East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 23, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Image 7

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    Section Two
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j. 'iinjn Mm ii if -.-i i , jl.imi i, i. i 'is-i . 'r1? i . r .., 11 imb 1 - ..-.LU'.gfJ-JL-i.-i-uj " .j'bsjsjm'j.jljs.j r.i.rrsg',TMrr5a-i.i--i!ii u-i1- 1111 , Ji
Nationwide Measure Draft-'-:
ed But Will be Held for
Some Further Attention.
Plan Provides Privileges Si
milar to 1 hose of Farm
:' ' Banks.
to prospective home owner. This will
l ucrtimiiliHhed thruiiKh federal
home loiin hank bonds, the underly
ing seeurlilns for which will tie, the
real estate mortgages of the building
and loan HHsnefulions which are bank
member Within limitations the new
system of hanks would do for the
home buyer of the city what the fed
eral fartn loan banks do for the farm
buyers In the aKrlcultural sections.
WASHINGTON, D. t, April 23.
The legislative committee of the
Dnlted Hi u ten League of Ruildlng and
Loan Association has decided that
the proponed legislation fur a system
Pf federal home loan hanks will not
be submitted to the extra whs ion of
congress, if one In called. The deci
sion 1m the result of a two-days con
ference hUl In the department of
labor building, Washington, I). C.
On the adjournment of the conference
Tuuinv ttfrnni tt f Anrll 1 ; l r '
Haymaker, the expert on huildins and , ,,fter,,,,,,n ' lhfl federal building.
loan association mat tern who hits ,
been working with the Information rl"a "'I10"
and education service of the depart- Snturdsy, Mity 24 Is set for the date
ment of labor, announced that the of hearlnir final reports on the part-
lr. lii-own Here.
lr. It. s. Itrnwn, physician of Echo,
wan a Pendleton business visitor
Tuesday. '
Hoard Meeting ToJay.
Tho Hoard of directors of the Uma
tilla County Hd Cros Itt meeting this
legislative committee believed It pru
dent to submit the proponed bill for
the creation of the federal home loan
bank system to the annual convention
of the building and loan association
which In to be held In Detroit, Mich..
Jit July.
nemhip estates of James 1.
APf-ralsera Named.
James Price, E. O. PeMoss and K.
M. Smith were named appraisers of
the estate of Jesse Reeves, deceased
Mrs. Murklmm In Hospital.
Mrs. Charles Mnrkham of Echo; Is
convalescing at St. Anthony's hos
pital after an operation performed
the Tuesday.
way to Walla
: tractor show.
Walla to attend thd
Await Regular KetiNNlon.
K. I. Keesler, president of the
United States League of Ruilding and
Loan Associations, who presided over
the conference, said 'there was full
agreement on the fundamental fea
tures of the tentative draft of
nrannMil Ik 1 1 1 hut mmrthf itt
legislative committee hesitated to i i-"" " ranitiiuT.
commit the lea.ue to certain detail. fr uml ""V Michaels of Tllot
In the bill without submitting them the parents of a seven and
to the national convention for discus- " hnlf l"mno daughter born yester-
Ion and approval. As this latter ae-i" ny- t
Man can not be had In time to Bet ;
action In an extra session of congress. , ' A,,""d Tractor sn"w- , ,
the bulldln and loan Interests have I erry S. Johnson, farmer, of Clem.
.1 : la In the city today. H Is on his
nd will be prepared to make their
campaign for this legislation In tho
next regular session of congress. J rrlcM. '
Would Sllmillalo nullillna. r'u!r? David Hilt has just installed a
, Th- tentative draft of the bill pro-. Wappler X-Itay tn his dental, office.
Tides for a federal home loan board, j nr. 1 1 1 1 1 recently went to Portland to
of five members, of which the secre-j receive' special Instruction In operat-
wrv or t,ne treasury is one. nna tne InK th8 machine.
other four fire to be appointed by the
prealdent of the United Slates with)
he consent of tho senate. I'nder the: llomoriVlllne Commences,
direction of this board regional banks: The remodeling of the Cosy bulld
w ill be established and the member- J In if. which will be made Into a bil
hlp In theso will be restricted to 1 hard hall for Sheehan llrothers. of
building and loan associations. No ; l'orllnnd. begun today. A new front
bank may be established with less will be put In and the interior chang
than & paid-in capital of 1 100.000. j ed. '
"Whenever ten or more building asso-1
clations, located in a given district ltrotlicr nt Camp Merrttt.
with aggregate assets of not less than, I. C. How man received word to
15,000,000 shall associate, themselves day that his brother, Lloyd Howman.
together and com and comply with who has been in France with tho
tho requirements of tho law. they may i l.'xth Infantry, Is now at Camp Mer.
organise a district federal home loanl.ritt. having landed recently from
bank. j overseas. He expects to be home
The purpose of tho federal home soon.
loan bank system Is to enable build-!
log and loan associations to realiie i Will WHinmc I. O. O. 1
on their real eslato mortgages and l'endleton stores will on Saturday
make more money available for loans show window docoratlons designed to
iave you ever heard this?
"My baking powder," says the
smooth solicitor, "costs less than
But he omits to say that it often
leaves a bitter taste, that food made
with it is likely to stale in a day and
that it contains alum, which is con
demned by many medical authorities
for use in food.
England and France prohibit the
sale of alum baking powders.
is made from Cream of Tartar
derived from grapes
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Taste
1 (Ql? ilLl
Are You Fit?
i A
You have subscribed to the Victory Loan,
now the question is are you physically fit to
earn the money to pay?
A certain well known Pendleton man came to
me for adjustments. He had one arm ampu
tated over thirty years ago. He asked me
jokinglv, I think if I could take the cramp out
of the amputated arm. Surgeons had told him
that there was probably a nerve tied up with a
blood vessel at the time of the amputation. It
was just as reasonable that the nerve was im
pinged by a subluxated vertebra. After a few
Chiropractic Adjustments
the cramp was gone from the amputated arm.
If you don't believe this, ask the man, I will tell
you who he is. I can tell you of any number of
people who have been relieved of physical
trouble just as miraculous as this.
Don't put it off till tomorrow.
Dr. Loretta H. Starba
10 Peebkr Bld.
Over Worklncmen'a Clothing Store. : .
welcome the members of the I. o. O. j charges with cruel and Inhuman j class C" and Wilma Waugaman, of
F. in Umatilla county who will be ; treatment, with curtain her. and oth-'i Columbia, was winner in class
here for the 100th anniversary cele-
brution of the order.
Will (M-n Jjehinan Spring".
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Watson left
this morning to open Lehman Springs
for the summer season. They were
accompanied bv tj. A. Hulen. who will ! longer to live with the defendant and
have char of the dmine room at thai removed, with their three children.
si rings. www, aged 8; violet, aged 7, ano
irene, agea 9.
I divorce, for the custody of the chil
dren and such alimony as the court
Spring iMy at IHgii SrhooL
Testerdiv was "Spring day" at pen-1 may decide.
dli'ton hitfh school. This is an an
nuul event which In marked by the
Hppparaiice of spring-time apparel
wnrn by the girls of the school.
"Spring Day marks ihe beginning of
the. pre-commencement period.
Ijcague Text Arris. . ( f
WASHINGTON, April 23. The re- 1 A
vised text of the league of nations A
rnvonnnt ft hvirnr rtelvpd bv. .5
The complaint asks fori fitate department. It is announced, itig
has not yet been determined When u Wa
erwle making life burdensome to her,
She filed the first complaint on Jan
uary 17. 118, but Kerf repented,
was forgiven and suit was dropped.
Conditions soon returned to their for
mer status, the complaint alleges, and
in October. 1918. the plaintiff refused
Winners in the track, and declama
tory contests will represent the west
end in the big county meet to be
held in Pendleton on May 2, for which
trophies will be given.
YoudovltHi Cane Brtnjr Heard.
The case of M. Toudovltch et al.
vh. Mrs. I,. Anderson, Is teing tried
before-Judge Gilbert W Phelps was
circuit court Tuesday. The ac
tion Is brought to recover personal
property on conditional sale of con
tract, li B. lirrlgun. of Pasco, is
here to act as counsel for the defense.
Asks for ittvorco Again.
Hose Kerr has filed suit for the
second time In a year and a half for
divorce from John Kerr, whom she
Rod Diamond
Insect Powder
complies fully with the Government ruling that Insect Powder,
labeled as such, must be milled from genuine Insect Flowers
(Pyrethrum Cineranaefolium) and nothing else.
Much of the powder formerly sold as Insect Powder was sus
ceptible to adulteration which cheapened and rendered it
Red Diamond Insect Powder is absolutely pure milled from
fCnuine insect flowers therefore is effective. Get it from
your druggist. Four sizes.
Mever Brothers Drue Co. St. Louis
Thm Lorf't Drug Nmm in thm World
fmimtoi 1052 br CkrUbaa F. C Mr"
.ST.UXelS .
I oualjty cEWTirieo
, mr tst
Campaign to Abolish
Direct Primary Finds
Small Congress Favor
will be made public.
If the steps a. mother takes and ttie,m
work she does could only be meas- 2f
ured by figures, what an array they g
(By United Press.)
WASHINGTON. April 23. The
campaign in numerous state legisla
tures to abolish the direct primary sys
tem in favor of the old convention plan
apparently is not gathering great sup
port among congressmen generally.
Out of a score of congressmen, ask-
ed for their views on the comparative
merits of the two systems, only two
declared in favor of the convention
plan and both of these refused to talk
for publication. Both have been num
bered among the opponents of the pri
mary system from the time it was sug
gested. Nearly all the others while declar
ing for the principal of the primary,
advocated some change In the parti
cular law in force In their home state. . EiS
The argument of primary opponents S
that the primary has lowered the i
standard of ability in Ctongresa was
met with the reply from congressmen '52 "
that the standard has not been low- 5
ered and they pointed out that since
the advent of the primary Congress p
has passed such measure as thai g
Federal Reserve Act, the Parcel PostjsS
Act and Rural Credits Law. i
would make Through girlhood.; J
wifehood and motherhood woman K
toils on, often suffering from back- j
ache, pain in sid headache, ner- (J
vousness and sleeplessness, symptoms jP
of more serious ailments peculiar to M
her sex. Thousands of such women, A
have found relief from suf- ZA
fering by taking Lydia K. Pinkham
Vegetable Compound, as is eridencea k
by the letters of recommendation be- R
ins- niihlifthed In this on ner. i
Happy Home Canned Fruits
With apples all gone, and your fruit supply low you wtll need a
new fruit supply. There are few equals, and no superior to the Quality
of Happy Home Fruits.
To replenish your fruit supply In small quantities:
H. H. Yellow Cling Peaches, per can 45c $2.50
H. H. Bartlett Pears. per can 45c 2.65
H. H.-Yellow Free Peaches. per can 40c - 22
H. H. Apricots per can 45c 2. Go
H. H. Raspberries, No. 1 can per can 45c 2.6o
H. H. Royal Anne Cherries per can 45c 2.60
P. S. Strawberries per can 5Qe' 2.95
H. H. Raspberries No. 1 can. per can 30c 1.50
H. H. "White Cher's No. 1 can per can 25c 1.45
Full line of Fancy Dry Fruits and Quail Gallon Goods.
Pendleton Trading Co.
"If It's On the Market We Have It
PACRAMENTO, Cal-, April 23.
That California yields 70 per cent of E
the entire production of quicksilver!
In the I'nited States, and tluit well)
above $100,000,000 worth of that min-; 3
eral has been extracted from the soil ;
of the golden state Is related In a
mining bulletin issued by FJetcher
Hamilton, state minerologlst.
XEW YOUR k;hoks
(Tly tnited Press. V
ALBANY, April 23. Representa
tives of the negroes In N.w York State
in session here today, framed a re
quest that the colored race be recog
nized by the Republican State Organi
zation to the extent of having a repre
sentative of the negro race on the Btat
Leaders In the movement contend)
there are 200,000 negroes In New
York State enrolled in the republican
party and that they should be recog
nised. In 18B4 a colored man resid
ing in Rochester was elected a pre
sidental elector and last year a New
York colored man was elected to the
State Assembly on the Republican
ticket. This year another New York
colored man was elected to the Assem
bly by the Iemocrats. These are the
only three negroes elected to any state
office since the organisation of the
A Matter of Information
The Walla Walla
OF THE U.S.. - ,
StuB'gis & Storie
StanHeld Win Track Moot.
Stanfleld grade school took first
honors in the west end track meet Sat
urday at that town, with Hermlston.
Columbia and Echo following. Jane 1 gg
Gunn, of Hermlston, won the decla-j
matory contest In the hish school sec
tion with the selection "His Courier."
Pauline Voclker. Hermlston, won In
Wall Walla
i I1
.I; ':'
: .'J?