1W M , CI ,-: - x- avVVV VVVi i-PVs" TEN PAtlES TAGE TEN tmwt EAST UKTOONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRTL 20, 1010, -tf V. 2 "v,1, V,', ', iV. ,,-, . - --' a r Conn try Butter Direct From the Ranch Every Day, 2 Lbs. Full Weight $1.10. ('AMFIIKI J8 SUITS tYlery, IkH "Vcgrtable, Con. amniK, .-iaragn. Julienne, 1VX- ihh, IVa, Timtaiu, Mulligatawny. ( lik'lirn. ttilrkcw (iuuibo, lTlnmutor, Vrr. luk-rlll-Tomalo, CIhiu tttowtlor. mrh IV'as, l'rrmh Mushrooms llctgiuin 1V.S, Bel glum. Sardines .orwi-Klnn swriliiirs, When jrou can not find what you want at other stores try us. We have the most com plete line of high grade groceries in Umatil la county. i GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. Umatilla is Interested in v New Centrifugal Pump (Enst Oregonlan Special.) VMAT1JLLA. Oregon, Arll 29 W. J. Logan la the first patron on the I government project hre to Install nil g-inch centrifugal pump, having a capacity of eight hundred gallons per minute, for Irrigutton purposes where the land cannot be readied by the government ditch. This pump la sufficient for supply ing water to several hundred acres, Huw&ver. it will be used In supplying wuter over twelve acres of ground. Project Manager Shlllin has asked) Inn season should be from Muy 1 Weston Man In Navy Is Dead in New York T f" (East Oregonlan Special.) WKSTON, Oregon. April Har. ry lleathe received a telerani Sutur day evening from his brother in 8e. altle stating that his brother Kdmuiid Heal he. died April loth In New York. No particulars were given Kdimmd was in the merchant marine, us elec trician. Karl ltarnett has gone to Grange him to keep a record of all costs to! city Junction to work on the section demonstrate to other farmers the under Charles Nelson, who has taken practicability of the plan. The pumpi charge of a section there. Two Phones 28 "QUALITY" 823 Main St represents an Investment of $600. J. A Pryor of Umatilla who has been InKaged in the sorghum Indus I try here fur the iast year, expects to install a mill In this vicinity for nan -jjdiing the sorghum products. A con KSiderable acreage huseen put in wa ; i ntttui.ti county in ine pwi yettr. Kiahout TOO gallons were turned out i lust year. vm0 i There are about seven acres on the! , project and this makes the averagel gyn t of loo gallons to the acre, Mr. Pryorj Ioren Hall returned Thursday from a two-weeks visit to Seattle. Ueuhen Basket of Kreewuter Is so journing In Weston and taking rec reation hy working In the brickyard. Servant James Kirk Patrick, who in employed In service of supply at St. Nasalre, France, expects to be re lieved so that he may start for home on' May 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilyard, hav, tng disposed of their property at The Dalles, are going to Ogden, X'tnh. They Z 11 ING - - - - BANG Hh man In a dugout horribly mangled, both gone, heirciiur to hate someone cud his lire: another me. rront'liliig on the rlotir, liis head Mxi-red from hi hod). . Ih cw-.l llii MaiiKlHer? You n( home. Through your sacrifice. ctory wait made possible. it you liato tlio rlutiirc to pay for the Victory with your DOILlliS tit-Uad or lOUt SO.VS Wood. Subscriptions for Vk'tory lioiuls taken at THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON "STRONGEST BANK IS KASTERX OREGON , thinks that the acreage will be doti ; stoped for afew days visit in Wes I hied this year. Thirty-eight acres, j ton with Mrs, Illlyard's mother. Mrs. have lecn signed up and more com- Ing In. For this part of the state the plant- THERE'S HEALTH IN THIS SPRING TONIC These are the months to get rid of , all the impurities that have stored themselves In your system during the (Winter. We advise a vegetable blood cleaner that has stood the test of many years use. See your druggist. SAY "I WANT CELERY KING" Brew a cup and drink It every other night for a few weeks. It cleans the system is good for stomach and liver and Its regular use banishes pimples, cleans up blotch skin and makes you feel younger. Tou"U like it the children like It and the cost Is next to nothing. A. A Kees. Dokklt Visit t AUicna. A number of the members of the Knights of Khorassan went over to Athena Inst night to attend a cere monial of the Dokklcs held hy Al Klndl Temple No. 193 of Walla Walla, A number of Tyros we&e, conducted over the hot sands. A bountiful sup per was served by the ludies of the Methodist church. Owing to nn uncertainty as to what j riuto the state highway shall take I through Weston, two different fac- tions. according to their geograph ical locations In the city, are sinning petitions for two different routes. One j faction wants It to pass through Main street; the other wants It to continue; down Water street to the north limits j of the town. Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Williams have offered to give $10 In prises for thef three best letters on The Resources: of Weston sent them from the typingj class of the Weston high school Much interest is being shown in the contest by the members of the class. j J. F. Snider has moved with his I family to Athena to reside, where he i will continue in the employ of Watts: & Itogers. j Weston lodge I. O. O. F has elected J. A. King, S. A. Fames and H. I Hedrlck an delegates to the grand lodge which will be held in Salem, I May 19. J. C. Penney Co., a Nationwide Institution, 4i'li3SA ' The season for good driving Has fx Hk started to slip by. -v Those intending to buy a car should make up their mind now and get the hft full season's use of it x v i ' V We are always pleased to show our v " L V ne wMdi we know is suited to the needs of Umatilla county, giving ser- vice ana tsuLixactiuii. . . . Campbell S Frenize! Motor Co. Distributors for Umatilla County 722 Cottonwood Phone 46 c 1 1 A Regular Deliveries Everyday Gommoncing May I Get an Ice C&rd from Our Drivers or Phone 178 SMYTHE -LONERGAN CO. Quality Quantity Service Oldsmobile Trucks Ready for action on your delivery problem, with express body or steel cab and sills, ready for mounting on stake, rack, grain dump or box body. . . Pendleton Auto Co. (Established 1907) Court and Johnson Sts. , Pendleton, Oregon 3irj Land Bargain No. 2 4BI hciim ilin'rsirii-d rin-li, within five miles or l'iiillHon. un Kuod road. Tills ueuutirul riiiich is ll. Klfl ,h rollowA: IUI urn-. I'holce lx(lom land, with trtv b(it rllihl and no water aMMSHmcnts. Illlifn(r all un In Rood kIimim'. Tin-re Is .built J3 atr- now 111 a Rood Maud ff airalra. smull orrtiaril anil flic balance ,)KwmI rr pluming corn and iiardcn. bm ain runs thrfmieti the placi". a(tO wtm wheat land, of which alsntt 250 acre now planlcd to irraln and Irawd for this year. llir. , chaser gets oiie-llifrd or grain delivered In sare liouse. All cqulimient. Inchidinic wagons, harness, plows, mower, rakes and other necessary machinery (roes with place: alxo 1 1 good horses, J.1 head or catllc, jilKs, hlckens, etc., gMn with the place- IHoe 6I.00 x-r acre. Can lie had on Rood terms. itarg.lns lit Pendleton Homes. Snow 6 Dayton "sKSKHjUXW 117 :at Court. I'holic tf.V' KfSAIi KST.TK l.AIUl IX1AX8 IN'SOIANCK 4 a B I O M : nl ft t 6 New Goats and Dolmans JUST ARRIVED FROM NEW YORK The most fashionable materials in brillian tcoloi ings. Best Values on the market PRICED AT $19.75 to $34.75 NEW SHIPMENT OF SILK DRESSES Georgettes, Messalines and Taffetas. Best in design, in finish in attractiveness. One dozen new beauties. The en tire lot priced at ... 19.75 CHILDREN'S .DRESSES Lots of pretty New Gingham and Chambray Dresses for chil dren, ages 2 years to 11 years 98c to $2.98. We know you can use some of these wherever there is girls in the family. You will be surprised at the low prices we are asking for such beautiful dresses. 7 Incorporated J. C. Penney Co., a Nationwide institution. MV1S TO AKKEST SEATTLE, April 29. Frank Fry. uged 19, las in the city jutl today on a disorderly conduct charge because a policemun found a pint ot cold tea In his possession. This is the second time Kry has been arrested for car rying cold tea. His first arret was the result of complaints thut cold tea was being sold ut $18 a quart by a man who represented himself as an agent for a bootlegger. Ho Wan (Hi Uio Itittht Track. Dr. J. M. Buckley, the Methodist divine, was asked one day to conduct an "experience meeting' at a colored church In the Houth. A colored woman arose and bore witness to the iireclousness of her re ligion aa llght-brlnger and comfort- giver. m "That's good, lister!" commented Dr. Buckley. "But now about the practical side. I men your religion mak you strive to prepare your husband a good dinner? ' f)oes it make you look after him in' every way Just then Dr. Buckley felt a yonk at his coat tails by the colored preacher, who whispered ardently. Tress dem questions, doctor; prens urn. qiHtPBtfonH. Xat's my wife! Lrfullca Home Journal. Intolerable and Mena to Health, jHHlarrs Jt('Irt. TACOMA, April 'Intolerable and a menace to health' Is tha way conditions at the city Jail were do scribed today In a report by tha so cial ner vice board to be submitted to the city council. 'The place is unfit fr use as a Jail or for any human purposes othr than a very temporary detention' the report continues, sug gesting a city farm where prisoners IHIIi latgiiirrra Itnck. NEW YORK. April 28. The 18th Engineers, 1'aniflc coast troops, arriv ed here on the transport Texan Mon. day. REPRESENTS HALT AT WASHINGTON BUILDS YOU UP Th. Right Way Sprintf MJieIn that B.gin. and End. Right. Bo generally successful Is Hond'd FarsBparllla aa Rprlng medicine, and Jn all ailments of tha blood. Moma-h. liver and kidneys, that It may truly be .aid to R-iva universal satisfaction. It haa been before th. public for nearly 60 years, and to day haa the largest asle of any aar aapHrllla, Kothlna tinder the aun could keep up thla irroat demand but phenomenal efficiency and loyal sup port by the people of a Rood medicine. It thoroughly renovates the blood, adds red corpuscles, creates an appe. tlte, tone, the Rtomnch, aids diges tion, perfects sHslmllntlon, secures 100 tier cent. Iieneflt of the food you est. Ifood'a Karsaparilla represents the wisdom of one of the best physicians Boston ever had, combined with the practical experience of a pharmacist who haa been putting up prescrip tions for more than 60 years. could be handled .a In other large cities Sweeping changes ar. urged in the report aa vital pending the time when a farm could be secured. America National Bank Building. Pendleton. X7a Bol.nUfteailF examined. Oltim ground to (It DAUS ROTBWELL S OpUMsMtrlM us OotfolMi o GEORGE R. WRIGHT AKVIIITEUr Telephone .0 61 Main 8U " Fendl.ton, On, CHEAP Did you aver atop to con sider, cleaning .nd proteins; don't coat you any mora now than Id 1811 t RUDD TUB TA ITOR AND CIjEAREJI ana W. Webb 8t, Does best work In to-wn. PhotM 8S ' r 'm T hi m ELURE, R. U ItarkMi asala afli. t. th. Halted Btalas. He ts aayta nothing and awaitrag or dots from his government la any eriais that may artaa from PreaMmt WU .aon'a opposition to Italy 'a Aart atte claims. Us aasM maa aat4c pats a diplomatic anak, f - ' !iiii(iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiirii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis ' WE ARE NOW OFFERING r THE FOLLOWING -' g 2 Used Car Bargains I One 1918. Ford ' " One 1917 Closed Oakland Ms One 1916 Buick 5 Passenger One 1915 Franklin r- "V One 1917 Marmon ' s B S S 3 No matter what you want to pay for a used car, we can supply your wants. .We have them in every price class. Oregon Motor Garage lit, 131 West Court St Pendleton, Oregon H Tillllllllllllimiuiiiliiiiuiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiniiitiiiiinii iimmfj