.'.' f l ... " TWELVE PAGES FARE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, ArRIL 10, 1010. I- EASTER I oppmg ...... . : . -X X. , . DO YOU REALIZE THAT? YOUR TIME IS SHORT INDEED. EVERY MINUTE WILL HAVE TO COUNT, SO IT WILL PAY YOU TO SHOP AT PENDLETONGREATCST DE PARTMENT STORE, WHERE THE ASSORTMENTS ARE THE LARGEST AND BEST. WHERE THE STOCKS ARE NEW AND WELL ASSORTED. WHERE PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE HASTENS YOUR SHOPPING PLEASANTLY ALONG. WHERE YOU GET THE BEST FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE. ;; ; ; ? ? , !; Only Eight sh Days Away : a Borilbn VCQRSETS are ideal corsetsfor business wear, com bining satisfying suppleness with' strengthening support, holding the figure erect without binding or pinching and eli minating fatigue. Comfort of correct corseting is" appreciated by women who work. r' -s" Avail yourself of pur . expert fitting service. . ',.'.,.., Made with the patented O-I-C clasp which does not pinch, break, twist, squeak and always stays flat 01 m if n f, 3 The New Spring Coats The New Spring Capes Here Are Bargains That Run for This Week Only 1 NEW SPRING DOLMANS AND CAPES , Just the very garment you've been asking for and at prices thai please everybody. They are Offered at Bargain Basement Prices, $12.75, $16.98, v, ; ? ' V $18.79, $19.87. Another lot of Garments that will more than please you NEW SPRING SILK DRESSES ' One big lot to offer you. No two dresses alike. All trimmed with' new wool braids, beads, embroideries and French tapes 'and cords. Every dress carries a value of $32.50 to $38.00. Extra Special $19.87 while they Last """"New Silk Skirts, new Shoes, new Silk Waists, new Remnant all in the Bargain Basement where everything is a bargain; THIS WEEK AVE ARE FEATURING RAINBOW RIBBONS We have taken bur large center window for a special display of the many pretty novelties that are here ready . for yoii. .., ' RIBBONS OF QUALITY Bewildering in their variety, beautiful beyond .description, THE BABY AND RIBBON. When you think' of babies you naturally think of rib bons. Rainbow Ribbons offer dozens of ideas for baby. You can make so many things of , them, that are new, useful, in expensive. : Carriage h robe holders, coach cover clasps, bows for robes, ribbon bootees, sachets, rosesttes,' hat ribbons, cap strings, bandeaux and . dozens of other things. ! There is a Rainbow Ribbon , for every purpose, gorgeous 1 ribbons simple ; ribbons, t but every one of dependable qual ity. I - Vjsit our ribbdnKdepartment i this week. Vs 'Ui you can buy ribbons here with the absolute assurance of quality and satisfaction mark ed with the Rainbow Ribbon mark , which is the quality stamp of one of . the finest mills. There is . a Rainbow Ribbon for every purpose, from the child's hair bow to a beautiful handbag from the dainty pink ribbon for baby's .toy, to a wonderful tinssel rib bon for some exquisite gown. ; You will find many practical suggestions for the use of rib bons ftrotir ribbon" department i1.. a,nd .wjindqw display. , . . BOYS CLOTHES MADRAS AND SCJEtlMS' FROM OUR tRAPERY DEPT. ; Are being featured this week--showing'a special lot of them in colors and the plain' marquisettes, ecru, ivory or white. This j is the time to put up new curtains while you are house cleaning. I No old draperies W f sell fybU-everylhiiig . absolutely new. Prices range from the yard 25c to $1.00 WHITE FRENCH FLANNEL. " ., For sport skirts, suits, etc., a very fine quality, the yard $1.75 THE MAY DELINEATOR is here. Subscribers please call for copies. VALENCIENNES LACE -". Pretty edges in Zion City Lace, new patterns.' Special price the yard , '.. ....5c W are clllnif aitenlii In J'eniJleUm far tho brat makes of boyx' clolhef In America lDBBI.KBlt.T CLOTIfht, which lire all that the name bnpllea-wduuble. bullt-doubly rein- forced In al vllul points, all--wuol, cravenetlod. muJ;to twe service under the nioat atr'anu'i uus conditions. Ak 10 to 17 eura. ' Priced from $12.25 to $16.75. OREGON CASSIMERE SUITS . (I FOR; BOYS' Guaruntced all wool, the beat fof aorvlne. porfcotly tullored and amurt looking, One ting aarnientR. Akps 6 to II years. . Piked from $9.50 to $170 t ! CHEVIOTS, CASSIMERES; . KERSEYS AND SERGES . All elzee from I to It yours. Choice pat terns, fine fitting suit".! correctly tailored, guar anteed to give satisfactory scrvl. $ - Priced from $6.501o $10.00 JUVENILE SUITS Tho smartest Uttle suits yod ever saw boys from 2 to r years, panel tmcR. seam models, just like Iad wears. Priced from $7.50 to $12.50 BOYS .WASH SUITS ' : Ages !V4 to S yeara- beautifully . made In at-, tractive coloKcomblnsarons, fast colors, smart In the extreme, si i ( i- -v. n-i V Priced from $2.50 to $4.50 BOYS' BLOUSES, BOYS StimTS Boys' Hats and -Caps, Boys' Shoes Everything for boys to wear, tho newest, the bost assortments, all correctly priced. for waist- Food Shop T.P.W.Pure In Our Model, Sanitary Basement CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. j ... ; All Other Departments, call 22. i . . ...... ,,, ..... Strawberries, the first of the season, arrived today. Very se-- lect high grade berries, the box ........ 35c Oregon Walnuts, extra fancy, large white meated nuts, lb. 40c Del Monte Catsup, the bottle 2Tc Washington Crisps (corn flakes) 3 packages .'. ; i . v. ; 25c Fancy Assorted Cookie9, the pound 40C Red Ribbon Minced Clams, 6 cans $1.10 Fresh Grated Horseradish, jars. . , 20c, 40c and 65c , THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST AWAIT YOU HERE r JO pencietomS greatest department, store lil'WHERE' ' rT MAKE THIS STORE YOUR STORE "I'm not the only one .hO has th's i IX1IAXS TrB OT" TXT? opinion of France, for every mothers AWHORAGE, Aprii 10. The Ala Iscn over there Is longing for the o, ! kan Kngineerlng conombmlun, durlnn Xialr llnma An-airrwhen he can get back to "God-s j the recent Influenza epidemic, epent Don't Talk France, Says Yank Who is ASTORIA. April 10. "Don"t taJk 3'rance to me!" That was the first re . 'j-st Sergeant Edward wllllkaon made i his friends when he was welcomed Iiome from Camp Lewis, where be was i Mistered out of the service. "That country may be all right for :t Frenchman, but for a freeborn Mnerican cltisen nothing doing." 1 1- former soldier said. "All that talk about -Sunny France-; is a myth. To be sure the sun doee vhine once In. awhile In summer, bulj uiik about rain why Oregon Isn't In j ,i. And the mod. It's a caution. Wei r ;ieot eight days m rest assured That's about all they talk ; thousands of dollars In providing fooo about." -. - and medicine. for suffering Indians ; along the line of the government rail. rTS.SCK LTITS BAV' " " I road. The total deaths among the . " 1 J iIKV FKODLXE natives was II. The entire Indian - . colony at Question, a station 103 miles PARIS. AJrir 10. A decree issued 1 norh of here, were victims of the. Sunday by the food administration re. ""' b"t due to the eficlent work of muves the restriction on trading in j commission, .only two succumbed, moik, butter products and confection- Employes, in many instances acted as II u i xcv list i lie ii uiss.ua. cry. The decree also permits the use of butter and egg in making pastry. i ead about the place it true. I'ariir--Charles Hurugue. ex-mayor of Auxere. and France's oldest "poilu has been te mo billed, ' He is $9 yean In lrww and you jf aj50, and enlurte as a private In that ail you have belne later promoted to lieuten ant. fnrfa W Durables i;i,-''-r"w-;--r--' : g FAST GAMES MARK YESTERDAY'S PLAY Good entries had been made tn all the regulation contests, a predominance of college men being noticeable, of course. ' . . Among the stars to appear was Joe Kay. famous as a champion miler. He promised a desperate effort to at least equal the record of this event. In the 880, one of Jpie's sidelines, he was again to meet the high school boy, Tom Campbell who twice has defeateo him. Carl Johnson, Michigan's track star, and Earl Ollflllan, Notre Dame's all round track man, were two .notables from the college world. Officials of the Central A. A. if. will run off the meet. A capacity crowd of .00(r was espeqted. LOS ANOELE8, Cut.. April 10. Oldham weakened In the ninth Inning of yesterday's game and the Angels put over two runs, making It two straight from Portland. Score, 2 to I. Batteries Oldham and Baker; Crandall and Boles. Melbourne--Fllghfs from Auslral'a to London, commencing next July, are planned by an aviation company turm cd here by Australian capita!. , AUtO Sea t Rocker The deep spring seat design is es pecially suitable for living room or library, where ease and restf ulness are of paramount consideration. Generously built, with frame of solid oak shaped back . and . broad arms. SACRAMENTO. Cal., April 10. One run by Oakland tn the ninth gave gave the visitors a X to 0 shutout here yesterday. Batteries Hollings and Mltze; Gardner and Fisher. - R i SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., April 10. K ; The Seals made It two straight from brattle by winning yesterday. to 1. Both played an Improved game. Batteries Eastley and Land; Baum and Brooks. ' SALT LAKE CITY, April 10. The Bees won a hard fought game from , . . 1 . . I .. . V. ,u.l,IM W score, 1 to !. Batteries rroome ana U9 vormer; Markle and Spencer. .' - London Shopping tj a Jazz-band. Is the latest craze at the fashionable West End stares. In the dancing In tervals, mannequins parade In dance gowns, evening models and "dansant hats." Serves 30 Years In 4 Wars, Now On Casualty List eept Ills share of responsibility for tile peace conference delays! Ho was careful to point out that the slow- nr nf the nraotiatlon was not due i to uny single cuntry or Its representa tives. He declared emphatically, how. TACOMA". , April 10 After serving 30 years through "our wars Llentenatn William Tyree has .finally been recorded lr. a casualty list. ' Tyres had gone through all previous engagements uncratch- ed, and had won numerous :ie- dais for conspicuous bravery, but finally succumbed. However, his friends are rejoicing for the cas- 4 ualty list on which his name has 4 been entered is Cupid's. 4 The fatal wound through the heart was darted at the Instance of A handsome widow of a potlu in France, according to advices which have been received here by friends of Lieutenant Tyree. ever, that the time for talk was vir tually finished and that now was the time to show results, , , k ;. . , , IMPRESSION OF JAPAN IS FALSE SAYS ISHIKAWA TOKIo; April 10. Through the mo vies, text books and the stage, Ameri cans ore given a false impression of modern Japan, according to ishlkawa, the Torodsu's staff correspondent to America. " ""' " ' " The georgraptvy text book used In Japan as a country of Asiatic bar barians. . . A greater number of movie plays Ishlkawa asserts, are only designed to create 111 feeling between Japan' and the United States. He particul arly mentioned The Mikado," which, he said. Is still appearing on a New York Stnge, although Is was' prohibited: in London many years ago. Paris Clemcnceal. - f he "Grand Young Man of France," has accepted) the position , of Chief of the French Boy Scouts. Helsingfors The production of Soviet banknotes exceeded $3,500,000.. 000 worth monthly, .Lenlne told the All Russia Trade .Vnion Congress, , pon't forget that pecuniary charity!: i ne KeoiKrui'iiiy ibm uiiur uku 111 fn i lurgei inn pecuniar American schools, he says, describes Is ofVen a curse to humanity .WTLSO.V SAYS TIME l'OH TALK IS O Villi ; PARIS, April 10 President Wilson explained that he was willing to ac. By calling at the store it will. convince you that we pfH eheaner than others, as we are not Davint? anv rent, and all other over-head expenses is far less. I ll4EVebb - 5 - TU r.AO ft rtifr TnuiU Meet on Today. CKICAOO, April 10 One of the lar-a-est track meets Chicago and the mid- went ever aaw opened here in the Coii-I Veum today under the auspice of the Unlvemlty of Chicago. The meet, rfccnijimodatlnff amateur fftam of Ion experience together with kld" from public no paroehia ' ftchoolB,' warf uhdr th dfrect charge': of the.veteran Ton,' Altogether athlete favd a program of sixty-one event Including nix special In' i which handnome trophten were to be won. IjIIIIR m I M Sift II l sat WI s 1 14 Ss LI VP , fflble In the Coliaeum, making certain: jnear record time In the shorter dashes, I Leases for Sale lt 50T acmi, well Imnrove, place clone to town. HJ acrcfl in grain. 30 acroa barley hay, about 70 acre" 'alfalfa. OmipMr rqulimimt, mmlc, cattle, pi, and chickciiM, Hix jrear catsh Irane IIihI it a bar- 2nd 800 acre wheat proposition. Half In whcntv lia. ancc bring; fianuner-rallowtHl. Complete outfit tilth goxl mork, auto and mrmc household rochIn. We have wheat, alfalfa nd cattle ranches for sale from TELLtTS WHAT YOU WANT. t I i SNOW & DAYTON JlcaT tXato VK SKIyti nxn" 11T Fast Court. I arm fxwns Insurance . OUR AUTOMOBILE PAINTING SHOP Now iri Fuli Swirty. "' Don't forget to . : Have Your Old Gar REPAINTED The largest crew we have ever had is now on the job. m They all know their business and are at your service, 4. . V ti (, .11.- iM.t f ft m A':,,! H ..ft "V fl' ' 1' ' W ft i V - Independent Garage Distributors tor . .. . ixKO OVBDOX ' SCRIPPS-BOOTn ,s E. Court anil Thompson Sis. : . Telephone tit