East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 29, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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i i j.-i-i hum i i n .1 Mil ii Lin mi ii iiiiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiixiir nwr
rvbllshrd rtalls Dud 8ml.Werkl
rdliao. OrcRon. by th.
Entfrfd at th postorftc. at r.ndl.-
ton. Oftvon, as second-data wall
mp.ri.lllnt! Nvi Stand, rortland
kiwraaa News Co.. Portland, Oregon
Chicago Bureau, !oi Security Bulld
iar Washington, D. C. Bureau .01 Pear
teenth fftreet. N. W.
Pally, year, by mail ti.O
Daily, tlx moatha by aiail t.M
Daily, three months by mail l.5
Dally, on month by mail .to
Dally, one year by carrier t.5
Dally, si- months by crrler J.7S
Dally, three months by carrier l.gi
Daily, on month, by carrier JH
Scmi-Wtwkly, ons year, by malt. 1.6
Semi-Weekly, six months, b mail ts
wmi-t eeKly four month by mail .60
perhaps been dictatorial and a
He is widely criti
. straits, - !cised and possibly he
Add north, where th tides run De removed
Check by Jowl, our' watchdogs
Gray hulks In a. grayer sea.
On the other hand a large
amount of the Burleson criti-
asm comes from- those on
;whoes toes -the postmaster
O Lord of our destiny!
As the foam of our plunging
prows, is white;
O Lurd o( our deetmw!
W have stood for peace, and
we war for right,
God gva us victory!
' Kow slack, now strung, from
f the mainmast flung,
The flag throbs fast in the
Strained o'er the foam, like the
hearts at home
That beat for their sons on the
And the prayer the allies pray ; general has stepped in the just
I penormance of his duty. For
: instance, he is censored by ma'
i gazines and some newspapers
for the zone system of charg-
'in? for second class mail mat-
i ter. But the zone system is
T right; it Is the fair and busi
I nesslike way to fix such
charges. Complaints to the
' contrary come from publishers
7 who object to playing: fair with
(the government or from parties
who do not understand the
Again Burleson is criticised
in some quarters with having
been the man who put over na
tional prohibition. It is signi
ficant that one of the New
York papers most angered
over the dry amendment is
most violent in assailing Burle
son. The fact raises a question
as to the motives of those mak
ing such attacks.
Charges of incompetent ser
vice laid at the door of Burle
son may or may not be just.
Almost every line of business
or industry faced more or less
disruption during the war.
Whether the postal department
has been unnecessarily
bad you are as able to judge
as anyone else.
Burleson may be incompe
tent but the fact he is harshly
criticised does not prove the
point. Sometimes the best of
ficial will be the most assailed.
For mpthcrs and wives are
praying tonight
. O Lord of our destiny
, But we've no time, for our lips
' "are tight, .
Our fists are clenched ,and we'de
i stripped .to fight.
God give us victor) !
i The Hour, Br James Bernard
' Fugan.
; "
3F there is discouragement
because of the trouble
with Italy it is more than
offset by the adoption of the
League of Nations .covenant by
the peace conference yester
day. The action assures that
the League of Nations will be a
part of the peace treaty and
the final ratification of that
treaty by the requisite number
of nations is a foregoing con
clusion. i We are to have a machine
that will prevent wars and as
sure justice among1 the nations.
With the League of Nations
working a country will not
have to go armed to the teeth.
There will be a higher power
to-enforce respect for its rights.
..Whether intended as such
or not the adoption of the
League of Nations covenant is
the best answer possible to
Italy's display of temper.
bert Sydney Burleson has
- j not been as diplomatic as
he, might have been. He has
makes it easy
to digest, its 11
rich In nutn- fiS
trve values.
Judd Bldgr. Court and
Main Sts.
. i .. iff . - f
- V fit--7 Vf pi
la about another week, or Just as soon as Tex Rlckar. mrkes
some deBnlte announcement as to where the July 4 heavyweight title
clash is to be staged. Jack Dempsey and his party will bike for the
I mountains near Leadvflle. Colo., and start training for Jess Willard.
I Jack will take- with him into the hills near hi old home, Jess
iwillard's shadow a big fellow who once aspired to the honors that
; go with the championship. The shadow Is Dan Daily of Ne Castle,
; l'a., a former member of the Jimmy Dime stable of lighters.
I He wiU not be the only sparring partner of the young man who
. seems headed toward the heavyweight championship, but he is by far
i the most important cog in the training machinery of the challenger's
camp. In stature he is ."noat a counterpart of Willard. He has fought
, Willard, Moran-Palzer, Fulton and most of the other men In the heavv
i weight class. ,
Dempsey Is going to fight Willzrd's shadow two months. The.'
, snadow ts going to Imitate Willard two months. At the end of thatv
time Dempsey expects to be ready for the clash and to know bis foe
'.. when be steps through tbe ropes.
N France, battleground for
world freedom, there is a
maxim that should be
learned by every American citi
zen. It should be memorized
in French or in English Each
American citizen should re
peat it before meals and at bed
time until the close of the Vic
tory Liberty Loan.
In French this maxim is:
"Qui s'excuse s'accuse."
In English:
"Who excuses himself ac
cuses himself."'
Perhaps the maxim is no
better expressed in French
than in English. But the
French people, who have fur
nished the world a great ex
ample in patriotism, give more
weight to this sentiment than
do we Americans.
Americans are a free people.
Esneciallv are they prone to
be free with excuses. We have
been a very independent peo
ple in thinking and in acting,
thanks to the democratic form
of our goverment.
But if ever there was a time
when' excuses should be laid
aside it is during the Victory
Liberty Loan which is the pay
ment of the price of peace.
This will be a loan when only
valid excuses will really ex
cuse; when failure to support
the loan, if able to do so, is
failure to approve of peace.
"Who excuses himself ac
cuses himself."
On Monday, April 28 the
Walla Walla Morning Union
used as its leading- editorial an I
editorial copied from the East
Oregonian of Friday, April 25.
It dealt with the subject of i
Fiume. While this paper is
glad to have its views thus;
shared by others it ventures;
the gentle suggestion that the
Union should give credit when j
it lifts such high grade work. I
The town is looking forward j
with much pleasure to that,
theatre the Elks are going to I
The peace conference moves j
along very well without Signor ,
. . . a- -
What about a fourth of July j
celebration? i
OPheInvisible 2dnf lict
If... . 111."' ' ' '"' ''', ' . '
From the moment of birth--? body to defend Itself. Not only, ,
ani before until the hour of ' will the constipation . grow
d'tilh, there is going on withia worse with the continuance of
tho body a constant conflict, isuch remedies but the doe
unseen end usually unfelt, be' $ must be constantly increased
, tween forces that seek to de- f with an ever-wcakenin4 effect. .
dtroT1- " StV lOn the otherhand Nujolover
' .' comes constipation and brings
Germs that enter from without about the habit of easy, thor.
are attacked and destroyed by H ough bowel evacuation et ret-
the living guardiaf S-tn tlieiSular intervals, because Nuiol'
Vlood, the white blood cells or '
phagocytes. 1 oisons generated 1
Within seek entrance into the 1
blood and are removed or de- .
Etroyed by the functions of the .
intestines, liver and kidneys.
I is not a drug, does not act like
I any drug: Nuiol brings about
a return to Nature's methods
. by supplying necessary lubri- '
cation of the bowel contents. -
by facilitating intestinal musculo-
u.. i :
Food waste allowed to stagnate i uliS matter, and thus scouring
and remain in the intestines. uecewary cleansing of the in
uncvacuated, poisons the blood i lcstinal canal and protection,
and destroys its power to dc- j of the defensive properties of
fend against outside or inside J lhe blood itself. tkaa- ,
enemies. ', ouch self-poisoning . , ... , . , , . "u"" "
. . onnr -.7 l.," j Get a bottle of Nujol froaa your drat-
causes over 9Q7o of human.., ,od. w, lr.
illness. fJJrsck Eokle-"rWrrj. f,f a Dmufr. "
Cstipatlon turns the tide of Wattling: fail S&V
the invisible oonftct against 1 lh. Nl,., Tr.d. M.rl?
the body, in favor of the in- Nuiol. yi star 'r - lMiitata.
vaders. Nor docs the taking . ) ui .
of castor oil, pills, salts, mm- Ninol Laboratories
era! waters, etc., to force the standard oil co. (nbw jsbjsy)
bowels tornove enable thec, tosnw.,. n.. rrk y
Nujol Laboratories, 8tandard Oil Co. (New Jersey), 50 Broad-f
wsy, New Vtk. Please seed aae I' booklet "Tbirly reel ef
Daager" ooasiipatioe aod auf-iale-ieatioa as adults, r
- jmimM ...
- II
. Addresa.
" r'l)
you are cured and get your picture In FomnilQ Tpnni Plpnea '
the almanac. And forever afterward . "HOI I I ,
everybody wanU to know why you III Dual ICOie 81 Al'Cade
don't gn in work, dad blitiuo your on
ory hide." Country Gentleman.
dual role waa executed
the acrevu.
perfectly om
IN Viml.
out of the council chamber and went
Caruso, the greatest tenor fn the
world, m-peured at tho Arcade theater
hiHt niKht hi the motion picture play,
My Cousin." ivrhap the beet fn
souvenir hunting: in the palace. luckUi:re of the play wus that t'urueo was
was with him, be said. fr be found ixhowu In nave rat rolea which have
" " T
1 , 'i
Books SS Rfctee for S-.S
Why Far Mora.
. BmiUi-Crawford Bids.
Opposite Pendleton Hotel
Phone 101
J Kii A'U UOWEi.
about ?"
, "First she sang- a
own composition,
much applause."
o she went out
Ha!l Columbia."
Ilcr 1'onwhack.
the prima donna
chanson of her ,
That didn't get!
and gave them
-Dr. David Bennett Hill
' Pendleton, Oregon.
' Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee
Chronlo and Kervoua Pises hi and
tximil of Women. X-Rar Elee-
tra TnaraBewUea.
Tvaaple LUdg. Ilooaa IX. Phone alt
Too JiOll.
"I have to mucly three years to be
admitted to the bar."
" 'Taint worth it." commented Un
cle Bill Bottletop after Home thought,
"I'd rather go without the drink."
F.xpcrt A-wlsiancf.
"gay." awked little Tommy, "are you
engaged to my 8ller or are you not?"
am am not." answered Algernon
blushing furiously, "but I would like
to to be."
"Come out from lichind that door,
sis," said Tommy. '! know I'd earn
... that rjuarter."
Art For Art's Sako.
. i"The desideratum of things artistic."
mused the guy with the temperament, j
"would be a wedding between the girl,
on the front page of a current msga-l
sine and the fellow on the conaf
I So To Sneak.
It was a deathbed scene, but the
director was not satisfied with the
hero's acUns;.
'Come on!" he cried, -rut more(
life in yonr dying."
In Favor. '
"You seem to stand pretty well ,
with this waitress." I
"Oh. I'm mnklng some progress,' ;
said the restaurant patron. j
"Ve7" I
"She already thinks enough of m (
not to bring me a piece of yesterdays;
pie." ' i
Oritur Too Far.
Gentleman farmer "I've got rather
tains directions for babies, children of lot of meat at home. I thought O
all ages and for grown-ups plainly on better report It a whofg sheep.. In,
the buttle, imu of eounterfeMs ' fnrt. Tou see. T kill my own sheep"
rold here. (Set the genuine made by rierk to Food "onlrol "But that,
ul. Grocn. Eyes
Aim Tuesday and Woliicsdujr.
this. You musn't kill a whole sheep
at once " Punch. t
Still a Secret.
"f)h, dear, I feel so miserable."
"What's the matter?"
".Miss uabbins told mo a secret and
I can't remember Ahat it was."
lioijton Transcript - -
. There a Way.
Mrs, A Yes, I Intend my daughter
to he engaged when she's 19.
Mrs. b But suppose she is not?
irst. a Then she remains 19 un
til she is. Boston Transcript.
"I don't take any slock In these 'ere
pavtent medicines." asserted Lafe
I-o'pp a languid citizen of Wayover.
behind. "They're an enemy to the
v,,,, rune s'nosc. now. you are
Getting along all right, unable to
work b'cus you're sick; you're pretty
miserable, of course, but people sym
,hi. ,lih von and respect you.
And then somebody pereuades yoa, to
take a few bottles of Ho-and-Ho. ana
If your little one's tongue it coated,
it la a sure sign the stomach, liver and
bowels need a gentle, thorough cleans,
ing at once. When your child Is cross,
n-evish. listiesa, pale, doesn't sleep,
eat or act riaturally; If breath Is bad,
stomach 'sour, system full of cold,
throat sore, of If feverish, give a tea
spoonful of California Syrup of Figs,"
and In a few hours all the clogged-up,
constipated waste, sour bile and un
digested food will gently move out of
the bowels aod you have a well, play
ful child again.
Sick ehildren needn't be coa-ed to
take this harmless "fmlt laxative.
Million of mothers keep It handy be
cause they know Its action on the
stomach, liver and bowela is prompt
and sure. They also know a little to
day saves a sick child tomorrow
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
falflornla Hyrup of Figs." which con,
Wash That
Itch Away
W kaew of s sofsi-r trw Ecsesia
. who ever wed ths simple wash D. D. n.
aod did net feel Kmsediatelr that
derhillr aim. ol msssUob thatcoei-j
whsa the itch ii taken sway. This so."'
log vua peselrstel the pores,, girl
In.Uuit relief troo th bm-x diitre-lng ..
skis dlMun. Art about It today,
sscsoc sad '
m Iotlonibr Shin Disease
i remarliablo piece of antique wall pa
Next duy, a frantic JapancHe te
nographnr was looking for his short
hand notes.Harvurd Lampoon.
Flrnt War fonomiMt Wlmt ot-j
travHKunce! You have (wo hats to
match that one dress ;
Second War Kconomlt f h. no. I
haven't. I've only one drew to match
the two hat. Sydney Bulcltln.
in arte him familiar in Brand opcru.
ThHe were filmed exuctly aa ho ap-pi-fi
m tm the tt i ok 1 nf vtaxe.
Caruso plays tho role of the ureal
slngor, Caroll, an well as the part of
Tommuso. the pool nctilptor. The
Teams at Work Linking K
. Spokane With Colville
HI'OKANK, AlMil 28. More than
KA teams are now emeu Red In eradlnlt
Work on the Inland Kmpire hiBhway,
which will link Kpofcane and t'olvil.
urtxtrdinS to stats engineers who hnvn
made an Inspection trip to tlie work
now tn progress between Clayton unjt
SpriiiKdate, The highway ts an ex
it union of (he Inland Kmpire highway
through Deer l'ark
Girls! Make beauty lotion for
a few cents Try It!
b-iueexe the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you
have a quarter pint of the bet freckle
and tan lotion, and complexion beau
tifler, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Massage this sweetly
fragrant lotion Into the face, neck,
arms and hands each day and see how!
freckles and blemishes disappear and
how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin
becomes Yes! It Is harmless and
never Irritates. .
Try it! For a few cents you can
dry clean everything.
Save five to ten dollars quickly by ,
fry cleaning everything In the home
with gasoline that would he ruined
by soap and "Water suits, coats, waists,
silks, laces, gloves, shoeq, furs, drap- I
erles, rugs everything!
Place a gallon or more of gasoline
in a dishpjin or wash boiler, then put
in the things to he dry cleaned, then
wash them with Bolvlte soap. Shortly
everything comes out looking like new.j
Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkle.
Do not attempt to dry clean without
Solvite soap. This gasoline soap is
the secret of all dry cleaning.
A package of Solvlte soap contain
ing direction for home dry Meaning,
coHts little at any drug store. Dry
clean outdoors or away from flame.
k'Val fonila Fie Hyrup Company.
wvn't do, I shall hive to look Into
Yes, several of my offerings have been taken, but I still have the I
acre place, and If you want a fine home for your family and have $2,
oo to pay down on this and will some and look at it yoa will mire
buy It.
That ICO acres in Morrow Co. is some snap just now, and the crop
looks fine. Only UO per acre.
1 -
Several large and small farms and Weston city property al ba
rock prices.
Box 85 Weston, Oregon
The Children Will Want It
Who brings or 6ends to the East Oregonian office
one new Daily subscriber. by carrier for 1 month or
longer; or one new Daily subscriber by Mail for 3
months or longer; or one new Semi-Weekly subscrib
er by mail for 1 year : or any subscriber . renewing
their Daily subscription for three months or longer
or Semi-Weekly for one year.
East Oregonian Pub. Co.
Gentlemen: I'loase send tn. "Unci. Billy's" Circus and
send th. Dally) or (Scml-Weekly) Eust Oregonian by
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