sr. DAILY EAST DREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1910. - TEN PAGES null ;atr ADULTS 25c CHILDREN 10c ARCADE Today MOVE CASH i GROCERY" THEATRES ' ! V .- ;' ( I 525 Main St ' Tfet Delivery. Phone 640 I The Best at a Saving We aim to give our customers the best the market affords, at a saving. Compare our prices with others. Best Creamery Butter. 1 lb. 65c; 2 lbs. $1.25 Olympic Pan Cake Flour, package .'. . . . 35c Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb 55c Blanchard Evaporated Milk, large can 15c Best Iowa Com, can 15c Red X Tomatoes. . . . . . can 20c, two for 35c Gibralte Oysters. . .', can 20c, two for 35c Palace Car Apricots and Peaches. . . . . . 20c Two for 35c Matches 10c, two for 15c, four for 25c dozen 70c Van Camps Hominy; large can . . ...... 20c Onion Sets, quart 15c AIVTA 13 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford service has kept pace. It is the factor which strengthens the personal relation between Ford owners and the Company. To get the best possible service from your Ford car, bring it here when it needs attention and get the benefit of Ford supervision throughout We use the genuine Ford parts and give you the benefit of the regular standard Ford prices. . We have Ford factory mechanics, and special Ford machinery to fix up your car right and at the greatest saving of labor and expense. Our shop is as well equipped as any Ford garage in Oregon. Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sts. Phone 408 ."The Spender." by Frederick Orln Hurt let t. la be shown at the Alto. the. tre. , "Tj Spender,'', .th Metro piny which will be the feature at the Alt theatre today, and Id which the new est favorite of the anreeru Bert Lytell, vll be seen. 1 on of the cbveret, most aniUHjnK and entertaining come. die eC the aeasor . Th plot, which was adapted from tike story lit the MM name by Fred crick Orln Rurtlett. published In the Saturday Evening Post, centers around, two mo Dick Bisbee, younc and vital to whom life means enjoy, ment, and the Other, "Tightwad" Blue,oJd and aaohianthrope. The yntuig man haH nn moneyto buy tbe food thlnM of life while the older one possesses mlllUio but haa lost the art of happiness In hie greedy March for gold. Pick, played by Rert Lytell, con. celve a plan whereby he east help hie uncle, old "Tightwad" bak to pouth and enjoyment and In return ously aa Carulll and Nannl, he play. Ink nppoalt to ' himself frequently, oiultlple photography necessarily was employed for the purpose. It la Mid that the synchronism of action In these scenes Is perfect, and that at tlmea the effect Is most startling. The situations of this photoplay are said to be highly dramatic and filled with stirring heart appeal. Mr. Caruso Is supported by an ex. celient cast of players. Chief among these Is Caroline White, an opera slnxer and actrees of signal merit Miss White Is a lloeton girl and made her debut In grand opera In Naples; In 1910. It Is said that she plays the part of Rosa Ventura, a cashier In a restaurant, with splendid artistry. The support generally is of a high or der of merit, the result being- a most charming picture. The story of "My Cousin is one or unusual Interest and the situations ar said to be hlKhly effective. The pho toplay was directed by Edward Jose and the scenario was written especial ly for Mr. cameo's debut by Margaret Turnout! PASTLMF srNDAV AND MONDAY is!' WJIKX BOAT LEAKS home for the girl he loves and going to marry. - - How. at Dick's Instigation, the old Veil Draw Cuts to See Who Must AM man easts off his age with his old ! IMwlh ScnuwK-o. .'Inthes. Is cleverly shown aa tne; nuouiea in ine ui-iui .o.-, play progresses and the happlneM the younger man Is able to teocn tn elder shows that money la only a source of pleasure when used for the hinjiines of others. The play Is vital and compelling for Its real human' power, -while Its comedy Is moat delicately and lightly handl ed providing- surpassing ententala- meet. while the. romance which run through the story la refreshing ui its aliopftVIty and charm. It la a picture, which Is bound to delight and please all who see II and la classed aa one of the real surpnaes" at the season both for the original idea, of the story and to splendid work of th young star. The play is directed by Charles Swickard under the personal auper vision of aeorge D. Baker, manager of production. AllCAWH TODAY "NEW RECORDS" AND SHEET MUSIC Just received our new records and sheet music all the hits , '., yi If you are in the market for Pianos or Talk ing Machines it will pay you to look over our line. We handle only the standard makes. , BALDWIN PIANOS COLUMBIA, VICTOR and EDISON ,ti MACHINES. ttt Warren's Music House 820 Main St. rhone521 Pendleton, Oregon Exmoo carcso iias iwtai, IIOI.KS IX "MY txcsrv lemons Tenor Seen to Exceptional Advantage II' Tn Photofttay. In the photoplny written especially for his 'cinema debut under Artcraft auKpices, Enrico Caruso, the cele brated tenor, plays two rules, one being Peso re Carulll, a singer, and the other , . i i..,.H..i n.tiMt who makea models for plaster costs. These two i or tne sea. now jiarun n .h....n .re the nrlnclnal figures I era are answered and the punishment In the story of "My Cousin" which will be shown at the) Arcade theatre nevt Pnndoy and Monday. Aa Mr. Caruso appear almultane- Clara (love, her sweetheart, Martin Hhaw and Cnotein Shnttnck. notorious commander of the ill-fated 'black birder." The boat, but a few short hours before, had gone to her Inst rest, a mass of raging flames. There was a hullet hole below the water-line of the life-bout and the cap. tain's sea plug hart fulled to work. Il was time for stringent measures and one of thoee In the life-boat must go overboard s.o the others might live. With one man out of the boat the butlot hole would be above the water line. 'We'll draw cuta for It,"" was the captain's order, and well Mar tin Bhaw knew who would draw the straw carrying the death sentence. For since he had slain Jeff Whittle sey In a fight following aq insult to Clara he had been pursued by etvil luck. haw was right; he drew the death lot. Hungrily his eyes bade a last farewell to the woman he loved and tie breathed a silent prayer to the One in whom he had no faith that no harm might befal Clara. She swooned and soon the little craft wag out of sight. This Is, one of the scenes which makes the new Triangle picture The Rhlp of Doom." at the Pastime thentr on Bundny and Monday night a masterpiece of thrilling adventures v.'hlih fate has In store for tne nrutai captain makes a fitting climax for this picture In which Clair McDowell ana Monte Bine are featured NONE THE W 0 R S E AFTER SLEEPING A MONTH :, '-.-.y-.y. v, '4 it - t- & ROSANA PA.QAHO Five-year-old Roaetta Pagan baa dropped a month out of ber lile. But Roaetta doeea't miea it. Roaetta slept for a montb la a New York hospital, a victim of the strange malady that bag gone acroaa the country. Nurse explained to her that he had been very sick and must ille very quiet for a while. But Roaetta Insisted taat abe waa not islck and that she wanted her dolly and wanted to know what her playmates at the klndergar l'n were doing. . 8 oday CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 20c 1 k.wiwmnWV A Knife Fight on the Very Edge of a Precipice is one of the Thrills in ' - The Ship of Doom With Claire McDowell IN ADDITION, TRIANGLE COMEDY Beavers Give Tigers 7 to 1 Beating Sunday Paririo ONva lieaguo Standings. . W. u Tct 1a. Angeles 1 SOO Salt I-nke 1" ' ! Han Francisco 1! 9 6'1 taktand 9 t .M Hacramcnto " Seattle 444 Vernon ,l S6S Portland 4 J 4 -2" PORTI.AXD, Ox April 2. Re jfore a big Sunday crowd th Beavers treunced Vernon 7 to 1, Caroll Jonea homing the Tigers safe all the. way. Htitterles Junes nnd Raker; Rei ser, I toes and Cook. PRATTLE. Wash., April S8. Se. attle scored but one run In Sunday's b- i. . . . . I. .1 , ... n a .nniiEh In detent ' Oakland for the fourth time In a I week. I Ratter es Palkenlmrg and Richie; New Features For Pendleton ' ; ; in an "Eight The Two-Power Range Right meets, with economy, widely different re quirements. rndor traffic restriction the "loafing" range permits of great lei sure with necessary power ami low fuel consumption. The "sporting" rang permit of aU the excitement the driver's enthusiasm may demand and his courage permit. This dual-personality mnkes Peer-m-hs owners enthusiastic astern Oregon Motor Co. Claude Miles, Sales Mgr. Ted Preble, Mgr. Take home a Delta fancy brick of Ice Cream. They are put up In card board carton and will keep for on hour. QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY T1KK TAIHiKSPOOXFTTj or SALTS IF HACK HI'ltTS OK IU IIOTIIKU.S. ' Wo are a nntlnn of meat enters and our blood ia filled with uric acid, fays a well-known authority, i who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. - The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this Irrltntlng ncld. but become weak from the overwork: they get sluggish; the ellminativa tissues clog and thus the waste Is re tained In th blood lt poison the entire- system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lend, and you have stinging pains In th back or the urine bt cloudy, full of segment, or the bladder Is Irritable, obliging yon to seek relief during the night: when you have severe headaches, nervous mrt div snells. sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounce of Jad Salts; take a tablcspoonful In a glass of water lHfore breakfast each morning and In a few daya your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the cld of grape, and lemon Juice, cvmblned with llthia. and has been used for .generations to flush and Rtlmulnt clogged kidneys. U neutral Ise the acids In urine so It ia no long er a source of irritation, thus ending urinary nnd bladder disorders. Jad Salts l Inexpensive and can not Injure; mnkes a delightful effer. vescent llthln-water drink, and no ran make a mistake by taking a lit(W occasionally to keen th kid ney clean and active, Kramer and Mltse, Elliott. SAN FRANCISCO, Cel.. April 28. Th Seal and Senator divided a doa ble header Sunday. San Francisco tak ing th first 3 to s and Sacramento the second. 5 to Retteries (First gam'dV McKenry and Fisher; Smith and McKee. Second game Rroomley and Mur ray; Couch and Brooks. LOS ANGELKS, Cat.. April 28. Salt Lake and Los Angeles split even Sunday, the first going to the Rees T to 3, Los Angeles winning 3 to i Ir. th afternoon after 13 Innings of Phiy. , Ratterles First gamel Markle and Ryler: Crandall. Valencia and La pan (Second game) Leverens nnd Byler; Aldrldgc, Heers and Roles. Saturday's Resnl t . At Portland Pnrtltind- S, Vernon A (ir, innlnga) " - ''"'IHl At 8eattle SeattI S. ..Oakland J. At Ran Francisco Sacramento 5. San Francisco 8. -; At Los Angele Salt Lnke-Los Angeles game postponed, wet-grounds National League Result. ( ' " Tittsburg 1, Cincinnati 4. St. Louis 1. Chicago T. , American Iaguo. Result. Roston S. Washington 0. Chicago , Detroit . Ran Cupid I!u-J Saturday. Three marriage licenses were issued Saturday afternoon by Countv Clerk I. T. Brown. Roy Amlsa Smalley, 21, and Rahe Etta Griffith, 19, wer the first to apply and were later mar ried by Justice Joe II. Parkes. Henry George Loos. 21, and Ruby M. Sch reckhise. 16, were the second couple to apply, being married Sunday by Rev. J. K. Ireland. Joe Patterson, 23, and Vada Rambo. 20, were th third applicant.- AU parties (Save their home addresses aa Pendleton.. Will Repair ItwcWnK1. Repairs to his dwelling on Marie street, to cost $50, will be made by J. D. Rrammrll, according to a permit Issued by City Recorder Fitz Gerald this morning. ! ALTA Tocflp i CHILDREN 10c - ADULTS 30c 0 young man transforms a f 5 ; ' " skinflint into a spender and . . B benefactor. , Bert Lytell f ' -In- : i r mo opiuoi UNIVERSAL TRAINING METHODS POINTED OUT A Brilliant 5-Act Metro j . 2 Comedy. . " i -4 FRIEND BASEBALL OF When Govern or Smith of New York aignad the Sunday baseball blr) Magistrate Francla X. Mc Quade. who also- l treasarer of the New York Giants, received hundreds of telegram of con gratulations. It was a gret per aoaal victory. For three year before he was connected with the Glanta he had fought for the Mil. It almost passed last yar. The privilege of playing 8uaday ball in New York la the biggest kind of a boost for baseball. It meaa many thousand ft dollar to both leafw, - r - WASHINGTON, April 26. Con gress will be asked to put the nation's security In the keeping of a strong national forced and relegate to the national guard, under state contro' the malnteni-e of local order, accord ing to well informed officiers at the war department today. Plans have been drafted for the general staff tc provide universal military training as the heart of the future army Army experts expect a quick decision after Secretary Baker returns from France. With thousands of officers enrolled Irl ; the reserve corps army men are nnx. 2 ious also to form a reserve for enlist- ed men. It is pointed that universal ' training couM be obtained through ;5 either of two methods. voluntee s summer camps or camps made com pulsory for youths of certain ages ar ranged so they will not interfere with schooling. nuiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite STANDARD till, T.VRICS RH! ROND SAN FRANCISCO. A"ril 2H. Tlie Stnadurd Oil Company of California, today auuouiiccd a two million vic tory louit sultttiHptiiMi. Half is cn-d-ititl to sun lYnnWsco mid the remain der to several California cities having company a policies. I lill A M ( I I I nffct?JrJHi. I i For Burning Eczema Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 35c. or $1.00 for large size, get a bottle of Zerao. When applied as directed it effectively removes eexema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It pene trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is a dean, dependable and inexpensive, antiseptic liquid. Try it. as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effec tive and satisfying. " The E. W Rose Co.. Cleveland. O. Any Figure I Can Be Fitted! BIG Carmen's Dance Umatilla.M ay 1 Special Music BY EMIL BECK TAILOR Hotel Pendleton Bldg I t Phone itiuiiiiuiuuiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiii.iuimiiiuiiuiiiiiiuiiuiiiiuiuuuuuiiiuiuuiuiiiit