I TEN FAXiES PETCr E3ST OmTONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGOK MONDAY, APRIL 28,1319. PAUETEN OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE!, "J. C Penney Co., a Nationwide Institution. Preserves, Jelly, Apple Butter Big Showing of ' Ginghams and Percales The demand for Ginghams is big, especially for the better grades. OUR PRICES MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU. rJl We Carry Complete Line of Pure Fruit Preserves Jelly and Apple Butter. PRESERVES, JAR 43c lncanhrrry, Ha-qtberry, strawberry, niackhcrry. Sliced Figs, Aiwlool. I"eaeh. PtmIHr. quIIMT. Itoyal Anne tlierry, Itiiuc Cherry, tiotwehcrry. Vlrlcl with ltnijt. lfiKxi MarnuilanV, Orange. Marmalade, ;rape Fruit Mar malade. JELLYS 20c, 30c and 43c Mint. lUacfcliorry. Plum, Currant. Apple, Crahnpple, Or muff. strawberry. Aptlo ami SirawlxTry, Raspberry and Apple, lAXennbcrrj. APPLE BITTER Small ling SSo, glass S3o, lurST Jar 70C gallon lin 1..M. GRAY BROS. GROCI Two Phones 28 QUALITY" 823 Main Si It Is Not Like Paying for a Dead Horse When you buy and pay for a Victory loan Bond. II yields a good rate or Interest, it Is payable In S or 4 year and Is negotiable. There Is always a ready market for Omernment paper, and II has back of it the best security In the world. ' Subscription taken at the THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON -STRONGEST BANK IX EASTERN OREGON" a ' 1 v 8 Mt UfD XoO 3V THAT H BS?W5t H A3K4TD 5 UTtcc- hbwSOov 1 He rout it, e'CtaUKSS. B AfteuMt) th6 eesNCft U f 1 - . f B ClVe . OWtMMiei a I IklO''' g 2.im hs onGi ,f4n)J V?r hi - EAST OREGON1AN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. 7 The season for good driving has J started to slip by. . 5 f "t Those intending to buy a car should rsr- ty make up their mind now and get the t 2T J full season's use of it '9 M We are always pleased to show our r' T J? lme which' we know is suited to the & :' needs of Umatilla county, giving ser f vice and satisfaction. Campbell & Frenizel Motor Co. Distributors for Umatilla County 722 Cottonwood Phone 46 Athena High Nine Wins I From Helix, Score 12-7 (East Oregonlan Speclil.) ATHENA, April 28. Wednesday afternoon the Helix baseball team came over and played the local high school team. The playeas on both sides played exceptionally well and the score was 12 to 7 in favor of Athena. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Roe Eager entertained the Adams club at her home in this city. Mr Jeanie Murke. (president '.of Rebekah lodges, was in the city Thursday visiting the local lodge. Mrs. Burke was accompanied to Wes ton by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cannon. The Misses Luclnda Dell and Areta Llttlejohn went to Walla Walla Sat urday to spend the week-end. Mr and Mrs. Fred Gross and Lula Read spent Thursday in Walla Walla. The Snyder family moved over from Weston Thursday. Mr. Snyder has charge of the Watts St Rogers im plement house in this city. The Misses Angie and Ellen Pam brun returned to Whitman Wednes day to resume their studies. Lawrence Tharp has arrived home from Mare Island, were he has been In Marine service. Bert Ramsey is In the city today from Btirbank visiting his wife and daughter. A large number of Athena people attended the tractor show in Walla Walla Wednesday, Tnursaay anu - day. Oldsmobile Trucks Heady for action on your delivery problem, with express body or steel cab and sills, ready for mounting on stake, rack, grain dump or box body. Pendleton Auto Co. (Established 1907) Court and Johnson Sts. Pendleton, Oregon IIow Colds Are Contracted. Colds are due to bacterial germs that re usually present in the air pas. sages of the throat and nose of heal thy persons. Under ordinary condi tions they do no harm but when you get chilled, very tired or eat twol much so as to weaken your resistance they are quick to take advantage of it and almost before you know it you have a cold. Get a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and take it according to the plain printed direc tions and you will soon be rid of It. bupt when you neglect it look out. Some of the most serfous diseases re sult from neglected colds. A Reliable Cough Medicine. "I have given Chamberlain's Cough Cough Remedy to my five children on occasions without number for the past fifteen years. It Is the only remedy I could rely upon to cure coughs and colds and for croup it has no equal. The children take it willingly." writes Mrs. C. O. Nesblt, Vandergrlft. Pa. The Best I Ever reed. This is what Mrs. A. W. Milne, St. George. Utah, says of Chamberlain's Tablets for biliousness and constlpa tlon. Get them at the drug store. They onlv cost a ouarter. Road Through Meacham Is Almost Impassible (East Oregonlari Special.) MEACHAM, April 28. The weath er here the past week has been fair, though the road over the mountain is in very poor condition. Several cars, mostly Fords, have gone over the mountain with considerable trou ble. It took three" cars two days coming from Kamela to Meacham. Those working at the Red cross sewing rooms the last two days were Mrs. B. F. Marlin, Miss Bessie Haie. Mrs. F. R. Denson and Mrs. J. A. Watters. Frank Hanlon of Kamela was here Tuesday on business. Mrs. J. A. Walter was in Pendleton on Red Cross work. Mrs. Steve Lawlor and three chil dren returned home Thursday from Portland where they had been visit Ipg for some time. George Leaf of Pendleton was here Thursday looking after wire trouble Mrs .W. B. Ross and daughter Ml na returned home from Pendleton Friday evening where they had been visiting for the past two weeks. Mrs. George Hillman of La Grande, spent Saturday visiting Mrs. J. A, Watters. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey, Mr. and Mrs Roy Hawes, Mr. and Mrs. o. H. Croach. Wm. Cheif and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Watters and Mrs. Geo. Hlliman went to Kamela Saturdday evening to attend a dance given by the Ka mela Dance clum. Every one en- Joyed themselves immensely. Mr. Toning returned from Pendle ton Spnday morning where he had been visiting his wife. He is the proud father of a new born baby daughter and reports both being well, Streets of Echo to Be Given Oil Treatment iVmeiican National Bank Pendleton. Building. Eye Scientifically examined. Glasses ground to fW (East Oregonlan Special.) KCHO, April 28. There was an Old Time Dance given In the I. O. O. F. hall Friday evening. A number of members of the Kcho I. O- O. F. lodge are planning on attending the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the lodge in Pendleton today. The Kcho Auto Company received a shipment of Ford tractors Wedne day. - . - n ' Among those who attended the Tract or nh o w at Watt Wa 1 la we r e W. c. Hacon, Sloan Thomson, R. R. Leu re, Allen Thomson, Fred pepper man, Florence Mc Flood and Arthur Johnson, The streets of Echo are being pre pared for a coat of oil, although they are dusty now, two weeks from now they will be shinning. Red Seal and Toile du Nord Ginghams, per yard Quality Ginghams, in plaids and stripes, yard A Big Special Value in One Lot 32 in. Zephyr Gingham, per yard 28 Inch Percale, per yard 36 Inch Percale, per yard Highest Grade Heavy 36 inch Percale, per yard Every color of the rainbow and then some. Unsual Designs in Ribbons 29c 25c 25c 15c 23c 29c Qualities were never better, col ors fast, and our low prices Ueee.n them on the move. Fancy striped and flowered rib bon in heavy satin mcsxalino and taffeta, per yard. :!c In mtc We carry Minerva Worsted Yarns. None better for fine knitting work. . We are giving you better hosiery with better dyes. .' - - Hosiery of Merit Ijidies' lllblM-d t'olion Hose 15c to 20e (..HMl IiihlO Hose 2o to So Kllk Boot How That Wear Ho lleavv Pure Thread Silk Hoaa In Shade of Tait. Gray, Black and White. l. Two Tone Silk IJlo Hoso J. C. Penney Co., a Nationwide Institution. Government Wires to Be Fixed Near Gibbon Mr. and Mrs. Doif Thompson and young son Eldon, were in Athena Sat urday. Mrs. Mayme Hoch has arrived at the springs for the summer. Heth Hyatt spent Saturdity on Wei. ton mountain with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hyatt. Mrs. George Gray and Mrs. Elmer Picard were Pendleton visitors Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Duffey and young son went to Pendleton today. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bryant went to Walla Walla Sunday to see the flying circus. T. M. Bryant of Hermlston was visiting here this week with her son, Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. Dolf Thompson and Seth Hyatt left this morning for Wes ton where they will spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hyatt. R. A. Bottcher and Fl'5'd Kendall, forest rangers, went to Pendleton to. day. Mrs. 'George Brace went to Pendle ton Friday for a few days visit. Ralph Tucker, Jim Lleuallen and n. McBrlde, were here Wednesday from Weston. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson : went to Weston Thursday for a week's visit with relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson went to Pendleton Saturday. No Free Feeds. "Dave Lewis begs to notify that he has started business on his own hook ns an up-to-date restaurant, and hopes that his many friends will dam well stop away and give him a chance." Queensland Paper. Subscribe today for all the victory bonds you enn pay for. To help prevent a recurrence of war, buy a victory bond. Peptiroh A Rat Iron Tonic Gives vlf.or and nerve tone to agc4 and Infirm, and those worn-out from overwork, worry, excitement or clou conflnomont in homes or shops. Marts lr V. I. HDOII CO., lxiw. ll. Mann. HONOR ROLL Ined of Dbieasf. Private Ernest Brotherton, land, Oregon. Tort- DR. R B. BOBBINS Dentistry Judd Bldg. Court and Main Sts. GEORGE R. WRIGHT ARCHITECT Telephone 604 til Main BU Pendleton, Ore. S ARE YOU FISHING? S t. - 8 More Than Ever INSTANT POSTUM is appealing to coffee drinkers. Its rich flavor, healthfullness, convenience and Economy are among the reasons why. j See jj SOL BAUM'Sj 4. We know lots of good places to catch fish. ' a y They are striking good in some localities. J Best Tackle is our Motto. J i Hotel Pendleton Bldg. ' Look for the Fish 4 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiMiiMiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiir DALE ROTH WELL OnlmnetjHst and Ottttciaa CHEAP Did you ever stop to con sider, cleaning and pressing don't cost you any more now than In 1911? RUDD THE TAILOR ASH CLEANER. OS W. Webb St. Does best work In town. Phone CSS CECIL COSPER PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT INCOME TAX ADVISKIC Smith-Crawford Bldg. Opposite Pendleton Hotel phone 1030 ! (East Oregonlan Special.) I GIBBON', Ore , April 28. Floyd Kendall of Dayton, Wash.; arrived here Monday to work on the govern ment telephone lines. He is forest Ranger with headquarters at Duncan, reg. . . Dick English spent Sunday at his home near Weston. Mr.' and Mrs. Dave Bonlfer were Pendleton, visitors Monday. Mr. Keppllnger. teacher at Glbboil, spent Saturday and Sunday at th home of his daughter near Union. Ore. i Word has been received by rela. v. --a from .T.HM Bennett, who j was severely wounded in France last liciooer, iirai ins i mw ,,.,,..... In Utah receiving treatment for his eye. He Is expected to arrive here any day no'w. Miss Martha Sayer and her grand mother, were visiting here Saturday and Sunday from Pendleton. R. A. Bottcher, forest ranger from Walla Walla, is here for a few days on' business connected with the re serve, . ' . .yujiL-. ,i " . : : Tou must clean the stomach and j : bowels, purify the blood, each Spring,;: or you leave Winter's germs and lm j purities In your blood and system. , j Drive them away, elean out the stom aeh and bowels, take Holllster s : Rocky Mountain Tea, a Spring Clean. ; ser-purlfler. 35c. Tea or Tablets. 1 : TAXICAB PHONE 70 Books 35 Rides for 1X50 PARKER TAXI CO. , Why Pay More. BRICCS AUTO WOOD-SAW Alt.cha.en4 OaisanlillMf Saws, 31 Mrds. Goes Anywhere Any Auto. BRIGGS i BURPEE CO, Isc, Miiifadtren 7f Hawthorn Am., Portland. SmI fee ItrfatMltM 4 lUaatratW ClrraUr WE ARE NOW OFFERING THE FOLLOWING Used Car Bargains One 1918 Ford ( One 1917 Closed Oakland One 1916 Buick 5 Passenger One 1915 Franklin One 1917 Marmon . . No matter what you want to pay for a used car, we can supply your wants. We have them in every price class. Oregon Motor Garage US, 121 West Court St. Pendleton, Oregon a a s a rmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii minim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimm.1