East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 29, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    ti n i'A(ir;:5
tmnr east orkgonian, 'it.nm.kton. 'orkcoh, tvesda v. Arnn.
Mm 8. II. Thompson nd Mr. M. her houseguest, Mrs. K Jeltes, whft held lust evening and he will have
R. Chessman m ill be hostesses on arrived last evening from her home In tickets on sale ahorily. .Semi-weekly
Thursday. May 1, for an afternoon af-. Spokane
fair planned in compliment to Mm j
William Blakeley on the occasion of The presence of Mrs. Thomas War
tier seventieth birthday anniversary I ner of Portland who la being- wel
Mra. Thompson In Mrs. Wakeley's coined for a visit In Pendleton, her
daughter and Mr. Chessman her former home. Is the Inspiration for
granddaughter. The guests, who will many courtesies belna; extended by
Include old time friends of the honor friends here. Mrs. Fred Earl and
Ruest have lpen asked to the home! Mrs. Mark Moorhonse are complU
of Mrs. Thompson nn North Main mentiiiR Mrs. Warner this afternoon.
The W.
medal contest
Ruests sufficient to make up four ta
bles of bridge having been asked to
the Karl home where the rooms were
which will be held this evening In the; made charming ty many Spring bios,
auclltorlum of the county library, la some. Mr. Warner will again be
scheduled for 8 o'clock and the fol- honored Friday evening; when Mrs.
lowing program will be presented: Willard Mond and Mrs. Richard May
America ... Audience berry will be hostesses at the Bond
Pro er . . The Rev. Alfred lockwooq , nome on North Main street.
rtano solo. The Gypsies' Dance
(Imllon) Isabella Marcey
Heading, The Runaway Boy
Melha Rude
Reading. The Daily Miracle
Larjorie Crandell
Reading, Freedom's Flag,
Charfbta Bowman
Piano nolo. The Little Rogue (Hoff
man) Elisabeth Fergus
Reading. Picnic Time
Roswell Lockwood
Reading, Joe Bears' Patient
Walter Bowman
Reading, The Gambler's Wife....
. , . Mary Toy Amoureua
Reading, A Voice from the Poor
house Esther Helmtck
Violin and piano duet, Asa's Death
Martha Hogue and Harold Hatton
Rending. The Cigarette Boy -
Lester Starba
Reading, Somebody's Boy
Edward Markham
Piano solo. Melody in V (Ruben-
stein) Lillian Cramer
Piano soo. Selected ..... Melba Rude
Piann solo. Selected.. .Lillian Cramer
Decision of Judges
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plnkerton. for
the nast few days house guests of Mr
and Mrs. M. R. Eoff. who have been
enjoying motor trip here and to
Walla Walla, departed this morning
for their home In Moro and were ac
companied by Mrs. Eoff and Robert
Eoff who will remain for a short visit.
Names on the Red Cross honor
roll Saturday were: Mrs. Emma
Royce. Mies Laura Harris. Mrs. Jack
McNeil. Mrs. Alex Mackenzie. Mrs. i.
3. Tweedy, Mrs. M, L. Hlnderman.
Mr. and Mrs. James Storgis were
hosts last evenulng for a :S0 o'clock
dinner at their home on Wilson street,
the guests being friends connected
with the Sturgia-Storie company here
and in Walla Walla. Sharing tnem
hospitality were Elmer Storie. Jack
Allison. W. H. Goodman, liny Money,
Joe Russell and William Trail.
Lloyd Austin, son of City Superln
tendent F. P. Austin, won the right
to represent the local high school In
the declamatory contest In a trial
csnteet held this morning. Ramie
ThomDson. the other speaker, was
given 1002 points by the Judges, while
Austin received 1020. Rev. Aitrea
lockwood, Fred Schmidt and Merle
Chessman acted as judges.
Names on the Red Cross honor roll
yesterday Included Mrs. Emma Royce,
Mrs. T. J. Tweedy, Mrs. L. E. King,
' Mrs. R. M. Butler. Mrs M. L. Stock
' man, Mrs. W. J. Benson, Mrs. E. A.
Mumford. MJss Violet Osborne, Mrs.
Walter Planting. Mrs. E. F.Terney.
Mrs. Harry McFarland, Mrs, J. 8mlth,
Miss Ida Boyd.
Miss Florence-Fletcher entertained
In a delightful way late yesterday aft
ernoon when a group of friends were
asked to the home of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. R. W. Fletcher, to assist In
the cleebratlon of her ninth birthday
anniversary. Games were enjoyed on
the lawn preceding a dainty lunch of
which a candle-decked birthday cake
was a feature.
Invitations are soon to be Issued by
Mrs. W. Schwartsenburg for a tea on
Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones dispensed
charming hospitality yesterday when
she had as guestss members of the
Duplicate Whist Club, with Mrs.
Charles Greulich and Mrs. Thomas
Warner as additional guests. Two ta
bles were arranged for cards and the
rooms were attractive with an abund
ance of lilac blossoms.
practice sessluns will be held until the
day of the concert, accordng to C. O,
Breach, director.
The Choral society was organised
during the past winter and has a
large membership of both men and
women who are well known . in local
musical circles. They have developed
into an excellent chorus and probably
will be heard on numerous occasions
during the summer season.
PamitH or Utile nnuhtor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Main are the
parents of a little daughter born to
day at the home of Mrs. Dave Rogers
Here's A Gentle Laxative
For Elderly People
Carl Rhea, of Westland, Is visiting
relatives here for a few days.
Is New Clerk.
Miss Rmh Courtney of Iji Grande,
Is a new employe at Hotel Pendleton
and took up her duties today as day
Iloppnor to Have Court.
Circuit Judge Gilbert W. Phelps
will hold court in Morrow county at
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Chidsey of Heppner beginning May 12. There are
Heppner. are In Pendleton.
J. T. Johnson is here from Range
Albert Mlnthorn was In town today
from his ranch on McKay creek.
II. E. Bickers returned last night
from a business visit to Portland.
Mrs. H. A. Hartshorn returned to
day from a visit to La Grande.
R Ewing Is at the Golden Rule to
day from Elora, Ontario.
Lee Hummell Is a Pendleton visitor
today from Yakima. Washington.
Ben Von Terse and Joe Von Tersch
of Mount Angel, are in the city today,
J. P. Plover of Portland, is in the
a number of important cases to be
heard, including one murder case and
one large damage suit.
George Clay In Portland.
George Clay, employe of the O.-W.
R. & N. railroad, is in Portland at St.
Vincent's hospital and expects to
undergo an operation immediately.
He has beeen ill for some timer
A daily free movement of the bowels become! a serious
problem as you step from middle-life Into old age, and much
dependence can no longer be placed on nature herself. The
bowels find artificial aid necessary.
The stronger the physic, ai old, people toon learn, the
greater the contraction of the bowels thereafter, and so the
arise purposely avoid salt waters, pills and other harsh pur
gatives. Many have learned to place absolute reliance on
the gentle but positive action of a combination of simple '
laxative herbs with pepsin sold by druggists under the nam
of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. ,
It produces an agreeable movement as nearly natural and
free as high pharmaceutical skill can make it. Thousands
use It regularly, in the small dose prescribed, and keep them
selves in fine health and good cheer, and entirely free from
constipation. .
The druteist will reund your money it it fail I
to do as promimmS,
f Dr. Caldwell's
The Perfect K Laxative
FREE SAMPLES It you he mw VMtJ
Dr. CA-dwell'i Syrup Pepsin Mod for free trial
bottle t Or. W. B. CMwu, 4t WMhnatosB
St., Mooticcllo, HI. If there ttr bbia at bam.
- k for copy of Dr. CaUdwU' book. "The
Core of Bby."
In spite of greatly
Incrcatcd laboratory
cost due to tb War,
by lac-tiActaf. prohtt)
and absorbing war
tavtes we have main
tained the price at
Which this family las
ative he been aold by
dniuuta for the peat
36 years. Two aires
50c mad $1.00.
V. S. Marshal After Trio.
United States Marshal Pace, of
Portland, arrived here today to take
back three men held in the county
jail for selling bitters to Indians. The
men are B. I Crowder, Walter Ogilby
Mrs P. E. Baker and children of and Harold Gominger.
Stanfield, were visitors to Pendleton j -
today. lOiTorce Granted Defendant.
Prank Xudo, a well known farmer A decree of divorce in favor of the
defendant was granted to William A.
Thompson who was sued by his wife,
J. Merle Thompson, in circuit court
today. Thompson filed.-a cross com
plaint against his wife and was given
the decree following testimony which
was Introduced on both sides as a result.
of Stanfield, la in Pendleton on busi
ness today.
Miss Fanny Todd of Hermiston, Is
in Pendleton as the guest of her sis
ter. Miss Virginia Todd.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy and W. L. Moor
are Portland registrants at the St.
H. W. Hicks of Bonneville is at Ho
tel Pendleton today.
A. M. Sanborn Is in the city today
from Portland.
Joe Stoltx is here today from Port
Mrs. Robert Brownell and Miss
Tixie Parker are in the city
from Umatilla.
E- B. Sherwin, of Spokane, Is here
today. He Is at Hotel Pendleton.
Howard Drew, principal of the
schools at Helix, was a visitor to Pen.
dleton yesterday.
Miss Kdna Winder and Miss Hor
tens MacMaster left yesterday for
Portland where they wil lb visitors
for a few days.
Mrs. K. Jeltes and little daughter.
Dorothy, arrived yesterday from Spo.
kane to be guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Sehwartnenberg.
Miss Vera Temple, who has been
vlaitin friends at the University of
Oregon, returned this morning from: E)shth examlnatloIU, for the
't. C.' Benson of the Benson Com- 1 c"un'y cool1 ar? re
mission Co.. I. here upon a visit with ."red and f6,"' out t0a"h,he
. . ,., x, . .. The examintaions will be given on
Petition for More Pay.
E. I GlIHgan, member of the Uni
ted States army, arrived in Fendleton
j today and is circulating a petition
i asking that the secretary of war send
daI.1w.isi hnma with at mnrKe x-
i no jJtruuuii in uthik i-irt'iiittifu hii
over the United States by the soldiers,
and Gilligan is in charge of the East
ern Oregon district.
lrtoners Taken to Salem.
Harry N. Samuels, youthful mur
derer of Omar dinger and Baltacae
Estrada, who stole a certirate of de
posit for $500, were taken to Salem
today by Sheriff.. T. D. Taylor, to be
gin serving their sentences in the
state penitentiary. Samuels has a life
sentence and Estrada from one to ten
father of Mrs. Rugg.
May 15 and 16. A number of the
schools will not close at that time,
however, as the sessions were extend
ed In many cases one month because
of the time lost during the influnza
Itcdstratinn Closes Saturday.
J Registration books for the Bpeclal
elect inn nf .Tune 3 will rlns Sntur
May night of this week. County Clerk
j R. T. Brown announced today. All
The Pendleton Choral Society of j voters who have changed their pre
flfty voices will be presented In con-icinct since the last election and new.
cert on Monday evening. May 12, In comers entitled to vote in Oregon
the First Presbyterian church. It tre expected to register either at the.
will be the first public appearance of court house or In their resident pre
the society and a varied program of cinct before Saturday night. Those
concert numbers will be presented, j who voted in the last special election
F. P Austin was named director of j and have not since changed residence
When we've honored the heroes re
turning from France
And we've mourned for the heroes
who fell;
When we've done all we can for the
homecoming men.
Who "stood to the shot and the shell,
Let us all keep In mind those who
lingered behind.
The thousands who waited to g0
The brave and the true who did all
they could do.
Yet have only the silver to show.
They went from their homes at the
summons for men,
They drilled in the heat of the sun:
They fell Into line with a pluck that
was fine,
Each cheerfully shoulderer a gun.
They were ready to die for old glorj '
on high
They were eager to meet with the foe; j
They were just like the rest of our
bravest and best.
Though they've only the. silver to
Their bodies stayed here but their
spirits were there.
And the boys who looked death in the
For the cause, had no fear for they
knew, waiting here.
There were many to fill up each place.
O, the ships came and went, til the
battle was spent.
And the tyrant went down with the
But he st;Il mieht have reigned but
for those who remained.
And have only the silver to show,
- IV.
So here's to the boys unafraid.
Let us give them their due; they were
glorious, too,
And it Is not their fault that they
They were eager to share In the sac
rifice there,
I-et them share In the peace that we
Fnr we know they were brave by thn
service they gave,
Thoueh they've only the silver tn
Harry Lauder Going to
Train Terrapin for Soup,
Then Smoke "An' Woork
LOXDOM. April 29. Three Ameri
can soldiers are reported killed and
30 Injured In a clash with South Afri
can negroes at a repatriation camp
62 miles southeast of London last
Monday night. British troops quelled
the riot.
oq lifSttu H.irBui SuiqsBAi joojj y
termed a scrub race.
Wednesday. May 7, which will honor publicity for the concert at practice j need not reRlster for this election.
Have you thought particularly about
the effect of your corset upon your ap
pearance? .
Have you considered how many
women devote serious thought to it,
and that they are the very women who
wear Redfern?
Back Lace
Front Lace
Made by The Warner nmiliers Company, Inc.
I I km
When Harry Lauder walked
up the gang plank of the Oceanic
liner Ventura, Australia bound,
he carried In his hand a little
bamboo box, perforated It ap
peared to be a bamboo a I pee, or
flytra p.
' 'Tis a terrapin, explained
the Scotch comedian, beaming
and speaking thlcklj-. '"Tis a
pet. too. 'Tis a canny pet, mon
a fine asset, I'd say. 'Twaa,
guven us by a gentleman In Sa
vannah who says he educates
"I dunno about the Intelli
gence of this terrapin. She
sleeps most of the time. Hut
then she's no bother no ex
pense. For seven months she
sleeps and then, when she
wakes woosh; Into the soup
she goes,"
Lauder said he will return to
San Francisco late in October or
early in November, after touring
Australia and a part of Africa,
and will play his positively last,
fingers crossed, honest to gond
tipsh furewell tour of the I'nlted
"f have a bit of a foorm In
bnnnle Scotland." he explained,
about 4000 acres, nn I'm gnln'
to raise sheep an' smoke me
pipe an woork."
Summer Modes
Buniptous new apparel, reflecting the genius of Europe's pre.
nlir eiiulurlcrs, uIbo t-huriiilnw Amerlciin originations.
Trices are Most Reasonable.
Summer Dresses of ExquisiteJS'S
In a profusion of new desinns of unusual
chiirtn nnd distinction. Portraying a host
of d-ft Ireiitments that will win the sdml
rnllon nf the nuwt exactinK. Keautifully
developed In French voile, Klnitham, Im
ported uritandle, fmilurds. Georgettes,
Priced $12.50 to $45.00.
WASIIIXf.TON, April 29. Forty
'killed, many injured and heavy prop-
i erly damage Is the result of a severe
eiirlhtiuakc In San Salvador yesterday,
at-eordtnir to state department advice"
: tftduy. The Aemrtrnn legation, nl.
ithnuKh dammced. Is Mill standing. Nn
Americans nre liHted in this casualties
so far.
l'nilmlo Matter Kotlhil.
is often the most danKorous.
The pen la mighty and there is
cprtain kind that some men ought
live in.
Appraisers for the estate of Oecrge
Pearson, deceased, named today re
foFred M. Evans. J. C. Prltchett end I
M. Phlpps. CJ. A. Hartman, K. T.
Wade and T J. Tweedy were named
appraiser of the estate of Mrs. Fan.
nl o. Myrlck, deceased, betters of
administration were Issued to Mrs.
olive I-ee as administrator of the es.
late of Mrs. Myrlck and orders Issued
for the sale of personal property be
liinglnir to the estate. It consists or
farm machinery on the former John
. Myrlck farm, near Myrlck latlon.
Terry Cao I'n Today.
Th case of Iira J Terry vs. James
XV. Terry, a contested divorce action,
was taken up In circuit court at 4
o'clock this afternoon after havltiK
twice been postponed because of the
road bond sales There are a large
number of witnesses to be heard In
the case and It pniliably. will lake
most of tomorrow to settle.
No pblltlclsn ever poses as re.
former, while In office.
The dark Tolle frock made Its
popular debut last season ond
(has come to stay. Here Is a lovelyi
rinodel In sage green and tan mo
tifs, the blouse and sleeves of
figured olle and the skirt and
girdle sash of plain green. A deep ,
tucked yoke of creamy mull. an.
' embroideries of green and whit
; beads are the simple tout eBectlv
' ojnsmenta. . '
$75.00 $75.00
5 Piece Ivoiy Bed Room Suit
This Suit Complete $75.00
We now have many nice Bed Room Suits in Mahogany, Wal
nut, Oak and Ivory and in many styles. We feel sure there will
be no doubt about your finding the one you want. All our Suits
have the chair to match and we also have a nice line of odd Bed
Room Chairs to match any finish.
- Springs and Mattresses, also Box Springs.
In our coil spring line you can find a good spring from $3.50 to
All kind of link and woven wire springs.
Our Special $15.00 Felt Mattress is a dandy, and if you want
something better we have the Never Stretch Silk Floss in many
pretty tV:ks, also the Seally Mattress.
Crawford & Hedges
4 Corner Court and Main Sts.
Phone 496
W5 I