i- v". v -w v i.r- r TEN PACES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. APRIL 29, 1910. PAGE TTIRE13 NEWS NOUS OF PENDLETON IX'puiy Am Nainfd. P. A. I'henlck linn been mimed deputy fur ths Herml.ton rKiun and la how at work In that dlMriot. Trotiliy Ciim On Dlxpluy. The two trophy cups to be resent ed to the achoola making hlKh ecore In the county truck meet ut Pendle ton next Krlduy have arrived and have, been pluced' on dlnplay at the Behoof ft r Jvwelry atore. Danil For Year Itfwiiwwd. Plane for the remainder of the year were dhfciiHued at a meeting; of the Umatilla County Hunday Hchool hhmo elation Hunday In Milton K. O. Drp. per, of thla city aecretary of the uaso. elation, attended the meeting. lYnarUur I'or Griicrol 9mln. Hooka bearing llata of all the votera In each of the 64 precincts In Uma tilla county are being made up by Deputy County Clerk James 13. Welch and will be aent out In the varloua dlntrlcti In time for the upeclal elec tion which IB only five weeke away. Kach precinct ueu two of the booka and they contain aome GO paaea each. John llentloy In Portland. John M. Bent ley of Pendleton, la at the l'erklna. lie la an old-timer up Umutllla way and la a Iximocrut of Oeniocruta. He haa been United Htatea marahal and aherfff and chief of police, even thouKh Republican, are atrona" In hia aectlon. Oreaonlan. cuptuin In the A. ft. C . The mooting waa held in the Columbia college audi torium und waa well attended. Iinllau'a line Paid. Friend. laHt evening paid the $10 fine hanging over Ham Wack Wack, lodged In Jail for being drunk and he waa releaHed after vervlng moat of the day. Itov Itltnor KMMkfl. Hoy ttltner, add reused the Milton Branch of the Umatilla county Red i'ru Monday and gave the atory of hla expcrlencra while In Krance, aa a i6i 16i ioi i6i i6i ioi i6i- We Serve to Serviye and Servive to Serve Siiperior Service That is what we stand for. If we cannot ren der better service than any other table supply house we do not expect your business. But wc think we can, BECAUSE You can order your Meats and Groceries at one time over the same phone "101" (Yes, and abk us the time of day and WE will tell you gladly). You can depend on OUR salesmen to send you just what you want when you want it. We make it our business to use our knowledge of the different brands of foods to see that YOU get the BEST and MOST for your money. We are sure you will find the SALESMEN WORKING WITH US more pleasant, courteous and more efficient than those in any other TABLE SUPPLY HOUSE in the city. You can have a weekly or monthly service ac count yith us. Prove these statements to your own satisfac tion by trading wits us next month. "WASTE LESS BUY THE BEST" Pendleton Cash Market. Inc. Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. (Private exchange connecting both departments.) -T0I TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOI TOI Hon Arrlvt-H from Vwrneatt, Mrs. J A. Drake of this city re ceived word today thut her Hon, Cup tuin Delbert WilHon, mem her of the 137th Infantry, 30 division, landed yesterday in New York, alumni the Manchuria und will bonent to Camp Upton. Swat the My 111 rim to lie Klioun. BeKlmifiiK thin afternoon, educa tional Kildes hoofrtlnff the "Fly Jena lendleton" cainpalKn will be ihuwn lu the auditorium of the library aa a means of educating school children.! ; Ml L-orene I'arker, county aKrfcul tural agent, will take the films to j rmatllJa and show them on Thursday. Wander Iiik tfufuuictiu Melted 1'p. A JapaneMe whose name Is unde Terminable lit the county jail , waa picked up Sunday near the Ht. Ant ho. n a hoHpital apparently wanderlna alMiut aimlefHly. HIh suld by local Japanese to have excaped from a run pltal In Tacoma where he was detain, ed for mental treatment and probab- i ly will be taken back there as soon as friends are heard from. iJamiuM IteturiK. to Tawimii. The Japanese who has held at thnj county jail after attempting to drown! himttelf In the river near the poor! j farm was returned to Tacoma by a friend who came from the Bound city. The man was In a sanitarium for fee-1 hip minded near Tacoma und recently escaped. ' Uanic Todd lErteaMrd from Navy, j Jumes Todd, of Hrrmiwton, 1 brother of M:ss Virginia Todd of this; city, watt here yesterday to vl8lt hiM1 sinter while on his way home after re- ( pairing iiu. uibviioird n 3 j loau eniteieu upon run return irum the Mexican border and saw cunuld- j erable service while on convoy duty. For the past nine months he has been stationed at Cardiff, Wales. He re-j I colved hi discharge at Newport News. : Kdnar ". Kmltli Aih xnicd. Kdgar '. Smith, formerly of Pen dleton, has been appointed by the, alumni of the University of Oregon aa state chairman of a canvass to raise the $40,000 necessary to complete the amount required for the erection of the woman's building on the college campus. The drive will be commenced In about 10 days The tate of Ore gun has appropritted 1100.000 for the building, on condition that a like am ount be raised from other sources. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy'' FOR SALE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME ON THE NORTH SIDE. $9,000 A REAL BARGAIN! ' 1 JOli KliKLEY ; Bucoeasnr to Chen. B. Heard, lno. "Sec Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate 711 Main Pendleton. Ortgon Will Htiilri ;rigpM. Fred H. 8enn took out a permit from City Recorder Fits Gerald today to remodel a barn Into a Surage. The work will cost $35. The Kpiscopal Church also took out a garage permit, to erect a garage for the new auto presented to He v. Alfred Lock wood. It will cont f luu und fac vn Johnson street. Remodeling of a dwelling and woodshed belonging to G. C. Grownn at 209 Stonewall Jackson street was ptopoxed in a permit for J2i0 worth of work taken out by Mr. Crownn. Klks Kccrtve Tvntative Plan. H. F. iteese, architect representing A. E. Doyle of Tortland. submitted several sets of plans for the proposed new Elk' home to the building com mlttee lant night and the committee wil meet again this evening to study the plans and make suggestions for any changes regarded as feasible. All plans contain provisions for a theater and one net also provides for space for the Pendleton Commercial Asso ciation If that body wishes rooms In the new hulldlng The committee will report to the lodge at the regular j meeting Thursday night. Vacation Time ml nn Ntrroi siHinklor Out. I Owing to delay In starting street i sprinkling this spring much hardship is being worked on certain sections of the clly with consequent complaint ' from householders. The worst trou; hie Is in sections where streets not paved are much used by auto traffic! Every passing car rabies a cloud of ; dust. According to Councilman IVn-j land the subject of sprinkling will be: brought up at the council tomorrow.! Thus far no contract has been let and the city may follow the plan of hir ing the work done, without contract as was done last year. Members of the street committee are Claud Pen- land, J. H Eftes and F. J. McMonles. Now that it is about here, you no doubt are planning on how to spend it How about taking it in an auto this summer jo you can enjoy it thoroughly? Come in and pick out your car; pay a little down ,and the rest monthly in installments. We have today the following: v l DODGE BROTHERS TOURING 3 FORDS ; 1 FRANKLIN 1 :, j Cottonwood A Water 6ft. Phone 6S Itcilirw of H. s. Comimny. EE A review of the military company lof the high school will be held initne- 3idlately ufter the Class' Day exercises of the graduating class in the near future. According to Holman Ferrln. instructor of the company, as much of the work as possible will be given under the- command of the sergeant of the company. One sergeant will take the company out upon the field and receive the report, following that w-ill be a short Inspection. Then an other sergeant will Rive setting up 5 i rxerciwes, lonoweu u com pen live 1 drill between the squads, and finally. company drill and the review. As planned at present, Sergeant Koeppen will take the company from the building and receive the report, while! Sergeant Smith will con nd net the cal. Sthenics. Sergeant Wood worth will take charge of the siiad drill, and Sergeant iStrahorn of the company drill, in the competitive drill be-1 tween 'squads cups will be given to the two best squads The cups are presented by Mrs. S. A. I -o well and Bond Bros. Both will be of equal vnl- i ue and will be presented to the twoj best squads. thfAe being chosen from the drill by judges chosen from thl business men. I Grocery Phones 526 Use the Phone PENDLETON'S SERVICE LEADING STORE Other Department! 78 Uae the Phone ,.: Our Business is Based on the As sumption That the Public Wants Quality Goods Reasonably Priced v . The dictionary gives the meaning of quality as . . CHARACTER. , - - - We believe this may apply to the medium priced goods as well as those of higher cost. ALEXANDER'S GOODS HAVE CHARACTER AND IT IS THIS SUBTLE QUALITY THAT MAKES CONTINUED SUCCESS. , . , . . ' . " You will enjoy shopping in this store. Because we have the largest stocks and widest variety to se lect from in Pendleton. HIGHEST STANDARD QUALITY GOODS all the time. Priced at about what you want to pay. BOYS WASH A big selection of Boys' Wash Suits of very best quality, wen maae, neauy inmmcu; umy ju&t you made them yourself. All sizes and ages from 2 t 8 voOKC TPar.Vi $ 1 .25 1 (1 $4.00 u j tui tj. a-jc-i. -i - . yl w. " KAZOO SUPPORTERS d&sJfcr JUJtV WVJ V'V- .&a.fc4W I as thev are the best and strongest made. We have all sizes, in white and colors. Each 75c BOYS' HATS I' WyY In straw and linen, of the newest styles and shapes. I 3l Buy the boy a hat now while we have the size you T want 65c to $2.00 Y JSUXS tVAlalS AINU &1UK1& Why make these up when you can get "READY MADE" such good boys' waists in neat patterns and designs as we are showing. Sizes from 6 to 16 yrs. Each 75c to $4.00 S U I T S .9? -i -r -c "WILL YOU KINDLY DIRECT ME TO YOUR IN FANTS' DEPARTMENT?" That is what hundreds of babies would ask if babies did their own ' shopping, and what a . v glorious time they J-Ajy' would have in the in- vVU-J. is. with every conceiv- Tva cw iuic txi liiai. minis ters to baby's comfort, welfare and happiness. Skirts 35c to $2.75 Binders 35c to $1.25 Pinning Pads 50c to $1.50 Flannel Skirts $1.25 to $5.00 Nainsook Skirts 35c to $7.50 Knit Night Gowns $1.25 to $2.50 Nainsook Slips 35c to $2.50 Dresses 75c to $15.00 Cashmere Wrappers 75c to $3.50 Bootees 35c to $3.95 Silk Quilts $3.50 to $5.50 Blankets $1.00 to $4.50 BOYS' HOSE 25c A big heavy ribbed hose for boys that are hard on stockings. We have all sizes, 6 to 10. Pair. .... 25c CHILDREN'S WAIST AND SUPPORTERS These are especially good for summer wear, for the little ones; sizes from 4 to 12 yrs. Each. . . 75c CHILDREN'S PARASOLS Offered in a big array of colors and figures. Just the right size, well made. Each' 50c to $2.50 For that White Skirt BLACK SILK A dress or suit of black silk is always in style be cause the garment is made along conservative lines. Our black silks assortment is well up to standard in quality and weaves, in satin and dull finish. You will do well to make your selection from our stock. Black Taffeta $1.25 to $2.50 Black Messaline $1.25 to $2.00 Black Duchess $2.00 to $3.00 Black Satin $2.50 to $4.50 Black Crepe de Chine $1.59 to $2.00 Black Peau de Soie $2.50 to $3.00 Black Seco 40c to 75c Black China Silk 85c Etc. Etc. TIES WINDSOR TIES, MIDDY TIES For the girls and women to be worn with middies and dresses they are wearing so much now. Offered in plain colors and fancy. Each 35c to $2.00 Such silks as these will prove their worth be cause they are of excel lent quality, easy to make up and wear well. Georgette Crepe. $2.25 Crepe de Chine, $1.59 and $2.00. Satin $1.85 Crepe Shang Tung $2.50 Baronette Satin.. $4.00 Etc. Etc. BLACK VELVET FOR SPORT COATS 40 inches wide, of finest quality silk velour, w ith dull finish, especially good for the sport coats they are using so much now. Have a look at this splendid velvet BED SPREADS Now is the time to put on lighter bed coverings. Our showing of fine bed spreads is far above the average. Largest sizes, beautiful designs in cro chet and Marseilles. They come hemmed and scal loped $1.50 to $15.00 PLAIN COLORED VOILE A showing of a wide range of shades both light and dark for dresses, blouses and trimming, of finest Mercerized Voile with permanent finish; 36 and 40 inches wide. The yard 40c and 65c GROCERY DEPT. FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Large Red Strawberries, box 25c California Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c Home Grown Rhubarb, pound 10c Large California Cauliflower 25c and 30c Fresh Tomatoes, pound 25c Spinnach, 3 pounds for 25c T O PHONES 526 Other News of Pendleton on Page 6 Today. ,