VAV,E FOUIt DATCY EAST OREGONrAN. rEDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1910. ' TWELVE - aT.S Qre&oniari) 7 AN INDEPENDENT NAWSPAPKH. FublUhM Dally and 8-m.Wekl;, at Paa.oti, Oregon, by the EAST OKEOONIAtt PUBLISHING CO. Kntered at th poatofflce at Pendle ton. Oregon, as second -class mail natt!-. 11 p h on ... ..,. 1 ON HAl.K IS OTHFR CITIES. TmpAriHiHtl NVws Stand, Portland Bowman Ntws Co., Portland. Oregon N FIL.R AT ' Oil ear or Bureau. 90S Security Bulld g. - WaRhlnrton, D. ., Bureae to Vour tnth 5tret, N. W. j SUBSCRIPTION RATE ' (IN ADVANCE) Dally, on year, by mail Dally an month by mall Daily, three months by mall t Daily, one month by mail , Daily, one year, by carrier Daily, six months by .rrit. ; Dally, three months by carrier. : Dally, one month, by carrier , Seml-Wevkly, one year, by mall.... 8ml-Wekly, sij months, by mall Smi-Wkly four months by mail $9.00 . 7.6. S.?6 1.35 J5 lie .75 .60 4 XOCTOIXK The rtnjnlin raid Is revelling its mints ' In shifting, luminous and tur- qtioise drifts. Lilio ptirplo exhalation quiver- in To e-iefvmlne; streaks and rifts. Alone; the iwivoments, glint the shaken pools And puddles tremulous with drippinff light. While dimly floats the has of faces hy. Flickering throuKh the night And there lioyond the liquid" blurry treos, Jteyniid the rainy houses, lo behold. Ho nohulons the drhtaly avenues Smoulder with misty frold! : TOlTISB G1XSBERO. committee. Lodge of foreign affairs and other places of power go to old guard lead .l ers. j The situation also fulfills ,the contention of the Wilson , forces during the congression nl campaign. The people were told that an anti-administration majority would enthrone the Tiis coming true. , Many who voted for Repub lican candidates last fall did so in the belief they were sup ' porting a regenerated party, ibut there Is no regenerating . men like Penrose, Lodge and Mondell. The old guard is in the saddle and the narrow- ness they have thus far shown , iiiuiiitica biitrjr ill iiuc u uc lu iorm. HE TOOK NO CHANCES on the heels of news THE AMERICAN LEGION HE new American Legion, that the United States, Wood, an active wnmn. Will have permanent tfr nf tho nrnipr-tprl n-rtranWa. ownership of the 89 German !tiort of soldiers, will be. . "non Itners ! eame announcement partisan and tionpolitical, but Uiat American ship yards may:jt3 members will stand for the accept foreign orders. It is al-1 good of the country on political so disclosed that when Presi-' questions." dent Wilson first went to j This is a gallant promise, but France he informed the French ;fl nromise which must he kenti that the American shipbuilding;fajthfully in spirit and letter if plants could not then take for- the adventure is not to degen ign orders as the yards must!erate into a hackneyed scram be held subject to American bje for preferment and become needs, contingent on the peace a more replica of the political negotiations. (machines now in operation. No ! In other words the president :such dire destiny may be pro did not want the country tolpj,esied. On the contrary, high have its equipment all tied hopes may fairly be held. The rtp in foreign business while j personnel of the proposed or there was yet a chance we ganization has the fine texture might lose the ships that are f youth that veritable now carrying a neavy portion , "ci0th of gold" into which are of our Atlantic traffic, includ-; naturally woven the bright de- mg tne troop return. 11 was a logical stand and can be criti cised only on a basis of provin cial selfishness taxing prece dence over the national welfare. heard propounding this query, ' tuft!.' generally without result. Once In n while, however, out of the deep silence, comes Hit Illuminating; answer. Johnny furnished one Just the-othd day. He .hud Just finished a partlciil arly toothsome dish of apple puddlnir, Which he ute to the last morsel. Then despite the fuct that there was com pany at th tftbl. he deliberately Picked up his saucer and licked It clean. "Johnny!"' exclaimed h' motlter, after a horrified gup. "Who did jtu ever see do a tiling like that?' "Dobs,1 replied Johnny. I . Ills Mistake. Apollo: Isn't th floor wonderful? Terpsichore: Not particularly: that is my foot you're dancing oh. 1 An fiTiitioiml Woman. nay My Pa's got so much money he don't know how to spend It! Koy That's nothing! My pa's got so much iiiwmey that ma enn't spend it! t Ton Years After. Willie Jones (proudly): When I'm naughty my duflily tans my Jacket with a Sam Brown belt that was used hy Capt. Courageous In the war for de. mocracy. into Was Asainst Kint. r guess I'm nbout the unlncktest foliar alive, asserted tho long, nar row, mourful looking individual. "What Heems to be the trouble?" Inouired his sympathetic companion, ordering something consoling for them both.' "I'm Just naturally unlucky Fate's got it In fer me. I'll leave It to you if a guy deserves this kinder hick. A year ago I gets tired o Hvln' In. boardin house, an' I up an' gets married. Xow fer a home an good-by boarding house vittles. Bay I. An be fore six months was past my wife she opened a board in' house to support ti Ain't that fierce? Why couldn't the wdman git somo other kind of work to do?" ' He brushed his hand across hi eyes. lest a briny drop might embitter his beer. A 1mv1oiis Affair ''I want to jret a drink of straight whiskey." "Can't be done." answered the boot, legger. "All the licker around here Is crooked." MOST ARTISTIC ILLUSTRATIONrARflSTS', J ' VERDICT OF THIS PHOTO DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS MEAT IS PROTESTED '(ra. T" 4 5 , nTCSv'' l"tU- ' London's leading artists have, declared this photograph to be J one of the moat artistic lllostra (ton of the century. It was posed by one or Miss Marlon Morgan' dancer -and It title Is '.Tu Dancer." . . .i r.!,' f .-' - n. ,i ' , -. . 'V :?. wauerv ortmraro . , mriur tK Where do drug corn . frorh? Everywhere, pistanc- ha Jlo meaning in the universal search of the Meyer Brothers Drug . Company for quality materials. Nature's contributions from the ends of the earth' meet within the four walls of this the world's largest drug rfouae. . Fifteen thousand druggists x ' tend Meyer servioe to the tour corners, of . the . map Quality Certified by Test. Meyer Brothers Drug Co. X "St'Eouia Tk tmrgmt Drug Hou tn MVe HWfaf a,0 ItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH !l Whitman's! (CANDIES I more directattepiits to awaken him Ware made. Upon rosuminj; his nse O'Connor declared he had lm idea liow he gained tho ledge. He said he- tiad been dreaming that ho was aa)eep on a car barn bench. KIIISKV 8FXT IN HAY I'UOM SAril.VMFXTO sax ruAxriscx) max ' is kiij.i;i iv TrnuMTc 1 KNin; Kt KIMMAC.P THE OLD GUARD TROL BY RAYMOND CLAPPER (United Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON'. May . 13. Agree ment of the war department to unload its surplus meat supplies abroad, thus saving losses to biK packers brought sharp dissatisfaction in many quart ers. Senator Kenyon, of Iowa, de clared his Intention of investigating It Was a cicrnci of iHpalism. tht radiant, 'resolution. The National Consumers jueag-ue, or wnicn secretary naKer is president, is aroused by the war de partment's action. A stat.ment from leasue headquar etrs said never was there a time when so little meat wan sold to poor work ing people as during the last year, j .vAVUiiiiuitj nit " a i urpai iriieiiu una ur. guu euurm to urn oa iiiiiinria uuunua of meat throttfTh Hoover's foreign re lief commission. IN CON- HE action of tlie progres sive republicans in the house and senate bears arabesques of aspiration But Washington, it is to be observed, perceives in the rival ry of Lieutenant-Colonel Roose velt and Col. Clark for the favor of this organization the foreward of a considerable partisan political essay. Possi bly Washington is looking as through a glass darkly. It is not surprising that these young! SLEPT WINDOW gentlemen should be conspici- They But LEDGE 70 FEET UP out the claim that the- stand-ous in xne preliminary. " i j bear tiuissant names. November that they will whatever the faults of Ameri Kntrotofl Snlcan polios, it never has recog- tions, man of the senate . finance r. Vv i Ve been comparing ( corn flakes, and for me an mine, give me POST TOAST1ES Political eminence with us is pot devisable by testament or tradition. The young men in question i must win their spurs if they NEW YORK, Way 14. Sleeping in a mud trench with the ground under you Is one thing. But to sleep peace fully 70 feet in the air on a stone ledfre only 16 inches wide is quite another. And yet this is what Joseph O'Connor did the other afternoon for a full hour, until rescued by police- jare to. wear tnem. iney win be welcomed as leaaers pru- men. Children in the yard of the Hebrew vided they furnish leadership. St. Louis PostrDispatch. orhpan asylum spied O'Connor on the ledge. They told Patrolmen John Karl and Sgeant Daniel Kelleher. After studying the situation the po licemen approached the fifth floor and One brand OI VV llSOn crillCS . o c.onnor restea. iron bars, however. Say he is tOO idealistic, another j prevented an immediate rescue. On he IS tOO much Of a materialist j his hands and knees Kelleher inched which indicates he is striking ! a good average. It is about time to fatten up those longhoms, people are asking for the exact date of the Round-Up. Germa.ny has a place in the sun and is now kicking about it. m SACRAMRXTO, Cul.. May 14. Testimony that whisky was sent from Sacramento in a carload of hay and in suit cases carried on pascnper trains and Bmugftled into Oregon and Washington In violation of the pro visions of Reed prohibition, was giv en yesterday in the United States dtrttrict court court here by J. V, Towns, government ngent. Towns was testifying: for the pros ecution in the trial of J. H. and Mi chael Mazzupcht. grocers, and fou? depot and Pullman porters charged w it h a c on sri racy to t ra n spr t in toxicating liquors into "dry' states In violation of the federal law. Towns aid a large consignment of whisky was taken Into Aberdeen. Wash., in a carload of hay about January 15, last, nnd that 4 4 cases ' of whisky, packed in suit cases, were; taken off of two passenger trains In! Portland, Oregort, February 22, iMt. TURLOCK, May 14. Thomas F. McGiitre, laborer, S3 year old, whw homo is believed to be at 149 Rous seau street, San Francisco. n dead here today front & knife wound In th neck following a drunken brawl on the Tiirlock-Newman road. W. A, Towner and John Sweeney are in a hospital suffering from numerous cuts. The police have in custody T. . W. Dunn, a barber, whose clothing was literally cut to pieces. Another man, relieved to be the murderer, is at large and the police are searching j for him. ! J The fight started, it Is alleged, while; fthe men were riding from Newman ( to Turlock In a enr driven hy Forest Brown. Rrown left his machine and , ran to a fhrmhouse to summon an of-; firer. t Just received a lanr supply. You can't buy beUer candlan. Z better assortment, anywhere In E tho world than right hers. E H We have tried to carry this S S policy of selecting the best S S through out our buatnesa. r Come In and Judge for your- E eelf how well we have succeed- s ed. Taliman 6 Co. H Iradinjf Vrag&istm rilHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli; There Is only one place for that delicious CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM 1 ? KOEPPEN'S The Irug Store That Serve i r you Best A woman always has the tat word and Incidentally about !0 per cent of the preceding conversation. TAXICAB PHONE 70 Books 1.1 Hliles for tXM PARKETR TAXI CO. Vittf Pay Mora. ' CECIL COSPER c : :.pdhmo AOCoi;.VTA"rr i INCOME) TAX A VI KICK . v '-' Smith-Crawford Bide. Opposita I'endleton Uotl Phon 101 iiiiimi llliiinii 1I1DBPM EASY TO DARDEN YOUR GRAY HAIR you r.w tuhyc, hack coron axi rusTnr: with ragk Tl. AND Sl'I-PIU R. his way along the narrow ledge. O Hon nor paid no heed to the shouts of "Hey, there!" but snored on Pinching him resulted only in v. i.. i,ii,inM wi w.a tj-q! lo ner ok me leiiBP, jifrtiiug inn t'fm When you darken your hnir with .'age Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell. I bcaiise it's done so naturally, so even, l.v. Preparing this mixture, though. at home is mussy and troublesome. At little cost you can buy at amy ! drug store the ready-to-iirte preparfi-l tion. Improved by tho Addition" of. 3 other Ingredients called ''Wyeth's fagej and Sulphur Compound." You lust ! 5 dampen a sponre or noft bruph with 1 gSS H and draw this through your hair. taking ono nmall strand at a time. Ry mnmlns all gray hair disappears. and, after another application or two. your hair becomes beautifully dark ened, glosy and luxuriant. only caused him to giggle. Mean- j Oray. faded hair -though no dis- while Karl was working with despera tion from the inside. At the proper moment O'Connor was ronghly -seized jLnd yanked into the building, where j 28 YEARS AGO ! r ' 1 S IF MONEY COULD BUY SIGHT Thousands of people ho wailed too Ions would gladly pay any price. If your ees are troubling- you there is nothing lo gain by putting off hnv Ing them xamined as it can only nmke rna1trs wirse. Property (rsuiid Ixies are the only remedy fr nrist troullis. and only an M'tointrist of long ex-teriem-e ean detormine hat ln-s are needed in the difficult canes. If you conic here you are sure of this preiier egaminatioo, and conse quently correct glasses when they are needed. of people who are well plea.t had their glasses fitted here, thirteen car esperience and a foil line at optical goods at jour service. J!-onalte cliartcex. ItAI.K HOTHW EI.Ij ' mucasHriH a)tl 0Hh-in i " Amvrtcan Nat l Itanli Bldg. t f. l-befs th . (From the ' Parfy F.aRt Oregonlavn . v May 14. J891.) At the Fourth of July meeting- last night the following committee on ar rangements was appointed: J. H. Raley, W. F. Matlock, J. M. Ieezer, C. .a Jackson. John Hailey. Jr.. C A. f Leon Cohn. C K. Roosevelt. Oeorge Ash. R Itothrock. T. C. Taylor H. I- Jfene. W. P. I-athrop and Pat Kino. ,, A meeting to form a baseball asso ciation will be held In tho Bast Ore goni.m office tonlsht ct 7:30. Ucenso to wed was issued today to Charles M. Dunlap and Miss Blanche K. TJndsey. N. 11. Cottrell. the Pilot nock sheep owner logins' shearing Friday. The county Ja l now contains 1 prisoners. FUNNY BONE ! Where the carefully trained chil5 learns bad manners la a standing mys tery to It watchful parent. These jacxluu rcarcrf or the young sr often. ECZEMA ON ' BABTS HEAD Started fa Pimples. Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Heals. When my little sister was six months old her head became affected with eczema. It started in pimples that spread all over her head and she irritated them by scratch ing. She was cross and fretful. Her hair all fell out. v. "We started to use Cu ticura Soap and Ointment and used four cakes of Foap and one fifty-cent box of Cintaoent to heal her." (Signed) Miss Anna Berger, R. 1, Box7,Spanaway,Wb.,Sept.l7,'18. Cuticura For All Toilet Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal cum are all you need for your akin and all toilet usee. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Unlike strongly medicated foape, Cuticura Soap is ideal for the complexion because so delicate, so fragrrat and so creamy. Cuticura Talorni soothes mn& coots the dim and overcomes hravT nmnMratm tm sample Soap. Ointment and Talcum grace, is a sign of old nnd as we all desire a youthful nnd attractive appearance, get hvny 'at onoo with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. Hows YourCar Running? We have mechanics who are specialists on , f . VELIE CHEVROLET" BUICK; - FORD REPAIRING ' ' Bring your next car repairing job to us for satisfaction. SERVICE STATION FOR PEERLESS, VELIE AND CHEVROLET You know this service costs you nothing for 90 days on any new car of the ' above makes. Remember, if you are wanting a used car it will pay you to watch our ads for used car bargains. They don't last long and when you nee them advertised it means you'll have to hurry. Here's a bargain 1917 VELIE $400 Down and $60 Per Month Strongest Used Car Department in Pendleton if Miller & Bement Co. 630 COTTONWOOD ST. II PHONE 203 mi m c C o) KISlfilluOa IS NOllTHE BEST: GAR IN THE WORLD There, you wont argue with us for you think we ought to know. - , , . , t We're out to get your money if we possibly can. Now there is two undeniable truths regarding mo tor cars in one ad. - , ; - Now we are going to let you be the judge whether the Peerless is the finest performer and most eco nomical car of its class on the market in this territory, .., If you don't want to be convinced you are liable to disappointment, if you are open for conviction you will be pleased, but in either case should you but say the word you are in line to receive one of the most pleasant and thrilling demonstrations possible for any motor car to achieve. daring. Hundreds of pounds lighter and hundreds of dollars cheaper in price than any car in its class.: m a loaiing range lor tnose who wish to relax, and a sporting range to match the desires of the most Eastern Oregon Motor Co., Inc. Across Street from Hotel Tendleton W3 1