w "f mm "g'fuo w TWELVE PAflfrS. PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1919 si k-a ... - . ' mmJIBWTO'WSffl!KS MY I i ? " i f i ri I I ! THERE'S A RE The Past Month We Have Had to Turn Orders Down L V THE DEMAND ? ' for 3 . aen West B: i , 1$ Greater Than the Supply. Say "Golden West" ,to Your Grocer. . Golden West Creamery PendletorifOvegon. -- Buying t Home is not a ONESIDED PROPOSITION The buyer sliould patronize home industry and the bow merchant, everything else Is-ine equal. At (be nine lime (lie seller luuat give (lie buyer as . ctxxl value and service as possible. This nay only will a community praHT in Ibe long run. BLY'S PRODUCTS Are made pf Umatilla grown goods, in Pendleton, and belter than any shipped in ciotis. ,3jeney is kept at home.. - , . '. BLY'S PREPARED DIETARY FLOUR Relieves and prevents COKPTIPATIQX. - 4.KOOD, NOT A. DRIUJ. ION"X USE P ILLS.. BLY'S SELF RISING PASTRY FLOUR It is economical, because it takes less eggs, short ening, less nork and no baking powder. Gives bet ter results, for Biscuits, Cakes, Waffles, etc, BLY'S GRAHAM FLOUR Milled different, from the -best wheat- j We will have sacks for the SKQOKUM SAPALEL HOTCAKE FLOUR In a few days. In the meantime ask for BLY'S PANCAKE FLOUR. ASON Gol utter Gur Greatest Pleasure Is your satisfaction, your confidence in our efforts tov please you. DELTA PRODUCTS are manufactured from the best of materials. The maker himself knows from years of experience and is making a scientific study of food value con THE DELTAS PENDLETON. nections. AsR your rfrocer nnisij mm Tontains California Sun-Maid Heeded Kalsin. Made in Pendleton by $20,000 automatic machinery bakery where the hands never touch e loaf Only the best ingredients, including Fleischman's yeast, ga into the making of th Hohbach's Pendleton made bread. Cleanliness and quality our motto. Come m and see our modern "big city" plant in operation not on a special day, but any time you wish we want you to know that HOHBACH'S IS ALWAYS THE CLEAREST AND BEST BREAD MADE. ' .' . i .; j t -. f ' We make .ruiiii Itread lt,o Bread Italxin Ilrrad Whole. Wheat Hread I luri ew Vklorr Bread irullinan Bread All kinds of Ia.try lo ord.T. ''A One Sided Although our city, has hundreds of manufacturing concerns, employing thousands of people who produce millions of dollars' worth of products each year, the amount is not proportional to our population it does not equal the record of other cities. It is nnt fnir to our rJossibilities. Why does our city show a smaller proportion in her rela tion between population and industrial output than other cities? This condition should be changed. We are certainly in a favored locality; raw ma terial in abundance, cheap power, unexcelled .transportation facilities, good living con ditions are ours. , The biggest lesson we have to learn the lesson we must religiously practice and preach is this: Patronize local industries buy goods made at home. If we unite in this effort, increased progress and prosperity for our community as a whole cannot fail to be the result.; '7 - ' - ; ; We, as individuals, wherever possible should encourage excellence in our commun ity by giving preference to home products. Let us each one make it a point to buy . something made at home today. You will find something in every store you visit. - - ' THE DELTA Chocolates, Bon Bons and Special Candies fancy boxed or in bulk, are pure and sure to please. Ice Cream and Punches are a feature with us. OREGON for llOIIBACH' mum euMi The bigr spongy "Home Made" Loaf Hohbach's Bakery 221 l'Mt Court Street. Pciidlon ' " . Telephone HO j Development' WHEN YOU ASK YOUR Liberty w mi . and. ; Brand Hams ob YOU ARE BUYING PENDLETON TON CAPITAL AND PENDLETON CLEAN : The livestock from which these products are prepared is bought di rect from Umatilla county's farmers and stockmen. You will ' get bunch-grass fed beef and mutton and wheat fed pork as healthy stock-as is raised anywhere and your money will stay home to devel op our roads, schools and building enterprises and help pay your taxes. ' s Patriotism Begins at Home! FOR A BIGGER TENDLETON The Pendleton WHOLESALE Ob You Einou? that the purest and' best drinks you can buy, are made right here in Pen dleton? Bran-New Port-0 Filtered Cider Ginger Ale Tru-Fruit Sodas Root Beer BottlcS to rctuin their life and keep them pure. Ask for them down town. Tx-y a case sent to your home. ' ' ' ' N ..'' - , Munuruelnred nuil Hultled by t Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. 404 East Court Klroei, Pendleton. lVlti'lioiie 58. Sold by live, loyal Pendleton dealers. 2 J4 You Don't Have to Send out of Pendleton for your Office Furniture and wStore Room Fixtures Keep the money In circulation here. Let us show you designs and give you estimates on ANY ItfND OF MILL WORK. ' B.L. Burroughs ! I'lunlng XIII Kast Webb and 'd1Ipk streets. Pendleton, Oregon. Telephone 6. Auto Tops Side Curtains MARKET OR GROCERY FOR iOJ m 4tk PWk ' 0 tk. as mm lur ih Bi PRODUCTS, PREPARED BY PENDLE WAGE-EARNERS IN A MODERN, PLANT. Prosperity Begins at Home! BUY PENDLETON PRODUCES. Peat Company PACKERS Seat Covers . j . Hamley&Go. nwmiiMwmww.Vi Mitt .n 5 si 5 m m Bacon j l i urn ! MM 8 i a ii 3 ' --