.-AY-r-" " ! ' TEN PAGES iiiinu.. qL i - i f " -1 '' mi -: DAILY EAST 6REG0N1AN. ?ElmtJ!TON, OREGON! TTTESDAY, APRIL 20, 1919. PAGE EIGTIT OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE ' ifii 'CHESS For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria r I1 EES. r"a-i 3 ..... , i v. aiv"; -7,1 t M:M',n:M,,-,w Mineral. NOT fw??"" VH?tostipa.onandDwm Always Bears the Signature 'of JWMU In Use For Over Thirty Years Kxsct Copy of Wrapper TMV cenraun naa !. man? m. I Riverside Garage BEX XUL & O KI'S BARIiEK, Props, g When your car needs repairing bring it to Neil & 5 Barker. We have our shop equipped to do any kind of Repairing, Cylinder Grinding, New Pistons and Kings made. 8 OXYACTELENE WELDING ro ar&o f hows ms Ti net., utcc lj M. Tftvfe T-ff rKtcy f (.1 LOOK tvHo's I I ' 3 .thbsb Pe.e NveR ; 1 vN9ticCX "BCFORS . a i V jL SMOKING A LX- TOBACCO tJ0&'' "IXHEN I go fishin I want WfZ W fUh that bite, and tbbdbto thatdon,t" 'w&fc Aa? I?nguc ? ! FLYING LACKS THRILL What it MeaRS I ...nrnn nn innminu UNLtdd Am loDUIiin When you have a broken part that you think can not be fixed give us a triaL We weld anything but a broken liejirt. ( We have a line of Ford Parts, also Tirest Tubes, lk Oils, etc f i r : PNE 180 : - CHICK FOOD Use it" Save the baby chicks Get it at - ' ' Colesworthy's A bad breath, coated tongnn, bad faute in te mouth, languor and debilitv, are nsuaiif eigns that Uie liver is out of order. Prof. Hem meter says: "The liver is an organ secondary in importance only to the heart." We can in an a f ac tare poisons Trlthin o a t own bodies which are make's renom. The liver act as a guard over onr well-being, sifting ont tbe cinders and ashes from the general circulation. ' A blockade in the intestines piles a f neavv tiimten npnn fhe liver. If the intestines are cnoaea or cioggeu np, the eircnlation of the blood becomes poisoned and the system becomes loaded with toxic waste, and we snffer from headache, yellow-coated toogne, bad taste in mouth, nausea, or gas, acid dyspepsia, languor, debility, yellow skin or eyes. At such times one should take a pleasant laxative. Such a one is made of May-apple, leaves of aloe. lap, put into reaay-to-use lorm oy '4 K - ' as deadly as 129 E. AJta Phone 134 jalap, Doctor (Hy United I'rcss.) Pjjukaiie. April 29. Loopinft the j loup in an airplane l"'t nearly o ex. j cltins us the layman would imattlno. , and as fur as straight cross country flyiiiK is concerned, well. It s aoout as aenratloual as a Sunday school j picnic, acocrdlng- to Jim Marshall, a member of the Spokane Prca etaff. I The newspaperman has just return- j cd from aviation service In France. It was only as a passenger that he flew throuffh the air. His particular Joh j wa that of picking up the wrecks, j Marshall tells of the sensations of the ; man, not a professional, who has mad several trips, as follows: ' j Except wnen me air is uuiuw, rldln the skyplanes Is about as exclt- lne as a wet Sunday in weenaunen. j If there's anythlnff-more monotonous! ftrran straight crbss country flying no body has yet discovered It. The air tourist of the future will probably be a prize etunter. He ll have to be to gret much pleasure out of the ship. "The bumps provide most of the I .1 111.. i-fv A fnf Kutvinal mabye one f..ot. a" ship bumps aboufi u1,,wed ion feet When trus nappens suaaen. and passenger gracefully L either from "Bite" in tobacco comes poor .'leaf or .wrong, "ripening." Wc use for VELVET, only the finest Kentucky Burley. , But we dont stop there. , ; i. ',. I? .; We put millions of pounds of this tobacco away every year, in wooden hogsheads, for Nature to patiently ripen and mellow. There are quicker ways, but they leave ome The VELVET way makes the friendlier kind of to bacco. You can always go to it for comfort with out a "come-back." Get chummy VELVET today. Pierce, nearlv fifty years ago. and sold for 25 cents bv all druggists a Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. ' ' teeth in. J'lorrZ 1 l with ?itLB5; . rVT mildntu and tmoothntm 1A I alU mo If jut right for JS' ' . r tigarmttt. . , ar Looping "isn't half the thrill It's! clothes, and come down, in the rear !.,...,. I. ,i,it uniform. Khtlttlnir to be. One pilot over In, h rh,n .nark France he was a preacher before the j nlllg, in. lhe Blr another sirnpl ly. pilot and passenger gracefully Uter-Mooped 300 times In 63 minuies a , thing. leave their seats and cuddle against! few weeks ago. and doing anything i "i,t,ta of army planes In the A. F. the safety belts. Hitting a 'hole lnj Vint number of times Is calculated to p re being used to run champagne the air gives one that satisfying feel- take 'the ginger out of It. It's thennrt cognac Into American camps, Inir that the trio hasn't been altoge- earth that loops, swings a ring nrnunu that are theoretically Ury. lliere isn t ' SrocsToa Cu -"For mitlpatiaB. ek ,ther wasted. - This thrill can he lnten-lthe ship when the pilot yanks the Joy- . . . " ,iido. .nd bill. I " led by leaving off the saftey belt slink all the way back. kmdicbe. toactrr. Ilwrr. tedi3ttoa and tH- J ii, ,l h.- th. nin.lorn hin will fl ourasu thr is ootbinc to equal Dr. Ptaro's ' - . . dinner's cockniti herself, if let alone, changing clothes! than 1 percent of the crashes fatal. "Ho there you are. If your cosmos erari'H thrills, slick to th eld (A bus, choose a ruad with plsnty en 'ut ath curves' and open her up Vlds." Pleasant Pallets. I have tried otfaw tains but tike t) 'Pellets' best of aay,-i(a. t Cut riELP. 329 8. Cunt atrcct. much of a thrill to this, for the chances of getting caught are pracll. cully nil. "All In all, flying haa become tame, I'erhaps some people do not know that the sphinx got Its reputation foe leing wise by keelng Us mouth shut for x.ooo years, ,pf a Liberty bomber, and tha gun: in, the air haa become simple. Its a carelessness either In the hangars, on mount and one hand Just managed to! fnhdrlte stunt In France to go up In the field, or In the air. Is the cause ;t He-front scat. In a suit of civilian of !is percent of the crashes. mjike connections as I exited. When a man nearly breaks his neclfc In trying to dodge a lightning bug v-hlle crossing a street car track. It's time fnr him to vntn for prohibition. McCargar, Bates & Lively, General Agents, 301-3Q9 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon erasetiser thc asstuc staiiucst tr tmc The Aetna Casualty aad Surety Company tm 4m T Draw, ltlt. Mds f tbm iMttnaes DammMmm f Um Put at Orapw, po wwl W imw. CAPITAL. 4 ; mt uok mi4 u., IHCOHC Iwt, !lwto n4 rmim rBStJ u .H.1T7 ... 1.155 l M INUMCWNTt. ctodtoia 4fmmmt pmf t t.m.m. Ijm Md airt pM4 wnf 1 4I. 11 ft T4 1J Tim. nemtm mm tmm raid cwui ; ta mi ifm f all ifMr mxtmrnmrnrm. . . . ; Tocttl pv4Uvflt t M. .( AMCTft. V 1 Tiw T um t4 ImMs mumt mr- 4.WI.IT8.C Mmamm m wtmgfgm w4 wUmttnL - mr MP ft if V Ct m kanta tm ImM I.W4 ri.t fmlVM M Rtr at nvlidctjn wnMt-. M tnr AfJfnntMr t". J'.i , ... 1 tl.tt.T tnxmnmt mm Mil Aim mm een... HlJ'.f it sftU Mfcw tmm..... 1.64.t4.M TfUi mnM $ IM,411.K lmm tH41 mt mm tf mmr tmm 1A4.4W.M VHFSItOFTHI AHMUAL STATEMENT OFTHK The Automobile Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. f Hartford, in tit Ka mt roniMCtlrat. oa Urn III ar 9t Drrembw 111. mada t Um Inanraooa r iw Ma ml on it of the Stat of Orraon. purauant W . CANTAU Ammml mt capUal stock paU w 2.M,M M IN CO HE. Si pnanlinsf ror-otvwl (Jnrln tha yr tT.t34.171.40 iRtarvot. dtrldmtls and ronta roMlrod dnrtnc tk jaar 2M.M1 ine a fMB otWr aayraas aiaii duna ttaa jaar.. Cl.TdT 1 Total tonne ...... v . '9e ,Jft . v, lf tfM. 1M.NC. X ISMHMItCfrTS. Cat Joaaea paid dnrtac tha rw. n- rhadlaus adHMtiMtit npaiM H.m.Sdf 17 IMidajida ud n atta1 atoesi tba rear S0Od 99 Comltal nil and aaJarlaa paid dvrtna' IM Jr .., htn.1it.77 Tu. ItrasMi and fan void diarta ta raax ?T,l!t3.l Amount of a otsar aspeadltwoi 44).T tB TWW OJBOwlUwaa -Id.lW.lM tf - mcts.a " ; ; Tla of taal aUto cmod UulM aam Koa Taioa of otoclM and kooda owad iftW kt valaei I4.IH lna mi mrrnM and eollatoral. ate. .l4.7 M t'a la bank and on hand f.t34.1Pl 4d Pfoiartuma In rattraa of eoUarnioti writ- m to u Jtoxonbcr SI. 1,5MI4 M Due fmoj rrtasaanc eomjolo op . I odBaKtod Mt Oraasc.. - ' lAallLtTKa. . .,oU.lUl bwaay onal. . ... .. LMTML4i MBaad atanUM oa ail maaaa4tti i.aka . . 4.4M JU1 otsoi lit Will a I'i.Hir 94 ratal Tlahi'l?'.. air Iran r f Coan'-aJ ajusafe t.WJt T 141.444 44 SUfHtKM in CHCaOM fOR TMC VUttl. I I, I, M j:o (imul too ar. .... Imn toourrod don ta a. XT. 44 t'4 f OotC AatTM dJAAVALTV ANB tURETT - eMMPAdtr. tmVl. C MATS. Vaam id . roniaod. Or Isianol ad loats duo m Total oaoatt f.".'. f.fld,l n loaa aeoHai daoooKa ! mm tAto 4tf aoij- tfejero aci . prano TvMl IMM4 adomlKod Mt OraOB.,..i.Sl.SM.rt LIAIL'T1C. ' ' Oooov Olalaw lor laosoavooid. ...... .fl.fri.4U.tr AovMam of tmraroed BTm.an on ail MutotoudtM nk J.tM.fi-M IW.ru a-oo3't'ja and aa . . . . aft.i:o.s AU (MbJir bawiiust- "4 lt 2 SYNOrSISOrTHE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE ; City of New York Insurance Co. Of !w Tori, In tM Suto of Tork, oa taa fhlrtr-flrat dv tt IorxB)br. llt. made tn th Insiirano' (-oanotfaalonof of th atata of Orepm, jMronut to law: " CAPITAL. ' imowt of capital stock paid urn 600.000.90 INCOME. Tf-i prailiPOS wwltrt dnrl tho rrar.tt.lM.034 H Intrraat, dlrldnids and ru ncotvod dorfnc tha rear T.MJ7 Ioooom frooi oUmt souraot taortd dur- 1U,UW Jea MSM , ToaI rOCBSMj .,v.,.,..LW4,7r7 DISBURSEMENTS, fff lnoa-a paid dftrhur tho yar. Indnd' ta adMutmoot ozponooj ir.. 4U.4Z0 M DlTldoBd paid on eaBi:4 otark durinf tb oar .1 S4.ttd.0t OMOfnlatidni And salaries paid durtna; th. irar 1 M.S0. Taxaa. Itnroasi and feed paid storing tha year 4l,70.Ti Ajsoont of all oUwr expaodUnros Tft.diP.ftf Total expendltmea I t7S.M6.7f . . ASSETS. Talus of raal NUU ownM fmarkH t-alael I - Vajaa of stock ind bonds ownad (mar ket rajtu) , l,WS.4.0t Loans on auitMaa and eollatoral. ate. 35fi.lM.04 Caoh t banks and on band 142.437. 4 Fronlavna la nouraa of oolioptlon wrH- Uft stons optmlwr . 101I lM.48S.lf lBtot and tmi$ d'ia and scenied and rotnawaAOS dua no aid losaas SI, Off. M Total snarls laws soanal dopajfu i mmr tmm IS.0Ct.f3f.7f anr stota (If ,...1 4O.3M.0t T.l hakdlliisa Mi-lnslfa OaattoJ Urk of trOO SS.aM.3S4.ff ; BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE TEAR. (ISKtlMdina? PlM aad Marina rndMortttnc Aconer l t XataJ noaota adatttod la Orans ....,!, M3.: ' tIABILITIES. Or Mains for Iaosm npsld 12S.S7t.0f Amount nf anaarnod prrmiuaas on all nti'afiadint na f77.231. Dw fui iMiMMaa. oaoaws H. z vw 17.40 0 PraarttHtM rorunkod durtnj ttaa lt.. Ittmwm pa;d muting t Lraa-f Mearaad datrtom iba Ail Otncf IkfttMlitiaa Tmi Hshtllriaa. ragtvsho of oapl's! ' atnek of ffeoO.CdO 11.444 .544. fl Si) fj MESS IN ORES SM FOR THE TEAR. .mm prtniluaK r-rlid dnr)ns tho THE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO.. Or HARTfORB. CONN. U- OX Sl'lotCLXr Proatdonc. M e. MAaWftT taint rr Bottdont Aitomos for r1: TAL I C BATES. rortUad, Of. 7J m ,.i W TM.af I f-4 paid di-rinj th par -. Uma.'s n'-urrcd duiitis I'm Jrai 1 7M n 2 lit m 4.145 M 2.flhl 14 SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Aetna Life Insurance Company Of Hartford. In th 0ta( of OoaWflHarvl. on tba 41 day of DNraUr. I'lt. iaan to tba Inaiirawa Comotiaatoner Of 4bm fuia at Umjocu pursuAnt law: CAPITAL. Amount of aapHnl stwk ptd up I S.0fS.0Sf.ff INCOME. Tflal pram I ti m Inronia ISSrf tt . 400. tT Itkret. dirldrnda and rants racoUd durliif tba )ar , f.rof.JSf.U logorae froni trr aourcra rocaiftxj during tho font-.... v.. Tdd.fdT 93 TiAl Ipoobis 144.31. .4 DISBURSEMENTS. Pair! far loa-i. niidnwmwtU. ayiQiHUa 4iid mmwdmr "slu'.,. . , ,,.$ 3i;7M,BJf.f Dirldtn-ti usld to uoUosolders daring the ross I,4tttd44.5 DlTidoiula paid on capital atoc dur um lha var . ;T0S,fd0.ftt Ccmmlhatotii. aolsriaa. rim., paid darr- tng too jaar f.Sdl.OSS.SO lait, firm aa and fas paid dating uvm stmt ..v 1.424.4-SO Amauat trf ail oUwr wondUBtof 3,TSd17O.&0 Toul oxpondMuras Mf,tftf.f7.7f ASSETS. Htktt vsluo f ml Mtat ownod....f 1.13S.403.M liarkrt rtlus of atocka and amortiaed nluo of VmrtO owiied .. ft,3fd,f 7&.08 Loarta and nsrtAOcas and ooUaloraL, ttr , a f 1 0T . aH) -fv Proroiutn nnui nd jwttif loans 13.175.103 34 fash In hanka and on band 7.774.440 51 Nat uncollected and (UXarrod prasoJuina 4.059.(30 If OUwr aaaou taotJ 3,143. 174. 31 ToUl aaarts S14t.7Sf..t.S taw aparta. dopoaHs In anr atato (If anr .4bors b I Total nasata sdmlttod tn Orojoo..,149,370,0od. ". LIABILITIES. Vat rsaorro as raoatfrMt hr la tllf.131.S4 34 Tntsl pollcv Dal ma appald 1.TT4 W4. 411 otnor HabtHttaa lf.30f.71t M Sparlsl rsacrtaa In addition to abovo 1.443.43d crrv of Hew vor 'imsurancc co. MAJOR A. f WHITE. PtM-0. J r. pNfciOf'fV. Horto'oTT. mat mum rratdrnt iiiuracr P orrrtnk; PA ft C BATES, laoa Bid., roflimm. Or. Total 4UMlHlos. szMhsIto of oapttal atonk of tlSI.S3S.44f.4d To'! loanranc la forts Daoeaibsr tl. lOjf-llfa f7f.lTl.ST.S Awldcai. aoaitfe and Habilltr buol- mm rof,ots.t7r.oo BUSINESS IN OREflOM fOR THE TEAR. Total iuturanc wntim during tb faar hfa bnalnaw f? f 33 00 Af.l'lfnt, h-atfb anet'iiaUUir btiaiaoaa f.OOf.700.00 Ora prBiUfrra r netted during tho irai ufn niia.Bna IV. M Arvid-m. noaltb mjiA UaMltir In win a-- Sff ,3K 01 Prrmiv ri iubM dixing two rear- Ufa bus nana f Arti'1-nt. heHk and Harjllllr huatneos 4. 774.77 Idrr paid during ttia femt- -Mm teimi- , ( vnr.0 Aff'ttmt',' iHh and Habllttr tniatiir-aa n.W SS I iavnta OUrJri lb Tar- b-iajncaa . . , 173 00 Ar1nt. balfh and MaMlitr tiialffa 11. 410.11 TirW tiviv of walrus. aataiatsdlM C ' - In Oron. IM'tfiiar 11. 114 l.f bHTtMM 4.foi.7M 00 AMt"tt. ualth and HaMIt hnainosa 7.4U.74 t AETNA ilFC INSURANCE C0MPA44V R 3. I. KNOI.fMH. Yifm rraaidont. Mittitvrr mitlwit g)rurral aaaut and attomny 1 C. A- lid 'ABU AX. rortUnd. Orccoa. SVN0PSISOFTHE ANNUAL STATEMENT OFTHE Nationale Fire Insurance Co. - of Paris, France Of Paris. In th lUpiibllo of Prtneo. oa lbs tIrtr-Srot day of rxcnibv, 1910. snsda to tha lanursneo eommlaalooer ot tha stats of Oregon, pursuant to law: I - ' CAPITAL. A mo taut, of capital stork paid up S , INCOME. Not omniums rtwlwrt during th rmi I f2S,137.57 Intraat, dlrldands and rents rortrpd during Um roar 20,411.07 larmnta fram ofbt-r source Kcetrnd dur- Ing. tan yesr t .lS TokUaaooaio . I0of.311.7t '-' DISBURSEMENTS. Xf teaaas paid during ho reor. Inrtud- Ur sdlwtmftnt rstwtiara t39f.0SO.tl OtIdad paid on raplial stock during th roar CnsnniMttmi and salahM paid during tao wnt lfl.7M.lS Tsxps. llotnaea and fees paid during fba vmr l.il.27 Amount of af nther espeadltures 74 Auditing arnmnis -l. ... 111.15 Total otpendltures f SI7,07f.3f - . ASSETS. Valisi of real eoUU owned (market rsl not m t Vitus of rneks and bonds tm4 (mar ket value) B3S ,3.01.50 fMraj on-mnrlgages and rollatcral, fU Taah bj banks and on hand fl.t3.t9 FrejajiitaM In rmirae of coll Tt I on wrlt- ta SIMM Hrptmnbrr SO, ll 11 570 13 intcnMf and raau dug aad accrued. .. 15. la l . II Total oaaeta fl.137.S33.04 speelal deposits In anr afalo (If anr Ujssj; ox t Total assets admitud In OragM ...ll.117.O3S.04 " "' LIABILITIES. Orvxa lnlnu f"T loaars ttnpatd t Tt.O3t.00 Anomt nr uneamd prpmhuns oa all outstanding rtafca 4B2,33.0T Dim fnr rtmmlaaion and brobsrasa .... I0.031.U4 All ptnaf llabllltlea Total It Hit tics. irlust nf capllsl aoafc of t (Mil 601.3f.Sl BUSINESS IN 0HCQ0N FOR THE YEAR.' (Ireoa premitmig reeetred durlnt the MU. f 38,71 1 03 rrvmlums rattimrd d'ulng the fear ... 1.V7R 21 tMNaa paid dunns tb J'ar 0.47n 14 fjuaara tncurred during (bo rrar 4.011.74 NATIONALE FIRE INSURANCE CO.. OF PARIS. FRANCE. OTTaHK tTBATOKR A KH RHIKT, INC.. I . R. Mir v Mr km ii. o. vin.rr.xi. Warn Pres. and Mgr.. Ageaer lfp. Smtrr resident attorney for arrrlnr: PACls C. tfATSS, Porlrtnd,- SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Century Insurance Company Of Krflnrrurik. BcoUand. oa tho list, da? of Psr-en-br, 1311, mado to tba In ru ran fa roaaatltslatiar of Uw Stala of Oregon, pursiunt to law; CAPITAL Amount of capita stock paid up 1200.000.00 INCOME. Net premiums reraUrri during tha rear. .f tff. 710.14 Ipotn frt.ra other aourcrs rocolrod dur ing the rear , . 30.305 04 Total Inooms ..,..3fd,.!.H DISBURSEMENTS. Nt tortes fa id during Ihs regr, Inrltid- tng adbiatment espenars S37.404.M Dlrtdenda paid oa ranltal stock durtna h , 70 00 rotnmlsalans and salariss paid durtnf lh ymT i. Ul.f4t.ft Tares, Urentes and fars paid during tbo TW 3ft t4 01 Amount of all Other axpsndlturas 01.770 30 TntaJ eipendi tores $371,704.70 ASflETS. Vatua of at orbs and bonds owned (mar- " fdfT.t37X7 rsea In ban he and oa hand tf.00,TS Premiums In enursa nf rollartion written sines September t, 1013 dl.fff Intsrest and rents dus and aeorusd 11.007. 10 Total ssarig , fTTMtfTs. Lees spselsl dpoalta U aar Mala (If mrr ' tl.fOO.f7 Total aaarta admitted In Oregon f7M.3T0.ff LIABILITIES. flmoa rial ma for lnaoes unpaid f S4.19H.si Amount of un earn ad prmtiums on stl mitatsndlng risks S,075 .07 All othor llsblhtlas Ift.OWi 00 Total llsMlltleg. osrhialro of raplial stA ...... 1300, U Li BUSINESS IN 0RE00N VoR THE YEAR., flrnss premlam nojgad darlM Iba refr.H.10!l 11 Pi ami an J rrturaed 0iHng I tea pesf S. 071.41 yra. pald durtag tke rear-,v. ....,;.. 4a 0 Uiasaa Incurtad during I ha rur 1.301.40 CENTURY INSURANCE CO. H K.N BY W. BROWK, Bonrotarr. H aad for Monrp W. Brows A r o . V. B. aiamgira, Rtstutorr wwldonl iMwier fr arrvlro: J'AL'L C BAISS. ronlabO, UT, V . SYN0PSIS0FTHE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TNI , The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company Of Hartford, is tho Biatg of ronMrflrat. On Oaf dsr af nsraaabor. loif, wsda to tho lasarpsof romniisslotMr of tba Suto of Orepoa. ajursoAal fa) law: CAPITAL. - v -sk if-- ABMunt of cspUil si or It psld BP ft.fSf.OOSff INCOME. Met Premiums toroleod during Um rear It f 31. ML ft ilnterst, diridends and rgpita racaleed during tho rar ttfJOfff limnaa from other sourcas racaleod dar- Ing tbo roar f 04 Jll ft Total tneoPM iriTollTff disburse me NTS. .. ' "- Nat lnaaea psld during tba tsar. Inelud- log adjustment ospanaeg $ flf,llf.ff Dividends paid on rspltal stork during ' 300.000 OS CommlMtont and salaries paid during t laa pear 000,130.07 Tstee. Ilrousec and fes paid during f' 304.fOO.ff' Amount of nil other sspsndltarsg 1.111,313.01 Total axpandituroo ... ..fMM.174 13 ASSETS. Vs'ne of real aetata owned (market "uol . fO.OOOft Vsluo of atorks and bonds owned I market value) f.lllOft lnns oa atoHgagea and enllstml, at. 1.143 004 AO Paah In banks and on band 341.301 40 ' Premiums In onurao nf onilertloa writ ten mmrm HrrmhT 30. is if Sl.tlt.4f Intarsat and ran la duo and oomod.r 100.ISI.tt Total assets tT.tTl. 141,74 Leas sperisl daposttg kg any stata (at , anr loan be) Sf .SM.lt Total assets sdmlttad la Oragoa 7.S4t.f4T.3f LIABILITIES. flrnaa rlalnw for kissos nnnsld. t ISS.l7f.ff Amount of unearned aremtusM OR all ' outstanding riah 1,130 34101 Pia rnr rommlartna ad brokerags. . . . 10,413 If All Mbor llabtlUlsg..... 334.134 30 TV at lUM titles, oielaalro of oapltal 1 ' i-ek ...M 441 tM If BUSINESS IN OREflON FOB THE YtAf, dross preaihima rerateod during fhe rear .31, 417. M Praaaeuma iMurnad during iba psar 000 1 0 l.ma pair! ourlng lhe rear f.MlTO Loesea lactined during tbo roar LIU, TO .... ,A THE HARTFORD STEAM BSltfR (NSPtOTlOOl ' AND INSURANCE COMPANY ' f'HAB. S. BI.AKB. Ptwjtdaai, gj M. B. C. roftMIW. Baorotaro. Btstutoer reatdeat attomor for sarrtoa: VAJUi Y. UVCXt, XOOS gUdf. Mlaaf, Qgjj w'fc