Section Two Pages 7 to, 10 Section 'Two Pages 7 to 10 .DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1919. BELIEVE ME, THERE'LL BE ATHLETES HERE FRIDA Y 200 School Children From Over County Will Compete . in Annual Tournament. rendit ion will be host Friday to the firm counly track meet ever partlcl pated in by schools from all three di. incts, tut ena, want end, and Pen. aieton. iiiith the Brads and the high schools will compete In the various Jield and track events, with probably more than too chlldcen entered. Two handsome allver loving cups, the (rift or the Pendleton Commercial Association, are the prise award for the dtetrlct winning- the mnit points jn earn or tne two divisions, high cnuot una grade school. While en trios in the grade events will be clan. ed by districts only and their points count as such, the high school en tranls will compete an Individuals but the district plan will be again resorted lo In counting their points Ilolman Krrrln. of the Pendleton high school faculty, has the monu mental task of arranging the program of events, selecting officials and su pervising the details of the events. The high school und grade school events tn both sections will go on simultaneously. Miss Margaret Crlm. or I'endleton, A. C. Voelker. of Her Inlstnn and I. II. Kevy, of Milton are the games committee which handle the grade school entries. WOODMEN HA VE BALL TEAM ni$RFYF H RilFR i n i w UV i D i U LiUS. Kit, I tl ine woodmen of the World lodge lost night decided to put a first class amateur baiiebull nine in the fiM this seaHon and plan to have games as soon as the ltound-Ip grounds are cleared- of trapshootlng paraphernal, la. There are uniforms and equip ment a plenty, for a team and the and among those who are expected out ,are Boonle Hay. catcher, Lee Bowers. Inflelder and Fred Oclael, piicner. 'ine wooamen are also try Ing to lure Ounnar Peterson Into the fold. . Practice sessions have been held for the past two weeks and as soon an scouts are out to get good men to fill the grounds are put in shape regular the uniforms. turnouts will bo held. A manager . ... .,,. ,, .cmraoiiieu win ue elected -rnursauy nignt In tne the Woodmen two year ago are ex. lodge rooms. Itlcth probably will be pecieo to pe on nana for this season met In the first game. HOW TO CLEAN UP YOUR SYSTEM THIS SPRING Lee Matlock Scores Third in Idaho Shoot At Lcwiston Yesterday (KHM im to the fjut Onumiiaii.) ' I.KWIKTOK, April 2. Matlock, ypprreouUnir llw Pan. , (Iletoii IKm ana fi ,luh (n ,IS lilalio Xntr traiNliok yevirn-dar took thin! Iu-o In the ISO bird ovcirt, la-liutlng down m rocks. IVaiik Trwh, national rhamptnn, look rirnt Willi la. followed by Ills urotlM-r, ,) Tnx-lt with I IT, Ar llrroniniend Dr. Cartes- K B Tcs (Mil parfikmed and Purely Vegetable, but Uoea Uw Work Jus tlie Same. For a few cents any economical Mothej- ran get a package of Dr. Car ters K A n Tea and with it can gently, but surely, give the little children's bowels a thorough cleaning and at the same time they will bs taking a spring tonic unexcelled. A cup of Dr. Certer'e K tc B Tea twfore going to bed wilt work won ftrra for anyone especially In (the! spring. Drink It for constipation, upset may be admitted free to both. Meet Began in 1913. Revert years ago tho county track meet idea was given birth when the little schools of Tum-a-lum and Fruit- vale met In a dual meet at Tuin-a-luiii, the hosts winning out. ' The follow ing year, li14. saw the number of en tries swelled to four with the addi tion of Pmaplne and Ferndulo and I'mnpine rook honors. This meot was at Ferndaie. The same four schools. all in the east . end of the county, gain met In the spring of 1915, .this time at unmpine. In 1916 the idea spread to the west IHMitaiiuilory Contest in Kvenlna. end of the county and from that time In connection with the county track both ends have had meets between meet, the county declamatory contest ,' schools, of their districts. So success- will be- held - Friday evening, at 8 1 'ul was the plan the first year that o'clock In the high school auditorium, i it was proposed In 1917 to hold i The best speakers from each district ' county meet, such as vill be held Frl have Iteen selected In preliminary trv-day. The schools of the east end outs and will represent the same dls-l failed, however, to send their entries tricts as in the track meet. Both hlghiand the meet was between ttie went school and grade school ' entries are! end and Pendleton district, the out expected and winners of first and sec- j slders winning ond places will receive medals, goldj Again in 1918 the east end failed-te for first and silver for second. Thei respond when the Eastern Oregon medals are on display at 8awteite's meet was held here and Pendleton and the cups at Sehaeffer'e. district had to compete with the wept Judges for the different contests end alone for county honors. This are not all selected but those for the' year assurance Is given that the three declamatory contest will be from out- i districts will be fully represented, side of I'matllla county It is prob- iiiieion for Placm Strenuous, able that one or more Judges will be! Those who represent their district? brought from Whitman college, Walla i here have won the right by a series Walla, j of competitions beginning on their The events In the track meet are to own school yards. The school cham take place at the Round-l'p grounds, j Pious in their respective classes have with the first gun at 1 o'clock. Itlb-ioeen sent to the district meets which bous are to he awarded to individual have been determined who shall rep entries winning-first, second or third i resent their district. Pendleton GO! SERVICE CROSS MAJOR BRETT. O. A. C. CAPTURED HUN GUNS Went Across as Second Lieu tenant; made Record at St. Mihiel. OJtKGON AOHKXLTL'KAr. rOI, I.KCSK, Corvullis, April 29. Major Snreno E.. Hrett of Portland, a 1916 graduate of the school of forestry and one of the youngest officers of his rank in the United Stales armv. is a visitor at tho college this week Major Hrett went to France with tho first shipload of American soldiers as sec ond lieutenant in the regular army and returned a major In the tank corps. Ily disobeying orders and ad vancing with bis tank corps In the face of heavy machine gun fire in tho M. Mihiel drive he took six enemy guns and won his distinguished serv Ice cross. habits tho school team entering con- tests with any other scnool In thej county which does not adopt the, same ruling. Hecently tne Xorttt Bend I basket ball team refused to play the; Bandon team because the latter hadj hji pui ine nan 'in uiRareim., un i lens ail ill ine strnuom ui ine wiuniy : adopt the same plan, athletic contests' will have to be divided between two, sets of schools, those allowing cigar ettes and those prohibiting the smok-! Ing. ;OI,F TOO IUCMCATK WIIKW WIFEY ACT AH ASSISTANT- Western Electric POWER LIGUT 7e? Star AttrFtrti on . f For6ur Ho 6 to J0 pounds anil CImhh T thOH above 100 pound. Tho limit entered from any one nlKh school Is 10 men. The purpose of these meelH in to develop the children by outdoor phy sical training, to aulcken their mind and muscle, develop loyalty to horns 'the teet were removed HAN FJlANCIWTO, April 29. olf, U entirely too delicate a game for ( man to play when hi wife Is a caddy, j Hahlon Ixilman, advertinlni? man. Is being sued for divorce, hix wife's, ground being an allegation that hej left her alone Sunday, and refused. to allow her to even go to the llnksj where he spent the day. j It was MURgested that Tollman tot ! hiut wife accompany him ns caddy If' he dfHllked playing againHt hr I "imposHible." wa his horlfled J j reply. "Hitlintr a f.tJ ball is a deli-, cnle matter. Imagine twinieone mak ing a trite remark an you wpre polled , t swing. It would throw you off your I same. Well, that's just about what I a man's wife would do. I TEKTII KXTKAtTEl. (H DIF.K FHO.H IIKMOKKHAfiR Pwer liQhtj Pow RPOKANK. April 29. Hemorrhages resulting from the extraction of sev- j oral teeth last Monday caused thej death of ilrs. Ada E. Kichert. age 4S. at her home, yesterday. 'It is said i that the flow of biood was believed I hut n penr. I school and to district spirit of cooperation by district rep resentation, to foster sportsmanship, develop mixing abllltr and add gen erally an interest in school work by removing the surplus of grind and substituting healthful play. from a tiny Institution or two country schoola It has grown In seven years to an event which will doutitlesi bring representatives from most of the districts of the county. recur- promote a ' rem'e ensued and despite the efforts! i pn niuiHiin Airs. iiicueri grew gradually weaker. I.ITTM-; Glltl WEEKS OF , WAKENS ritOM SI.KEPIXO SICKNESS Hhe performance of this ourfif niqhrand daij means dependable liqht for house and barn; power for many of rhe chores thafnow take up valuable time' Vernon Takes Final Game From Portland in nnh unA th nnlnia i nln len i schools had their meet Ratiirriav. stomach, sluggish liver, sick headache , wU cunl to ard district totals. Pos-i There are but few rules which gov Slid that weury hate-lo-get-up-ln-the, ,,,. ,h. ,. -,, .... n, thl. .ir an arade school reo morning reeling you'll like It the children will enjoy It. :hlltlren will enjoy It. Be mre you etj,1lM BdmlB,,on OR. CARTER'S K. & B. TEA - TS.;"-., i determined by the committee. A reematles are claused according t fee Is to be charred weight. Class A includes thoe be rrol to the con;tween Aft and 75 pounds. Class P rade school ohlldrafi j from T to S pounds. Class C froir fNW- fr-v..V. r & 9 POHTLAXD, Or., April 29. By x UIim,lu rors m .The fnod was administered vn eeveiim, ernon won ine rinai tube Kuuie in me Htrien nanuny i)y tne score of 8 to 1. The series ended Vernon 4 games and Portland 1. Hatteries Froome and Cook; Old ham and Baker. SEW YORK, April 29. For five weeks comatose while suffering from the Met-ping sickness. 5- year-old Ro sanata Pagano of 64 Goerck mreet has awakened from her long nap In the New York hospital apparently but 1'ttlei the worse for her Illness. She had lost but two pounds and seemed almost normal calling at once for her doll and soon making friends with children in nearby beds. During her sickness she was fed daily a pint ,of milk in which two eggs were beaten. thru a and she had no other nourish-! ment. Hers was the second recovery in the Xew York hospital from the "sleeping sickness." CHARLES MILNE Klcclrk; Contractor Pendleton, Ore. Campus Peat 1 walked house this morning. Us Thanks very much. by yout Moan . t "I don't like Jim, but Ie got to send him a wedding present In Jun. J "Send him a- set of champagna glasees." Judge. . , y .-i-JE.S?l.r?V v&.&ftMJr i ? ' ' :T 133 Even Two Coats of Paint Give Less Than a Hundredth of an Inch Protection Wlirn you know tltnt yon must tlrpend on a paint film loss than a hundredth of an in h thick to prolc-rt ym' 1'iiMinKS fmm weather's wear and tciiryou brpiri to realize the vitnlnessof buying the right paint. ' An tiutsidc paint must be not. nlone wnlcrproof but weatherproof. Making " Vinl wratherpryof is the dirlinilt part. If it is not. weather proof it will not lon stay waterproof. . To lie weatherproof, the paint film must be so elaslie that it will expand oreontract with thcweiitlier,sehaiiBes--nntldoitwithouteraeking. HIGH STANDARD LIQUID PAINT is special!? msite to meet these ronrlitions. That it why It stands so many years of weather'i wear aod tar. The picture abnve is tnken from a photograph showing a two-coat fiinn of Hioh Stanoabd Paint held in the hand. Tk. lm m n.r lar -,-"V, r M -.. was at flrxil'le at a pliotoarsphed ; yet it handlterchief. lfyouhavebeenhavinsp.ini troubles, or want to prevent them, tell us about your painting needs. The expert advice given so filidly' will cost you nothing. It may si tnii rn"H. WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC. L. J. McATEE The Practical Paint Man. Bowman Hotel Block. - mn . n...........H....wifliKsnsitKinn', ANGELES, Cal., April 2J.i Los Aneelea shut out Suit Lake in af postponed iramo yesterday, the result DefiiK 3 to 0. Batteries Willett and Bylsr; Fit tery and LApan. SEATTLE. Wash., April 29. In i free hitting game yesterday Oakland itopped a Seattle rally and won out, 10 to 9. Batteries Colwell and Elliott; Bowman, Cole and' Richie. - - ru Xatloniil Ieagiio ncaulta. New York 5, Boston 4. Brooklyn 10, Philadelphia 1. Amcrii-an Ijeasuo Kcsulta. Boston 6, Washington 5. New York 3, Philadelphia . Painters are seldom of a military turA -lBt tUvy Siwaytf' alnn4 by- lis4 cotom HONOR ROLL Tim- Otto Saueerman. Sutherlin, Oregon, flirt! or IMseaxo. rrlvnto Itobert Christensen ber, Oregon, Private linry Kchwoch. Oregon City, Oregon. Died. Prmlously Rpportrd Misxinc In AtMJon. Prlvato Oscar Johnson, Fusanville. Oregon. Killed In Action. Private Paul Kuhl, Portland, Ore gon. WoiiihIiiI, Irirrc l iuletmniiMDl. Private- Fred Yost. Creston. Oregon. He was De Pahty' liut Not the Same One Who Ordered for hegt rraaltf in Spring (Irvvrer nrj vetfrtablrA. Plmt nw-Sweet pew, panne and other Giud Pru California Seeds AUo CaKhtfe. Carrot, Onions, Beet, PfM, Spinach, Turnip. IVn't tVe ti tkat ar "jmH m ywW." Crt Mcra 1. Om Sale hj all IfcJtvti O'alfra ?f nitr d'aUr fM tf carry M"' S(t. Mnd rlirrrt fnr etr ratalnrx Fm. Yur order will bj romftly ttenird t. C. C. MORSE ft CO. Secdsmea San Francisco MR. FARMER We Sell - : f HOLT CATERPILLARS " HOLT COMBINED HARVESTERS And the kind of ? t " FARM MACHINERY AND, 57 IMPLEMENTS that have successfully operated the farms 'of .'!rr'j Umatilla County. Big stock of parts and real service. ; Sturgis & Storie Pendleton, Oregon. . East Court St. PASCO. Wash., April !9. An at tempt at bootlegging landed T. T. Whitley ,a negro porter, in the county jail hero today. Whitley evidently had orders to deliver whiskey to some person in Pasco, and when the train 1 stopped the first man he saw was anlS N. P. special agent. Stepnina uu tol3 him ha asked: j EES "Am you tie pahty?" The officer -! ured him he was the right "pahtv."l and was given five tiottles of Honor. 0 i n piiiiiB PKMi,i:Ttv ri.rn takfs M XD.W SIKJOT BY WJltH III the telegraphic shoot asainsti VVallacp-Kellngg. Sunday, l'endleton's :eam. with IIS, won by a two-point i iiargln over the Inland Kinplre shoot. I E ers. Kallspell and Yakima com pet. : Ing together Sunday, eai'h made high' totals of 1 1M. i The individual results of the local' hoot were,: Pendleton Hamilton 4. Ingram i'l. McNurlln 21. naum;? S3. Lampkin 23. Wallace-Kellogg icholson .'4. Johnson 24, McDougal 23, Folly 23, Ahrmis 22. Coos Bay Schools i Take Drastice Steps g To Curb NicoUne'H MARSH PI KI.D, Ore., April 59. ! 1 students of the N'orth Bend. Alvrtlsi Point and Cniiuille high schools who nsist upon smoking cigarettes are barred front entering any of the ath- i etlo events of those schools The rul-i li:ninil!l!!!lll!ll!llIIIIII!IH!II!!!l!!!!l!II!!lll!l!!!IIHM'IIH!!!iniM!!HMimil!!IH!l!liniMI!!nM'M!m!lll! "II Illlil III I I II I I I II I II li UJiU H I i I- Peerless, Velie and Chevrolet SERVICE STATION KEMEMBER THIS SERVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING FOR 90 DAYS ON ANY NY CAR OF THE ABOVE MAKES. Call and Let Us Look Your Car Over WE DO ALL KINDS OF AUTO REPAIRING. NO JOB TOO BIG OR NONE TOO SMALL. We have the following used cars, all in good mechanical condition, in our used car department Any of the following cars for sale or trade: 1917 KSEILa; : $135 Down and $35 Per Month 1917 CHE ROLET, New Motor and BatV $200 Down and $40 Per Month 1916 BRISCO $140 Down and S37 Per Month 1917 ELIE $400 Down and $60 Per Month 1 HUPMOBILE ROUSTABOUT $150 Down and $40 Per Month 1 SERIEh 5 FRANKLIN $300 Down and $45 Per Month Strongest Used Car Department in Pendleton Miller 6 Bement Co. 630 COTTONWOOD ST. PHONR 2(tt ing which has been made also pro 0UjaSMMw-w- UlllllullllllilUIIIIIIIUilliallllMllllliillim