X ' PACE TWO DAILY EAgf OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OKTOON. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1910. ' TWELVE PACES 'HtlrlliliiiaWliiiiiHIIiilliMlUUilliiUUlllftlilllitiU ' I ' '1 I! 5r.:-is i 4 OUR STORE IS REALLY A PUBLIC SERVANT 1;. P s El-31 li T)ur fetore Is realty a public fJerVant, . We aim to render our customers the sort of service they have tight aftd reason to tfxpect. ". We always maintain complete1 assortments of the merchandise that is in highest demand. We warrant the quality of the goods y m El 1 1 we sell, and are prepared to make good if a riything bought here proves unsatisfactory. New spring: goods are now coming in, kit i f . t i , r ' forming displays that should be extremely interesting. Hi Z pi S i !! m ESS 3 fig 11,1 -' t5.,. - Latest Creations I i' i' ;.' in Newest Dr esses .' ' 1 ! For Spring But one little peep at these beautiful ' dresses and your dreams of "Fashion's Garden of Fascinating Styledom" will be realized. It would be an injustice to these lovely dresses, of rich and rare beauty, to at tempt to picture them here. i - Visit this store and let your vision rest upon a sight that is really a treat to the eye. Taffetas, Georgettes, Jerseys and Messalines all new spring shades and lines. $18.50 to $65.00 ITS TRULY MARVELOUS The way our Art Department has grown in the past year. There is nothing old in this department Everything is the newest that money can buy in Art Needlework, Draperies, Cur- Use our rest room. It's here for your accommoda- pl tion. S5 . ;- ''.'- ' H Postal ' Sub-Station No. 1 Pi is here for your accommoda te tioh. mmmmaammMmmm tains, Nets, etc., and please remember that we have a thoroughly competent woman in charge' who will instruct you absolutely free, either in needlework or the making of curtains, etc. If you" arte' needing ' . ; PONGEE SILKS you shouldn't fail tq look at the very special qualities wre are showing. j , Extra heavy shirting pongee silk, espe cially for coatings, the yard $2.50, $2.75 ". Cream Pongee, very special weight and fine quality. The yard $1.75. " imported Pongee Silk, in an extra good quality at $L35 aftd $1.50. Imported Pongee Silk? very special val ue, yard 98c. Foulard Silks are unquestionably the lat est fashion in novelty silks. The designs and rich shadings are entirely different, however, from those of other years. Much more beautiful, in fact. Prices, yard $2.50. Skirting Plaids, all wool, 50 inches wide, in the new Spring Shades. The yard, $3.95 to $5.50. , 33 .1 J r Will DOGERS fv. L - ' in 4 1 MONDAY'S YARD GOODS SALE Beginning Monday morning at 7:30, we place Ori sale 2300 yards of Ginghams, 23c. Excellent Dress Patterns and Apron Pat terns. : . Fast M 1900 Yards of Dark Percales, 21c colors, nevf patterns. 30c values. 300 Yards of 30c Muslin, 21c. Good count thread. Soft finish, 2 yards wide. Linens, Long Cloths, Crashes, Damasks, Challies, Scrims, Towels and Rugs. A great new lot of bargains placed on sale in the Bargain Basement Monday morning. LAUGHING BILL HYDE yf-., ,,' ,7 , j fiColdwyn Picture it'&Z AI.TA t VIAY-MOXDAV. ' 1 ' WHERE JAPAN WOULD EXTEND POWER VLADiyaSTOK JAPAN PENMET0NS greatest departaent store 1 t ' f pies ware WHERE - IT- PAYS TO TRADE 1 : E!i!iiiiii!i!Hiiimiim:!Hrmminniiii!inininn!immnmiHnmimimiiimumjTi BP r Zh X! . F-jj TOKYO KONG M PHILIPPINE ISLANOS . MAKSHAUl C PROLINE fSLANCVe Xniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nun itiiiiiii'iiiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiu Thursday, March 13th Is Maytag Service Day at, 'buf-'Siore y For the benefit of our many customers and users of Maytag Washing Ma chines, we have established Maytag Service Day. On this day we shall be glad to have any Maytag user bring his complete washing maehme or any part of it to our store for a thorough and careful inspection and adjustment, which w ill be made free of charge. ' Should any part or parts, due to improper care or accident, need to be re placed, this will be done, the only charge being the price of such new part or parts used. No charge will be made for the service. A Maytag representative will be with u to assisst in this work. Bring in your Maytag washer that day and receive the benefit of his advice on the care and operation of the machine as well as the free service. It is our wish and that of the Maytag Company that every user of Maytag washers gets the max imum of efficiency at the minimum of cost We, therefore, urge you to avail yourself of this free and useful service. . Remember the date and be sure to come early and avoid delays. McClintock & Simpson ajfeagaWaSftt 400 East Oirf Street I Kclfe J Ion so oil Xorth KJdo. I Klmer Header sold his home ht 314 ! Lincoln street yesterdny to Mrs. Mm I re Mericle. The consideration was not made public. Japan's ambitions to dominate China hafl been brought out again at the peace congress with the threat of the Chinese delegates "to reveal secret treaties which included riving the Japanese the right to control the Shantung district buck of Klao-Chau. Kluu-Chau was Uken from , the Germans at the beginning of the war. The Germans had taken It from Cnfna at the time of the iioxer trouble. Shantung contains two fifths of China's iron ore deposits and would give Japan complete con trol of the Iron mines of China. Japan durinutho war has done muctt to develop the Shantung district, with the Idea tfcnt she would retain It. Klau-Chau shq had publicly promised to return to China. Japan aUo hangs out for the control of the Marshall and Caroline Islands, former German colonies, and should she gain all she' Hsks she would be Iru- -ir.enKely strengthened and in the islands would hold outposts to the I'hillppinca. f.r the rmst five yenrs and has built 0 ' many of the residences of thin city. Mr. Armintront Is nlno experienced In thi line, having been uHsoeitited In bii-sineMs with the lute Jack Cmk. Th- nrw firm lias f..Miahli.- hd offices in room 3, nf t lie Schmidt hwXhWu cm Main street. ; I Wilt Afteml ConfPrrTiro. : Or. V. If; Itoynolds left Inst night ! for Portland to attend an Important : conference of the Oregon State Chl : ropractorH Association. i Mark I Vr jtiihoii Honored. M. A- Kerfuson has meon honored by the appointment of deputy srano president of the Hag teg lodffe of the state of OreKm-. ThfH. is the first tUjyt t his hfnor has been besttwed ttpnn a mem her of the Pendleton aerie. j Petition of nankmiitry Worf. Will AT. Teterwon has filed a petition j of bankruptcy In the TT. ft- DiHtrlc ! eoirrt for Charles j-joover of Tendle- ton: I Us deltH are about $1000 and his nftsetrf nolhlnff. Miss iAira Tleridrlcks. who Is a tea cher In the Washington schcot here. Ut Hpetidiiiff ihe week-end In Nolin. TIairy A. Jepp; who recently rerelv el an Ik i'r:it diucli.in;e from vn iiimnn'u n einiinny In the ilt divi sion, is vi-tinff In JlormfJoi. Alias Verne I'arker, datiKliti;r of I)r, K- . Pa'ker. accum (mined by Dr. Paiker's father, arrived this mornttifl fiom I'ortland for a vlKlt in Vendle-trn. HOM the FIRST DOSE Hood1 Sarsaparilla Begins It Reconstructive Work. rirst. It ciente irn appetite. ' peeond. It nidH diKHtlon. Third, It perfects assimilation. Kotirth, it carries 10U per cent, of the nourishment in the food you eat Into the. Mood and the body, thereby enrW hintf and vitalizing your blooil, which in timto renews your strength and builds up a Rain .your reserve strength and vitality. This makes Hood's Rarsaparllla one of the great remedies of the world. From the first dose you are on a definite road to Improvement. It 1m of Inestimable value Just now to restore the health and nerve force so frrc-wtly exhausted by war excitement, tho grip and influenza epidemic and the i-hiinKing season. It is the right medicine for you this Spring. Oet m bottle today. And If you need ft mild, effective , 'ithartic, get Hood's Pills . Marshall 8M II In Texas. Marshall Hpell. who served In France as a IJeutenant, URth Ammunition irain is now in jarin, Texas, visit-t ing his mother, according to a wire received today by Roy Huchanan, ann will be In Pendleton the latter part of next week. He teceived his release In Camp !lx. New Jersey, ftpell was Was expected to arrive hire yesterday. E trnrh ffnvo iilg t clcbiniloii. : ' More than 1'ifl Kaglcs gathered nt E; their hall laHt night tn Inltfote fifty : i new members Into the local aerie mim I.ber 28. Following the initiatory worg j i big food and program wart enjoyed. ;,One of thr features ofthe evening was ,a botlng mftteh between Hay MrC'nr- Irnll and Huddy Stephens. EfflfMC nui'iL -v X-' : smitisn- lliaii V.vrr for Pcmlloion I! Dan I- Rmvthp prominent nhrp ! mn who roturncfl estrlny from a : mo'tithH trip throughout tho Pftwt. ,) thot nfttr vlxlt'nir rnmf thirty : or forty citicil in the enst havlnf R : popnlntion of bftween 10,nno anil jr(.- t00, he Ih HtronK-r thnn ever for Pen : rJIetr.n. He drclareii thnt nope nf the : town of thi rize have anything on i ' the Ttnuntr l"p cfty. These Mprinirii re sold on n posi tive guarantee. . No matter what you may need in the line of Fur niture or Furnishings for the Home we can please you. FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES CARPETS,' LINOLEUM, ETC. It will pay you to trade here.. - Contract llrim Vnlt. I CHI neltr. nnd w. P. Armintront. bfth well known loenl contraetorsj 'and iilulders. have united firms and! will henceforth he known as the firm jor Peltr. and Armintront. Mr. PeltZ haa Leon a contractor and builder here 114 E. Webb Thone 548 uiimmiiuimimn.imiiiiiiiiimiiMHmiiimitn tti.fcwyJwji.hWi