yr VtpiUz Jrfs A'Sjr?A Jsti JlV 1 ALLAN HOLUB AR'S Super-Production T J fe j MS i'i IrjLW'if 4v 5. '" Featuring A-J$ R TOfWr f Pf DOROTHY PHILLIPS ftPgP I I A . 1 - H wAmfkMOA nf tk nraal I A f 1 H n n n f a til A fl-4bftfr and a tory of the love that passeth all understanding "A tremendous pic- tare." ,. . .Tan Tomcm , "One of the most stir ring films ever presented in New York." ."Spectators thrilled to it tvith enthusiasm." - "Takes rank tvith the great masterpieces of the screen. " , Exhibitor!' Tradm Kmnltm "Our advice is, ego see ' The Heart of Human ity."' Vw York Tribonm "Of the -utmost inten sity " ' ' A-.ui York World "A distinct achievement in motion picture cre ation." Nmia York Timm "Is certain to touch the heart of humanity. " Nmi0 York Rommw "Panoramas unsur passed on the screen." Smm York Euoning Sort "Its intense story will hold you to the end. " Now York Evoning Totegrom "Conceived with a skill and intelligence that lift it high above its contem poraries. " Now Yoritoonint Maii "Beats any story on the screen." Photomloy Matoxino Hiis is the picture for your wHole family-bring tfiem -J ... - ". ; " On account of the great nuntber of people who were unabje to gain admittance to the Arcade during the showing of "The Heart of Humanity," the management has decided to keep the picture over for another day. This is Absolutely Your Last Chance to See This Picture. Don't Fail to Go Today pi Adults, 50c Children, 25c , , ' 1 . ;,; ,Ci "v --A - I Hi M K ' ' ! A:- li 3 . : ,,.rf J . V; '-. 1 i i I 111 ijMaiwiii : :;vl vr -',X ! -A; V iW'V r-,,'x-?aW i54vi ifyikCWA G?A:4 . ' .v. IA. z7sZfaKV, -iJ-ihri V Hi 1. Jr uoitoTiir riiu.Mrs, who ; . -J i 1 Hi tT-.Ii 1 11 ...... IU I lavs Tiir: hK.ut i ruy, t;m i'kti isk, .It lK TOIIAV. lll.AltTS Of lilMAMTV," AT THE HOUSEHOLD " 1 i isakml llraiis. Take a quart of pea beana; wash them; then put them in a 2 quart iicun pot! put In a half pound of fat pork; then 2 tablespoons of1 molasses and a ((liarter of a teaspoon of black p-pper, and llve them over good with cold water and put in the oven at 3 o'i'loek in the morning. Keep a Kood fire so that thev will bale and they will be done at B o'clock at nlsht. Look and see if the beans are dry, about every halt hour, and iceep puttins water in pot till they pre cooked; (hen put in a half teaspoon of salt 15 minutes before taki'it! tbo heana out of the oven. . I riril I'l-h. Take lh" t'l.di. wash and clean It; then trrir.! lo lltt'.o salt nil over it. Take a bit? J. laie and put a nip of whito flour in he 1 late: take a fork and with It la 'e the fish and roll the fish In the flour and then take each slice anil rut In the frying pan, when the lard is My b.t that It smokes; and then let the fish fry till it Is brown; then turn it mi the other side. Io not let it burn. Keep the fat hot so the fish will not soal; up the fat. Sweet V( tuft) Tie. f Un$ A Plato with paste; build a rim an. i ,n wi-.ii ih. inlawing mixture; One cup mashed pntntoi (small, 1 1-2 spoon ):alt, 1-2 teaspoon vanilla, I (-nk Hiitsnuy oeuieu. Holder .lo.inny Cake, Mix toKether 1 2-f CUPS Indian meal 1-3 cup flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1-2 cup sugar. Mix 1 cup of sweet milk, 1 nip sour milk, 1 em?, 1 teaspoon soda. Mil the two lots thoroughly, turn In to a h -aled and buttered Iron spider; turn over the top 1 cup sweet milk, bake In a moderately hot oven 1-2 hour. owssr H Co 1 Pumps and Storage Tanks For Gasoline or Distilatc Retail or Ranch Use F. M. Kennedy Phone 238-W P. O. Box 242 !&2 KW-'it mm iwni 421 Wll.fj NOT JOIN WASIHXGTO.V, Slarcb 8. liakcr has iilviMd st-eretury ilas it will l Iiiiimin-iIiIc lo Hiltaiicc I ho Lome foln Inx dale of the 12il division, iilass nunled the return hitsteiieil w I ho Ii vlfin could i.uilli ipuie In Ihe Vlflory ltai ianiia!Mu. mm srrt ATiov iiKi.D si:itiors IXIMMV. Sfareli H. Thr siluutloil in t.ermuiiv in ninch more serious llian (X'rnian dispntclies iudli ale. j cordliiu: to iurfi'fitatioii from iiruli'al -ouicom. Imno'llor KclM'tilciimaiin's rorees ore Miid lo Ik- limited lo :l.OII0 triMips. Munich is re'xirted t In" controlled by a few JtiiHsiuu Imlslicvl kl who frniikly do mil rare what Im--oomix of .rmao. They me sup porled It' mulls of di luoblll d wil Cure It Out Tbit W A Build It Up This Way Our Dri Kure Process of Re-treading Works Wonders With the Old Tire A - ' , tt It's money to you to investigate. , Don't forget the Auto Show March 13, 14 and 15. Come and bring your friends. Simpson Tire Service Company L, A. MENTON, Mgr. Night Phone 268-J Day rhone 651