine for lunch 20c to 30c Sardine Paste, can 15c Meat Taste, can 15c Home Grown and California Strawberries for Saturday. Most complete line of high grade Fruits and Vegetables in Pendleton GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Two Phones 28 "QUALITY" B23MaIn St it "GETS-IT" PEELS MY CORN OFF! Strengthening Bank Credit Number 5 A request for sr-aiT lnk credit may nm that your amirs are In a bad way, or. In the contrary, it may Indicate- a healthy stale of growth. When your hank Is In close touch with your af fairs It know promptly how to liitcriret aqua tions for extended credit. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "STRONGEST BANK IV EASTERN OREGON" Any Corn or Cullna tma Off ,1V ce- It's almoiit a nlcnle to aret rtd of a corn or callus the "(ieta-UM way. You p.nd t or a aecond putting on t or S uropa of "Geta-lt," about aa simple aa " THE CAR FOR UMATILLA CO. ' THE SERVICE BEHIND THE CAR. OUR OWN SHOP. ' PARTS AT ALL TIMES. LET US PROVE OUR SUPERIOR CAR. .: Campbell & Frenizel Motor Co. Distributors for Umatilla County 722 Cottonwood Phone 46 : -r Do your work the DUPLEX Way The Truck with reliability, power and serv ice behind it. v We have Duplex Trucks for immediate delivery. Pendleton Auto Co. (Direct Factory Distributors) (Established 1907) Court and Johnson Sts. Pendleton, Oregon Use trtluIl off corn this way putting- on your hut "Grta-Tt' doe away forever with "contraptions," "wrappy" piasters, greasy ointmenta that rub off. blood-letting knives, and arisftom that snip Into tta "quirk." "Gta-It" -asps pain. Tour "jumpy" corn shrinks, dies, loosens from the to. Tou Peel the corn painlessly from your to In one complete piece. That where the picnic comes in you peel it off as you would a banana peel. Nothing- else but "tiets-lt" can do It. tlet peaceful, common -nen "Oeta-It. "Gets-H" the guaranteed, money back corn-rpmove.r, the only sure way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by E. Uwrence & Co., Chicago. 111. , Sold In Pendleton and recommendert aa the world's best corn remedy by Tall man A Co. EAST OREGOSIAN SPECIAL MS OF UMATILLA CO. lur f his residence on Second ' and Chestnut atreeta remodeled and 1m proved, the work comprising altera linn In r4fcmi vtlUona and th bulld Ins of afire place tn ths living room. ' Filial eighth grade examinations are"! being held tn the (trade schools of lh twin cities during Wedneaduy, Thurs day and Friday of this M. Kobt. McBTwen and Mrs. B. F. Hurpr, w hile Mrs. A. C. Dvnuny la giving the teats at ths nrove building and Mra. H. O. Mansfield In the Freewater achool. A large number of appllranta are tnk. Ing examinations thla year prepara. tory to entering the high achool next season. Dewlght Wallace of the Wallace Brothers Garage of Pendleton, waa a business visitor In Milton thin morn ing. . At a regular meeting of the city council held Monday night Manager L. B. Coyle waa lnatructed to pur. chaae a. fire bell which has served as an alarm on occasions of fire for so many years. The new airen la to be erected at the top of a 4 foot tower so that when the alarm la sounded It can be heard from all parte of the city. G-. W Johnson, who recently ac quired an Interest In the Phelps store building on Main street and announced that he would build a brick building and use' it for a garage has associated with htm James McAualan for the Test five years, chief mechanic In the" Milton oarage, the two having form .ed a partnership. The college auditorium waa filled to overflown last night the occasion be ing the presentation by the senior class of the local hich school of the play "Let's All Get Married." The cast of characters waa well chosen and ably coached, presenting the play In a highly entertaining manner. Mrs. Dora, Harder Is the owner of a new . "Winton" 8ix, purchased lastj Monday. I C. L, Stewart has recently disposed; of, his fruit acreage In that east aide; neighborhood to Mrs Mary R Weddle who has moved onto the place J. W.-Vancieve and family who left' Milton last fall for Seattle, where he fens engaged In the ship building! plants, have returned to Milton to re-! side. ! Five Acres Devoted To Raising Peonies (East Oregonian Special.) MILTON, May 1. With five acres of their nursery grounds devoted ex clusively to the culture of peonies. and with more than 50,000 plants of 100 different varieties, the Milton Nursery company Is just commencing what C. B. Miller, treasurer of the company, expects will be the most active "peony season he has yet known. Last year between 2500 and 3000 doz en of the fresh cut peonies were ship ped by the Milton Nursery company to all the large cities of Washington. Oregon and Idaho . This year a num ber of orders have been receved for flowers for Decoration day from points In Montana end aa far as Wy' oming. When the Bale of peonies on a commercial scale was first attempt ed by the local nurserymen the busi ness was small but during the past two seasons it has grown by quick and long leaps until now it constitutes considerable part of the company's business. Mrs. J. F. Slover is critically ill at I her home on Chestnut street suffer j ing a third attack of influenza. 3. C. Glbby and family expect to I leave in a few days for their new 1 home at Mlddleton. Southern Tdaho. The first home grown strawberries of the present season were marketed Monday. May 12, beiing but two days later than the first berries of last sea son which were brought in on May 10. All four local packing houses have received new berries Tuesday and are having no trouble disposing of them at 5 a crate. H. A. W illiams is having-tne inter- Mineral salts play an impor tant part in tissue building They're found in abundance in the delicious wheat and barley food GrapeNuts Several Affairs Mark Close of School Year "JTCrpenney T5o;, a NationwideIn8titution. Have You Ever Been Able to Find That Ideal Shoe? The shoe that has those perfect fitting lines. The shoe that, has style, quality and price all corhbined. , You will find this combination in J. C. Penney Footwear. The right styles, the highest quality at the lowest prices. ' C Our fitting service is not to be overlooked. , - White Shoes for All Occasions Black Pumps and Oxfords Ladles' White Kid Shoes In military and Patent leather Pumps In colonial, high Loula heel. Ladies' Canvaa Shoes In military louts heel. Patent Pump with low military and Louis heel. Ladles' White Oxfords and heel. Kid pumps both high 'and low heel. Pat Pumps. ent Oxfords with celluloid covered Louis heel. Ladies' White Pumps with rubber sole and Kid Oxfords In high Louis heel and high heel In both low and high heel. medium and low military heel. See Our Window Display of Women's and Children's Wash Dresses Ladies' Tan Shoes Ladies' Black Shoes In Cloth tops and 'fine all kid muck shoes of every description from the f , finest dress to the most conservative street tops, your choice of heels. wear. Brown Shoes $4.98 to $8.90 Old Ladles' Comfort Shoes and low shoes. We are Showing Some Extra Fine Values in Men's Spring Suits Children's Shoes Men's Shoes n tan. white and wack. Shoes of quality for men and White shoes with rubber heel and sole. Vnvj' Our nriPP flrP loWPftt Black and white Mary Jane Pumps. DOyS . UUr prices are 1UWCSI. 1 fca' i C' r J. C. Penney Co., a Nationwide Institution. (East Oreffonlan Special.) UMAPINB, May 16. During: this past week Umapine has been celebrat ing the closing days of school with a series of parties, held in honor of the several teachers who are not return ing next year. On Friday evening; the Juniors of the Vincent. High school entertained the seniors at a party at which the young; people had a pleasant evening being; entertained' with stunts, class prophesies, wills, etc. During the latter part of the evening; there was dancing;. On Saturday evening;, the 7th and 8th grade pupils surprised Mlm Inez Wagner, presenting her with sterling silver teaspoons. On the same even ing the 3rd and 4th grades gave a party honoring Miss Florence Philip pi, her gift being a camera. On Tuesday evening. 6th and 6th graders presented Misa Mabel Fleet wood withy a pink silk parasol. Wedneetday night the 1919 class of the Vincent Hierh School held Its com mencement exercises. The graduates were Mural Beau champ, Ethel Hod gen, Irene Wilson, Neva Moore, Ada Helberg, LUlle Jordan. Mrs. Guy Young and children, with her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al phllippl of Arlington. Ore., motored down from that place on Friday last and are visiting Mr. Philippi'e brother W. W. Phllippl. They will remain until next week when Mrs. Young will go to Idaho where she and Mr. Young have taken up a stock ranch home stead. D. O. Saunders, R. E. Bean and J. B. Jones were Pendleton visitors on Saturday looking After school matters. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirk have taken up their residence at the Dam up the Walla Walla river. Mr. Kirk is In the employ of the Pacific Power and Light company, looking after their In terests e.t the dam. On next Thursday afternoon, the Umapfne Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will meet for a tea with Mrs. Jesse Martin. Every one Is Invited. On Friday evening of this week. Miss Zella Hoon gives a musical recital at which her pupils of the past term will present the program. At the program there will be a farewell reception for the teachers. Miss Elizabeth Severance will leave Mon day for California while the Misses Phllip-pl will spend the summer at Arlington. Miss Wagner" goes to Ne braska while Mis Fleetwood and Miss Noyes go to summer school. Mr. White will make headquarters In this valley. Mrs. Harry How ton spent the week end with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. rJlllllMllllllllflUIIHIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllflllllllllllllllllllltlllfllllllllflll. 1 WILL WE GO TO BERLIN? j IjAJTD BARGAIN1 NO. 8. 5 For a WHEAT RANCH, this is a REAl. BAt- OAIN. 1040 acres, practically all under the plow, 2 and all TRACTOR LAND S Fairly heavy soil, and no blow land. This' ranch is now leased and has some 450 acrea in wheat, one- S S thtrd of which noes to purchaser. Possession can 5 ' . be Riven this fall. " . Fairly good buildings and rood water system. The 5 land has been well farmed. S ITice. including summer-fallow, (40.00 per acre. H E This farm Is worth to the buyer, this fall: 5 Wheat crop (one-third) I7.B0O.0O S 5 600 Acres Summer Fallow 8, BOO. 00 S This brings the price of the land down to less than E 30.00 per -acre. It la worth a whole lot more. j Must be taken quick If the crop goes. Snow & Dayton "We Sell Land" 1 1 7 Kat Court HEAL ESTATE FARM IOANS Phone SS INSURANCE riiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllli? R. Lawson. Mrs. Howton expects to leave for Rlrie. Idaho, as soon aa school is out at Femdale. Mr. How ton has been gone to Idaho for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hodgen and fam ily move this weefc to their 'wheat ranch near AthenaL They will be missed in thia community and friends will be sorry to have them go. Mr. and Mrs. Jens ThTrklldsen and family were Sunday guests with their Dayton, Wash., friends, Mr. and Mrs, J. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rambo are visiting Mrs. A. Ferguson. They expect to leave soon for their new home in Walla Walla. Maurice Holm, who has been visit ing his brother, Edgar Holm, left this week for Detroit, Mich. From there he expects to go to Boston where he will be married In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oliver and baby are visiting this week with Mn. and Mrs. John Allen. Jack Dtckernon Is going around thla week with his head In a bandage. He was hurt when the engine of a ma chine he was cranking backfired. Rain at Gurdane Saves Grain From Drying Out day at Athena. Mrs. W. Hoch went down to Pendle ton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Humphrey of Pendleton ara here spending av few days with Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. nrace. Dick English left Saturday for the Walla Walla river where he will be for several days. Mrs. Sarah Powell of Weston apent Sunday here at the home of her Orandriaughter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Phetps, Mr. and Mr o. i. La Dow, and Dr. and Mra F. W. Vincent all of Pendleton spent Saturday and Sunday on the river here at their summer homes. MM Mouhhu May Ba Home Soon. Ml-s Eglantine Moussu, Pendleton girl who has been In Franca as an In. terpreter In the telephone service, has been ordered home and Isat word rrom her came from Brest, where she waa awaiting transportation. Shortly before leaving for Brest, Miss Moussu spent a three weeks' furlough sight, seeing In Rome, Florence and Qenoa. There Is a possibility that. whUe In Italy she may have seen Miss Stasia Walsh, also of Pendleton, who was pending a furlough in Italy after service as a hospital nurse. To build yourself up whet you feel run down to bring back health, appetite and strength take Una S.k.lJUfM.dHlMli thaVfeV A fish In the hand la worth a doxen In the angler's story. TAXICABffl PHONE III Books IS Rkk tor tl.a VAKKEK TAXI OO. Why Pay More. CECIL COSPER PCBMO ACCOUNTANT .IXCOMB TAX ADVISER Smith-Crawford Bldg. Opposite Pendleton Hotel Phone 10 ARE YOU FISHING? See i r Kast Oreffonlan Special.) GURDANB, Ore,. May 1. A nice rain fell Sunday at Gurdane which will help the fall grain as It was dry ing fast. Cha. Ely made a business trip to Pilot Rock Saturday returning home that evening. F. Harsthnrn, who has been working for Bera Si m ion t son since last fall came up Saturday and will remain awhile on his homestead and expects to do some farming while here. Mr Harsthorn states the crops around Adams are looking fine. Roy Montgomery has rented the 'pasture land of Pat Banaghan and moved his cattle down here. Bun Moore Is cutting posts iiv ths mountains for John Ross. Mra J. H. Mettle of Uklah Is visit ing a short time with her daughter Mrs. Frank Chapman of Butter Creek. Tom Enright went to the Jones ranch at Pilot Rock Monday returning again Wednesday. i ' Mrs. Roy Montgomery received word from h sister Mrs. Twig Teal that YTr Too I hurl nnHnrirnna a n nnornl Inn for cancer of the stomach at Hot Iakef but was doing nicely. He is still very j A weak. Mr. Teel is well known In this J vicinity. Zk , Mrs. Charles Piquet was a visitor , J Saturday at ourdane. , B TIftlpI pendcton BldiT. rfUIIK JlUItTO till U TV 1 1 tj lix III rj u.J I" V o the ranch Tuesday returning home 1 1',., aaa that evening. .aWmwwwm i i 1 1 11 Nora Daughtery spent Monday at 0illlfllllimiUlllllllllllllUIIMiailllilIlllllllllllllllIllllllHliaiUM Roy Montgomery wife and daughter; 3 3 spent Tuesday at Pat Monaghan's. 1 3 I 3 A number of People attended ths dance at Sena Friday night. Among the visitors were Vern Cates and wife, 3 Nora DauRhtery, French boys and thejs Ooff boys. SOL BAUM'S We know lots of good places to catch fish'. They are striking good in some localities. Best Tackle is our Motto. Look for the Fish Young Man Breaks Arm on Auto Crank (Fast Oregonian Special.) GIBBO.V, May IS. Robert Sayer, young son of Mr. and Mra. Harvey 3 Sayer Is Buffering from a broken arm's which he received Tuesday night while 3 trying to crank an automobile. ja Mrs. M. T. Matntt and infant daugh- 1 3 ter have returned from La Orande. S Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson went 1 3 to Athena and Pendleton Tuesday fori 3 a couple of days stay. W. W. Hoch went to Pendleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dolf Thompson and vntn& man T." 1 ,1 r, n hum rtnrn,t frnm a two weeks visit near Weston with j S Mr. and Mra Roy Hyatt. 13 Karnest March and Bid McLean ' 3 were on the river Wednesday from a Weston bringing their cattle to their, a summer range, IS Mrs. Mathew Ihiffey and Infant eon 3 were Pendleton visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mra W. W. Williams are spending a few days visiting In La Orande. Henry Thompson and his grand father Mr. & Mahoffery spent satur- 15 Reduction ON Goodyear and Goodrich T I R,E S Effective May 12th. Big stock on hand to select from. Oregon Motor Garage 111, 131 West Ooart St, & 5 S Pendleton. Oregon lyiffiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiimuuuuuimuuuui B a 8