nr0 1 Aniiiliifri Itiimivt i.intrvtV TT onm "u "n a KCii 2i; 191!). IHlimiilllllMilUHMIIIIIlllllltlUlllUillHIIIHtMlllllUiniltllllllllllllltlMIIIIMllllllllllllUIIHIM WE ARE PENDLETON AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS. 1 'VXilli TWO Pendleton's ustlnnit Pavsto Trade 1? m 5 PENDLETON'S REAL QUALITY STORE, WHERE YOU GET THE BEST FOR THE PRIC E, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE, IS BET TER 1 I . ' : , YOUR EVERY WANT WITH THE SEASONS, S NEWEST, CHOICEST STYLES AND QUALITIES. 1 - .''? f ' i 1 .: ' ;i A: v Always something neV j I .f-.'v 'L;i - THAN EVER PREPARED TO . FILL Better, Styles than ever before This season everyone wants style. It's 1 only natural; we've all hac a big job on our " N , hands; saving, military 'fcervfce; didn't have much time to think of style. J . i Now it's all pver; the boys are coming back; everybody's.happy; they Want clothes that express their spirits and we've got than; that's our job, to see that you get the , best, authentic ideas. Hart Schaif tier & waist-sem suits are ..the best, styles going. They give one the military bearing; chest-out; trim waist; there are variations for every taste.--IJ5BM IBR t -, . $25 to $65 T. P. W. Pure Food Shop In Our Model Sanitary Basement ' CLEANLINESS, ECONOMY, SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Depts. call 22, Fancy Maine Corn, can. . . . . . . . .4 . . . 25c Sifted Early June Peas, can : . 20c Baby Crimson Beets, can. .. .... 30c Fflnrv .White Asnaracrus. can Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, can. . SweetMidget Pickles, pint Fancy Queen. Olives, pint...- T. P. W. White Laundry Soap, 4 bars T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee, pound The choicest isoiled mm ana unea j sliced to your order. 45c 40c 35c 40c 25c 45c Beef, and interesting arriving. daily in our , i ART DEPARTMENT ' NEW' Couch Covers and ! ; Fortiers of -tapestry and f ancy'reps in colors to match your rpoms, all moderately priced.' 1 V ' ' SOMETHING FOR THE . BABIES New stamped dresses, petticoats, coats,; etc., all new designs. Materials are of the very best, so be sure to see them before Ithe as sortment is broken. A Complete Stock of YARNS and-More YARNS Four fold Germantown, silk and wool yarn, knitting, worsted, etc., in all the high colors for spring wear tp be made into sweaters, infants' jackets arid similar articles. Ready right now. : Special Sale Tomorrow of ZION CITY'VAL. LACE EDGES only in round thread ' and French Val. patterns. Val ues you would pay 8c to 10c. for elsewhere. Special, the yard 5c When you are down town tomorrow look at bur center "window of .NEW SPRING WASH GOODS You'll like them. Pretty voiles, organdies, lawns, etc, in a very complete lot of styles and colors that are absolutely the latest styles. Priced from, the yard, 25c to $1.50. WHITE KID GLOVES With black stitching on back, $2.75 values, sizes from 6 1-4 to 7, tomorrow the price ' $1.98 Long But Slender Skirts You ought to see what an assemblage of them we, have to of fer you to pick from. Candidly, to duplicate them you would . have to travel to some of the m ost exclusive apparel shops in New York City. The equal of them is not to be found in this vi cinity, or for many miles aroun d.' - No two are alike, each one introduces some little style thing ' not introduced by another. So the chances of making excellent selections from their assortments are great. ',..-, v Materials are of serge, gabardine, satin, taffeta, charmeusc, ; novelty stripes and tricolette, Prices range from $8.50 to $28.50 PENDLETONS GREATEST DEPJtTXENTr STORE 3lnePeoples ferohous WHFPr. FT- PAYS TO TRADE l2skaSjgBIl , 1 Two hew shades added to . . our CORDUROYS FOR SPRING WEAR ; Splendid for children's coats, women's dressing robes, etc. Color are coral, old rose, Copen., blue and champagne1, the yard. $1.5Q MORE NEW RIBBONS Black satin ribbons em broidered in gold and silver for fancy bags, yard $2.50 to $4.00. Novelty ribbons, lat-. est dresden and Parisian designs for sashes, hair bows and fancy work, yard 50c to $2.00. 4 Saturday 'Special .-V4M!ieuitV')i.?;;v Saturday .Special SATURDAY'S GINGHAM SPECIAL One Lot 15o the Yard. ' Good, strong, serviceable Gingham, 17 inch, several good pat terns, all, fast colors. All in the Bargain Basement, where everything is a bargain. . ftuwiHtiitimiiiiiimmiitiiinimiiiiiiiii ; The Real Worth Of an automobile depends on those back of the r . I product. THE NEW ' , SCRIPPS-BOOTH SIX ' t' n- i " " IS BACKED BY THE - -General Motors Company The Largest Makers pf Automobiles in the World. ; THE SCRIPPS, therefore, is backed by the best engineering and designing ability and the money for purchasing the, best possible ma- T terials. , The Result of These ' .. Unwjualed Facilities is Reflected m the Finished Product A Light-Quality Six Finished in the Height of Fashion. ELEVATOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SUPJECT TALK BY D. MAXWELL Independent Garage 1' Court and TlKHDUwia Bl. UJnirilMilorn tar H)IJ--lMKT MHirFS-BOOTII Tekviiana MS ' Detfl"X A." BtweH- of - lh Orsgon Asricultural College, addresser the Elevator Hchool yesterday on account ing and business management. He pointf rf out the vital relationship that exists between the success of farming In general and particularly farmers' co-operative enterprises and correct accounting and business management. Dean. Bexell is one of the pioneers j in th development of better business methods on the farm, having written 'numerous bulletins awid text books n j the subject, .which are recognized as : 'n f.rt'nt Art of Heroism Reaulred j If Some. reat act of heroism' was. I necespary to, protect a child from 1 croup, no mother would hesitate tfc Protect her offspring, but when it Is only necessary V) keep at hand a bot ' tie of Chamberlain's Cough - Remedy (Cough Remedy and give It as soon as rhe fjrst Indication Uf croup eppears, ;therei are many who neglect It. ChamberlalB's Cough Remedy Is within the reach of all and Is prompt !and effectual. I ' Tlie Ilest Cough Medicine. When a druggist finds tbat his cua ! tomera all speak well nf a certain : preparation, he forms a gooa opinion of It and when In need of such a med Icine is almost certain to use It him !seir end In his family. This Is why so many drugglntn use and recom-i mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. J. B. Jones, a well known druggist of ;C'obrun. Ky.. says, "I have usedl Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In my! family for the pes' seven years, andi have found It. to be the best cough nisilklne I have ever known."' 4 To llm lyiwptlr.. I Would you not like to feel that your rttmfich troubles are over, that you can eat any kind of food you crave? Consider then the fact that Chamber lain's Tablets have cured others : why not you. There are many who I have been 1 -Mrtored o health by tak- I Ing these, tablets and can now eat any jklnd ul food that they crave. J standard authorities all over the cuntry. Dean Bexell presented the standardised system .'of elevator ac counting which has been developed by the Ignited States Bureau of Mar kets and he pointed out the great ad vantages which would accrue to the Oregon elevators by. adopting this standardized system of accounts. "Among' the many advantages. said the speaker, "would be closer co-operation between elevators en gaged In the same line of business. It would furnish reliable Information by successful elevators to the weaker and less prosperous concerns. In. tbe long run the Golden Rule should be the guide among co-operation enter prises. What is successful to one should be made known to others. A standardized system of accounts would redown to fuller publicity of grain prices and movements which will be to the advantage ,of every farmer. Elevators as PurcliaHine Agency. The rangers and pitfalls of the-co- ; operative store were pointed out. based on an, extended Investigation, which Dean Bexell made for the Bu reau of Markets in 1915. But It was pointed' out that considerable saving can be affected by purchasing for cash. - f I - The conditions for successful co operation were pointed out, as fol lows: , ;' 1. Suitable territory, " preferably compact and rather small. 2. Ioyalty among members. I. - Singleness of purpose, namely. profit and service. , 4. Kf Helen t business management. ft.. An adequate supply of the pro duct handled . . Sufficient capital. 1 7. Adequate aacounting and audit ing. , 8. Full publicity among members by means of properand regular re ports. . Proper loyal safeguards, by suitable incorporation and organiza tion. 10. Absolute cash basis. 11. The co-operation principle, I. e. dividends based on amount of busi ness done. - ' 12. full package and bulk goods only to ho handled by buying clubs. 13. Standardized - business meth ods. . . 14. Improved relationship between overhead expenses" should be 1 the slogans in every co-operative society. Such hulk goods as feed, coal, nwre. salt, etc., as well as full ' package merchandise of considerable variety. Bend Fighter Thinks . Report Exaggerated BEND. Ore., March 21. Si mon A. Simonson, who was re ported to have died in a French hospital last fall, has arrived home from Camp Lewis, where he was discharged from the Sixty-fifth artillery, and Is very much alivf. "The report of my death was was greatly exaggerated," said Simonson. Discusses Probability of Death With .'Other s - Party at Her Bedside SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., March 2. When Mrs. Jacob Walcom testified that her husband stood beside her bed, when she -wus critically 111, and discussed with "another party" the probability - of hor leath. Judge Ca banlss quickly granted her tbe re quested divorce. ALBANY HAS AUTO AND TRACTOR SHOW , itai.y js Axxiors. IIOMK. March at. Italians ar be-d coming- anxlntm as a rexult of Paris reports that the territorial demand of j Italy may not bo granted until after peace Is declared with Herman y. Agitation for Immediate realization of Italy's demand for I'lenmo and I Trieste cnnl nines. Public meetings favoring Italian annexation of Del- , matla are being held daily through- ; out .Italy and tho feeling against the pluao Slav In lieoomlne more tunxe. - I ALBANY. Or., March 21. --The au tomobile truck and tractor show of the Albany Automobile Deolers' asso ciation opened here yesterday and will pome to a cose tonight. ' Jass dances are features of the show both nights. ' , TO HAVE CLEAN, HEALTHY BLOOD Bright, Clear Outnptcixtnn. Tske famous iriiu;Utno Tuuic audi Blootl pnrifkT"'CoJorjr King." v-a : .Three times a' week for. three weeks, brew yourself a cup ot Celery King and drink it just before, retiring. UiKe it to the children, too. You'll he sur prined how gently yet effectively CELERY KING v creates a normal action of the bowels, cleansing nnd strengthening of the system, banishing pimples, scrofula and other blood disorders. Celery King keeps the blood pure and, rich by freeing the system of all. waste matter. OR. 'CARTER'S K. & B. TEA! REAL SPRING TONIC i AND BLOOD PURIFIER ! -.1 Old imshioned Vegetable Remedy! That Krlves Out tlio Impuri ties of Winter. . Take Dr. Carter's K & B Tea ns just about the best spring system reg ulator vou can get and don't fall to i give It to the children also. . A good sized package costs but a trifle and with It. you can brew. I enough real good medicinal tea to lostj A. long time. . ' I And such wonderful tea It's pleas ant to drink and It just does regjilate tno stomacn. liver ana ooweis- wiin- out any distress or harshness. "II i Wly do Some People Always Wake up Tired y Iots of folks sleep all night. Rut they don't rest. They sleep too ."light." Or they drenm all night and. get Up In the morning almost as tired as when they went to bed. "i ' Nobody can build up vitality this way. Many don't get the right kind of sleep because pf their beds. You can't get real sound sleep unless your bed Invites every . nerve and muscle to relax. 'Kven the least bit 0 noise will keep the nerves on edge; ' 4'OMK IV AN'I I.KT FN SHOW YOU OVH COMPIJCTE IdNK OP' . TMKHK IXIMITAIllK RISIMi. ' ' We take your old bed In exclfunge for new. Ask your druggist for a packoge wholesalers and co-operative assocla- I today. Take a cupful every night for tions. jtwo weeks It's one good sensible way j iv "inerense the Kitrnlim" and 1 to arlve t he ent Ire system a aod snrlnz , "moderate standards and "minimum 'cleaning. Children love It. . M wefe It will pay yon to call at this store before ou buy. , 114 E. Webb . . , Phone 548 : ' ' - - v., - 5