TWELVE PAGES DATCY FAST PKEGDNTAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FHTITAY, APRIL 18, lfll9. 1 OFF COMES CORN 5 I COJIiOY ?0 CASH 0 GROCERY B25MaInSt Free Delivery. Phone 640 ; IT'S UP TO YOU to put the VICTORY LOAN over the top. i - Here's a saving: by paying: cash for , , your Groceries. Best Creamery Butter, 1 lb. 65c; 2 lbs. $1.25 Church's Grape Juice, quart bottle. . , . 50c Palace Car Preserves, tall glass. 30c Snider's Catsup, pint bottle . , 25c Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles, pkg- 10c Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box. ... 55c Guittards Pure Chocolate, 1 lb. can. ... . 35c 3 lb. can $1.00 Guittards Pure Cocoa, lt lb. can . I .... 20c Mazola Oil, pt. can 40c, qt. can 80c, yt gal lon . .. $1.55 Wesson Oil, pt. can 45c, qt. can .85c, .large can $1.90 Crisco, 1 lb. can 40c, Vz lb. can 60c, 3 lb. can $1.10, 6 lb. can $2.10 Breakfast Bell Syrup, qt. can 55c, yt gal. can 95c, gallon i .......... . $1.75 Onion Sets, 2 lbs. 25c KOMI PiCM MS What the Picture Theaters ., Have to Tell You. AHCAIB TIIEATHB ffHE UNIVERSAL CAR Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford service has kept pace. It is the factor which strengthens the personal relation between Ford owners and the Company. To get the best possible service from your Ford car, bring it here when it needs attention and get the benefit of Ford supervision throughout. We use the genuine Ford parts and give you the benefit of the regular standard Ford prices. We have Ford factory mechanics, and, special Ford machinery to fix up your car right and at the greatest saving of labor and expense. Our shop is as well equipped as any Ford garage in Oregon. v , ' : ' i Simpson- Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sts. Phone 408 1 a 2 8 2 5 2 3 J "Mickey Is Irrealntahln. Hhe mode a big hit at the Arcade I ant night.. Mickey nervoualy twisted a suspen der of the overall that partly clad har little figure. 8he lifted her eyes to Minnie Ha Ha thoae wonderfully expreaalve dark eyea, which could mir ror pain, Borrow, love, laughter, every emotion of humankind. "I don't want to he aent away, Min nie," ahe aald, dully, her pretty head drooping, The Indian woman atolldly puffed at her corncob pipe, her broad, ugly face Immobile Onlyaher twinkling eyea be trayed her feeling. ura! urn! go!" ahe muttered, la- canically. 'But I don't want to leave my moon talnal I'm afraid, Minnie. Oh, yop The last remark waa not directed at Minnie Ha Ma, but to a anucy squirrel who had suddenly crawled from one of her overalted legav He winked im pudently at the girl for a aecond, and then acampered away. " With a little cry, .Mickey leaped' to her feet and daahed In purnuit of the buahy-tnlled raacul. her hair streaming behind her A wild, untrammeled glrl-Nature'a ownand now they were going to send her to the confining, prisoned city. - "Heap bad!" muttered Minnie Ha Ho, shaking out her pipe. uiii time Micaey was taken awav just the same to the home of a hvoo critical aunt who thought ahe waa an nelreea, and who sent her to work as a "slavey" when ahe got Informed to the contrary. ... , They couldn't down thla little elrl however She emerged triumphant from every misfortune the same mis. chlrvous, lovable, wonderful Mickey unforgettable Mickey. Herbert Thornhlll saw her and lo ed her. Thla wild, sweet, shy child so complex despite her simplicity, at tracted him aa no other girl ever had and he set out to woo her end help he escape her enemies and even Mickey nad these. It Is the film sensation of the hour. the pictured story of "Mickey" which opened at the Arcade theatre last night to crowded tjouaea, and will contlnua today and tomorrow. IN ONE PIECE There's only one corn remedy In th world that peels corns snd tfalhts'ss off like a baona petsl, and that's "Jts-U". For wa4k9F and etandere. fur hujper 'GeteWH" Iravett Too Aa fimnolll the Fulm of Your If nod. A M7T TODAY. The Desirability of a "Player Piano" in the Home 'a manifold. First Is the fact (hat it Is the only medium that Muni to you the entire world of music. ' It la willing and uncomplaining respondent to all musical demands whether lor popular, t-lasslcal, dance, operatic, sacred mualo or accompaniments. ' By means or a Player Plane the musical taste la refined and elevated, at desire for music of the better cMwa is crcatd.. There are no better make plane or Player Pianos in the mar ket than our rantoaa' llaldwin lino, Howard, Hamilton. Klllng ton and Baldwin. All our Pianos havo an Iron clad guarantee ( backed by the manufacturer. Iet ua show you our Iriayera and rxplnln our terms to you. Warren's Music House 820 Main St : vvV Phone 524 ; . Pendleton, Oregon CHEVROLET Coming into its own. The public has recognized our ability to handle Chevrolet service as it should be handled and are taking advantage of the opportuni ty to use the most economical motor car, in existence. A complete line of parts and our desire to please insures you a full value for every dollar expended. $300 down will handle a car. , ' ' Eastern Oregon Motor Co. Ted Preble, Mgr. Claude Miles, Sales Mgr. of Stage Dorothy Clan Is a Victim Frkrht. Dorothy aiah, whose recent tour of the country In behalf of the Thrift Stamp campaign brought many thou sands of dollars to the pledge funds In every city she visited, Is a, victim of stage fright, so ahe says. Although she waa on the stage from the time she was four years old until she was nearly fourteen, he declares that It is the moat difficult thing In the world for her to address an audience Her appearance In New York, Chl- ,oego and Boston during the past few months brought thousands to the the. at era at which she appeared and in each Instance she had to fight her nerves to make her appearance. MIsb Dorothy Is five feet tall, and is Just five feet of mischief and individuality. They did not always call her "The Little Disturber" around the atudlo. It used to be a little something else, especially when a director or camera man was looking for his hat or hav ing other, trouble which jwould even tually betracrd to the fact that MUw Gish was In the studio. David VV'ark Griffith, under whose direction she created the most famous girl character In pictures,- says Miss Dorothy Is the moat Irrepressible per sonality he ever met When It was announced that she was to appear In her own productions he expressed himself as believing her to be on the highest of the high roads to success. "Battling Jane," Miss Glen's first Paramount picture, will be shown at Alta theater beginning today. It is In every way a charming production. Well, you know the story of the book, which has spread gladness around the world like the sun. , .The play puts before you Pollyanna and her frien' in flesh and blood, adding the human touch of voice and manner, and there. by kindling the greater Interest of real life. After you meet her the world won't look so bad, and you will be glad. You will leave the theater with a happier heart than you have known In a sheaf of days, and you will want others to share your gladneas and feel the magical Influence of this wonder ful girl. None of ua Is so well off that the glad spirit and guidance tf the living Pollyanna cannot lead him Into greater happiness, and produce kind lier thoughts and feelings than he knew before be met her. Come to the Oregon theatre tonight and wel. come the-glad girl who has brought to much happiness Into the world. It will be a great event, and give you a sinking fund of joyful thoughts that will never exhaust. ' "' Pollyanna," the play of brightness and gladness, that brings a message of optimism to every auditor, is being sent here by Klaw and Erlanger and George C. Tyler wtfh a company of competent players. Viola Harper leads the cast, and those prominent In her support are George Alison, Herbert Fortier, Blanche Dougia, Winifred . Hanley. Master Billy Bialsdell. Frederick Carl. ton. Jack Morton and others. - AMUSEMENTS ORIXJOX THEATRE Pollyanna, the glad girl, will be here to greet all who would learn the game of being happy. The flesh and blood Pollyanna will take you by the hand, and show you the way so that the wine of laughter will shine In your fate, and the world will look like an old friend who . has not been under stood. How will she do th'.s? you ask! THERE'S HEALTH IN THIS SPRING TONIC Put S drops of "tit-It" on, and wnllel and dancer, there' I mmed lately reliet iron, corn pains, ana a quicu riiitim ro. any corn or callus. "jtB-lt la ap plied In two or three aeeonds. There's no work, no fusrty plasters, no wrap ping of toes. "0t-H dries In a sec ond or two. That's all. As easy to use a signing your name. The corn loos ens from the true riesn and you it rlKht oft with vour fingers while you wonder at the slant and smile. That's why "3ets-lt" in the blggent filing corn-remedy in the world today. ae cornrrree at iant. xi ets-It" the icuaranteed. -' monev- back corn-remover, the only sure way conn dui a, in lie ai any a rug; more. MTd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, J 11. Bold in Pendleton and recommended as the world's beat corn remedy by Tailman m Co. . , ' rJOAOKl. OP PlIlXrPPIYK MISSION' II Kit K T OASK FYft JMMKIMATK IN IEPEXIENOE These are the months to get rid of all the impurities that have stored themselves in your system during the winter. , We advfps a Vegetable blood cleaner that baa Btood the test of many years nee. Bee your druggist SAY "I! WANT CELERY KING" Brew a cup and drink It every other night for a few weeks. It cleans the system la good for stomach and liver and its regular use banishes pimples, cleans' tip blotch skin and makes you feel younger, You"ll like It the children like It and the cost Is next to nothing. OLDS Htad or chest . are best treated Externally" with c VICKS VAPOR! 10UR .BODYGUARD" - SQf. W, mm. J j ; r ! ft : MANUEAL L. QUEZON Members of the special mission ot the Philippine legislature here seeking Immediate independence for islands have ben told by Secretary Maker that he spoke President Wilson a mind when he said he believed, the time had come to grant the complete Independ ence desired by Filipino people. The spokesman for the mission, including 40 prominent Filipinos, Is Manuel L. Quesnn, president of the senate, who formerly was resident commissioner In the I'nlted States. This photograph has- Just been received from Washington. Schools Spring Up To ' ' Teach Use of Limbs (By fnlted Prcss ' LONDON, Feb. 20...' (By Mull.) Schools to teach use or artiflral arms and legs to thousands of mutilated wot ALTA FRI. SAT. CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 30c VAUDEVILLE Duke Wescott Presents HE F FOLLIES : 12--PEOPLE--112 ;: , Introducing singing, dancing and comedy numbers, featuring Geo. Dore, Thel rha Dore, Arline Wescott and a beautiful chorus of dashing girls. SO minutes of Tun and frolic. - . ' "". iBiinnufliuiB OtOTHY Qim "BATTLING JANE 99 A Picture You Will Like. SENNETT COMEDY BEWARE OF BOARDERS. heroes are springing up aU over En gland. The pensions ministry pioneered in this work when It established a school i at Charterhouse military hospital. - The government also Is encourag ing private experimentation to d velop new types of arms of still greater use- i fulness. "More types are being developed dally." says Sir Charles Henderdlne. director of the artificial limb depart ment of the penslona ministry. "Our biggest difficulty is persuading men to persevere in learning how to use artificial legs and arms. They ore at first uncomfortable and cum bersome, This soon discourages the ordinary man, who beclns to feel he had better get along without the ap pliance" A month's training however, usual ly convinces the experimenting soldier the appliance, enables him to do many things he couldn't without it,. Sir Charles says. Very many men find the man-made legs and arms enable them to perform their prewar tasks which at first seem ed Impossible without the natural number of sound members. . FRKXCII PRESS IUBIOrS. PARIS, April 18. The Temps, dis cussing Iloyd George's speech Jiefore parliament, professed to see In It as- . 1 nrililn mnA thn ITfiitPfl States would aid France It slid should be again attacked by Germany. Other . Paris newspapers, however, toot !- , nulla views, contending Wat nis , words were rat'W a far as French guarantees are concerned. J. F. Sommervllle is here today from Portland. Miss Blanche Douglasi registered at Hotel Pendleton from New York. H. Ross and R. E. Kenney, both of Baker, are here today. C. P. Scott Is a Pendleton visitor today from Portland. i, ., . .- rl a -n v Last Time Today ' MICI i DR. CARTER'S K. & B. TEA MAKES FINEST HOME-MADE LAXATIVE SPRUd Easily Prepared Two Pint a Cost AU ihomC Xolliins; Bui in prompt, Sure And Kfroctive. Ready-made laxative syrups for chil dren are costly, ply nvaklue; this at Home you not only save practically $1.60, but you will have & much more prompt and efficient preparation. Simply obtain from any drua: store a package of Dr Carter's K & B Tea, Put contents In a bowl. Add 1 1-2 ; pints of boiling water, cover and al low to stand for S hour Strain, add pound nf sugar and stir until dissolv-1 ed. Flavor either with essence of peppermint or wlntergreen according to taate. Doae for ariultfl, 1 teaspoonful each night or night and morning until a regular movement of the bowels la ef fected, or children, 1 teaapoonful more or less according to age. For m real springtime tonic and blood purifier, 1 Ijeanpoonful every night or every other night for a least three weeks. Cut this recipe out and paste It on. the botUe, I SIXTH ANNUAL BALL GIVEN BY THE i .... Pendleton Fire Depl EAGLE-WOODMEN HAH MONDAY NIGHT APRIL 21. 1919 Music by Sawyer's Orchestra. ADMISSION $1.00 REFRESHMENTS J i