".-1"-- - "T . .1 V-'-'"' -X'-W-'1-' .,Jvr y ' PACE NIKE r:iiN pages'' : 'lr- tmcr ctct oimiilmM cmgctm; tuesday. Apmt; avisi est- rf3 essnBSSBlelsxsll - . .. r . i I . ' . r ... ... 8, ii i . . I 1 . Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, I For tyent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference - - - - I II mm-m mmut. h Baca now advertisement will fee run under 'Maw Teder" (a lb first Ineertlen only. During eubeeqgest Insertions of the ad it will appeal- Under u proper elasslf Ication. " For Sale run bale Id. ' -Belgian hares- SIB Cos- KOIt BALK All klnda of insurance. J. If. Eatrs, 614 Main Bt. Phone 604. NEW TO DAY WANTED Sis cylinder car , , condition. Address 1-i street. In good Juhnaon fOU BALK McCormuck Harvester. Only cut 130 scrca. Good condl tlun. Will aell cheap. Address H. M. lieydlrr. Pendleton, Ore.- FOR SALt? ID foot Holt comblna liurveater In good condition. Phone 1GF31 FO,It BALK 12x14 tent. Will con . alder a smaller tent In part pay ment, l'hone 240J. KOII KALE Monarch - combination kitchen range. Alao email refrlg- erutor. call 710J. Wanted U1KL8 WANTED at the Delta. No experience neceaeury.' NOTICES For squirrela many riflemen pre fer the Remington .22 rifle and car tridge. ... WANTED Woman to take charge of cooking on ranen. moae avis. WANTED Woman to do general housework on ranch. Phone 16F21. WANTED Good clean rag at ffbe East Oregonlan office i HEMSTICKINO at the Blngar ebon. Mall orders promptly attonoeu w. FOK BALK 1 lot good location, four blocks, irom cetUer.pt town. Hex- v. i ai.v w.m. ixt hnoae. '"'"' Phone S. WANTED Cook, oo ranch. F4. Phona keeulnc place for man that hat ... .,,. u rr. miliar lata ..Mi...t.hi. Ki..i. In lJAm1latnn. Alia i . . . .. . n . . . dresa "W" thla office. model, milt h blow hitch. Pendleton Motor Salaa Co. Phone fSO. OTKATBD From .. my place on FOn BALE Tbrea BOO0 buahel metal Hninh rranklln alreM eoo light red! . . .i male calf about 4 duys old. Phone; i. R. E. Oca. araln bine with elevator and bulk waaoa baoav OUa Hampton. Pboaa 1F4. V:LLOW PKNT Bead corn, grown h, KALE Hlg K-4 seven Damn ..Umatilla county tor yaare. WHy ger uck J11Bt ke new. 1ewly aond away -when homegrown la better Ua,llt.d ,w' top. Telephone 296J or and cheaper. Ulydcinteln It - ee B. f. Trombley. P(ione 3C1. 1 , " IFOR HALK Bran new (iarlord truck, ..ti(ULltHlH A - nmmi ' ll.ol II 1 imvuvwn -, .--r, aarer been used. onginai price. Try Lactine jor your cnicaa or iky ing hens, beat and most economical ed. IJIIVa chick food, lib s or LUIr'a iJiyuig Maah. Cum, acrauh food. reniedJa...illp. Blydenstela. at C Phone M. f t1t. For aula now at $i0. Issuer Auto Co, 1 Garden street. KKIOHTH OF COLL'JH'L'H. attention: Father Rally, Lha Fighting Chap, law. will address, the Kntghte or Co luanbua In IbeUt. hall Wednesday eranlna after hla Victory Loan ad dress. A full attendance la desired FOH KAJK Holt propelled combine h.r.Mlr Prlea 12000. ,. Only cat fahnnt lAsa mermn. Addraaa ,r John Crew. Pendleton, Oregon. WANTED Carpenter work and palnt ' lnig. O. 1 Brown, 701 B.' -Court. Phone 1H9W. WANTED AT ONCE House not less than 1 rooms, f none or can at fioyal M. Bawtelle'a Jewelry flora. Notaco of I'syuw-Tit of Xly of PeiMlle tott Jtnproveroent Honda. ' Notice la hereby given that City of Peadleten '-Improvement Bonds Nos. 15, Berlea B, 11 and 14. Sertea N, 1, Series U, 1, Series V; and , Series X, will be paid upon presentation there- HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PKN1JLKIUIN AINU Vivirviii ; Thfc. Directory la eeveetally bandy for tbo out-f-towa rul who may JZ?bZ .a who twresen the BbUowIng various Unea, AH art reUable, rcapoaaiDW omsu.. wbo atand rcaoy so gno job vnwva ws Auto Tops will be paid upon preaemauu" t n .,..l w . n . ji,.- of to the underalgned at the) American IF TOU NEEo a New Top or Cor V . . I U .. Lr VmnAlftnn I J IT1 AtiJ IS I I ...... m H. Rm fSOjdWaU S t National Bask. Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon. ., Interest on aaW bonds eeaaea May X. 1910. Daleil-April 13, 1919. t; LKB MOOBHOUSB, ' .Treasurer, City of Pandleton. By Wra Mlckalsen, Deputy. BEAUTY SHOP HA1UDKEJWINO, . SCALP TREAT- ment, facials. air ui".s colore. Maria Robb. Room 31. Juaa Bldg. Tel 10CO. LADV 60 WANTS POBITION . AS housekeeper for elderly gentlemaa Room St. Klaio Hotel. WANTED Four or five room fur. nisaed house. Apply room l, Aita Apartments, or phone 740. WANTED Modern furnished house or apartments for eouple. Call or phone J. C. I'enney Co. WANTED Live man for Ufa prep osition In lire game. Address Day ton Tire Co, : Btark St., Portland. Ore. ., f- . . FOR slAI-F t room modern .bouaa Part cash, bal. easy payments. Lib erty bongs taken at par. Apply 714 Matlock street. ,. ,,s a. A ItUl awenaance in ovmivu. -n i,. - ' JOBKI'H P. XUItPIIY, Becretery. ! yon BALE Two nice lots, level, no ' - . i I ' i grading, ao atrcet grading, no rs- Card of. Thanks. I . .u. M.t rrnni. fins location. wish to thank our many friends w n Uninn'hr. 107 E. Court street. WA1CTED By. family living, In the country, slri for general housework. All summer lob and geod wages. Ad dress 708 West' Bluff St., City. FOR SALE tains for your car. Bee t3ejdn, 1 B. Court. . . - ' AUTO TOPB and shoe repairing, West- Alts, street. til Auto Tire Service WHEN IN TROUBLE call our Service Car. We. go anywhere, any time, ghnpeon Tire Service Co, Phone ell. Auto Tires Bicycle Repairing - AUTO Tires Vulcanised, blcyclee and supplies. Savage Urea, key fitting. Pendleton Cycle Co., 22S E. Court. Batteries (Willard)" B ATTKRIES repaired or . recharged. .- r.ti lotteries. Saeouie Piervloe Statloa, Vain and Water. Chiropractor nvuUHTI.V 1NI& VaCUUm CUD, vertown Coras. ,m.x 811- Foit HALE Complete' bed room set In ivory finish, almost new, Aura. Phone 304M 713 NOTICE OF BIDS FOH xx strv ono.i . Notice la hereby given that sealed blda will be received at the office of the CUy Recorder in Pendleton, Ore ... n a nviock P M.. on May 7th,'l91?for the furnlahlng of all m hatoh Architect. n, " - T K and g. IS)- in. ivii. i or Liia iujuuuiui v i 0 nj vmiia mttics kjwi material nd lalor and th corutxuc-1 flbloiutely cuarantMd tirtn r.f t newer Dr. Marie street irom i . ThnMg. tot. t. in -Mutt titreeft on I . CARPETS. CHIMNETS or arlndowa cleaned, trass trimmed. Any other odd jobs. Q. F. Smith. 608 t Calvin. Phone I LI. 'fVs wish to thank our many friends w D Huinphrey. 101 jj. Court street for their kindness extenaea to us aur. Injr' the slcknens and death of our ' poit SALE so acre farm threo miles i twloved brother and father, Anthony from Pendleton. Ii acres is bottom Cotley. and alao to state our appreela. ,nj wlth Irrigation ditch., balance 1 .. . ..f f..rWi am niMll'ttd. I A ,1,1 rua. l ft .1,,- KHS. WANTED To rent, small furnished Auto Wrecking house er apartment. North Sldel and the bidder fans to enter ... - preferred. Geo. W. Gray, ears The contract with the terms 01 ni. Railroad street to uiuii sire-i, - si.. from Marie street to Jane n at MoCABROU General auto re- . . i T.. .treat from Bluff not- wrlr. Trouble shooting. Cat- street to High street. In accordance erpillar expert. 1208 E. Webb. Phone -.i.t. ih. niini ana SDecuicM,uuiiv v tikw. -- -. .... I said sewer, prepareu or city aurveyor, Mna now on -office of the city rocorder. . Each bid must be accompanied by a. certified check in the sum ot nuu.uu n u. i.i. nrdpr or the mayor of the City of Pendleton, to be returned to the blder If unsuccessful, and to ba forfeited. If the ma . is USED PARTS every description. We. i my iu. . . Auto Clcaxing House, Garden. Alta, Phone 7SS. Delta. tioa of floral offerings received. Laura A. Hay.,'!rfr. and Mrs. C J. Manning, William, Jos. Frank and Marion Coney. . - Card of Tluuflca. We wish to express our sincere ap- Dreciallon to the many kind friends wheat land..., Address P. O.-Box Hi. Pendlten, Ore. ron SLB Assortment of about IS young calves, two of which are thorouKhgred Holsteln bull calves. Red. White and Blue Dairy. , preciallon to the many sum mentis .. and neighbors, also Degree ef Honor. ; FOR SALE Modern house and four . . . -.. .t , t.. f . i. i . . , a lint ' 1st. i J. A. 11 itrbecraa and 1. O. O. V.. tot their sympathy and kindness shown during our bereavement and loss of our; beloved mother; also for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mr., and Mrs! Frank Whetstone,, Mr. and Mrs. C J. Hamilton. Kuna Hamilton and J. H. and C. J. Wassofl. ' BCT A IKHfES-TOtrt-fc FIND MORE "IS- UFMI ; Studr the ads. . Aaawer . those ihat look "likely." Study the problem of where . yeu'd UKS TO LIVE -and decide on a bouse thal'a a little belter, that your CAUTION tells you that yeu can AFFORD. . .! Found yot!MD 4 blocks from post office on Vf. Alta, pair glasaes Owner can have same by paying for this sd. Lost LOST rFog terrier ,do,g. white srllh brown head. Uberal reward. Phose 749M. ' tots with aarsjre. ' 111 Jane Pendleton, Ore., 8- S. Butler, 111 Indiana Avenue. Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE Five 8000 bu. grain bins, 3 bulk wsgon beds, 1 John Deer levators.' For full particulars ad dress R.( F. D. No. S. Box S, Ad u. Oregon . , . - FOR BALK Barred Plymouth .Rock eggs for hatching. 15. 31.(0; 60. 83.00: 100, 38. DO. Not prepared to ship. ' J. W. Allen. 101 Callfor la St., Phone USJT ' '' FOR SALE- World champion pedi greed male and female Russia wolf hound Six months eld. Right age to train. First IS60 takes them. B. S. Hill. 13 Court House. Portland. Ore. EARLY MATURING Tellow Dent "--- pnn for mala Heavy ylelder. Orown successfully on Wasco Co. dry land for four years. Ijcss tnan ivv lbs.. ISc: over 100 lbs.. lc Write A. K. Oronewald, 400 K. Fair St., The Dalles, tire.' ' ' - For Rent APTS. AND ROOM Wi APT FURNISHED APT. HamlltoB Court HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1 31 Clay. FOU RENT 301 H. Main -Housekeeping . rooms, FOR RENT Part or store bldg. In quire 233 E. Court. ' A OOOD PIANO FOR RENT In .. quire "M'' thla office. FOR RENT -Large f ent Bleeping , room wlt'a bath. Inquire Tit Ann street, evenings. ... . . e e e imra rtnn e ItnBtoa-lTisllliKwi Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:48 a. m. and 12.4t p. m. Leaves Athena, for Pandleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams (or Pendleton at 8:30 a. m, and 1:20 p. m. e Leaves Pendleton (Allen-IUiight Co. Ctoro) for Weston at l:0 e t a. m. and 4 p. m. - ; O. It. McPHERRIN, Driver. Pilot RucK-Pendietosi auto Btage. . Leaves Pilot Rock at I a. fak Leaves Pendleton at 18:30 a, SO. Leaves Pilot Rock ai 1 pi so. ,t ! Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEF1ELD, Prop. em,. 1 t -;T ' ' In tlje spring the young man's fancy- BY ALLBIAN II " "7 Vt0 tfOhtfJ VJITw 4U.TW SO MAMS AT o-B- Tle. - J II I. ::t COOWtlBS? r -J HoaJ VcnJ TAK TWO MO &VE. P U ""'UjI' " ' -i ' ' MAMMA 1HB- fteST"- r - " U ' . . " - V l . ,'. ''" WFW" fii"i: II . :!- i IFF; V0V MILPEUO COOKIES.! ' " fci Mmmnn ntincii reserves tne right to reject any and. all bids at Us pleasure. Doted at Pendleton, Oregon, this 21ta day of April. 1910- THOS, F1TZ GERALD, ' ' . City Recorder. BY MEN WITH YEARS of experi ence. Shoo at Wallace .wee,- si Johnson. - Ward A. Hoagland, Prop. Miscellaneous MARTIN JONES School of Dancing. Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednes days. Liberty Hall. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. Auctioneer. makaa a specialty or iarne - and machinery sales 'The manthat gets yon the money. msti at East Oregonlan Office. " FOR GOOD STOCK hi ' Buff Rock chickens or New Zealand Red rab bits, write B. F- Williams, The Maples. Milton. Ore. - AUTO Electrio Work of all kinds; maameto. starter, ignition, etc El ectrio Service Station. Mala at Water WILL EXCHANGE Portland resi dences for Pendleton residences. One . ....-., in Tjiurelhurst and two others much cheaper. 82500 to 38600. F. D. Watts. M. D. weaton. uis. GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Boom i(, ocumiui PHONE 33. Penland Bros.' Transfer. for freight for Adams, Athens, Wes ton, Milton snd Walla Walla. Truck leavea Pendleton-every Monday at 1 o'clock and Thursday at 1 o'clock and returns the following day with freight for Pendleton. Tour freight will be called for and delivered at your door. CARTER SMYTH B, Attorneys at Law. Office in rear v. . National Bank Building. FEB FEE. Attorneys at Lavs'. Of- flees In Despatn cunning. For Sale, Brick Building on Main Pays 8 ner cent net. 32,uu to suit. J. H. Estea, 614 Phone (04. street, Terms Main St. R. L. KEATOR, Attorney e Room 2. Bmltn-crawxore .Dur ing. a A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. oince in xew" "" Now Tonaorlal Artist. J. E. Lawson, formerly of 'Walts burg. Wash . Is now connected with . v. - ', ... n.il,i Mr. T jiwson Is a class workman and makes hair cut ting of children a specialty. SHELLY JONES, Prop. Week Opens With Cattle Weaker and nogs strong r.nnTi.XD. Anril 29. Eighty-four k entered the North Portland yards over -Sunday, compared with 100 a week ago, 72 two weeks ago, and 88 cars four weeks ago s Run of swine showed a total of iin nomnared with 1710 last week and 224 S a year ago, but the de. mand was keen. Mantel startea slowly, with shippers holding out for more money, which killers were un willing to meet in full. Nevertheless, the trend of the trade waa firm, even though Eastern markets were down for the day. General hog range: Prime mixed 320.50 !0.75 Medium mixed ., 80.0020.25 Rough heavies .... 18.S00 18.76 Pigs Hulk 20.00020 75 Cattle Trade is wcaww. Cattlo invje 1 vwvmmtw. . i With killers overstocked with cattle SHUTIOX HAND Ft MM it.. .. nHMa In 1-it.- All ItAliV supplies temporarily, as forecast In these rcporta recently, the market at - IV- T...l1,n,l , I 111 nnC DD8B U L for several hours, and then trading was slow, with killers incunea to iw thein down. At the atart It waa lm Good to choice oowa and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers ' Canners 3.00 a nun Calves , .5.50 0 8.00 '. . 9 00 1913.50 Stockers and feeders... 0.00 w s.oo (.lnH M4:M Normal. , t .... I 1 - - in I d Vl I for Z k-s Sln'.h- IWD GOLD nBTK ket for mutton and lanms was at North Portland for the day. Only it verv (.mull run V.M shown in the ullcja over Hunday, total supply be ling b( fccad. voropr4 witu ??5 Architect Auto .Repairing iiiiid m. bkment All kinds of .... k.i. r.nalrlTie. Chevrolet and Velie service station. Our work AUTO PAINTING Auctioneer OPTICAL Dept., any sise, style oi ahane glass while you wait u. Reber. M. D., . 10. 11. Belts Bldg. Auto Electric Work Attorneys dTW. BAILEY, Attorney m Rooms 7. 8. s, Despain Buoiaina. at S A. KEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Bmitb -Crawford Bouaing. PETERSON & BISHOP. Attornsys at vjiw. Rooms 2 and 4, Smith- Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over xayior nmi" pany. RALEY AND RALEY. Attorneys at I,,. Office in Americau "-- Bank Building. FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Boom it, onuia-i-i Bldg. Blacksmithing LDR. LENA A. BOONE, Chiropractor, ( office over Caah Market, 30 E. Court; phone 154. Lubricating Oils MONOGRAM Oils and Greases, all dealera. Eastern Oreaen Warshouaej Matlock and Attn, Sta. . O. SuUlvsum. Eastern Oregon eopreseatatlTQ. a Legal Blanks LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion. Blank Deeds, Leasts Writs Bill of Sales. Contracts. Subpoenas, ' lArririMwUM rAmnlklnUL Samfflsaa. oto, for aale at East OregoaJaus Off tow. Monuments DR. LORETTA If. 8TABBA -10 Peebler Bldg. t to 11 a. m.: 1:10 to i p. m.: other hours by ap pointment; phones Of. 883. Res. 1188. Contractors & Builders PARKER BAN FIELD, Designing, -u- .-... Anstrnctina: 10 years erperience In concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg. Portland, or E. M. ACKERMAN, CONTRACTOR- Excavating- 1209 East Court. Phone SS6M. Cleaning and Pressing CLEANING, Pressing Altering, Hand i Tailoring. Kmil bcck, janor, mw Pendleton Bldg., phone 1008. Dentibt DR. THOMAS OHMART, STayior Hardwar Bldg Pendleton, ursw Phone 507. L. MONTERASTELLI, Marble M rinnlta wnrlrs writA or arraaun Cog Interview for prices, styles, ete . Piano Tuning BERT McDONALD, Piano Tuner. Jt me take care of your piano or uw year. Special rate. Phonographs re paired; phone -w, no w. wane, Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS. Wall Pap Picture Fran in. 1 jr. McAfees the Paint Man. Lowe Bros, Palnta. J. W- JACKSON. General Contractor. Painting, papering; and k also mining done quick, neat andj cheap. ale Calvin. Phone 1034. Draymen CALL PENLAND, Bros. Transfer. van in mnvA vour household gooasv we "also pack or store goods. We do eoun- try hauling. Telephone 13. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Engraved Cards VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncements, Invitations, many signs and styles to select from. For sale at East Oregonlan Of floe. Florist POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, malms and ferns; funeral wreatns, naw Gee. Booker, Florist, 823 Main St. HAVE your Radiator repaired by ear viinNiiiKh satisfaction sruaSM 1 an teed. D. B. Phelps, B. Court. Farm Loans a Snow. 117 E. Court SU Real Ea atata. Fire Insurance. Farm loans, See me about a loan. UMATILLA County wheat or alfalfa, lands. Pendleton property, stooge ranches, grazing lands. W. H- Morrlsoel Gates Half-Soles HAVE the old tires haif-solea: suu miles smaranteed; have proven worth. G. W. Bradley, 829 Cottonw'd. Horseshoeing BILL JENKINS, the Expert Shoer, will ehoe your horses sausractoruy. Now located 833 Cottonwood St. Jeweler and Optician 3 Job Printing LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Loose Leaf Bills, Commer u. hvwmav SHOP. Blacksmith- an Office. n.nuhiiiif our Specialty. Re pair auto springs, wneeis. an Laundry THE HOUSE PAINTER r"' .. . .. WENDT Tinting, - Taper Usnstag Xaamatiea IImbisihm -l'hone 744. Shop 72 Cottons Poultry Supplies rood CHICK FOOD, scratch food, tonleav bone, shell, grit, com, oatsv ioiin barley. C F. Cleeworahy, 138 K. Alts. Plumbing and Heating HEATING plants, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing sajr plies . . Phelps, S17 E. Court. , Radiator Repairing ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WOBK8-. 701 East Alia street. All make ot radiators repaired. -- Work guaran teed. Edw. A. Porter, Prop. i Real Estate i Restaurant THE QUELLE. eat. - . A good plane to sit Second Hand Dealera I V. 8TROBLE, dealer In new ana see and hand naods. Cash paid for i,.n4 nnAa. shaanest Dlnee) to buy household goods. Sit Cout Phone 171 w. - Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL works. . I. umn M, , n Hiriim a . 1 U , 1 troughs, auto bodies, T3 Cottonwood! Taxi Serrice WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring car, call uoeaecxe. we aw where, anytime; all new taxis; phoxe 4S4: atand 811 Main St. cial Forma, Dodgers, piacaras, etc. -- " " - H gra sjallnest Printed to your order. B-4 C-l. ".EN.. K' altermtiona; 735 Main Bt. Used Cars FIRST CLA83 Blacksmlthbnr of every EVERY article Laundered perfectly. USED CARS as genuine bargain prta description. You can oo oerter -more s an umt i w , ' 7 c.. uv.!-. here. A. P. Bwrgln, 831 oottonwooa. Troy xeinnary, us uaraea du Limnn.wu m r o.. - " a 25 aold'sive her the money she had lost 13 A few weeks ago the 15 was j yearsiiltp. Mrs. Overby says the coin head a week ago. and a nominal show. : while visltins there lost lng of 10 neaa a itt --- - --- ---- - Oeneral sheep range: I found by Mrs. Townsend in the m of Prime spring lambs'. .. 816 00 SJ 16.50 ; the wall where the money was- wet. Fair to medium lambs . 14 00 & 15.00 , Mrs. Townsend had Mrs. Overby to 1 1 1 no a 13.00 visit her durin the holidays and ls.av w i. i iearuns , . " . . . i 18.7520.O0 Wethers - 1 9 ' . Ewes wu-B AMI IVXBV 1F.D IS BOX CAll HOME 8FOKANE. April 89. "My husband , l.... - r.l a note found tii.iii down. At the atari it was i.i.-i u . .... ... .rir,iiiv how badly Ivlntr boside the Pea on nn ,,u.-....,e . n .nion laborer. the market waa hurt, ana eariy 1 tations were on a nominal oasis. 1 . .,,!. i-anp n-.f .,..r. ". .31S.5014.00 baby, in Good to choice steers.,.. ii.oowtt.Dvij xiriiiim to aood ateera.. l.lllFi"" Fair to sood steere 8.00 W 9 00 Italian section laborer. , j .-.i k,u- f his wife muuu me - , Myrtle, 18. and their eix-months-oldi converted dox cur uo"-. on ino sin-1 TELL YOUR WIFE CORNS LIFT OFF Doesn't hurt a bit to lift corns or calluses off with fingers . rviEURALGIA IiV l'v. ' Headache) Stub tSe forehead and tcanptrs wittt 7icics2 "YOUR B00YGUAR''-3Of.6O. mm ITaa DOLL SPLITTING, HEADACHE aukee rauroaa. - ( - - -,.' . hl-' The baby nna nccn i"-' - Common to fair steer .. " J,;-;;!;. brnln A, -red men and women who have been Choice cows and heifers 10.60 12.00, through the mown mm , wearlnr torturous 8.000 8.78 mother waa still rlasp.UK the baby to : Yea! Corns lift -out and cat- I J,,- HodCDg PowdeTg ffc her when founa. mere n , , j- , one 10 CnU A 6.00 7.00 stained llible on the bed. , rjexkAire Mrs. Ciccl was a r-poKaim 1...., ... . - . a en h.i .irl dauahter of Mrs. A. B ' but a lew cenis at any orug store, hp- B.gv miwui . - 4.00 Leonard of this city. She eloped 1th Cicci In 1917. much against the wishes of her mother. "I have lived to see all my alrcas. ties topple to the dust," read the note. ply a few drope directly upon our you i,, , pr Jan,,' Ilaadache tender corn or callus, and instantly the 1 PoVar and in hist a few momenta soreness disappears: then shortly the ! TOr nead eleara and all neuralgia snd corn or callus will be so loose that it,u.tregs vanishes, (IKS on. Freeaone dries instantly T, . .k. m , u.1. a.k and surest relief for headscke. whetbes It ,1na-Ant ! at.ilt tJirokhiBV anlittuw er urn. eat out the corn or callus, but Just i racking. Send someone to the dru( SeetuVea. Be M' M.:,.l.k K. Overby. mother ami never let a corn or . iillos ache lVw.l..r then there ill be go Uieap. j A r""""" . jj r, rjxT3 eat out the corn or callus, nut jum i raraiag. WW someone to 1 OST ti VE VRS AGO. shrivels It up ao It lifts away without ; store and get a dime pei-V ' lawn Irritating the aurroundiug akin. Quit sutferiag its so neea Kv prll . Thirteen Women should keep It on the dresser siire" jrou gH Dr.. Jstnea' ..""xi v.- r...,i.. ....ha.' itn.i imvi-r i..t a c.ii-ii ..r .:illns aclio ! lVwilors then there will be nixox of Mrs. R. y Towrjjtij pear C'.v. J tu kv.