YAVti F0TT7! DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL is 191. '. "" 1 1 '"' '" '" " "' 'I II Im- '. t, TWELVE PAGES AN INDEPENDENT Pnnlliihod Daily and 8ml.Wklj at. ' PattalKon. Greffoa. by tha f BAST OKEOONIA.V PUBLISHING CO. j NEWSPAPER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (IN ADVANCE) ' Eatsraa at tha (ottoirio at Pandla- Dally, out ysar, by mall loia, Orfe&, mattr. as sscood-class mail Tala&son ON ALB IN OTHKR CITIK8, ImpvrlalHotrl Nrwa Stand. PortlaM buwmu NVwa Co., Portland. Oreffoa ON ril.R AT Oilcaro Bureau, tot Security Bulld- Waahlngtes. D. C, Buraaa lei Four- inth 8tr-t. N. W. Dally, six montha by mail Dally, three montha by mall , Dally, pna month by mail Dally, one year by carrier M I L0 . t.l . l.tt . , t.l Dally, sis months by crrlr J.tS Dally, three months by carrier.... 1.3S Dally, one month, by carrier Jti Seml-Woekly. one year, by mall l.U Semi-Weekly, six montha, by mall . ami-Weklr four montha by mall .6 bonds you not only take a step to help the country and the Thmiislcian with, hta ear ! YoU iU have Ve With your pent to catch the violin's ton. conscience for the rest of your Thioks. earth s sweetest sound ! life. KeeD that in mind. A e kaktiis sweetest sorxD la when lis heart echoes to his own. Poet hearing best loved lines Read in silver-toned accord Thinks the music of his rhymes Sweeter than the sons; of bird. Father coming; home from war, In tha peaceful " sounds of borne Hears a musks more divine " Than the world before - his known. Lover waiting the reply . Which he hardly dares truss. Hears celestial melody In the simple answer ."yea. But to ear divinely tuned. Broken though the words may be. Babe, and mother's cooing talk . Is earth's perfect harmony. RAYMOND E. BAKER . PROTECT YOURSELF . tT9p HE man who fails to take his share of the Victory loan bonds when able to do so penalizes, himself more than anyone else. He neglects his own war record and by so aomg may lay up much em- barassment for himself in the future: He may not be ques tioned by others but he win never feel quite right with him self. How could he? When .you buy . Victory LEMON JUICE Tor'freckles Girls! Make beauty krtiort for .... a few cents Try It! Squeeze the juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounce of orchard white, shake well ana you have a quarter pint of the beet freckle and tan lotion, and completion beau tlf ier, at very, -very small cost. Tour grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will 'supply three ounces of orchard white . lor a few cents. Massage this sweetly .fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how deaf, soft and rosy-white the akin be comes. Tea It is harmless and never irritates. - . SOMETHING LACKING WO youngsters, a girl and a boy, runaways from ' home, were stormed here yesterday to be returned to their parents. They declared that things at home were not all rosy to their way of think ing. On first thought one will piace tne. Diame on tne way wardness of the children. Are to the children or are the parents to blame, no matter what the state of affairs at home? If home to a youngster has really been a home, if influ ences have been such that home is appreciated, only in abnormal cases should there be a desire to run away. Possibly something in the life of these children, for such they were, is lacking. Perhaps the gentle tap 6f father's slipper has been forgone or the loving care of an indulgent mother has been neglected. Or there may have been too much pampering of one or both. Home building is declared to be an art which all too few fathers and mothers are ad epts in. A house is not a home, even though there may be plenty of money to supply every want. There is a tie which exists between parents and offspring which deter mines what is home. Some children need consola tion and instead are thumped. Some need punishment and are pampered. Parents who do not know their own children may prove ; these . . youngsters worst enemies, for the mark they leave upoa them in the formative, period shows throughout life. It takes a deep sympathy and long study for parents to understand their children. More comradeship , between mothers and daughters and be tween fathers and sons would lessen this insane desire to leave home prematurely. BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, tha substi tute for calomel, act gently on tbe bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath And SutcK renet througn Ur. kdwards" Hive Tablets. . Tha pleasant; sugar coated tablets are taken (or bad breath by all who know them. Or. Edwards Oliva Tablet act Rently but firmly on the bowel and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing tha blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which danseroua calomel does without anv of tha bad after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, griping cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or any disagreeable effects. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula liter seventeen years of prac tice among - patients afliicted with bowel and liver complaint, with the attendant bad breath. Dr. Edwardsf Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive ail; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect 10c and 25c per box. All dnimrisN. K TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT ADS. NEW TODAY Poll SALE Small saddle horse. In quire at O. K Feed Yard, 621 Aura. WANTED To rent or buy incubator. Phone HOW. - . FOUND 4 blocks from post office on W. Alta, pair glasses Owner can have same by paying for this ad. WANTED Carpenter work and palnt lnir. a. L. Brown. 701 B. Court. Phone 114IW. WANTED Girl to do housework In Pilot Rock home. Phone 324J this city. i 5 2 LOST Package of ermine or weasel Bkins. Suitable reward if left at Hamley ft Co. O. E. HO BBS will give a demonstra- tion of the workings of the Bates Steel Mule tractor at the Arcade the ater tonight, A pell is.., FOR SALE Holt propelled combine .Harvester. Price f 2000. Only cut about 1000 acres. Address Jo Crow, Pendleton. Oregon. FORSHAW'S OFFERINGS for Easter Potted Easter lilies. Gorgeous hydrangeas. Easter Greeting polargonlums. Potted Darwin tulips. Potted baby 'roses. In cut flowers: Carnations, sweet peas, roses, til lips, narcissi, marigolds, etc., etc , AIR TRAVEL OR "STUNT"? Ims of Appetite is also loss of vitali ty, vigor, tone. To recover appetite and the rest take Hood'a Sarsaparllla. that strengthens the stomach, per-' recta dt on. make. ng a plea- whethe, cr08sing nd nor, .nd MMiik. m. made reasonably safe : not - -' v 1 , - i "stunt" but the precursor of EHIND the sporting in terest of the first air crossing of the Atlantic lies the bigger question how, can be a . 1 arm for Sale. 296 acres farm land all tillable and level, with running water, with house and barn, located 16 mL north of La Grande and 1-4 ml. from Summervllle, Oregon. This Is one of the best farms in the valley For particulars phone Black S031 or write to Mrs. N. J. Choate, 802 O Avenue, La Grande, Or EASTER and New Clothes Last Easter was a martial Easter. Brass buttons and braid, khaki and blue were all the go. But this year styles have changed. A new type of clothes for the new type of men. Renewed by events of the war, American men re quire clothes to set off their vigor and their ambitions--clothes brisk and buoyant in design styles with vim and go and punch. , THE HOUSE OF , KUPPENHEIMER has created such clothes for the men of this community clothes that interpret the times, "ace-highw in dependability and accuracy of fit; fabrics that have , life; smart patterns and color tones. The kind of clothes that will fully sat- , isfy your careful regard for your ap-" pearance at Easter or any time. Values equally satisfying $35, $40, $45, $50. See Our Ad on Page 3 OnpyrtiM 1V1S IV tsM Mt fceWMJlMllMI , & :' y ."'A . A I v v- It ml M l r 1 ' . 'iff, ' - -I ' - VNSi if . -' I Ur,v 111' rr'Mr 1 4 .A-- EASTER HATS FOR MEN Who want not only the best value but good looking and styl ish. We can fit you and we can pleasue you. Come in tomorrow and have a look, $4.00 to $7.50 MEN'S EASTER SILK SHIRTS offered in a number of desirable stripes and colorings. They are cut full fortomfort and made of good quality silk for wear. Dress up in one of these silk shirts for Easter $5.50 to $11.50 TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA IF. MIXED WITH Kt l.nint IMKKOS SO XATtTUIXt SiOItODY CAN TFIJU The old-time mixture of Sage Tea ..and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked or faded " hair ' Is grand. mother's recipe, and folks are again asin It in an their hair a rood even color, which is quite sensible, ai ', '" are living In an age when a youth ful appearanc la of the greatest ad vantage,-. - 5. - f - '" Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the musey mixing at home. All drug stores seH the ready-to-use product, improved by the addition of ether Ingredients, called "Wyeth'a Page and Sulphur Compound." It i very popular beeauae nobody can dis cover It has been? spplied. Simply moisten your comll or' a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair taking one small strand at a time; by morrring the grays hair dis appear, but what delights the ladies with Wyeth'.s Hage and Sulphur Com fxtund Is .that, besides . beautifully darkening the hair after a few ap . Pl.catJona. . It slao produces that ' soft lustre snd sppearancs of. abundance which Is so sttrsctive. actual air travel. Most fit the aviators who in various parts of the world are planning the "big hop" work along lines of comparative safety.. None are more hon estly following this course, the only one of the slightest per- LIFT OFF CORNS! Doesn't hurt a bitl , Sors coma lift right off with fingers. : i JAagicf Amerlcaa National Bank Pendleton.' ' Building Xyss BoUnttrteall) examined. Claims ground to fl DALE BOTHWEUi iiii Mi I mm w TAXI CAB fl PHONE I U Books Si Ride for Cl-M rKIEK TAXI OO. Why rax Mora. Costs few cents! Drop a little Freesone on that touchy corn. Instant. that corn stops hurting .then you lift It right out with th - fingers. I Why Wait?. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of Freesone for a few cents. sufficient to rid. your feet of every ; bard corn, soft corn, or corn between tbe toes, snd ealusea, without soreness or Irritation. - Freesone is the much talked of discovery of the Cincinnati genius. manent value, than our own navy airmen. They will have rescue craft strung like beads along their line, strong wireless apparatus, boat bodies capable of withstanding fairly rough water in a forced descent. The extremis example of the opposite course is furnished by Mr. Hawker, a racing pilot out to capture a $50,009 prize, who has so sacrificed - safety to speed as to rob success of value as a precedent, since his meth ods cannot be safely followed. With his strong wireless, dis carded because of weight and only a weak receiver left, and with even his underbody drop ped after the start, so that, without wheels, he must land in a crash, he is taking long odds and hardly inviting imi tators. - But after all these gallant men, what a flight! So swift to meet the sun that the day is shortened to twenty-one hours so high that the rudest sea seems a plane; so cnin tnat April is Arctic : so trackless that a change of wind during the night may drive them miles off their course, and a veiled sun, preventing corrective ob servations, prove a calamity and to sustain the arduous, dangerous, task, the spirit of pioneer, the valor that would make! history and leave ' a name ! New York World. t THE FUNNYBONE ........................... MEN'S FINE TIES OF RICH SILK FOR EASTER WEAR No matter how critical you are these are the best looking ties yqu e;er saw. Made of rich silks; a large variety of patterns, and Easter colorings. s Have a lnnk at tripm ws'll Ua vlo,l f . show you ........ 50c to $3.50 5 .,.a 28 YEARS AGO I a i From the Daily East Oregonlan April 18. 191.) Dr.' and. Mrs. J. W. Morrow, of Echo, are at Hotel Pendleton. , Henry Koepke. wealthy farmer of the Helix precinct, ts in the city today Pressed bricks for the First National Bank building are an the road and will reach Pendleton Monday. W. E. La Dow. son of Dr. ta Dow, of this city, Is here visiting relatives. Charles Cunningham has a large force busy shearing sheep at the Ross place on Birch creek. Marshall Morgan Is still interviewing delinquent . Pendleton taxpayers. He has collected about f 600 of the $1900 lellneuent for 1891. The remains of William Rector were Interred at Kcho Thursday. . Mr Rec tor was eut down In the prime of man hood by an attack of pneumonia. The soldier who believed In camou flaging unpleasant news In his letters home was scribbling a note to his mother as he rested on his way to the guardhouse surrounded by his guards. "Dear mother." he wrote, "I'm quite well and going strong. A present I'm in cnarge or a squad or men.'; His mother ws delighted. ; First Doctor You - have been spreading the report that I have poisoned several people In this town, want you to' take It back." Second Doctor Certainly, I don't hesitate to say that there are several people In this town whom you have not yet poisoned. . Hope you are satis. tied now. - f It was Dora's first trip on the ocean and the water kept on going seesaw and slipslde and heave-ho, and all sorts of uncomfortable, disagreeable things; so that Dora began to get a little giddy and dased and tired and hazy. , Clasping a large doll. In her arms, she stood upon the deck by her, moth er's side. V 1 . . . ( ' 'Mamma!" she suddenly exclaimed, and her. face turned to a delicate pale green. -. -. I 'Yes, darling; what is the matter?" Oh, nothing., mamma! But I 1 don't fink the rabbit I had for dinner! could have been quite quite dead!" I ply of the husband whose wife said: ' or approximately 735.000,000 chews, "You have never taken me to the t have been exported from, the United cemetery." "So, dear," he answered, "that is a pleasure I have yet in anticipation. "What did the critic think of Scrlb. ner's latest novel ?" , "Vot much! One said It might be a good book to read In a train, If there were plenty of charming acenei)) to look at along the route." In a village In Ireland the mother of a soldier met a priest who aBked her If she had had bad news. "Shure. I have, sir," said she. "Pat has been killed." "Oh, I'm very sorry," said the priest "Did you have word from the war de partment?" "Noi." she said. "I heard from himself." The priest looked perplexed , and said: "But how is that?" - "Shure," she said, "here Is tfie "ot ter, read It yourself."' The letter said. "Dear mother: I am now in the holy land."- States since the armistice was slKned. commerce department flKtires reveal. Additional chews have been sent acroH In the form of ILOOo.iKio worth of plug tobacco since the armistice. - The bathtubs shipped number 1.13 or about two miles of 'em tha fig. urea show. ' Even the American boarding houaa prune habit hss hit Europe, 4.1SS.77 Pounds or dried prunes having been shipped to various Knropenn coun tries since the armistice. the Leather Gum; Bathtub's and Prunes for Allies WAHHIN'GTOV. April 18. From bathtubs to chewing gum, Europe Is acquiring American habits. The chewing proclivities of the Yanks both as regards gum and to bacco and their natural ' propensi ties, toward bathing apparently have arrected the French and the British, If export figures tell any thing. -. - ' " i Home J600 miles of chewing sum Unexpected must have been the re-f the sticks were placed end to end SEiot?lisEi KeepYourShoes Neat 5 LIQUIDS AND PASTES FOR B1ACK .WHITE, TAN ANDOX-BIOOO . IOABK BROWNlSHOES . jni r.K. OsUXaYCO0UOMS tTO JurpALO.M.V. FOR RHEUMATIC AGONY, LflMBAGO AND DEURALGIA No Choking-, Blinding: Fumes Accompany ItiIIse Con- lains iteai Mustard. : In a iVw woklh icoxum of vaca tions will begin to function. The pain of rheumatlvm and rout the swelling the noreneM ore. re lieved quicker by Besy'0 Mustarlne han by any liniment or planter. When you begin to feel thone occa sional pains in the cheat, with' tight netw and sore n ens, tho best thin to o right away la to rub on . Begy's M untarfne. The chances are It will save you from pleurisy, bronchitis and perhaps pneumonia. Mu Marine (Begy's) is the original mustard preparation compounded' to take the piace of mustard plasters. It is better than any mustard plan ter- far better for It has twice the strength and can be kept on until all mJTlammation, sosVneviif . aches and pains have disappeared. And It cannot blister not even the tenderest skin, ' . j You ought to have a box of Begy's j Mustarlne In the house, becaise it stops headache, earache; toothache and bflckache In half the time It takes or dinary remedies. It's simply wonderful how quickly It brings relief In neuralgia, neuritis, ! sciatica, lumbago. While for strains, sprains, sore mus cles, cramps In legs Btlff neck, in flamed and frosted feet it is without an equal. 1 A small bog costs but a trifle r , will do the work of 60 mustard plasters. Be sure it's Begy's Mustrlne al ways In the yellow box.' fill A n (ft 13 'ATHENA IM M UVJ VJJ1 lSt Opera House Saturday Night. April 19 . FLOWS JAZZ ORCHESTRA ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Good Time Lots of Pep ' Good Order 1 1 I 1 AvM'" bssBBEbM BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT la assarsd bj th as of son of tnss Iwaatiful fliturss of oars. They slvs a light that Ulumtnatss ths room psrfaetly, but that doss not tiro or strata tha syas. Th.r an sot azpsa Ivo OBSIdsrlnt inslr axtra flol.ncT mat srtra Daotity. Why not at Isaat as ta.att J. CVAUGIIAN