TEN PAGES ' DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OKEOON, TUKSDAYAI'RIL ,29. 191ft 1 colors s I 525 Main St. - Free Delivery. Phone 640 S When Your Stop and see us, we can show you a saving: t " on your next order. Best Country Butter, 1 lb. 60c, 2 lbs. $1.20 Folgers Shasta Tea. ..... Vi lb. 25c, 1 lb. 50c Folgers Shasta Steel Cut Coffee, 1 lb can 45c Rose Dale Sliced Pineapple 20c, two for 35c Honolulu. Lady Grated Pineapple 20c Two for ;. 35c Konisur Shrimp 20c, two for 35c K. C. B. JVlinced Clams, can 15c Red Star Tuna Fish, can 25c Pindora Cut String Beans, can 15c palace Car Prepared Mustard, jar .... 15c llemet Ripe Olives, can 20c SSS 11 PASTIME Tf. If Have to Tell You. 4 ! i. If II X CHILDREN 5c ; ADULTS 25c S MOTIIJRnilOOO PIjAY ; AT A IM'APH ' TTTEATKR Motherhood In ell Its bitterness and 11 It Joy Is revealed in a new. William Fox production which open at the Arcade today. It I "The Call of the Houl," Marring" Clndys Rrockwell In the role of a woman who tildes the maddest secret In -the world from the man he loves. She Is the mother of a nmull flaxen-haired girl who brings Joy Into her wild life, but who la an encumbrance when love and marriage beckon to the mother. Shall fine tell her eultnr about net child and rink losing hie love? Or. Khali she keep ft a dreadful. hauntinR Hecret, o that iihe may retain hl luve? In "The Call of the Boul" Mien llrockwell pursues the latter course, and as a reitult there la a powerful ?rama of a woman struggling between the love for her child and the love for a man. It offers Ulna Brockwelli unusual onpnrtiinltie for her rare (tiff of 'portraying; femtnlne emotlona. PASTrMH TODAY --''a ' aj 12 t' I'RARr, WHITK A rATAMST Pearl White, the fltar of Pathe's new Serial "The Lightning Itnlder" I a. fatalist and to this fact aha attri bute her many eacapea from death in posing tor the camera. She believe that he will eaoape all or the dancer! ahe encounter antil her tune come and thla perhap accounts for her! wIlllnaTnefta to perform any ' feat no ' matter how dangerous. It la a re-j riarknblo fact that, through all the hmg Hat of Herlula filled with nervej racking atunta In which Miaa While! hae been aeen she ha never suffered J any further Injury than a few bruise and once a broken finger when ahe i misjudged a dive Into a Hudson River ferry boat slip. She hna been up giTHE UNIVERSAL CAR Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford service has kept pace. It is the factor which strengthens the personal relation between Ford owners and .the Company. To get the best possible service from your Ford car, bring it here when it needs attention and get the benefit of Ford supervision throughout. We use the genuine Ford parts and give you the benefit of the regular standard Ford prices. We have Ford factory mechanics, and special Ford machinery to fix up your car right and at the greatest saving, of labor and expense. Our shop is as well equipped as any Ford garage in Oregon. Simpson Auto Co. . - . PVnn. AMI T Water a Jnnnin - -a A t, - a 9 R; airplanes for hour at a time and In K fact her fat a Untie theory is borne nut 0 by a remarkable escape ahe had a few fiyrnr ago. Tllakely the famous avla- jtnr Invited Miss White to go up with tjhlm at Hempstead a few years ago for J Romo Rtuntfi He wni known as the S mofit daring of all fliers at the time. Rjand Miaa White accepted eagerly for K she wanted to go through the nose Rdive and tall spin. A traffic accident J0 delayed her for half an hour so that 4 j when she arrived, she was Just in time d to sea Blakely fall to his death, hav Ing misjudged one of his spiral dips. ALTA 1 : CHILDREN K)c i i Tuesday Wednesday I -i - ADL4TS30C Pearl White IN- "Underworld v ! Terrors" Chapter No. 3 of the Lightning Raiders. . Thrills Action Suspense.- ' William Duncan IN, Chapter No. 1 of "A Fight for Millions',' Sensational Thrilling A Rip Roaring Comedy BOMBARDIERS , t , WITH SYD CHAPLIN. - , V i I 1 s -Iliornas I-i .lnco ni( DOUOTHy .TOM M , o t I I I &,Ei!aSfiurtCJMn. j J , , s "J - j; J C.r.e.. Jfi:. . ,;..j..? ' a, . : ' . . , AVILL1AM NEILIj if ' . ,. M i ' i' JhotGffphrt if .' ' r I JOhM STIa tAlO I" 1 1 '" -i .';'- ,. . . i-J lonauJ Pi:...::.:- ,T '- ' I ALT TOHAV ATMOsptimtr: or nir: nomr Cl.IXtiS TO "tiltKV EVES" NEW RECORDS" AND SHEET MUSIC Just received our new records and sheet music all the hits. If you ire in the tnarket for Pianos or Talk ing Machines it will pay you to look over our line. We handle only the standard makes. , BALDWIN PIANOS COLUMBIA, VICTOR and EDISON MACHINES. Warren's Music House ' 820 Main St Phone 524 Tendleton, Oregon IKrotliy l)a. Inn Soon a- Siifrortna Vlfo In Kir-one Pa ram Hint Jptiotopiar. The atmopphere of the South rllng; ahout the atory of "Green Eyes' In whirh Dorothy Daltnn w appeur at the Alta theatre, today. This Para; ifi'llo and was written by Klla Btuart Carson. The title Impllen that jeat JiOiisy Is the maincnririK of the action j and, as a matter of fnev so It Is. Hut ,2 llhere in much more and withal, a I tensity of situation and a dramatic 1 climax that Is rarp even In these days of advanced motion pictures. Roughly, the tory Is of a man who marries a girl younger than himself und h era 1 1 so insanely Jealous of her. One quarrel ends In a separation and reconciliation and then the husband a rows j?.ilous of his you nicer brother, loiter, a scoundrel i thrashed by th sime brother and afterward murder- a - - - a ed by a revengful neero. Believing 1 hlnifelf the slayer the brother rushes to the room of his sister-in-law and rasps out the story. There he la lound by his brother who puts the worst conKtruction on the affair. To shield the youth, the wife says aha Invited him to her room. A tragedy Is averted whrn the brother confesses j to the crime, but later the negro also I makes a confession exonerating- him. II. William Neill was the director. The photography was the usual Para mount excellence. (The supporting cast is ndmlrabl;' Jack Holt Is the hmthiiDfl, Dorothy -Dalton. the wife, Emery Johnston the brother and Ro - bert MrKim the villlan. Doris Iee and Clyde Benson have important rolea. The picture may be recommended as a sterling drama t.faenuine strength with not a little depth of feelinc and beauty of investiture.. srrte final ripresion of opinion re seniiip tlie amendedl leagne cot-rnant until-Uie latest draft haa bent rarc- fully studied and until there has been i onorlanily for a conference.' j Green Eyes ; jCpafamoanticture ; "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM UCh'erefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" .DOUBt When the Children Cough, Rub Musterole on Throats ; and Chest3 No telling how soon the symptoms my Jevdop into croup, or worse. And then's when jrou 're glad you have a jar of Mus terole at hand to give prompt, sure re lief It does not blister. 1 As firft aid and a certain remedy, ; Musterole is excellent. Thousands of I mothers know it. You should keep, a 1 jar in the house, reat'y for instant use, 1 It is the remedy for adults too. Re 1 jeves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, .roup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head- i ache, congestion, pleunoy, rneumatism. lumbago, pains ana auicu ut ui joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains, frooted feet and colds of the chest (it Often prevents pneumonia). , 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. PARIS CONFERENCE FOR RIGHTS Of LABORERS ALTA SCREEN TELEGRAM VAUDEVILLE GERTRUDE GRAVES Operatic Coloratura Soprano. DELLA BOTIIWELL & CO, A Bit of Repartee. WARHIXGTO.V. April 29. Tjlbor clause the Pari conference adopted yeswrday for Umertioii in the peac tteaty are announced by the state de partment. The clause declare wage earners' well being is of supreme na. tfonul Importance and declare for the riKht of organization by lalor. An eight hour day. and equal pay for women and men are among other re. form for which labor has fought. 13 ARMY CAPTAINS -(WILL MANAGE DALLAS New Features For Pendleton in an "Eight" The Two-l'ower ll.ingo ElRht meets, with economy, widely different re quirement. Vn.ler traffic restriction th "loafing" range permit of great lel- ur Willi necejwury power unil lw fuel consumption. The "sporting" rang permits of the excitement the driver' enlhuelaum may demand and hi courage permit. This diml-poronnllty makes Peer lex owner cnlhUHlnntic. Eastern Oregon Motor . Co. Claude Miles, Sales Mgr. , . . iTcd Treble, Mgr. PEPTONA WILL HELP YOU - , I--A simple way to add strength and vigor to indoor workers. Oftentimes the inactivity and confinement of indoor work results in a general "falling off" of physical fit ness. Peotona, our best tonic, is ideal as an aid in combating these conditions, and in re building run down systems. Pcptona contains organic Iron, Malt. Manganese and Extract of Cod Liver Oil, so combined that it is pleasant to take and easily assimi lated by even very weak di gestive organs. For Sole Only by Pendleton Drug Co. Thompsons' Drug Store Pendleton, Oregon i . . . i Only Aspirin Tablet with the safety "Bayer cross on them are genuine j "Bayer Tablet of Aspirin." owned and made by American and proved safe j by millions of people. Unknown quan. j titles of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets: were Bold recently by a Brooklyn dea- j ler which proved to be composed I mostly of Talcum Powder. j ! "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin should ; j nlwAys be asked for. Then look for j ! the safety "Bayer Cross" on the pack. I Inge and on each tahlet. Accept noth- 1 1 Ing else! Proper directions and do-'U-asc'ln ea'ch Buyer package, j Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer .Manufacture of Monoaceticacfdester jnf Sallcylicacld. i 'Dallas. Texas, elalma the Ilrat soldier mayor of any American cdy also the yonngest. He is Cnpt. Frank W. Wosencratt, i, last back from France. On the .commission with him are two 'other armv captains: At tha left, Oapt. 1. E. McQee, police torn Jmisstoner; Captain Hal Mosely, 'made street commissioner. Woa ' nrAft was sunoortcd only by the Dallas Dispatch, of the ioarj newspapers :o the city, but . ha, 'curried 12 ot preciucU. . . iti'ri'ni.nvixs i it;K ctrnov. v Asni.vtiTON, April aa. Rcipnn liran leailers Iicto today nrgint rnutliHi uMn thrtr fellow mesuher In the wn nlc In disctissina; Hc leagiie or Na tion oveitimt. Setinlnr l.odcr- and t'arti. Itepiitdlran header and whip. rpHptlvely, sent the following e4o- gram to all tnelr party mnatort: "We Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Class of hot water each morn ing helps us took and feel clean, sweet, fresh. ARC CHILDREN 10c ABE She dare hot love this man THEIR SOULS CSV UT TO CACH OTHER. BUT AHOTHCS MITE OF A SOUL CALLS OUT TO HCK. FtCttCCLY THt YSVS6 CISL'S MOTHER LOVE STRU06l.ES TO BLOT OUT HER LOVE .FOR THE INVALID EXPLORES). WILLIAM FOX Pressrts GLADYS I N ,ftW Vafr WAaBBshattBal Ike 'CaUof: the. S,Olll DIRECTEO'BV;EOWsOi.tSWT) - Hnppy, bright, alert vigorous ond vivaciims a good clear Bkin, a nat ural rosy complexion und freedom fiom Illness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If onTy every woman and likewise every man could realize the wonders of the morn Inn Insidebath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thousands of sickly-nr.aemic-lookinjc men, women and Birls with pasty muddy complexions; instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks." "rundowns," "brain taps,' j and pessimists we should see a virile, j optimistic throng of rosy cheeked peo-j plo everywhere. j An Inside bath Is had by drinking.) each morning before breakfast, ai Rlass of real hot water with a tea-1 spoonful of limestone phosphate in itj to wash from the stomach, liver kid-j neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- vious days indigestible waste, iwr fermentations and poisons. thus cleansinjr. sweetening and fresheninR j the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach Those subject to sick headache, bil- nMimtw. iia, I'iritii iiiriiin.ui.-iii. j colds: and particulnry thnse who have ; M a nallid. sallow complexion and who! are constipated very often, are urgetfj to obtain a quarter pound of llimestonftj phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle but is sufficient' to demonstrate the quick nml re-: mnrkable change in both health and appearance awaiting those who prac-' tlce Internal sanitation. We must re-' member that Inside cleanliness Is morj important than outside, because the skin does not absorb impurities to Also THE FUN FUN An LKO Knockout. contnmlnnt the Mood, whllr the poresr u siiyvcwt that tlii'uWk'iiu sonstors rc- J In th thirty (est ot bowels do. KNON FOR ITS STRENGTH -THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON Oldest and Largest National Bank in the State Outside of Portland SECURITY PSCTFIVB i TODAY ADULTS 25c 1 li - p,y..'.' m'-'M