PACE SIX tglEY UAST OKEGONiAW. FEI4DLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1013. TWETATE PAGES' 1 SOCIAL ID PERSONALS IF IT'S LARGE IT IS CHIC. Many nvrti the nmnnm extended Seattle to resnnio their studies ut the If, I he flrls who nave Jitxrt returned ! Unlverstuo of WashlnBton. to college sfter spending spring var- 1 tioi :n IVnnleton and one or the mtl Miss Helen Nelson and Miss Tiena (Iillfchtlul was a, Sslurdsy f lerm-on ; Hales, who have been visiting In Pen ta to nhH-h n group of former lu-i rflelnn during spring vacation have re lirnn vrr hidden hy M rs. tieorie A. ! lurncd to resume their studios ut the llarlmnn. Mm. prank W- Hoyden and Uulverslly of Oregon. Mrs. 'iuy I. Hoyden- The guests. railed at the home of Mr llanmun. where cherry rloroms added acharm-j intr note of spring and centered a pretty tea table presided over hv Mrs. John Adams and Mra. Frederick Stci wer. Mra. R. T. Allen, who with her hus band haa been a missionary In rersia, will under the ausplcea of the Wtm- Miss. Madeline Hurgess, areompa tiied y Miss t'lara Hartlett. who "was a visitor at the J. N. Burgess home during spring; vacation, returned yes terday to Seattle, where they will re mime their studies ut the University of Washington. Complimenting Mr, neth McLean. who ' and Mrs. Ken rlth their little an'a Missionary Society, apeak at the son. Francis, left this mornlnr for Presbyterian church on Wednesday 1 Youngstown. Canada, to make their evening at S o'clock. Mrs. Allen with home, Mrs. F. E. King and Mrs. A- M. her children returned to this country) Winn presided over a 7 o'clock din- In October. Her talk will deal with war stricken Persia where all mission aries have suffered at the hands of the Turks. All are invited to hear Mra Allen. II. H. Bowern Is hero today .'from Yakima. F. A. Almstead U In the city feiilay from Baker. F. B. swayxe, tlermlston hanker. Is hero as a member .of the grand Jury. t. If. Webb of Astoria, was In the city yeslcrnay. , B. T Hughes was a Pendleton visitor yesterday from Astoria. Charles Oramm ws In the city yes terday from Portland. R. D tttebben of Bealtle. wna here yesterday. Martin Madison, postmaster at Cay- use, ts in Pendleton today on one ot nis regular visits. R. A. Unite, who has handled all Liberty Loans in Ktanflold, was here yesterday forthe county conference. Fred H. Moes, district chairman for Helix In the Victory Loan, attended me county conference here yesterday Ralph B. Stanfleld. Echo banker, came up on the motor yesterday to The Preshvterian society will meet ! Including Mr. and Mrs. A. M- Winn and In the Presbvterlan church Thursday j members of their family, Mr. and Mrs. morning, April S. at SO o'clock. An'K- J- King and their family, Mrs. Nel- II day session will be held, with uwraer. airs . m. lunch served at the noon hour. deeper (Atnena Mrs. r. r. Mr Lenri, . naries aicijean, Air. ana airs. F. K. King, members ot their family, and Miss Specknagle. ner at the King home on West Court J"?,1"? '.v'"ln JTe"W daf.fotU1;ttend the Victory Loan conference. ...... .... P. & ljf Grow f ,n p Nation- were assisted in serving by Miss Merte: al Itjlnk o( AlheI dow v King and Miss Irene Specknagle. Cov- d afternoon to. attend the Victory ers were laid for twenty-two. the party j Mra Ted Preble has arrreed in Pen dleton from Portland to Join Mr. .l VI- k n H Vflr TrhlA r. I tviBlrln their home at 4S9 Tustln ' street. Mrs. J. W. Neal. who has been vis- Xi.. and Mrs. B. P. Tulloch were Miss Olive Owlnn haa returned to Seattle after spending the spring va cation here. Miss Gwtnn Is entering her last quarter at the University of Washington. URGE LEAGUE BLOCKING. TOKIO, April i Resolutions were passed at a mass mcetlmr here today Iting at the home of her mother. Mrs. ,ent hffir charm to the attractive C O. Bowers, and her sister. Mrs.hom- "PPr followed the hours Robert Ingalls. will leave tonight for her home in Sharon's Springs, Kan- hosts last evening for a meeting ot nnriitx Japan to olose a I ramie ot the Neighborhood Bridge Club. FonriXations If It does not stipulate aboil tables were In play and red carnations' tlon of racial discrtm! nation- Mrs. 8. 8. Ivanhoe of La Grande, was a week-end of Mrs. Laura IX Nash. Mrs. Ivanhoe was en route home from a week's visit In Portland. Miss Jane Murphy left yesterday for Eugene to resume her studies at the University of Oregon, where she is in her sophomore year. Miss Thelma Thompson and Miss Creigh Cunningham, who has been Miss Thompson's house guest during spring vacation returned yesterday to Orover Crowner and Miss Jennie Flannlgan. both of Pendleton, were married Saturday afternoon by Judge J. H. Parkes at his office. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haney are ex pected to arrive Sunday evening from ESSEX STRIKE SPREADS. BF.RLIV. April 1. The strike at Essen l liKTeasituj-i more than 40.000 workers di-mandliuc a general strike tlirouglumt central Europe. 'MIXERS ENTOMBED, AGU1LAIS. Coin.. April 1. Twelve or 13 men were entombed in the Em- Portland for a "week's visit at the plre coal mUie by an explosion. Mote Walter Kempton home, 881 Beaure gard street. Mr. Haney, who Is a brother of Mrs. Kempton, is United States district attorney. M. V. Leeder is here today from San Francisco. R. R, Dunkln Is registered at Hotel Pendleton from Spokane. tlian a score of miners escaped unin jured. Several of the fastext aid crews from nriKhhoiiiu; mines have arrived on the scene and have been working desperately to reach the men cut off. It's a pity a man can't dispose of his experience at cost. "It Is Personality that Pays" All other atributes capitulate before its compelling force. Personality is derived from poise, style. The woman who feels herself distinguished in carriage and dress and figure will immediately acquire confidence in self, which is a distinguishing trait of Personality. "Yes," you ask, "but whence comes this all-conquering Per sonality?" Unlike greatness, we are rarely born with it, nor do we have it thrust upon us. It is carefully acquired thoughtful dressing contributes a large share to its success. Your contour is the first step, and it is made with the Cor set Upon it depends the effect of the dress the corset is the cause. Now we come to th e special type of corset and the answer is a Redfern. It fulfills the corset mission perfectly. rn- k- t ' wr-t I : rTWtmrmrml , , r (mm A'W.m.x I. .cn. v yi ffliraiSm Spokane where they will attend the fw a WdrMSj fJl three day institute of the Inland Em- B Kr M Vomen and Misses Exclusive IF you'a make your feet ldok ns pretty ns could be with nice new pumps, n pair of prutty Bilk stockings above them, wouldn't II niuko you sure if somebody said you'd have to wear clumsy old service shoes? That's the way the girl yeomen In the service of the navy department fell when Secretary Daniels issued this order against pumps and silk blockings with the uniform. The girl In the center of this group ih wearing service shoes, the one ut the lcrt pumps, the one at the right oxfords. "Dad or discipline," says Uncle Joseplius us he sliuktw his head,. . Arain Declares Intention. Erland Wirtanen, of Pendleton, to day filed hi first papers declaring in tention to become an American citi zen, in 1895 he filed first papers but allowed them to lapse. Wirtanen is a native of Finland. Xo School Today. Washington school ts closed today and will not open until Thursday morning because of sewer repairs which are being made In the building. The overflowing of the mill race caused the flooding of the basement of the school house. Track Meet Announcements. Divisional track meets of Umatilla county schools will he Ijeld In the county as follows, this month in pr- para tlon for the final meet in Pen dleton May 2, for the entire county: Stanfield, April 19, Milton, April 25, and Pendleton, April 26. perintendent, will leave tonight for Spokane where they will attend the three day institute of the Inland Em pire Teachers' Association tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. They will be back Saturday morning. Howard W. Drew, principal ' tn school at He lix, will accompany them to Spokane. Spring Garments We curry only the fincat merchan dise, Kariuents of unquestioned smart ness and quality. - You will he surprised at the values. The prices lull un unusual story.-.. New Dolmans and Capes $19.50 to $55.00 New Suits $27.50 to $75.00 " New Dresses r $18.50 to $65.00 MAY WB HAVK TUB I'MSAKl'KK OP SHOWING YOU TUB LATEST AKK1VAU3T "FAKE" ASPIRIN WAS TALCUM Therefore Insist Upon Gen uine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Motor Is Popular. Millions of fraudulent Aspirin TatJ- The motor service of the O.-W. R. It lets were sold by a Brooklyn manu- N. is nrovlnir popular. The car took facturer which Utter proved to be 22 passengers when It left here on Itsi composed mainly of Talcum Powder. first trio and bruueht 21 passenKcrs In "Haver Tablets of Aspirin the true. on the return trip. Thirty-three pns- THE LADIES' STORE P. S. And still they come. Why? senders departed on the motor yester day, while 25 passengers arrived on It today. N'fw Asspwors Named. J. P. Caldwell today was sent an appointment to act as assessor In the Umapine district, following the re turn from thut ftlnrn (if Ooiiiitv Am- sesaod C. P. Htrnin. He is expected to accept and begin work Immediately. Alex Hudson, recently named assessor for the Pilot Kock district, began work today. XnmliiflftJons Tomorrowr1. Nominations for student body offi cers for next year will be held tomor row In the high school and a vote will be taken upon an amendment to the student body constitution. THls amendment. If passed, will allow the members of the faculty of the school to vote in student body elections. genuine, American made and Ameri can owned Tablets are marked with the safety "Bayer Cross Ask for and then insist upon "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" and always buy them in the "original ilayer package which contains proper directions and dosage. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of MonoacetlcacldeHter ot Salicylicacid. New gmln bags, standard size, 12 cents. Umatilla Flour & Grain Co., 222 East Court. Phono 1014. W. II. THOMAS, Prop. Best in Quality Least in Trice LADIES! "Did you know" that a great per centage of the New Spring Garments now seen on the streets (and worn by some of the best dressed women in town) were purchased at "The Upstairs Shop" THERE'S A REASON Over Taylor Hardware Co. o D o Have You I Noticed the Activity 8! t r : . : Dr. Lynn IV. uiakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Elec tro Therapeutics. Temple Bldg., Room 12, Phone 414 Man Badly Kurt. Kugene Dexter, an employe of the O.-W. K. & "St Co., of Umatilla, was found under the bridge this side of 'Umatlla this' mornina- in an uncon scious condition and was rushed to St. Anthony's hospital, where he has not yet regained consciousness. It is thought he fell from the bridge and his injuries are serious. DR. R. B. BOBBINS Dentistry . Judd Bldg. Court and Main Sts. At Uh? corner of Coart and bUn street? It reminds one of a hive of been. On the Northwest Corner they are very busy building tile Xew O inMUd Empire Bank. Across the street Esst yon will find Uui orfioes D of the- Ilartnutn Abstract Company, headquarters of the new Pendleton HumebusVkn I am Oo. On the corner across the Btrort Sooth of tlu-re Is the Old ItcliaMe first Xaiional Bank, a very busy place. Across O Mala Htrect from there Is the old MUarkey Building where yon will Q mi iiiiii i mil mi iiimif mil mil if mi inirzf V. S. Xutlonal Mould nooover. Nine hundred dollars, plus Interest at 8 per cent from October 25. 1918, together with $100 attorney's fees Is asked by the J United States National Bank of Portland In a suit filed today against H. Claussenius, whi. the hank alleges, has refused to, pay either principal or interest on a note. Piatt & Piatt of Portland, are the bank's attorneys. find the Pendleton lMrvg Company downstairs and THE PROPHO' PAINLESS DENTAL PARLORS l upstairs, a modern four chair lKntJil Office where thry are preiiured to do all kinds of Modern Ucnlistry, the lrices are ritfit and they ft-intrantee every thins; they do. They anrt-ialise In Plate work, rrismducinc rrliniiMr, and refilacimr new troth In old platm. If they pull a tooth for yon and it hurts you, tlM-y will put I le tooth rttlit back wiicre thry got II, and It will not cost ftm cent.. Oh yes; they do all kinds' of filling of tertli. O 0 I I Whitman's 1 CANDIES Old TM-ht Cansps Suit. Merchandise bought by Narclsse Rnshman from R. Alexander, of Pen dleton. In January. 115, has not been paid for yet, according to complaint filed by the latter today, asking darti- Slages of 34. Only $S0 of total of S342 was ever paid, the complaint sieges, and he asks, the balance and Sj Interest. P. A. Newberry Is handing the case for Mr. Alexander. lilllllllllllll 3 , ' 11 r Her o a TViTi"e MN 1-dlutn, Oregtm. IK. B. C VIXSOX, Maiuvrer. 753 Main Ktrrct Just received larnt iiinnlv. Tou can't buy better candies, :"nort nce- better assortment, anywhere In the world than right here. We have tried to carry this policy of selecting the best through out our business. Come In and judge for your elf how well we'hav succeed, d. . I Tallman Cf Co. i ll Itlnfall Sliort Ttiln Month. ; The rainfall thin monih rKintnn l.Ki Inch, which l JiiMt .ftl inche i hor of the normal fall. Am (he record 3 Hi'tands now. th rainfall for th wet Siaon, which began In September. Is Thin n due to th dry autumn weapon of 11. which i clrrftpii the year with a nhortare of i;24 p S Inche. ft 1 the opinion of farmer j 5 ; hf.wever that the Phortajje will not In- j s S ' jure rrnpi, an the recent ralna cume S the rl(tht time- - Othert weather data 3 ' IE , for the month of March nhowa that . H -E"0 Inchea of rain fell March IS, anfljr3 S i on 12 days there wa .01 or more ; g3 S Inchen There wax a. killing frout(H5 March 24-2'. The maximum temper-1 3 a tu re for the month wan M on March ,3 nd the minimum was 25, on March A Big, Comfortable Rocker and a Dandy. We have them as Low as $24.50. Glance in our window for a real bargain. We have a nice all Oak Library Table, book shelf on both ends, big roomy drawers, 21x36-in. top, either fumed or wax finish, for only $16.00 Oak Buffet, good size mirror back $25.00 Dining Table in Oak, 42-in. top. . . . $15.00 and up We have all grades of furniture from the cheap to the very best and are now showing the Quality Furniture that everybody wants and in styles that please. . , ' ' ' ' - WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ROLL TOP DESKS IN STOCK: Golden Wax 42-in. Desk, quartered oak . .. Y.. i $45.00 Golden Wax 48-inl Desk, quartered oak . $50.00 Golden Wax GO-in. Desk, quartered - oak $75.00 Golden Wax 42-in. Desk, Flat Top 13 $30.00 Crawford & Hedges o - a 1 o licaduur Druggist Thone 496 Will Attend In.lllute. W. w. Green, rounty superintendent Court and Main Sts. r3 .niiitimiroiimmimimimirmmflnnT! I9E39I I9E30I I9SaCiTlll!lll!llllllllllllllllllllimi!ll!llllllS,ot chool, od F. P. Austin, city u - r-iiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii