STXTEENPAGES DAILY EAST OREGONTAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY lfl, 1010. PAGE EIGHT llllllllhlllM iimiiiinimnnniimiimimnimmiinmniiimNmiimWmtiiMii BUILDING. J i iwm dui i iwUW mil liilU HHUBiBI tWl 1 W I MB AND SUGGESTIONS ABOUT MINTS TIMtUY . - - . mm m m. w tiimiiiiiiiiii w (i - r- a 4 r -i u ( i k a Kk. n i el v i a- w w . i?nlWlllllBMinfflnlffliymf!nlllllB 1 iMMiitlliaiMMlltHIMIIIlMMiNn mniBiwaBHBar " .minimi Miiiniinimniimniiiiiiimiiiiiinur-. minim- -HH. nimui ,1111 in null in ill in n iiiiiiii hi mill n m . ,i r u it II J) V HI III! I 11 i mm in II III I III 1 1 1 II 1 1 III I I iW .1 X i . mil II III ir foT) n n o n u u u ' o rs B W rwr ' Ml ImH Kim WUHUWUlUli'lfTJill- ttulu"t ti T '"'1 ,"iUm1MMWl A Well Planned Home is Half Built An architect's dan ami specifications save money id prevent mistakes, extras aud many discussions. Tho cost of Hans are small ' compared to wlint a single mistake would Involve. Plans made by a com. runt architect arc accurately drawn and can-fully figured. They will save many times their cost, be. khlca you have, the satisfaction of having embodied style and convenience In your building. A oumc tout set of architect's plans Is a cheap investment In commencing' the erection of m home. An artlstlo home nM no more than an "architectural aberra tion." A home well planned la half built. Iieutable builders prefer to work to an architect's plans. Raymond W. Hatch Architect IM-spain minding Telephone 768 WHY Vse expensive hose and have to renew it every other season? Tire yourself out dragging- It around the lawn? Deface your lawn with unsightly stand pipes? Waste water and Irrigate your lawn In Allots? TI1K THOMPSON SPKIN'K I.Kit IIKAU does a-way with all that trouble and irrigates your lawn in the natural way. One valve controls the entire system and all the lawn or garden will be irrigated at the same time, reaching all parts. Sprinkler Heads are set even with the surface of the lawn and the lawn mower will cut over them. Come in and we will demonstrate. D. D. PHELPS 317 East Court Street Telephone 413 ' 11 us paint jour home at least lot us figure with you before you let Uie Job. PHOENIX PURE PAINT Cant be beat. IaK-r Hanging, Kalcominlng and In terior Decorating that gives satisfaction. Get our estimates. MURPHY BROS. 121 Court St. Telephone 318 OWX YOl'B OWN HOME" iiii W m We are in a position to give you service that 5j wont lie up your job. LET US FIGURE YOUR NEXT JOB. 'OWN YOl'K OWN HOME" VAN PETTEN LUNER CO. 700 West Alta St. Telephone 92 We Are Independent Contractors We are not affiliated with any lumber concern but buy where we can do the best. When we figure with yon, you will profit by our Independency from any lumber dealer. Dunham, Brownlow & Payne Contractors and Builders Construction Superintendents nmni vrls U SINKS Bt ll.IIN.S JOB WOI1K " l'l,NS AND M'Klll-lCATlONS Ft It.MSIIEl). (;idcu Hub- iiotei ii.. ni.-nt. Telenhone 383 Corner E. Court aud Johnson tita. xeitptlUIIC ow WILD NOW TRUE STATUS OF ENAMELWARE' MARKET MADE PLAIN TO TRADE IN BULLETIN TO LOCAL Fli The true condition of the trade In enann-l ware materials handled by plunrtiers has Iwen received by D. T. rhell. local plumber, in a bulletin which came yesterday from the En umolpd sanitary Ware Manufacturers Association. The information is us follows: Misleiidlnff reports and misinforma tion concerning the Enameled Sanitary Ware indui'try are being put forth under the guise of authorized state ments. Some of these announce de finitely that large reductions In price will be made by leading Interests In the near future. Such reports naturally are dlsiiulet inif and tend to make Jibber hesitate placing orders for waro which they really reonire for stork. These re ports also have a had effect upon those who contcmpluto building operations during the Spring ujid Summer months. ' As mated in a recent communica tion, the Enameled Sanitary Warn Industry is passing throuith a period vthir.h in manv respects, is the worst in bui the history of the business. As i.n. .,iT..t-r. tiiim have been practi cally suspended for the post two years, it follows that this industry has been at ti low stajje during that time, with the result that costs have advanced tn figures never before .-ittnhied. This Is doe not only to the high cost of raw materials and large advances In wans, but also lo the Uniit.-rl production. You will recall that in December a very material reduction In price was made! I14 anticipation of lower costs or raw! materials, which, however, did not in' ull cases materialize. While all manufacturers are striv ing to bring about lower costs, it is the opinion of those engaged In this Industry that manufacturing- costs 'of their product will not be lowered In the near future, and that those who contemplate building " oeratlon should know this fact and make up their minds that deferred action will in no way be beneficial to them of to the building- Industry. Oliver Home Cutler Way The concrete foundation for a new modified colonial stylo home for Mrs. C. A. Oliver has Just been started by S. Hugo, who hold the sub contract for that work, and the building will begin shortly by J. W. Horn, w ho hns the contract for the construction work. The new home will be on I'erklns avenue between Washington and Wll. son streets and will be one and a half stories high, with six rooms. Com pleted about September 1. it will cosl lion. Itavmond Hatch, architect, drew plans for theyJwclllns. Installing UkIiUiu; Fixture J. H. Vaughan Is installing wiring nnd lighting fixtures in three new houses being built for A. II. Cox on the. north "side. His force will have completed most of the installation work in a few daya Ilulldliur remi t Slack 1 Xew building during May has taken a derided slump hut one permit hav. lug tM-cn Issued so far. with the month hair gone, f or i new structure Nu merous permits for garages, rnpnlr work and alterations have been Issued but the Impetus given new construc tion during Apin has not been main tained this month. The Week's IllilldllH; IVrmlls. . . . C(inn r,00 150 ion 35 2 000 C. A. Oliver C. ('. Broil Icr Pendleton Iron Works Rose K Hamiftim .... W. R. Fergus A. H. Sullivan. Total JBiiSj Previously reported $111,733 OWN YOUR OWN HOME" iiiEMisHinmai To the prospective builder we offer a complete line of Builders Hardware in latest designs, and our prices are right. Let us give you our estimate. "OWX YOl'll OWN HOME" Geo. C. Baer & Co. 613 Main St. "SEHVIOE" liiono 81 'OW.V YOIU OWN HOME" Careful Attention Given House Hiring to your will give you the best service and prevent many a fire. We use care in all our work. , ELECTRIC FIXTURES The larxest ami rinmt slock In eaM-ro H-cgon m-loet from. We would be pleased to flifiiro with ou. J. L. VAUGHAN l "'ml ! on' Rlir Kl-ctrteai Store 20ft F. OmiiI Kim TVUfihone ON THE FINE LOTS THAT I HAVE FOR ) SALE. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. INSURE IT WITH ME. 'I Sell, Rent or Insure Anything" J. II. ESTES r hone G04 G&Main St Heating Plants Contract work my specialty, but no plumb ing job but what re ceives my prompt and n.jfiil nHpnrinn. -OW YOVK OWN HOME" Let me give you estimates for your new home. MILLER Corner W. Court and t.ardcn Streets, Telephone 202 ii!UM.i-ji.iitt.ii.ioa ovv Yoru owx noMi-r Call and our ftno line nf WALL PAPER AND PAINTS tiel our figures on paix-rliut and pnlntlng your home. I'alnts, Oils, Varnishes, t'alconilne, Isrushca, lic-turo l Ysmliig. t.lass, lite Wo have an attractive price on Paint and WallpaK-r. Come and see us. we feature ACME PAINT. HALE & HASCALL 8 81$ Slain Street Telephone 8 so You Be the Landlord and Pay Rent to Yourself If You Want to Build Your" Own Home and Pay it Out Like Rent, See Me. I Loan Money on City Property, f JOE KERLEY Insurance, Loans, Real Estate. 721 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon. Mill Work Designer, vrvi kin .f i.vj a "OWN YOCH OWN HOME" BUILD NOW and see me for the whole job. .1 furnish the plans, mill work, estimates, and act as contrac tor and builder all complete. G. I. LaDO W and BuHder T05-707 West All Street i m ,,i,.,,.onMn.l..u.i,limiiMiiiMnninmiiinillllllimilllUIIHtl!nuiinUIIMItH!l!lll!!lllllt!!ll!llini!lll!ll!ll!l!ll!!!!in'! llllllllllllllllll'llinilllill tlllHIIIMIIimiHIHIlt n I mil IMMMMIMII, mm..,., ,....i,l, ,, , ,,,,. ,.u; ,m. m m. ..i '"J m