East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 10, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    ff AGE rt
I UVV1I1L I il U I LiiuvimLv; J v; L,
A few ftioiuls from Helix gathered the past wk al l'llot Hock as lh. of Mrs. John lioss Dickson of l'ort-
sltractive heme of Mr. and guest or Mr. I t'. Seharpf, nnd after i,,n,i xi n c vut.
Mia. John 1' intii.,: komiii it tin u stav with relatives In Portland aha , j , .
Hunday evening to honor Mrs. Plant, ami Mr. Charles Hidden, who aa brook Dlcks"n- Mra" George Strand.
Intra brother, Mr. Il'nit of Astoria, al. a finest In Pendleton recently. Mra. Richard Mayberry and Mrs.
Who recently returned from service wni enioy nn nutiiijt at the coast nhrn' Frank Mayes were "at home" between
overseas. Vli.lrola music was enjoyed they will be Joined by Mrs. Rudd o.!,he hours of 3 and 5 as a compliment
even Inn fore Mra. Schaefer returns to her ,ne v'"o" nosis ot om uie
home in Pennsylvania.
lamel were played and the
ended with the serving of refresh
ments. Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
I. F. 3arelt, Mr. and Mra. J. K. Wll
aon, M.as Oraee Garrett. Letcher Nor.
veil. William Johnson end Athol l.ay
friends called at the Boyden "home to
bid her welcome. Throughout the
Miss Unlit Kudd upon the occasion! rooms ouqueta of aprinu blossoms
of her fourth birthday anniversary.
and artistic clusters of flowering; ce-
vesterdav a charm'lna little hoa.' blended their pastel tones while
less, her miests being- asked to thai decklns ,he 'ul veranda. made
home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H.lhomellke 1,y ch.a"T, r",!, V'""
s Kudd. Merry names preceded the " ""! "u K"""" .
birthday lunch, which was served at
nrt prettily decked with fluffy I UB, "J"' "
tulle. Four
Mr. and Mrs Will GnavaiiKh of i.ii,,i,,.. in-k mkiok . ..m. !"ant yellow. Music by Fletcher"s or.
Nachc. Wash., are expected to nrr ve lab" cenleryd bv pink BWee,pea, Ichestra was an added pleasure as the
this evening. Thev were called by....... .tv. i..,-euesta mingled about . the rooms
the death of Mrs. Ed Gnavauuh whose ,,.- " ,. i. . . ,., iv,,,. greeting friends.
husband is Mr. OnavauKhs brother. ,,lnk wnlu!, gleamed on a great caka Mrs. Georse Hartmnn. Mrs. U. V.
luring their stay they will he at the anl ,he entlrB affnir proved a genu. Thelps. Mrs. W. U Thompson. Mrs.
homo of their son-in-law and daush- I , d),iiht to Wis! sra -Draper. MissJAnna Herriek. Mrs. Wlllard Pond,
tcr. Mr. and Mrs. A. NewQuisL ; Marian llrarjer Miss Amv Aldrirh. Mrs. John Adams. Mrs. S. U. Thomp
son, Mrs. V. f. K. Pruitt and Mrs.
Marian Draper: Miss Amy Aldrich.
Miss Rleanor Aldrich. Robbia Snow,
Announcing the lajtrothal of Miss J1,"58 E!fanfr Fletcher. Rlllie Fletcher.
Carolina Bonney to Roscoe Doane of J "JMof"e- Ja"Ct tm
Seattle. Mrs. Holman Ferrln presided Mlss "lld May Hobart Miss Peggy
y II g HUM,
r a charminsly appointed supper "c,er' '"f' Heter Ml
ty last evening. Covers were laid ,-udd Ronald Rud.
marking her place)
md .1 card bearing Misa Melba Rude was th.
inres of the honorea '"I contestant for the sllv
accompanied by the ; Presented after an interesting program
Pink ribbons extended J Bt h Riverside school by the W. C.
Mark Moorhouse assisted the hostesses
In welcoming the guests. Punch ivns
dispensed by Mrs. Fred Karl, Mrs.
G. Frasier, Mrs. James Welch. Mrs.
over a charmingly appointed supper j . I Al Slusher. Mrs. Ren Burroughs an
party last evening, covers were lata . charlea Bond. In the dining
for tw-elae and marking her place; ,,,i . ,h ,... Irooni a charming bouquet of pink
mtxli.l swel peas ci'iimreu u ipuj
riS itiiavi fiiiiml n rata bAnrine
heart-shaped pictures of the honoree ful contestant for the silver
nnd her f ia nee.
nirtfi, i wanr. am i T. I, last evening. Her selection was
maidenhair fern and lilies of the T,i.( jntHled " hy Daddy Signed the
ley which centered the table for the Pledge." Seven girls and one boy en-
iruests. Further developing the color."1"1 ,he contest and the excellency
acheme of pink and delicate green. !of their readings caused much com-
fluffv strands of tulle dropped to the m-nt from members of the audience.
corners of the table from the electro. , a"y, of whom, mo'ored out frora
-er Pendleton. Judges last evening were
The betrothal announcement pre-' Alex Manning Miss Ressie Da-
ceded a shower of good wishes for the vidson ttnd Ml Edllh English.
fcrtde-elect, who has made many J
friends during her residence in Pen
dleton. She Is the daughter of Mrs.
Km ma Bonney and thev came here
Mr. P. J. Hejreman and her niece.
: Miss Cam. lie Dolson. are entertaining
at a 1 o clock luncheon and shower
aix year ao from Auburn, Maine., honoring Miss Caroline Bonney. whosa
Rrtnw Kewmin - mmw of engagement to Mr. Roscoe Doane of
the hlirh school faculty. Mr. noane Seallle. announced last evening. ;tne faculty entertained the studentu
where Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones and
Mrs. N. Berkeley presided, U'ln;? fol
lowed durinK the litter hours by Mrs.
Wilson l. McXary and Mrs. Frederick
E. Judd. Assisting them in serving
the guests were Mrs. James Sturgis,
Mrs. Dale Slusher. Mrs. Guy Boyden.
Miss Edna Thompson, Mrs. Harold
Warner and Mrs. K. E. Chloupek,
Miss I,euru Jerard nnd Miss Mary
Johns returned today from Stanfield
where the high school in which they
have been faculty members for the
past year, closed its spring session
yesterday. A final event which mark
ed w the commencement festivities
was a banquet last evening by which
Xrma associated with the Pendleton
Drug Co. until two years ago when he
went to Seattle, later entering army
ervice from which he was recently
Mrs. Ernest Knight and little Miss
Genevieve Knight of Calgary. Alberta,
who are being welcomed for a visit in
Pendleton, are week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Curl at their farm
of the high school and their parents.
Another Pendleton irl to rettfrn
will be Miss Alice Hudson who Has
been teaching in the grades in Stan
field during the year.
Mrs. A. I. Schaefer. who has been
delightfully entertained in Pendleton
a the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. 3 ( Paramount among events of yes
Rudd. departed today for Portland, i terdav afternoon was an affair in-
Mrs-i Schaefer spent several days of spired by the presence in Pendleton jof the meeting.
McPherson Circle. 41. Iidies of the
O. A. R., will meet In the club room
of the library next Monday at 2:30
o'clock. Initiation will be a feature
IIP 4t 1
The Ladies Home Journal for the month of April carried the second of a ser
iies of advertisements regarding the nationally favored.
I I f a . a a a e a ..
:r, winnmor and weiwortn waists
These Waists show the fine achieveme nts that has resulted from the intimate
co-operation of over 2300 progressive stores and America's largest Blouse
manufacturers. The unique WIRTHMOR PLAN under which these Waists
were made and sold brings to every Wirthmor Store constantly the NEW
and AUTHENTIC styles but a very f e w days after they have left the design
ers studio, and enables every WIRTHM OR dealer to show these same styles
on the very same day. Further than t his, the economies of this very ad
vanced and very efficient method makes possible VALUES that are truly
MATCHLESS. Every Wirthover, Wir thmor and Welworth Waist is made
with the utmost care and rigidly exam ined and then re-examined ; they are
guaranteed to be cut true to size to FIT PERFECTLY and to give absolute
satisfaction. These waists are sold eve rywhere at the same low uniform price :
Wirthover, Wirthmor and Welworth Waists can be sold in just one good stoic
in every city and they arc sold here only
li'Utuier iVia Oveenvoodftee
Mrs. William Slusher roiiiriUHl lust
nltht I'rom a visit to I'mUtind.
John Olckson ia diiviiiK u new
PniKe nutomoblle.
Carl t'onley and Marshall Spell of
Alexanders, will leave toniulu fur n
business visit to Portland.
Jean Klrkputrick, editor of the Pi
lot Kock lleeord ami n of J. I'.
Kirkpalrlck of this cit. Is a Pendle
ton visitor today.
Mis. C. A. Hazon and son. Krru Hu
Ken, who Is a veteran of the ArBonne
fiBlit, are In Pendleton today from
Mrs. H. J. Pettlnaill has returned
to Pendleton und will visit with her
dauBhter. Mrs. J. f. Uerkwith, fur
some time.
' Mrs. K. Jeltes. .of Spokane, w ho Is
belntf welcomed In Pendleton as tha
guest of Mrs. W. Svliwartzeuberif. Is
being complimented today by a lunch-
eon for which Mrs. K. B. Aldrich Is
hostess at her home on Perkins ave
nue, covers being laid for six.
Mrs. B. B. Pachclder. formerly ot
Pendleton, now of Pasco, was a Pen
dleton visitor today, accompanying
her daughter, Mrs. V McDon
nell, who left for Portland after a vis
it in Pasco. Mrs. Buchelder Is the
wife of Dr. Bachelder, physician for
the N'. P. railroad.
Why go with gray or
faded hair and look old
when I can restore your
hair to its original, or
any desired shade, with
the new non-chemical
French preparation
the only harmless color
ing in the world. Leaves
the hair soft and glossy.
Does not stain the scalp
nor rub off. All shades
blonde to black.
Room 21 Judd Bldg.
The following reulty deals lire re
ported by '1C T. Wade:
320 acres in Tp. 1 H. 31. fur J.
W. Shafer to John Crow. nou.
Fannie Coffinan and husband sold
house and four lots In block 220 Hes
ervation addition, to Martin Kupers
for J325U.
Mary Sargent, lot 15 in block 41,
Keservution addition to Annie Karl.
Martin Kupera to It. K. Fowler,
house and lot on Aura street.
Claude Penland to K. K. Young,
house and lot on Ann street.
Within the last 80 days Mr Wade
sold 10, 0011 acres of land, the largest
deal being the sale of. the Ben Colvin
rnnch which he handled.
Summer Apparel
Rare Beauty
KxiiulsitcuesH of tnuterluls, eleuunve
and luxury of modelling are character
istics of these now garments,
A distinguished prcuonlallou of In
dividualized now models of undonlnblo
chic, delightfully revealing fashion's
nuweat und most exqulsito conceits.
Very Modest Prices'.
$12.50 to $43.00.
$12.50 to $30.00.
$5.95 to $15.00
Wc Especially Invite You to Look and Compare
No- 21, Bakler to fmatilla locul
j train with night cunneclioua to I'urt-
land, which will make ita firs ap
pearance In Pendleton tomorrow at
10:10 p. in., will carry railroad mall
but no United fcUateu mail, accord in b
to announcement made today by T. F.
O'Urien, local depot aKent. There 1h
a chance that the train may later
carry mail but ur to tho present no
arrange men ta have been made.
The new tr;i in which replace the
Pendleton-1 'mat HliL motor car, give
no new mail service to tho west end
and mail Hen I hero on a certain day
arrives at the west end the following
day. At. present locrl postal officials
scud mall to U mat I la on all mail
trains tfoinj? went, and alwo mail on
Xo. 2, by way of Walla Walla. Her
m If ton gets mall from Xo. 5. which
leaves here at 5 a. m.. on No. 1, which
leaves hero at 8; 50 a. m. end on No.
17. which loaves here at 11:30 a. m.
Stanfield is not nupplied by No. 17
or No. 5, but mail is Font on No. 17
and back on No. 2. Kcho Is supplied
by all mail trains, but Nolin receives
mail from the east only on No. 1 All
theso localities would thus be bene
fited as to mail service if the new
train carried mail.
The first east bound train f the
new service will be on Monday, al
10;.". "i a. m.
21 and 22:
si:i:k i:rj,.Tios with iti:is
,OMM), May 10. A mKslon from
Afrl'l!-taii hap arrived tn Mooiiw
for the iwrpow of ewtaMlNhlmc rela
tion between thai country ami the
Hussion bolshevikl according to a
Moscow wireless today.
We may see all thing" come to some
body else if w-e wait long enough.
Prudence Ik the wing plucked from
some past folly.
There wtll be a program and picnic
dinner at the Ciiyus ludlun school
on the cloning day. Friday, .May 1.
beginning ut 10 a. m. The program
1 lift follow:
Si ng. "I'nclo Sammy. Here's My
Heading. "A Toast to tho Plug'"
Kdwnrd Perry
Iiiciliilion. "Little Maid May"
Klora Hhuey
IU-c:tnttou and Sonir. "Llllla
Christmas Nigger". ... Royal Roble
Recitation. '"Llltlo r.rown Hands"...
Walter Cruyna
Itccitutlon, "Little Star"
Nanny Crow
Piano Duet
KHz Sown poo nnd Murgaret Whllo
lialogue. Boy and (Inn
orlan Crayne. Ham Crow, Ueorg
llurke, Nanny Owen.
Itecitatlun, "Where Little Chicks Go
Margaret Whlto
"itiltar and Mandolin Music
Mr. and Mra. J. II. Itnnilrea
Recitation. "Come With Me to Sum
mer Woods." by Ellau Cowapoo.
Itccitutlon, '"Merry Itrown Thrush"
Lc.wrence Mcrgf-vm
8ong. "Sylvester''
tjiwrence Hergevln, luy llarnea
and Orian 'rayne.
Itecltatlon, "Little Boy Ted"'
Ueorge llnrko
Readings tiy Mary Johuley and
Martha Cloe,
Itecltntlon. "The Oreatest Kettle"
Ttny llarnea
necitation, "Maxepp;g Hldo"
Nriiry Lnnrdale Icamtres
Marching and alnglns by the school.
Mary L. ltamlres ia teacher of tha
1h the schedule for No.
I Whitman's 1
Just received a large supply.
You can't buy better candies.
S better assortment, anywhere In E
tha world than right her.
S We have tried to carry this
policy of selecting the beat
S through out our business. EE
H Come tn an4 Judge for your- EE
S aelf boar well we have succeed EE
Taliman & Co. 1
EE! Lradlo Druggtsta
Both large and small In the
Weston Country and Morrow
I hivf some exceptional bar
SB Ins in wheat lands NOW.
A- W. Lundell
Weston, Oregon
Call in and Let Us Show You the 1 -
International Trucks
212 West Webb Street
International trucks like all other Internati
onal Harvester Co. machinery is the farmer's
friend, as it has a small first cost, very small up
keep, economy operation, and is easily operated.
Repairs for International Tracks can always
be obtained here.
Service established here.
J. E. CHAPMAN, Salesman.
Telephone 438
.". Maker
- l.i finimlM . .
'. l-'i :rnmle
. Pendleton
". I'matilla
v. I'mutlHa (No.
Portland (No.
.-. I'matilla (No.
.wpokane f.Vo.
. I'matilla
I Pendleton
'. Pendletnn
'. La ("Jrando .
La Orande
1 1 I
. :.:1 P.
. 7 2". p.
. 7 SO p.
.11:10 P.
. 10: IT. p.
. ii:r.r.- p.
. 2:35 a.
. I:IS a,
.li:5 P.
. 7:15 a.
. 9:00 a. in.
. 10:r0 a. m.
.10:115 a. m.
. 2:20 p." m.
. 2 20 p. nt.
4:30 p. m.
. F ."'MLZ , V
This Is the newest photo of
Major Wood, first brilish avlatot
so attempt Oie -Atlantic fllgbl
Wood fell into lit Irish Sea.
Solid Oak
iJramg bnait
! e(54o(U)(U)
All oak Buffet, top 21x42-in., mirror back 10x32. Tabic has square base, all III
Oak 42-in. top, 6 ft. extension. 6 chairs, Oak, wood scats, nicely finished to 11
I match tabic and buffet. Ilj
Now this solid Oak Dining RK)in Suit, all to maich for $61.00. This is well
made dependable Furniture like we always sell. SS22JE13i
$24 Down $10 a Month
Crawford & Hedges
Corner Court and Main Sts.
Phone 496