' 1 "V .f Wilt east OREdoNiAN, FErorarroN, oreg on, SATURDAY, MARCH 8,' 19191; TWELVE PAGES rxtra six ( . . 1 . . - ' 1 , rSOCIAL ID PERSOlLSl it. The Miwlonary Society of the Bap tist church held a very pleasant social session in the church parlor on Thursday afternoon, which waa en joyed by a number rf new ladles of the church and congregation, who were honor guests of the occasion. A shott business session preceded the so cial hour, during -which Mrs. W. H. Cox leave a very interesting talk on Mixstonnt, tiealing with the subject in a general way. Rev. Cox then stated soma of the things he hoped the so ciety a.iBht accomplish during the coming ear. Tha social hour wss spent in becom ing acquainted and listening to music furnished by Mrs. Hartshorn. Mrs. Kennedy, and Mrs. Warrick. Light re fefhmeiita wee served at the conclu sion of tha social hour. At three o'clock tomcrrow afternoon ttcweekly Victorola concert will bo given in the County Llrry. Madame Schuman Heinck will be the soloist. Most of tha records wore loaned for the afternoon by Mrj. J. B. McCooJc. Mrs. P. E. Boyden. Mrs. K. L. Smith and Mrs. Una. Sturgls. The reading rooms of the Library Arc open on Sun days from two to five. The concert pros ram follows: 1. i.iira's Dance Or!eg. Philadelphia Symphony Orches tra. I. Irish Love Song Skhumann-Helnck. S. Kerry Dance trchumann-IIelnck. 4. Souvenir Mi-ud Powell. t PolKh Dance Maud Powell. . But the Lord is Mlndr.il of Hs Own ?tbumann-H Mock. ?. Onward. ChrlstK-i soldiers &.bumann-Hs:nck. J. Nearer, My God to Thee Schumann-Heinck. WhenTeacher asked -whaibeexsmes of all the com we raise I said a - l ft "5r KstToas Serenade Schubert Mischa EM man. 10. Child's Prayer 4 !ju chumann-Helnckf V 11- Cradel Song Schumann-Heinck. 1. Rosary Schumann-Heinck. IS. Hungarian ' Rhapsody Parts and 3 , . Vessella'a' Italian Band. 14. Erlkonig Schumann-Heinck. 15. Cry of Rachel Schumann-Heinck. l. Anvil Chorus Vlctrola Orchestra. SOC -rdhHae Coming as a complete surprise to Pendleton friends is the announcement today of the marriage of Mrs. Stella Gillette, of Chicago and Elmer E. Baer of this city, the service having occured in Pasco Thursday evening. Mr Baer, who has for a number of years been connected with the East Oregonlan as a tintype operator, left Wednesday for Pasco, and thet couple returned this morning. They are being shower. ed with congratulations by friends who are welcoming Mrs. Baer to Pendle ton. The couple will reside at the Baer home on Wilson street. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hemmelgarln are Ru pests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. James for a few days. They have just returned from Portland and are to again make their home here. Women members of the Fortnightly P.ridge Club were entertained in a de lightful way Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James S. Johns on Garden street when Mrs. Johns and Mrs. E. B. Aldrich made a snort busi ness meeting the occasion for a Infor mal tea- Potted hyacinths and ferns lent their charm to the living room and were stationed on an attractive tea cart from which the guests were served. Mrs. Walter Cress we 11 was asked to pour. The membership of the Fortnightly club Includes Mr. and Mrs. George Baer. Mr. and Mrs. Cress well, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Chessman. Lieutenant and Mrs. R. B. Farnsworth, Lieutenant and Mrs. Alger Fee, Mr. and Mrs.Johns. Mr- and Mrs. Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. William Lowell, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mabie. Captain and Mrs. L. G. Rice. Mrs; and Mrs. R. pawtellel Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thompson. Names on the Red Cross honor roll yesterday included Mrs. T- J. Tweedy. 11 1 1 i SI SAYS: Mrs. Alex Mackenzie, Mrs. Jack Mc Nell, Mrs. J, S. Mathews, Mrs. L. Con ner-ley. Mrs. A. H. Cox. Mrs. Laura Harris. Mrs. Walter Planting. Mrs. Horace Mann. Mrs. Ida Fowler, Mrs. Laura Nash, Mrs. K. A. Bonney, M S. A. Lowell, and Miss Ida Boyd. Miss Manilla Wright of Pilot Rock who is a Columbia college student Is her from Milton to spend the week eid with relatives and friends. Shi, Is the houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wright who are her cousins. Mrs. II. L- Simpson and Mrs. Will Wyrick, president and vice-president of the Hawthorne Parent-Teachers circle, are today extending a charming courtesy to the teachers of the schoo. and also to the-Field School teachers who were asked to the home of Mrs. Wyrick for a I o'clock luncheon, yel low daffodils centered the pretty ta' tie and fragrant nosegays of violets were stationed where cards, also violet decked, marked the places. Following the luncheon the party ad journed to the Alta Theatre for the nfternoon. The guest list of Mrs. Wyrick and Mrs. Simpson includea Miss Frost, Miss Neva Lane, Mrs. Ida Keane, Mrs. Gertrude Nash. Miss Irene Main street for an evening af dune Leota Wagner. Miss Sadie Young, Mis Edith English and Mr. Thompson, principal of the Hawthorne school. Miss Gwendoline Rogers will ex tend hospitality this evening when i group of friends will gather at the charming Rogers home on North Main street fo an evening of danc ing. Appointments of the St. Pat rick' season will mark tho affair. Twenty-four couples have been asked to share the occasion. An interesting and instructive meet' ing of the Hawthorne Parent-Teach ers Association was held at the school yesterday afternoon. Splendid talks were given by Superintendent Fred P. Austin, and Principal A. C. Thompson. Twenty-two new names were added to' the membership roll. Mr. end Mrs. Clyde Preston of He Ux. are being congratulated on the birth of a son yesterday at Mrs. Nic- colls" Maternity Hospital. The lad has been named Clyde Preston, Jr. He weighs eight and one-half pounds. THE WEST END GROCERY has been remodeled, repainted and restocked' with clean, fresh high grade groceries, to be sold at prices that will make you, Mrs. Housewife, want to phone 615 whenever you think of Eats. We deliver to any part of the city. the Secret of our Success is Service Phone 615 aexoi o iorooi IOE30X D o We Guarantee to Extract Teeth Absolutely Painless If we can deaden a tooth, making it insensible to pain while beine extracted, why can we not do the same to a tooth that is being filled or crowned? We S certainly can, and there is no after effect from the anesthetic that we use. To give us a trial is to be convinced. . r, 11riifff;?-"7'-"-zr ...j We do dentistry in all its branches and guarantee all our work. jj We make plates, crowns and bridges like you o never saw before. Come up and give us the once over. No charge for getting acquainted. n Telephone One Thousand for appointments. 755 o Main btreet. Corner of Court and Main Streets. "Upstairs." PROPHO' PAINLESS DENTAL PARLORS Professor H. W. Drew and Mrs Drew of Helix, are In the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Timmerman of Helix are in the city. Asa Aruagast, prominent Stanfield farmer, is in the ctiy. W. L- Thompson and J- N. Burgess returned this morning from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ward D. Manker re turned today from Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. L, G. Frazier returned this morning from Portland. Louis HndSen of Portland arrived this morning tospend some time In the county. Miss Norma Alloway returned this morning from Portland where she ha been for the past two wee ks . INCOME TAX 13 i TRULY POPULAR. "The payment of Income taxes takes on a new significance which should be understood by every citizen. The taxation sys tem of this country Is truly pop ular, of the people, by the peo ple and for the people. Every citizen is liable to tax, and the amount of the tax is graduated according to the. success end' for tune attained by each individual In availing himself of the oppor tunities createM and preserved by our free institutions. The method and degree of the tax is determined by no favored class, but by the representatives of the people. The proceeds of the tax should be regarded ns a national investment." Daniel C. Koper, Commissioner or Internal Revenue. INCOME TAX PAYS FOR PUBLIC BENEFITS. "Viewed In its largest and freest sense, the payment of taxes Is payment for benefits received or expected. Only from a narrow and essentially selflsh and shortsighted viewpoint can the individual propose . to him self the evasion of tax liability as a desirable course of action." Daniel C. Hoper, Coniuilsslon er of Internal Revenue. - it , " 1 -; x v MAI D i-OAVFI.Ij ARIMVKS Matid Powell, tonight. Accompuined by Alex Skjorne, ths Greatness in the violin field presup. Danish pianist, Muud Powell arrived poses technical knowledge of thein Pendleton this morning and is strings uml the how; presupposes alooking and feeling in the Jiest of knowledge of violin literature; assumessplrlts. llf-r present concert tourney skill in finger manipulation; and int-lius been a series of happy triumphs, plies musical feeling. Then ull that Every where she haa played j huge, is necessary to say of Muud lowett enthuH'astlc audiences and every Is that she Is a great violinist. Thewhere has due appreciation been given trouble is the term is so often mis-this wonder woman of the violin, used, that we must modify it to "truly The pnjKraun which Madam l'owell great" to show that it is not meant will offer to her audience, will In aa a mere passing comment. Pendle- elude numbers by Mozart, Leklre, tion is anticipating with- ver y live In- Grasse. Sarasate, Cryll Scott, Rlm terest the appearance in recital of sky. Korsakoff and-William Mason. LADY RAMSAY AND HER BRIDESMAIDS 'J ' V II I -v ' '-iv' J. A r f - i Be What is to Seen A CAPE OR A DOLMAN Says Fashion, and so we have gathered a nice selection of them every new fashion feature that is destined to eniov a vogue finds represen ts? ta tion in this assortment. High class but not high priced. THE NEW SUITS AND DRESSES Too, are here in all the happy new creations, and very expres sive of the feminine heart at the advent of peace. Distinctive in style better in quality but at prices that we will be pleased to have you compare. SEE THE NEW SKIRTS WW ,JVX mm w. AUTHENTIC STYLES WV6 II. THOMAS, Prop. EXCLUSIVE MODELS Plaintiffs Gel Judgment. Drs. F. K. Boyden and O. L. Hoy den have been given Judgment by Cir cuit Judge G. W. Phelps against George W. Chamberlain for 126 and interest from August 8, 1914, and costs amounting to S10 75. Bought Hero for Operation. Mrs. J. F. Wyriok, formerly of He lix, now living at La Cosae. Wash., was operated upon at St Anthony'a hospital this afternoon for append! cltis. Anna McKay Gives linndi. Mr. Wells Recovers. T. W. Wells, who has been aulta III Anna McKay, an Indian woman ,af his home on Cosbie stret. Is report- who was arrested several aays ao ior --u io u niucn improvea toaay. introducing liquor on the reservation, APPRECIATION Having sold my store In "PENDLETON I wish to extend to my friends and patrons, sincere thanks and appreciation for their generous support during tho period of my ownership. ANNOUNCEMENT "The Paris." of Pendleton, is no longer In any way connected with "THE PARIS" OF WALLA WALLA which I will continue, as sole owner, to opergle In tho same high class manner as in the past. CHAS. BLUMBERG j IS30I DR. B. G. VINSON, Manager. e S ioa J h L L; .I-. ..jyLawJ MAXtniUtAN HAftDLN was arraigned before Deputy l . ; Commissioner S. A. Newberry this morning and held over to the federal j grand Jury under J1000 bonds. The j woman fnnlshed the bonds. , j OWN YOUR OWN HOME The population of Pendleton is In- i creasing very fast and tne nous-, r,Hr.m is a serious one. ' WHY ; NOT BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD? j We have homes to sell, and va- cant lots to build on. Here are some : of them: I 1 roomed house on North Side, paved streets, nice corner lot . ......- , Swell home on Riverside Drive, j choice district. Can't be beat SIHOOO 5 room home. lots on Rast Court; street, on paved street aSOIMI g room nice home on South bench, with four nice lots, well improved' t . . . r , , jpiiBOO We have others and vacant lots to build on. Get busy nerore prices go up. ' SNOW & DAYTON "We Hell Iiiid" 117 East Court St., Pendleton, -Oregon ' REAL ESTATE " FARM LOANS ' INSURANCE - .- j SO DIFFERENT are the good things we serve. If you are tired of the same old kinds, let us fix you up a deli cious Sundae or a fruit-flavored SODA. Everybody enjoys the re freshing drinks we offer. Come in and try them. , deltA f 5ENDLE.TON. OREGON E. J. Morris, Prop. Brick Ice Cream to take home Fresh Candies Made Today Salads and Sandwiches Our Specialty - From Your Kitchen wtwwmrtwmm IOE30E IOC IOE30I .-i- ixr-j M