' -r- i TEN PAGES ' DSILT EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY. APRIL 28. 1919. page Tmrftn n , -Vt fT ' "'t ' -,- H NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Harold tliilimpy Uonvalcwulnif. Harold Mulonoy, who wan Injured Saturday afternoon by a kick from mule, la convalescing at HI. Anthony'! hospital. Mia jaw haa been placed In splints and he la Improving- rapidly, County ConimtMkiK-r Ili-rc. i - J. 3 Johnson, of Uruy'a River, Washington, left today for l'orllund after a visit with David Nelaon of thla city. Mr. Johnson la a county com mlealoner of Wahklukum county and la vlaltlng Oregon on road business. lU'turu From fivrvlop. J Karl l'uliner has returned to Pen sdleton after spending1 over a year In the U. 8. Navy. .He enlisted In De cember, 117 and hua been stationed Bt Bremerton. Alaska Trouiw Hero. The Alaska studio moving picture troupe passed through Pendleton this morning, going east to make films 4VOID COUGrLT vA COUGHERiT! ILOH 'sssar 30 WOPS-SlOPS COVCMS HALT THLf FOR CHILDREN .aasaav I imim of the acenlo attractions of the Unit ed States. Milling or W. 8. 8. Com minted. The W. 8. S. committee will meet tonight at the city hall to continue plans for the sute of the thrift atamp Ir, 1'endleton and other purls of Uma. tilla cuunty. i Carl IVntoil I'nlmproved. Carl Kenton, Dallas man who la well known In Pendleton, la critically 111 at his home and hla condition does not Improve. Ho la suffering from cerebral spinal meningitis. Fenton, who Is a I'ulveralty of Oregon athlete, recently returned from overseas aerv. Ice. Ciraln Men Practic-lttg. 1'endleton grain men are practicing dully for a game with the Walla Wal la grain delegutlon and are getting the team Into shape. The appointed time for the practice la 8:80 p. m. and the scene of action la the Hound L'p grounds, " - Will Graduate Prom High School. Twentv-nlne seniors will graduate from the Pendleton high school May 11. They are Murjotie Hall, Mnta Clark. Genrglanna Fletcher. Jessie Forshaw, Blanche Furnish, Wllma Oardner, Gwendolyn Horseman, Eva lyn Ilurd, MarJorie Ireland, Laura Kearney, Carol Kellum, Merle King, Willo Oulea, Gwendolyn Kngi-rs, Lo rena Southwell, Irene Bpecknagle, 16ii6i 161 lAiioi 161161 16i ioi ioi o -1 I H I O I 4 lO -I I -I I HP You Will Enjoy 1 Your T; Supplies at "101" WE CONDUCT OUR STORE TO SERVE YOU It is our aim to stock only those brands and grades of poods that we know will give the con sumer real satisfaction goods that we can . recommend without the slightest fear or hesi tation. Open a weekly or monthly service account with us for May and see if we aren't right. "You Can Always Depend on Us Inc. Pendleton Cash Market, Fine Groceries and Meats Phones 101. ( Private exchange connecting both departments.) Frances Htraugbn, Helen Thompson, Gherutlne Winn, Methei Menton, Itus sell Akey, Dun Hell, Dean Host, Alfred Koeppen, Fred Parker, Lloyd Mont gomery, Hubert Hmlth, Ned titrahorn, Kenneth Tuliock, Divorce Vfvrtso KiiUtfi, Nellie Kosa was grunted a divorce from Alton J. Hoes In circuit court today, the plaintiff being given cus tody of their child, Louise Itoss. OrdiT Kale of Property. An order was made In prubate court toduy for the sale of reut pro perty 'belonging, to the estute of Mar tha Male. Standard oil Hue for Hill. The Casel Lumber Coiupuny is de fendant in a suit filed toduy by the Standard oil Company to collect $325.57 alleged due on u bill for goods. Asks twparaUon. Desertion is charged In the ault for; divorce filed toduy by Hon Guroutte against Lottie Guroutte. The couple were married In Ilolse .In Heptember, ! 1017, and have no children nor prop- j erty rights' to settle. I 1'lnrd for llilHiur IHIUts. J. W Noble, charged with selling I bitters to Indians, was fined $25 'In Justice court this morning upon con Man's Rentrnce Kuspcndmf. Ij. M. Main, who resides near Booth Yoakum In school district No. 12, was found guilty In Julstice court, of failing to keep his boy In school; and sentence suspended Saturday aft-! ernoon, upon recommendation of the district attorney. It developed th. the boy was not playing "hookey" but was kept out of fcchool a couple of days to assist on the farm and len. lency was requested on that account ; Tline Kulta HlMnilwfl. Three suit in which the Western Land and Irrigation Company is plain tiff and the defendants are respect ively George L. Pullcn, Glynn F. Durnt, et nl., and George I Pullen, R. C May and Isa R. Jessup were order ed dismissed In the circuit court today. Hm 1ockniMMl Had Car. The Itev. Alfred Lockwood has been presented with a seven passenger I Sludebuker by the mernlers of his purlsh. The machine will make it possible for the ltpv. Lockwood to I conduct services In varloua parta oT the county during the week and on Sunday. -IQI TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT INSURANCE Is the Best Policy" i AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE THAT INSURES s Our combination policies protect you against fire and theft, liability, prop erty damage and collision. If you are buying a new car it will pay you to see me before you insure. JOIS KERLEY ; Successor to Chaa. K. Hoard, Inn. "See Me Before the Fire" Insurance Loans Real Estate 731 Mala Fen ill ton, Oregon Stanjlo A I Mi An AisBler. Hay spangle, who la one of th i Pendleton Hud and Gun Club's star! performer, returned last night f rora : Birch creek with the largest rainbow trout yet seen hereabouts. The fish a 26 1-2 Inches from tip to tip and yim Hooked in Hirch creek nearly two : miles leond Pilot ISock. Spangle, had a lotix fight to get the trout land, i ed, finally getting It Into a clump of weeds after let t: lift out all the lins ho had. WW Mitt Son. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murphy and daughters, Mb Kdna Murphy and MIks Jhdr Murnhv. will b, tn Ia ! CJrunde to meet their son, Tom Mur phy, who has been overseas with a hospital unit of the Rainbow division. lie if now ut Camp Merritt and Is un certain as to when he wlU arrive here. ! Lieutenant K. H. Waffle, son of Mrs It S. Waffle of this city, who is also a s Camp Merritt, will return to his home In AM or I a but will pans through Pendleton with the returning troops. Limit, l-vrrbt on Visit. Second Lieutenant H. E. Ferrln of the coast artillery, brother of Holman B. Ferrin of the high school faculty,; made a short vlr.lt to the school this; morning, and while there took curse of the military company for a few minutes. It of ore giving a Hhort drill Lieutenant Ferrln stated that he was glHd to see military training becom ing part nf the routine of high schools, a he believes It to he one of the best prearations for civil, as well aa mil iary, life in the future. warn lantern's (,rnri nation Numltor. The graduation number of The fan tern, Pendleton High School students' publication, appeared today, marking the final Issue of the resent year A ! feature of the publication Is a histnr. leal review of the paper, going buck to the fall of 191 when it was found ed. The lantern Is. as usual, full ot news, literary matter and personal slant. It marked the final Issue un der the leadership of Alfred Koeppen Ivan flotiHcr, cartoonist with the staff this yar, will edit the paper next year vacation Time Now that it is about here, you no doubt are planning on how to spend it. How about taking it in an auto this summer jo you can enjoy it thoroughly? Come in and pick out your car; pay a little down ,and the rest monthly in installments. ' We have today the following: 1 DODGE BROTHERS TOURING 3 FORDS 1 FRANKLIN j " Want Further KiMlrwim.i. The National Highways Com mis sion, which recently requested and re ceived from the 1'endleton Commer- i clal Association an endorsement ol their plans, has again written the. club asking that they Instruct their ! delegate at the National Uood Hoads i meeting to work for the national com. I mission As the local club has m i representation there It cannot meet with this request and unless som j one is found to accept Pendleton's ' proxy, the added weight cannot be I placed. Cottoowood Water 6C rbone ftS jOiiiiity Otnm.lt tco hi.i doted. i Twelve men from as many towns H!j in t'matilla county were added to the I crunty committee to organise the Y. fS M. C A. last night. The men were appointed by W, W. Green, chairman gof the local committee and these men I will work with the 1'endleton men as Hja, committee of the whole. Those c5 named were: T'matilla. Carl Prownell; H ! Hermiston, Tom Campbell; Manfleld, H Halph Holte; Pilot llick. Elbert Cas- tell; Helix. Hoy Penland; Adams, J. Hales; Athena. M. V. Hansell; 3 i Weston, J. H. Price; Milton, Tom 3 Frasler; Freewater, It. C Lamb; Uma- pine, Ipw Hodgen. The quotas for 3 1 the various communities were fixed Grocery Phones 526 Use the Phone j7 l mW7w QzrjLjLfimr PENDLETON'S LEADING STORE Other Departments ; 78 Use the I'hone We Specialize in Every Department in This Store In fact every department is a complete store in itself. Carrying the highest standard quality goods, priced at about what you want to pay. Efficient salespeople to serve you and advise you. These with our . excellent service make this an ideal place to buy your goods. Satisfaction guaranteeed. BOYS WASH SUITS A big selection of Boys' Wash Suits of very best quality, well made, neatly trimmed; they fit just like you made them yourself. All sizes and ages from 2 to 8 years. Each : $1.25 to $4.00 KAZOO SUPPORTERS Let the boy use Kazoo supporters and suspenders as they are the best and strongest made. We have all sizes, in white and colors. Each 75c BOYS' HATS In straw and linen, of the newest styles and shapes. Buy the boy a hat now while we have the size you want 65c to $2.00 BOYS' WAISTS AND SHIRTS Why make these up when you can get "READY MADE" such good boys' waists in neat patterns and designs as we are showing. Sizes from 6 to 16 yrs. Each '. 75c to $4.00 PURCHASES made balance this month goes on May account payable June 1st. FANCY GEORGETTE The new silk fabric that is much in evidence this season, for waists, and made up in combi nation with other silks. They come in light and dark grounds, with neat figures and de signs. The yard.. $3.00 UNDERWEAR SILK 40c to $2.25 This is the season you can wear silk underwear. Make it up of our silks, that are expressly for that purpose. Offered in white and flesh, such as seco, kobe, crepe de chine, wash satin, etc. COLORED LISLE HOSE 65c TO 75c A full line of sizes in this particular line of hose, double sole, heel, toe and garter top, offered in col ors of rose, brown, taupe, grey, pink, black and white. DRESS GOODS IN COPENHAGEN SHADE Do you know that the shades of Copenhagen and t kindred colors of the higher blues are the most popu- lar worn today. Specially for dresses? You will find in our dress goods section a complete showing in the ' newest weaves. Let us help you plan your dress to- . morrow. Come in and have a look. The yard $1.23 to $5.00. COLORED ORGANDIE 65c YARD ; You will see lots of colored organdie dresses this ( summer. Why not have one yourself. Our colored organdies is of very best quality for the money, per- " manent finish and offered in pastel shades of pink, rose, Copenhagen, yellow, etc. SILK TOP UNDERWEAR The most practical underwear to wear. A knit body part with silk top, in plain and embroidered, of pink and white. Come in vests, union suits and en velope styles. Each $1.50 to $3.00 Beautiful All Silk Taffeta 2.25 yard Taffeta continues to be one of the most favorable silks this season. For your new spring suit or coat, or dress, you will find this material admirably suit ed to your purpose. Excellent quality and beautiful weave; wide range of bright colors now so highly in demand, also white and black, 36 inches wide. PLAID AND STRIPE SILKS $1.79 TO $2.50 A wide ranjge of color combinations in these fine silks, suitable for dresses and skirts, 36 in. wide, of very best quality. Have a look at them. TUESDAY SPECIALS As a rule you will find in these specials things that are in season and can be used light now. morrow and share in them. Come to- TUESDAY MORNING SPECIAL OF UNION SUITS FOR WOMEN 48c Made of fine quality, elastic knit, closed union suit, loose kneee, all sizes; sell regularly 50c and 75c each. Tuesday Special 4Sc TUESDAY MORNING SPECIAL SUMMER VESTS 16c One lot fine ribbed summer vests, all sizes, with shell crochet top. Tuesday special 16c TUESDAY MORNING SPECIAL WOMEN'S SUMMER VESTS 19c A splendid quality fine knit, very elastic, light weight for summear wear. Tuesday Special. 19c TUESDAY MORNING SPECIAL WOMEN'S COLLARS i PRICE One lot women's collars of all kinds and of dif ferent materials, new styles, only they are slightly soiled. Tuesday special 't price TUESDAY MORNING SPECIAL WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS $23.00 w Suits of serge, broadcloth, tricotine and Poiret twill, in grey, tan,' Copenhagen, mixtures, black and navy, box. ripple back, plain tailored and Norfolks, good all wool materials. Sizes 16 to 49. but will not be made ready for the drives. public until 4