1 ,?l : '.it PAtJE TOD DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, QKEGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1919. EIGHT PAGES i-' i ''nun '"I'mimiiiiiiimmmiiiiiiiiitimimmmiiiiMiiiHMiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiin Complete and Authoritative Displays of OVER JHE NOBTPRT,, SI - SPRING Featuring splendid stocks in every new mode that Fashion has approved for the Spring: season. You have a feeling: of assurance when you step into this store, (Eastern Oregon's greatest department store), that only the latest styles and the best qualities for the pr ice will be offered you, j , ... , . ( , V : j s - 3 3 ! ..." f " rj ... s 3 ft 14 r i a vwi ... is s s s k r "" i Still More' Braid art "These "Smart SPRING GAPES They're not really the old style cape but youthful wraps that are friend-. ly to youthful lines. ! W THERE IS A WIDE VARIETY IN THE MODES. " Some of the serge models are trimmed with contrasting shades of ma-, terials, Navy with biege or seagull is effective, and the rookie with blue is likewise good. ." . ' We Recommend These Clever Garments They have that different air that the well-dressed woman should insist on this spring. It is a season for the discriminating dresser, whether" the miss or matron. ; -m ' " "" ':'"jt ' " $22.50 to $78.50 BLACK CAT SILK HOSE for women; a splendid value in black The pair and white. ....... $1.00 PHOENIX SILK HOSE ' An extra good value for service and appearance. White, black and spring colors. The pair... $1.15 "corduroy . For dressing, gowns, children's coats, etc., colors of coral and Copen blue, the yard .". ; . . . 1 ... . $1.50 T. Pi W. PURE FOOD SHOP r In Our Model Sanitary Basement. -CLEANLINESS - (ECONOMY ; i SERVICE ' 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. : All Other Dents, can 22. ' Fresh Chinook Kippered Salmon, pound.!; Absolutely Boneless Codfish, pound, .v. . . Fine Large Fat Mackerel, each. ... . II..." Very Select Red Salmon Bellies, rxmnd.,. Fancy Smoked Herring, pound.. Extra Choice Sardines, can. .,-.; . TV. TP T i -I ' a r aiuzy xjuusiers, cans, . Y. . . Red Ribbon Minced Clams, ,6 cans liest ed balraon, cans , 40c 40c 45c ..... 45c 15c to 30c 35c and 50c ...... $1.10 25c and 45c ' VHITE SILK TRICOTINE , A distinct corded effect, for sport skirts, separate vests, etc. The yard . . . . T.". .7 . . ".V ";. ;'. : V.7 . .". $4.50 ; TAFFETA SILKS A decided favorite for spring. We offer an excel lent quality, soft chiffon finish in a splendid weight. The yard . . . . ....... . $2.25 Humrtinwr Sain I : M Ihinutlnerr y Sales .1 i . ... FIVE IIl'MDINGEIl KOt'INti Sl tXiKSSFlX SALES 4 And they are successful because ot two moat Important (actors ; ADVKIITISIXG AND JUJUT . -Advcnltliiff brings Dur "Light FronvJJndw. i;he fjiwhel," attracts you and permits you to see. 'V " iii .. . Merit Must lie Here Our merchandise MUST BE good, otherwise you would not buy. 1 1 . IIFHB ARE TITE 5 BIO SALES" BI'XGALOW APKOX'S Vutt cut, ool patterns, well mjfc, all slses; Extra Special .'. . . . . . . r. . . B8o WASH GOODS SALE of hundreds of yards of substantial watth goods at B. B. Prices. . , . - l WOMK.V S SHOES Over 1200 pairs In till bis lot; aff sixes and uidlhs i I.OK, $2.4 and $3.49 tt'OMES'S DHESS SALE Dresstes the prettiest you have seen this sea son .; . ..-.v. ;i .-.-l ira. tirrtorliv" S.M.K OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Sox and other Needed Men's Wear, all rcdneed.rs "1 f Want l(crercnd4im of li y Kvnli4tiin. SALIiM,' Or.,'. Mnrch l,-Tha first I step toward endeuvtmJng to aiply the i referendum to the joint resolution of thoireceat leBlslatura, which ratified the nations! prohibition amendment, was taken when Pan J. Muhirkey ot Portland, filed In the office of the sec retary of state th form of petition for approval and for the preparation of a ballot tale. Mr. MaJarkey filed the form of pe tition for Karl Herbrlng. 12 Kast Ash street. It Is understood th ques tion ' will be raised before - Attorney General Brown as to whether or. not a' Joint resolution of .the legislature assembly is suhjeot to the referendum' and UlLyi izenerH.llv - whether a Tesolu-i ' tllin nrovldlnv .for the ratification of an amendment to the federal constl tutton Is subject to- the raferendum powers, . ' ' -4 ' ' ;' I v....iamh Kilfe Hankwa1. .Wirn.'' OAKJAND, Cat. March 19. Mrs. George Greenwood, wife of the vice president of the Savings Union Bank and "Truwt compnny of h'an Francisco, wns killed Instantly by a bomb ex plosion last night In the garden of the family home overlooking Lake Mer rltt In th residential district " this city. The police have announced that in vestigation has failed to disclose whether tho bomb was hurled at Mrs. Greenwood or whetherf she picked it up while walking about the garden. Greenwood was ill In bed at hW home at the time. No one eWe was In the 3 house except the .servants. According to the police a letter de manding $5000 and threatening to de stroy his home with dynamite unless the amount waa paid was sent tnt Greenwood In January, lilt.' 1 i. .:(.. i !'.'' i'vn i.-U-'l' ) i m Hilly Sunday's Smt Home. . (,.., :. I !. .Hpop RIVER, March .1.9. Cop tain George M. Sunday, Just mustered out after oyerscos- service with the mechanical unit, of ?he, aviation serv ice, has arrived here with his younger brother, W. A. Sunday ,n The. two young men. sons of Rev. Billy Bun day, have gone to the Odeir country to the home of the evangelist to pre pare for' the coming' of Rev. and "Ma Sunday, who are expected to arrive in Hood River about April IS. Houser Head of Fort ComnUsslon. PORTLAND,. March 18. Max H. Houser, one of the bosit-known figures In the cereal export markets of the world, besides having led all. Individ uals in wheat shipments during a few years immediately preceding the war, Is chief executive of the big organiza tion of the Portland Flouring Mills company: head of. the Port of Port land commission, with Frank M. Warren, president of the Warren, Packing company and of ,the Alaska Portland Packers' association, vice president; J. T. Ken worthy, general manager of Wadama '& Kerr Brothers, secretary, and Drake C O'Reilly, pres ident of the DIamond-O line, treasur er. ' " It will pay yon oil at UiU Uo In.f.w Q" " Sliowing AfiipleteLine of ; the Famous '"i We Are Webster Rockers j-, ;t .vs " These rockers are of a Eastern make and . ..flr.e fully guaranteed." Also other rockers on the floor ranging in price from $8.00 to $35.00. - " - 114 E. Webb Phone 548 IIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllie ANNOUNCEMENT . .U iwish to .announce to my patients and. , ' ; F.iVi-lc ilini T om indfollinir in mv nffif'O fl Vl ' 1 Tl--! ' i' terruuterless dental IX-Rav machine. ' I have "11! JENDUETONS GREATEST DEPARTAiENT STORE 8i.jMMIgl WHERE IT : PAYS TO TRA DE tUfoMiSl untttiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiu IAY LIMIT PACKJtS PROFIT -.civv .. ,alLiwi.i. TIT -pointed out packers of ;iork and pork products. that the fond ad- . , ; tl pri,W of hom rttroWnsj ifaat. food - aibnminliltra.n ffiCiaU o4y Indi.j profit under he ,ood ' " ys- eate tiiat. sense eoyeramenuil acton' tern during the war. All packer are win- le taken to Umit Ibe profit of still under license. ' . " YourC 1 Tin aiarro mav Lead To Consumption i Dangerous 'to" Experiment rWitt Treatmant That Civaf Only Temporary Relief. "fToa ae rverrwbere . people wHh lupped up- air passages, -who seem to ismthe enly m lth tlx greatest dif- ' -iieultj. 1 acre Is a constant hawking tBil spitting is aa effort to clear the 1 Hz oa t and nostrils, db4 what appears at first to be on If a slight cold holds tm Kith stubbornness until a fully emeiopea case or latarrn Has the Yt tiB Sru.lr withia Its fxasp. ' -Then is pot the slightest doubt Hst all this suffering: is eansej bjr a 1. 41 oieease germ that gets into the 1 4ud and multiplies ttj the millioa. catarrh gem attarks the delicate J-i.-ous membranes of the aose, throat awl air passagea. e ''hem bsrome choked ap with the fcuinulatious; serioasir interfering toe Dreataing ajtparatgs, and awinf untold suffering. Titers is Visually a contra, irritated throat, sore1 Jia of taa aienibraoea aad coostacf .wowfort. If yaa have ever beea sfflicled aitb V'slarrh. von know sowethttig of the iuileriag and ioeonveaieace the dis tte cauw. You ktiow9 too, that it euatiut I cored ly tin ajipliestioa f f; niys, Iiitioas, oiuLmnt, jefliea, w 1. 1 iiv r Iwa treatment. Km if such jrwitatout ium aucccod la ogtoiag ihf stojjped-np passages lor a while, they ooa beeoma 'Clogged- again and there is no progress made toward a cure of tba disease. la addition to the suffering and in eonrenienee caused by Catarrh, there is si wars danger that the disease will gradually go lower into tba throat and attack the bronchial passages, and erentnally involve the lungs. Many a ease of consumption oat developed from a severe attack of Catarrh. 1 The most satisfactory treatment for Catarrh i 8. 8. R, the unrivaled blood porifier, which so ' promptly routs and climate from the blood- the germ of Catarrh. la this way, it geta rid of the cans of the disease by going- direct to its source, cleansing the blood thoroughly, and building op and re newing the entire system. B. B. B. Baa been oa the market for more than fifty years, and has beea thoroughly ' tested In, thousands of cases of Catarrh. If yoo want to be rid of the disease, throw away your makeshift remedies, and ' begin on 8. 8. 8. to-day. Ton will be delighted with the results, aa outers aara been. 3. 8. 8. is sold by drag stores every When yon begin taking this remedy. yoa are united to write for f res med ical adriee and instruction about your own individual case. Address Chief Medical Adviser, 10 Bwift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ua, iA,i YAKIMA vVIljr, HAi'E'"" AKIMA? 'AV ash. .' March 19.-At a meeting held' in the Commercial Club, the Yakjma county memorial asso ciation with the object of erecting; an auditorium, was formed; W. L. Btein- weg, president of the First Xational bank," was unanimously elected presi dent of the association. -rVOID COUGHtT na COUGHERiT! HILrOH 30 DKOPS-STOPS COUCH r HALF THU" fQR CUilWEH HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKS -' : Be Better Looking Take ' . ., OUveTableU ; CANAnlAV HlTHO '' - -.. , CAAIi is nrsirKD THORWALD, Ont., March ' (jueenstown-Chlppawa hydro power canal is being; rushed with day and night shifts. Nearly 1600 men are now employed and more are to be added. ' It will give 300.000 to UOO. 000 additional horsepower to the On tario hydro system. T7-llont Ch afters Assigned. SEATTLE, Wash., March 19. Ten submarine chafers will patrol Alaska waters during the 1919 fish canning season, the 13th naval district bead quarters nnnounced here today. heen studvine' X-Rav work for over two-. wars. under DiVf prew; Leach of j.ljie drthveftorn University, in Chicago. : Last sunlihor I Visited a number of specialists in Seattle. Taerjma.ahd Portland in order that I might get the begt'ihp chine obtainable and eliminate all. guess 1 'workj .This machine is acknowledged to be the highest! type of machine made. The teeth are very often the cause of headaches, Stomach trouble, eye trouble, heart trouble, nervousness, rheuma- , tism and a number of other ailments. A good X-Ray picture made by a high class X-Ray . machine is the only possible way of locating the , trouble in a number of cases. This is my reason for installing, the very finest X-Ray equipment obtainable, and with the study I have made of the, subject you will be assured of the very best results. .My office will be closed until Saturday, March 22pd,:bs I iwHl be in Portland to study under Dr. E." C. Jerman of Chicago. DR. DAVID B. HILL ' :.:!: : i " Dentistry Judd Bldg., Pendleton, Oregon r.llllllllllllIMIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllll AMEIUCA MCST SAVK . ixod von ncssiA -AHCHANOEIj. March 19. Infor mation secured by the allied food committee In north ' Russia and from persons reaching Archangel from the Interior indicates that the American peqple must deprive themselves ot breadstuffs until the Russian question Is setled and the . country Is ajfaln placed on a sound agricultural basis. rVO CITIIX FAVOR fXIWEll PHONR RATKe SEATTI.E, March 1 9. Citizens of Seatle and Tacoraa will carry Into court an attempt to secure a modifi cation, of the state public service com. miHHion authorizing an increase In telephone rates. ; Appeal fr,om th commission's decision will be filed In the superior court of Thurstomcounty. ; If your skin is yellow complexion pallid tongue coated appetite poor you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no -good feeling you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets substitute for calomel were prepared by Dr. Ed wards after 11 year of study with his patients. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oiL You will know them by their olive color. To have a dear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood day you must get at the cause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet act on the 1 liver and bowels like calomel yet have j ' Holding Happiness Bark. Do dangerous after effect. . Mr. Bacon "There you go again! They start the bile -d overcome consti-1 You never seem to be happy unless pa Hon. That's why million of boxes are j yoti're spend'ng money!" ' sold annually at 10c and 25c per boa. All' - Mrs. Bacon "Why is It, dear, you druggists. Tke one or two nightly and : never appear to want to contribute to TAX WKAI.TH 25 PCT. PROPOSAL IX FRAVCH PARIS. March 19. The socialists' papers, preparing for the coming elec tions, are pouncing on Clemenceau at every turn because' of his' financial policy which Poplralre compares to a "rolling snowball" of debt. Human ite snys the people ore already "blind ed" by taxation - and demands' a 2fi per cent tax on big fortunes. ' ' . . it ' . a ' -IX"- "v '" V i r r f C -s, " ' " s i i " " WORK 1LES FOR SALE . " . I have 50 head of good work mules, four and five years old. ' V ' ,..-. - 'U Fl;! A'lli ili-V '1 1 See me for your work stock. , I have what you want. , Mine Alexandra ("niilslo In -Tlie Conn, try Cousin," at the Oreaon Tlieater Tonight. . . , COUGHING SPELLS' BREAK YOUR REST :-.; ...... - Put iTtop to them with old rrt?iable Dr. Kinga New ' Discovery f That "raw, hoarse throat must be soothed. That phlegm-loaded chest must be loosened. , 'I hat cough must , be checked so you can sleep. .-. - Dr. King's New Discovery naabeefl ' relieving colds, and coughs for naif a century without the least disagreeable ' after-effects," 1 -' Your druggist has It because t ( j well-known ami in big demand. 60c -. and $1.20. i ; j Try this for ' Constipation - Keep the bowel on schedule time with Dr. King' New Life Pills, tha system freed from poisonous wastes, . the complextion clear, the stomach gweet, the tongue uncoated, the breath untainted. Mild yet poitive. 25c' GUY BOYER IIEPPNER, ORE. ., f M note the pleasing resulta. imy happiness?" - OTHERS Reduce your doctor's bill by keeping always on band ICRS VAP0R1 V, MIS. 4mv yJ?Q IF The car you have, does not exactly suit you, we. ' may have one that does. 4 The following1 used cars are excellent values: , 1917 MAXWELL ' MODEL 80 OVERLAND , 1917 HUPMOBILEi (like new) ')).: I STUDEBAKER "FOUR" v ,i -i! .. . 1916 OLDSMOBILE ., t I m. . i , , , , 1917 CHEVROLET . We will trade any of the above for your "car,' on an equitable basis. We distribute the Reo, Cole "8," Dort and Scripps-Booth, all of which represent the best of value, for their respective prices. . ' You can also trade your car on a new one. Independent Garage 1?, Court and Thompson Sis. 1 Telephone 0.13 DlHlrllHitors for ' ' HKO COI.K IXHT SC ItlPPS-nOOTH V,X WIIILK. YOU ItlDIC,; KASV TliHMH ON ' I'KKrt CAH8. I! 3