T ' v Section Two Pages 9 to 1 2 Section Two Pages 9 to 1 2 15 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1919. GIVEN TIP FOR WHITE SLAVERY NINE MONTHS TERM FOR MOONSHINING Judge Bean Imposes Penal ties on Three Tried in Pendleton. - John W. Montgomery, convicted In the federal court here last wii i.n. der the white slave act of transport ' Kin rrom Caldwell, Idaho, to "tr. ureon, for Immoral purposes, woe yesterday sentenced In I'ortlund y Fodorul judge Bean to McNeil's uuana for 15 months. Other cases tried nere wntrn were sentenced yesterday were John j. Fisher, convicted of moonshliilnK in the Hnnke river coun try, fined 50. and nine months Jail term; Paul yucuhputim. Indliin, con victed or taking liquor Into Indian ter ritory, fined 125(1 and three months Juii term . Extra Coach For Those Who Want to See Flying: Circus GERMAN MERCHANTS LOSE OUT IN JAPAN TOKIO, April 17. Herman mcr. chants have been driven out of busl nesa In Jainin, uccordliur to ofNclat of the department of agriculture and commerce, although soma si III retain their offices and a few are allowed to put deals through under rigid super vision ly the Japanese government. Some. of these offices which remain ere to be given up, and the compan ies will withdraw completely from the' tlve of the commander. An additional couch will tie added to train No. 8 on Sunday which leaves Pendleton at 8 a. ni., to accommodate local peo- pie who Winn to utlc-nd the fly. Ing- circus at Wullu. Walla, an- tiouuced T. F. o'Mrien, local O - W. It. tk N. agent, today. This truln returns at 5 p. in. The fllghta in the circus will be made over the city, of Walla. so that they will be visible from that place, although the ascents 4 wilt beejiiude from a field three miles from Walla Walla and tho machines will .alight there alio. The circus will start promptly at 1:30 p. m. and will lust for one hour. . LIEUT. WARNER WAS FREEWATER SPEAKER IN LIEU OF STEIVVER EAST END TOWN IS ENTHUSIASTIC Gl'AltD TO KPOITj OOOO KIUNAI'I'IXM? .KKVKIt! II EH UN. April IX.TCJh not every day thU you can havo twenty men toting rifles and grenades as your per sonal bodyguard, and not have to pay anything for them The l'lilted Press correspondent was offered such a Early one mornli g representative "diiress of the "Kommandantur" arrived ut the hotel with, orders "to warn the- En gllsh and American correspondents there that a plot had boon diHCovered to kidnap them as a means of drawing Kntente troops to Herlin." The reprewntatlve accepted a cup of "ereota tea" and urged the acceptance of JO good fiRhlers. who would station themselves outside the dmr as a body guard. The offer was turned down. Well, then you'd better Just go with them when they come to capture you said the Jovial uniformed representa- Hetter not country, according to report. They. flKht. tlet the hotel to telephone us, have apparently despaired of all and we'll come and rescue you let us ermines of trado after the war. According to the latest official cen sus, there are ft! German firms tn Japan There are li In Kobe and 12 In Yokohama, but as many of them have branches, which are counted separately, this number may lie re duced if the distinct firms le careful ly enumerated. Toklo ha seven Oer man firms and Osaka three, few others In smaller towns. do the fighting It's better. I ir IB lit prospects of a good story be fore night but they fiever materializ ed, The kidnappers did not come. census shows that there are still Oerman residents In this country VKMt'K IHIIf. April IA Otto Cnr- rlei and Ills unidentified imwu-iuwr wore killed tlilft afternoon when Cur. with a rlc'a alnilanc. evldrolly dawned by en- Another 'glue trouble. ilnngel froin an altitude I ! of MMMt fwt to Uk- ground. al- though not all of these are interested In the firms. Many of the Germans who were Interested In business here were deported during the war. Such Was the caw with the Uerman Asfatle bank, the Herman financial Institution In this country, which now Is entirely Inactive. YAKIMA .MAN III YH MAW H3 CATTI-R IM.AII I'l-KT IS ACTIVK IX S. AFRICA JlHANN'l:KI!"lt'I. S. A.. A plague of caterpillars Is rnvaslivr fields In the Rand. Two armies of the pent are ap proaching? RunTime, Ini" '"n rims, in. west the other from the direction of Pretoria. - YAKIMA. April 18. Charles Mc Donald of the Toyon Cattle association of i-uiirornla bought most of the Ty-son-McKelleher herd of registered Ifnlstelns. taking 33 animal at 1X250, one of the largest Individual purchases made here for some time. He ac nulred enough other young atock to bring his total to about costing- nearly $12,009, WAR OV VAMPlltRS . KTAHTKI ISV IHII.ICR Jl WiK'lN :' YOHK 45 animals i)lheiU XF.W YOltK'. April 15. -Vamplrlng will soon be a l"t art In this city. Itislng In his Judicial wrath. Police Jlldxe Hoettner declared war Tiles day In defense of mere mun. A vum- oire's gallery, an edition oe nine u rogue's, facial catalog, is to be estab- Prohlbltlonlsts should now under take to revise Omar's quatrains, w hich refer copiously to Jugs of wine and kindred obsolete equipment. COVERALLS ffagU.S.FatOff. ! ex if Registered and Common-law Tfsde-Mark end can only bo right fully used on goods made by tu. Koverall ara garmenU for children I to 8 yean of age. If a dealer Iriei to srtl you. under die KovralU name, any garment not of out manufacture, you may be Mire he has an article ihal he is trying to market on Koveralu reputation. Unit., nunc hy LW Straus & Co. Ihej'rt not KOVERALLS. Koverall Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit ZW FREE ir they RIP KOVERAtXS .re nsde enlr 7 W Susum fc Co, Ssa FfMck aad bear tha Ubsl drivrnai I : sit u eT orr l fVI STRNISS & Cft VIVOID COUGHtf ind CX)UGHRiT! Cough mrj ILOH lsi norwr.rmpj- cmSGtW MALtUMULFaR CHlLUKli.,s BelKium ehonld not object to the selection of Geneva as the International capital. Belgium is to try the cx-kalser. 'SET EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS FOR ' THEIR OWN SEX Returned Men Will Talk to People at Hermiston . Tonight. Freewuter turned out en masse last night for the liveliest Victory Loan meeting yet held In the county and the speakers who returned late In the. evening were assured that the east end city would be among the first over Its quota If enthusiasm la any mark. With each new town visited the rivalry between the county cities Increases. The Freewuter audience was Intro duced to a new speaker In the cam paign last night in the person of Lieut. II. J. Warner of Pendleton, who filled the nlace of Lieut. Fred Btelwer. Lieutenant Warner made a stirring nd proved an able seaRer fi.e i ha Victorv campaign. Hoy W. Itltner made hie fourth address of the week, exceeding his former" efforts and keeping the audience intensely In terested with his reminiscences of France and his plea for the people to finish the record by a good showing In this ln- . " Hermiston will hear the Victory l.onn sneakers this evening. The lo- cul party will be taken to the west etl town in a car furnished y P. K, Judd of the American National Bank. O. A. C. Man Made Bridge Engineer I . ., 1I!,.U..,., P.. 1 1 mjj niiinaj uuaiu iti;ox AowerirritAi, coi.i, i :.!:, v.r hiiis April in. - V. li. MK'uIIoukIi head of tlio civil (udnec'ring cMmrtmfmt at tlio cvHIcjco, Iiom acii'ined tlio po tation of state highway bridge cn . kIikmt. lie lias gone to Halcm to axauiiio diitlm. Pruftwair MKul lougli Im a graduaU; of Amen and MiU'iil 10 jcrn In nutii-u crxiwri iim In Iowa. Iltl Ih a s"' lalit In fMiorcte) CHMiMrntftlon. It was llirougli rorlMnr McjlVilknigll'M broad xerleiice and practl(al work that lie olnaincd tliia aUite Mllioii. PEACE TREATY 10 BE HAND WRITTEN DFSFITEPRESIDENT EtJROPE REFUSES TO FORSAKE OLD CUSTOM French Artist Will Embell ish Document Germans Sign. PAHIS, April 18. President Wil son has shot Kurope's diplomatic cus. liuudM who aawtird the war call ofi one old tradition that survivesthe the factory ara returning to tin- rarnm, peace treaty being written bv hand. b hundred of Uioiownds aevwrding to: The president's business-like leaps to! department of agriculture reimrts the typewriter in Washington when- j which xliow Urn nuUons farm labor, ever he had a note to send made no I snpiHy April S WM 83 pcrtvnt of tlw j Impression -upon the chancelleries of1 demand. Tills reirew'ii!K n Increase ( Kurope. Custom was that all treaties out a cnrretisMulliig' period In II8 and conventions must be handwritten M-lien Uie mipply.wiui only 13 lv cent ,he greatest of all treaties Is bclna : of tlie demand. Agriculture depart- I committed to paper with pen and ink. tnent offlelaW say Uie farm lalair out- j0(,eph Carlo of the French minis, look Is In-lKliUnliiit MirprisliMdy nd Is try of foreign a fairs has been en doul4e wokome new tn viewr of tin' trusted .with the historic task of writ fomnKt nt I lie blKKCKt wheat crop in' i ,,r the treaty. Besides holdlna tlie world's history. the post of official calllgraphist hi' ' j Is alwo a talented painter. He not 1 GIIII.S GIVK TTIiKR' only writes treaties and conventions ! PEN TO SHi.V TKEATV bllt olBO a o( the 0fficiil documents IH HHVIXfS RACK TO FAHMS WASHINOTflN, April IS. Far Oregon Theatre FRIDAY Apr. 18 KLAW & ERLANGER v GEO. C TVLEtS V5v Plicstn I r - THF- prAV'THAT PUTS JOYJNTO a v uty Z 1 fri-.-.'. :fi , 5 . f 7 Vt 1 I r- rmm j n i3 wjcr ' 1 tiV5'.iJkK'7 AfTlA' fHE"WILL"MAKE HOUSE BEHAVE 1 r7. 3 ' f 1'AKIR. April 17. Nino fwhool girls have irvft;nled lo Premier Clemenceau a gold pro. upecially made, with which they request him to sign the peace treaty. He promised. conferring orders or decoration on ! i KovereiRna and all of the letters which) art nent to him and signed Uy either ; Kj!ffi3S the president of the republic or by ministers. ' - j nvK KfUiKD rv itiyr j ItOMI- April n. ITve wi-rc killed and rovcml w-iifl(d during; social- ; isti di'imHtrtRm. Twemr four lioiir WORLD FAMOUS BOOK OF THE SAME NAME BY f ELEANOR ft PORTER. Scats on Sale at Thompson's Drug Store. . Reserved Seats by Mail. ' tAA PRICES 75c, $10, $2.00 ' ' Will am Allen White recalls that all Milfina connected with the war were losers, thus reminding the world wtrflies have lieen dearHl In Slilan, of the need for a league of nations. i Ihilogna, Turin and Genoa. JOSEPH G- RODGER S Rodgers will be the eergesnt-at-irmi of the House of Keprescnta Ulves of the BBth Congress. lie (8 : from Pennsylvania. Sold at the same if air price as before the' wan Instant postum The favorite table beverage of former coffee drinkers. A rich; delightful drink that : provides real economy. Not a Bit or Waste KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH -THE m FIRST NATIONAL BANK PENDLETON, OREGON Oldest and Largest National Bank j in the State Outside of Portland SECURITY f r " , ..no MARY VAN KLEECK .ABOVE) AND MISS taaui.iua. SCOTT. ! Under the direction of the U. S. Department of Lbor, two women. Miss Mary Vn Kleeck nd Misa MeliBds, Scott. hav formulated a program of labor standards for women In Industry which will form the basis of private and pub lic program for the aid of the girl who works. Miss Van Kloeck Is director ot the women In Industry service ot the Department of Labor, and Miss Seott Is attached to the wom en's division of the United States SlBpxmfit.SsrTlae . Look aid fief? aim Interesting Facts and Figures In 1913, Oregon Special Gas Harvester 20 Ft. Cut Cost $3,625.00 f. o. b. Walla Walla At 70c per Bushel You Paid 5,178.5 Bushels At 30 Bushels Per Acre You Paid the Crop from 172.5 Acres of Ground for this Harvester MOW Pendleton This Same Harvester Costs $4,330.30 f. o. b. Pendleton. At 2.00 per Bushel You pay 2,165 Bushels At 30 Bushels per Acre You pay the Crop from 72.1 acres of ground for the Harvester Why take a chance on your old Harvester with 12.00 wheat? Delay means money. Place your order at once to be insured of getting a Harvester to thresh the biggest crop in three years. STURGIS & STORIE Walla Walla t