' v '.' Vi.i-.:-aV.T-:.-..r..A:.v -J-. ., .... I! I . T V 'If J1' )'''.'' ""...twelve pages- WOCl.tSKST OIIEGONTATT, PENDLETON, OKECON, SATURDAY, MAttClf 8, lflliV -' " ' PAGE ELEVEN. 1 Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, "T "'""."''For Rent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference j.:" P ? IBW TODAY. '- 'JCse'h 'new advertisement will bs run uielnr "New .'.) for the first ItiHvrtlon only. During subsequent Innertlons of ths ad It will appear under ta proper classification. For Sal Wanted FUJI SALlWUeardless barley, corn fur sued. Etlydenateln A T CO- , U ATit'D Howlllg, .ho(iO 48'W. LADy HAND 1HONEHS t Uujiiawtlo laundry. wanted 1IA1't-IU'0ijv ng several ears. Call,. . u. I'huue Jul. myacnsluln & Co. I WANTKU looU oln ruga al Ttaa NEW TODAY Will be found on Page 3 of this issue. Foil BALE Kord bug. Phone w or East Oregunlgn office cull City Market. FOR SALE-10F23. -lluys and nig. . Phone WANTED Woman to cook jjii ranch Phone J3F11. , rOK HA LE Duck ckkh, 8 1. 00 a set ting. Phono WANTED Lady to make beds Arlington Rooms, 618 Main. Wanted WANTED Olrl for general house work. Call V. B. Bybee. Phone, 7. Foil SALE Orafonolu, 811)0 raachlnej - 1 ' at bargain for. cash only, leaving1 HEMSTICHING at the Singer ahop. clly soon. Cull V74-W. " Mail order promptly attended to, WAXTKU Wheel chair for Invalid, j Foil SALE Modern -room house! WANTED Girl or woman to cook CD Phone 420-J. und furunlture. Address "O," Earn ranch. Phone 10F5. Oregonlan. TICES HANDY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PENDLETON AND VICINITY ' Tlila Dint-tory la ewc-lully handy for the out-of-lowii reader who may want llie name and address) of reHiHiblo bUMinoia men who rcirccnt the following various lines. All are reliable, responsible business con ccrns who h la nd ready to give you prompt anil efficient aorirlce. Auto Tops Batteries (Willard) Laundry '.. x-Holif!lmi of ((iuiik.fi('o Whnrerta Mr. Ji-Hxle Muitln, Pre ! Dickey Prairie War Savings Hocluly haa lrrn called by the angel of death and , In her death 'the community has loat . a kind friend and sympathetic neigh bor the aoclety a faithful and putrlotle worker, therefore be it resolver that the elncere und heartfelt sympathy of j the' memliera of this Hoclety be ex- tended to the bereuved hUHband and IF you NEED a New Tod or Cur- ' BATTEItlfcH repaired or recharged. . EVEItr article Laundered perfectly, relutlvea, und be It further resolved talna for your car. See Cad via, 2vl new and rental batteries. Klcctrlc There's an agent .In your town. that u copy of thene resolutions be K. Court. iKcrvlce Malion, Main and Water. Trny iJiundry. 0S Garden FU kept on record one oopy aent to the j - ' ' J ------- - husband and relatives and one be pub. -. AUtO Tire berVlCC j ' 1HirOpraCtOr sjUDriCaiinff KJUS ' lihed In the newiaror. - ; MltH. MACY KUKI.VH. WHEN IN THUUBLR ea!( our Service ; DK. IENA A. BOOXB, Chiropractor, j wunuiiujin una anu ureases, an , MltS ALWII.UA DICKEY I Car. We go anywhere, any time. I office over Cash Market, u K. dealers. Eastern Oregon Warehousa Mna' vii'TnRii mwii ? ',.,.. IMinipMin Tire vlce Co- Phone 661. (Court; phone 154. (Matlock and Alta fits. F. O. Sullivan, T9 - I '-n Auto Tires WANTED Woman or girl for generul housework-' Phone ,39B. I WANTED Houscmuld at once. FOR BALE 1817 Ford In goodcon-i Lewis street. 103 SOLDIER INSURANCE The bureau! of war risk Insurance has asked D. B. .-..-...w-.--v Knyder. district manager of "Oregon PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum Cup, Life." with offices in this city, to as- : vertown Cords. Wallace Brog. slst all soldiers and sailors In' matters ! DR. LORETTA H.-ETARBA 9-10 Peeblcr Bids, i to It a. m.; ail- 1:30 to S p. tn.; other hours by ap- (Eainern Oregon representative. Legal Blanks dlllon. IndeDendent flaraea. corner , WANTED (llrl at Kostoh reatuu rant Court and Thonioson. Phona 633. i WANTED Middle aged apply at once. FOR SALE i FOR HALE Fur overcoat, very rea- FOR BALE Rest offer buys lota 1 3, and 4 block 213 of the reservation addition to Pendleton. Address owner sonahle. i. Room 3. j cook on ! Pendleton. i: woman Address Box Apply 407 East Court St., WANTEDStenojiraphcr. state ret i ere nee, experience and salary ex- pected. ' Address Y. East Oregonlan, a relating to their war Insurance. He j will give correct information to, any to i holder or beneficiary of government 46, . I Insurance. The war risk Insurance , j bureau urges. "Keep up your govern- I ment policy." The Dalles Chronicle. Architect RAYMOND W HATCH Phone 768. Rooms & and 6. spaln Bldg. pointment; phonos Of. B3. Res. jUSQAL) BLANKS of every deecrlp- . . - - . .Inn Rl.nl, n,.H, T nu... Wrlla. i Contractors & Builders Bill of Sales, Contracts, Subpoenas, , . , , , , , . Affidavits. Complaints. Summons, Architect. ;PARKER A BAN FIELD, Designing. etc. for sal at Kast Oregoaiaa Offiex. De- Engineering, Constructing; 10 years experience In concrete and brick con struction; Columbia bldg, Portland, Or Monuments O. Hhuw. 3418 dramercy Tlace, Angclos, Cal. Los ' FORHHAW'B offerings tomorrow. Early Cabbuge plants IDc doz. 21)0 varieties of rose bushes. FOR HALE Good driving 'mare, not afraid of curs. Inquire Campbell, Pendleton Motor Sules Co. WANTED $5000 at 8 per cent. Ollt . edged security for one year or lon ger. Address B. W. J. care this office. for bale reca ana cea. barley WANTED Stenographer. Must be Arthur Hulchlns. 1'ilot Rock. Phous able to do book work. Address "C Ulils office. FOR RENT Four room house, no FOR .SALE Holt 75 Caterpillar, 1818 WANTED Work on ranch by reliable children, unless very small. Call 623.' model, with plow hitch. Pendleton ; .middle aged man and wife. Best of Walnut Bt. or phone 712-J. j Motor Sales Co. Phone 630. preferences. 401 Aura st. Or phone ' 308-W. Found I FOR HALE One 75 Holt caterpillar.' t. --u.t-.t. T-rT. T.T. T., ' Just rei)orea with n crank snail. i-mj j ixr.x FOUND On Swift Hill, below State 8, Olen E. Scott, P ndleton Ore. j hospital, a lady's black velvet shoul der garment. Owner may secure sums FOR HALE Three 6000 bushel metal by paying for this nd. 1 grain bins with elevator and bulk 6 room room modern house by parties who have smaller house to exchange. Phone ST0-R. Miscellaneous wagon beds. 1F4. Otis Hampton, Phona MIKS MARIE ROHU Beauty special ist. Is now located at 3u6 West Court. Phone for appointment. 705 J. CARPETS. CHIMNEYS or windows cleaned, trees trimmed. Any other' odd jobs, a, F. Smith. 108 Culvln. ' Phone 3I1J, FOR SALE One black stallion, weight 2000 lbs. 6 years old. J. Hunscom ranch 10 miles north of city, will sell cheap. Phono 13Fi. WANT responsible farmer with ade quate equipment for section of grain land, water, all In Notice to the PubUc ! Notice Is hereby given that I will'j not be responsible for any bills con 1 trueted by Mrs. Leato Dupuis. Dated Murch 7. 1919. FRED G. DITPU1S. Pilot Il.xn-I'eiidleton Auto Stage. Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Itocl at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendietun at 4 p. m. FANCHO STI'liULEFIELD, Prop. Auto Wrecking USED PARTS every description. We buy your car, condition no- object. Auto Clearing House, Garden A Alta. Auto Repairing: AUTOMOBILE repairing of all kinds. We make the old car perform like new. Miller A I lenient, 630 Cottonw'd. Cleaning and Pressing s CLEANING, I reusing Altering, Hand Tailoring. KmU Beck, Tailor, Bote) Pendleton Bldg., phone 1008. Dentist OR. THOMAS OHMART, Taylor L. MONTE RASTELLI, Marble and Granite works; write or arrange (or interview for prices, styles, etc Piano Tuning Hardware Phone 507. Bldg., Pendleton. . Ore, Auctioneer STRAYF') AWAY One big red bull, brandi i J on hip: me white faced red ct v" v';h calf, two rrd cows, might have culves branded i liher box S on right side or fiddle h: k on left side. Anyone knowing wher viil'ouls of same write to Ross Jones. .!ibon, Oregon., cultivation, nrohnmn ' miles south of Byron, Yakima Go. Good terms and long lease to right party. Will 'sell or trade. Refer ences. Inquire 815 Market St., oi phone 204-J. FOR SALE Assortment of about 13 young calves, two of which are thoroiighgrcd Holateln bull calves, i Red. White and Blue Dairy. For Rent APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. PHONE 339, Penland Bros.' Transfer,' for freight for Adams. Athena, Wes. , FORSHAW'S offerings today: ton, Milton and Walla Walla. Truck j Dandering Jew. lie each, leaves Pendleton every Monday at l! Varleguted Myrtle, 15c each. O'clock and Thursday. at 1 o'clock and j 200 varieties rose bushes. returns the following day with freight j , , for Pendleton. Your freight will be FOR SALE A well furnished 5 room culled for and delivered at your door, j house with sleeping porch and ga rage, cheap. Close to High School. i FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court ; HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 601 Clay, I r OR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 701 Enst Court. Phone 1149W. JJUY A 1IOMK YOC'M, FIND MORE "IN" LIFE! Study the ads. Answer those that look ."likely." - Study the problem of where you'd LIKE TO LIVE and decide on a house that's a little better, that your CAUTION telle you ithat you can AFFORD. "the "bcyek" is abroad'in"" THE I.AXD. AltMU) WITH SOME CLIPPED WANT ABS! He'll look you up If his scis sors have encountered your "for sale" ad. He'll be clipping and answer ing ads tomorrow, too; and yours ought to be thore when he reads the papsr If you have ANY THING TO SELL. THINGS If. to SOMEBODY, they are worth money. FOR RENT SLEEPING room. Willow. Phone 482-R. 800. ! Inquire OldHeld's Repair Shop. FOR SALE Modern house and four lots with gurage. 225 Jane St. Pendleton, Ore., S- S. 'Butler. Ills Indiana Avenue, Spokane. Wash. FOR RENT Part or store bldg. quire 221 E. Court. ln- FOR RENT One store room. Eagle Woodman bldg. Court St. Inquuire V Slrofcle. Now' is the FOR RENT Large' front sleeping room with bath. Inquire 718 Ann HOGS are advancing. time to stuff feed in them. New !.treet. eveninss. car shelled corn In, cheaper than be I , t fore, lllydenstein & Co., Phone 151.1- For Sale j NICE LITTLE BUNGALOW 3 lots. puu SALE Lot 1 1-2 j clone to West End school, 8)3500 1 juekson .' All level, j cash. Also one of very nicest resl- f 5 1 j Bush street. 1 . . ! .. n T .... I. .... c Pliua! I in. 86000. Phono 1003. ' , j blocks from $400. Inquire CAN SELL 320 ACRES level land, all under cultivation; no acres In win ter wheat, balance ready for spring wheat; $32.50 an acre, easy termB, excellent soil plenty rainfall. Also 1360 acres of stock ranch for sale. K. MeKenzle. Harlowton. Mont. Drayiren COL. W. F. YOHXKA, Auctioneer. makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales "The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan Office. Auto Electric Work Retreaded Tires Good For 2500 Miles Travel FOR SALE 100 and 200 egg Old Trusty Incubators. We are head quarters for poultry feed and reme dies. We sell the goods and give ad- Your ad should serve you quickly vice to beginners. Blydcnsteln A Co. shen the cook leaves. , Phone 851. ' FOR SALE Six sets butt chain har. ness. Just overhauled: 40 shotes from 20 to 100 lbs; 6 head good young Work mules; 10 head work horses; 5-sectlon steel harrow; 1 1-4-inch wugon; two sets double buggy harness. I II tuke your note If It's good, Siro J. Ovley, Weston, Ore. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS . ; Olivia is going to win him, dead or alive! BY ALLMAN l0oK,Y.kjVot tenommrt l' RrrrnJI Ko,rraor ee. i ''" riW' M.okijkw4Vpu-Pib- pe' fi NKSARf ft ca 10 ii 19 cosine 10 ou. om p ., . TfcsTe it--that A i 1 f;, if MB TaHWirr 0 1 MADS ' VovdMTTK 1 Pit AXO 1 KMonl r J , I - V -' FIBSY-VovKsiOH fl' PETTett.'. J GCTOWEI I i ZMtir vljilll ; -Jffi' 1 1 rr loakrs UK ouk ia 13 mawmg k tWffMi Wbo rb such A Paoa, ABoaeD.MAseieo rTPrWOP I A STHOlS P1AW rw HE rwe! I I ! III , I MA4- Howl.yiuT VIOW GST IP I l ' WVI I COOU. -PAIgP A4 APTU. PIE ) l "L1 I SHOULD MAkS. Vm A FEeH APPLE Pie. I III If VT-X I XMESE SslGLE I I lJ Will s ss sssssswawctl . , ...,..--;- L. A. Menton, manager of the Simp son Tire Service company, 223 East Court street, announces that he has taken the agency for the Republic tires for four eastern Oregon counties Umutilla, Morrow, Wheeler and Gill li m. All adjustments will be made at Pendleton which Is to be the jobbing center for the district. A full stock of tires is now on the roud and should be here In the near future. The Republic tire Is one of the best I known in the United States and is sold under a 5000 mile guarantee. The Republic cord tires carry a 6000 mile guarantee. The concern which puts out the Re public at Youngstown. Ohio, has specllixed In the rtiblier industry for many years and as a result . has brought out for many seasons, tire which Is acknowledged as one of the leaders. AUTO Electric Work of all kinds; magneto, starter Ignition, etc El ectric Service Station, Main & Water CALL PENLAND ' Transfer van to move your he -..hold goods. We also pack or store uuods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 338. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat BERT MCDONALD, Piano Tuner. Let mo take eare of your piano by the year. Special rate. Phonographs re paired; phone 64S-W. 510 W. Webb. Painting & Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Pap Picture- Fram ing. L. i. McAfee, the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros. Paints. Poultry Supplies OPTICAL Dept., any size, style or shape gloss while you wait. D. N. Reber, M. D.. 8. 10, 11. Beltz Bldg. CHICK FOOD, scratch food, tonics, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled ' barley. C. F. Colesworthy, 128 K- Alta. Plumbing and Heating Attorneys D. W. BAILEY, Attorney at Law, Rooms 7, 8, 8, Despain Building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney at Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTES & SMYTHE. Attorneys at Law. Office in rear of American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices in Despain Building. R. L KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Build ing. Engraved Cards VISITING CARDS, Wedding An nouncements. Invitations, many de signs and styles to select from. For sale at Kast Oregonlan Office,' Florist POTTED PLANTS, cut flowers, palms and ferns; funeral wreaths, designs. Geo. Hooker, Florist. 623 Main St. HEATING, plants, sheet metal work. pipe fitting, general plumbing; sup-, plies I. I. Phcl-. i!7 E. Court. Radiator 1 repairing AUTOMOBILE Reflectors and Lamps repaired, rxlalu Porter, 701 B. Alta St., Pendleton. Farm Loans S. A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office in Despain Bldg. S A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford Building. J. C. Snow. 117 E. Court fit.. Real Es- state. Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See me about a loan. Gates Half-Soles HAVE the old tires half-soled: 8500 miles guaranteed; have proven worth. G. W. Bradley, 639 Cottonw'd. HAVE your Radiator repaired by our expert. Thorough satisfaction guar anteed. I. 1. Phelps, 817 E. Court, Real Estate UMATILLJ X'ounty wheat or alfalfa lands, Pendleton property, stock ranches, grazing lands. W. H. Morrison Restaurant THE QUELLE. eat. A good place to THEATER PRESENTED TO CITY OF RHEIMS By HENRY WOOD (United Press Staff Correspondent) PARIS. Feb. 10. (By Mail.) The Marquis de Polisnuc haa just donated to the city of Rheinis. when his cham pagne establishment is situated, a theatre to replace the one destroyed by the Germans. The contrast for tho woodwork and interior finishing of the theatre has been given by tho nu.rquls to one of the largest airpluno factories in France which a few months ago had more PETERSON & BISHOP, Attorneys at ljuw. itooma z ana , emiin Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. RALEY AND RALEY, Attorneys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. FRED E. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. Horseshoeing BILL JENKINS, the Expert Shoer, will shoe your horses satisfactorily. Now located 632 Cottonwood St Jeweler and Optician Blacksmithing THE POWMAN SHOP, Blacksmith ing itMrsrshoelng our Specialty. Re pair nut i spring.?, wheels, all sizes. FIRST CI.VSS BlacUsmithimr of every dtcriptinn. You can do better here. A. V. Itursln. 632 Cottonwood. Bicycle Repairing airplane contracts to fill for the French I AUTO Tires Vulcanized, bicycles and -,. h,..., .h i. ,.ih .t,l siUTlles. Savage tires, key fitting. EWELfcTiS. Job Printing LETTER HEADS, Envelopes, Bill Heads. Loose Leaf Bills. Commer cial Forms. Hod ire rs. PlaeArris. Ate.. printed to your order. East Oregonl an Office . care of, but which now has nothing on its hands but Ha payroll. It is expected thut the contract for tho theatre fixtures will t!de over the factory until he entire plant can be readjusted to the manufacture oi peace time, products. Pendleton Cycle Co., 228 E. Court, Coupling experience In buying with up-to-date study of the "ads." a wo man becomes a highly EFFICIENT member of the home-makine- oartner- I ship. . . Second Hand Dealers V. STROBLE. dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods. 210 E. Court. Phone 27 1W. Sheet Metal Works PENDLETON SHEET METAL works, chimney tops, gutters, skylights, troughs, auto bodies, 728 Cottonwood. Taxi Service WHEN YOU NEED a taxi or touring car, call Goedecke- We go any where, anytime; all new taxis; phone 464: stand 611 Main St Tailors LINDGREN A FRANSEEN, Tailors, alterations: 735 Main St Used Cars USED CARS as genuine bargain prices at the Pendleton Motor Sales Co.. Cottonwood A WUer Sta Phone. 510. CHICHESTER S PILLS Tilt KIAMOMD BBAXD. A C,PjTa R DfiMillft'e . 'TILL. I COME BACK TO "YOU A.ADTCBATftr. ALT A TODAY. W a vke Miw. Bur tTTrar . DIAMOND KHAND PILIJL ? year know-. as Bst, bsictt. Aiwsvs RrLi: S01D BV MUGGISTS EVFvutjfp-- Put aa end to mat delay In renting jelling your message to the readers that house or apartment through f -l-,MlflMf . "posulah roa ccwcration"" r-srwi-aTTT. s-,t vph s FOH,THB TREATMENT OF DKftMH K4DNEVS.BLADDLR O MUCOUS MEMEKA?XS AT YOUR DRUGGIST A!t r .MAMgc?WWy.vold Subrtituxto-i. JACKS! JACKS! JACKS! 15 head of registered, acclimated and native bred Jacks. No imported Jacks from the east compare with the native Jacks in percent of colts in quality or number. These Jacks are priced to sell from $500.00 to $1000.00. EASTERN OREGON JACK FARM, - Lexington, Ore. 3IOTIIKIIS Should pee tlnit the whole family take' at l"st 3 "t 4 tlnsps of a thoro purl- ; "!ii. .vtem rlenninur medicine this spring. Now is the time. The family! will be healthier. ImppiVr. and K?t ilonir hotter if the hi und ta Riven n horo purifying; Hie stuniach and howela "cleaned out. and tho germs ot Winter, ncoumut'Hted. in the .system.; driven away. HoTlister'a Hock Moun- tain Tea ia one of the very heat and; surest Spring metlli'lnea to take. et j It and see the difference in the whole j family. Their color wlH he better, ll.s.i-'ll fAUl t'illu lit 1.1 tlM U'mII a till hut. THE PUBLIC ...Ay ""me of the milk distributors of Pendleton have formed a combine and ailtam-ed the price of milk beyond my former iirlces, I have decided to rfiise my iricvs to conform with their prices as ad. vertiM-il, TO One quart, delivered per month $3.75 Two quarts, delivered per month 7.00 Three quarts delivered per mo. 10.00 Four quarts, delivered per mo. 13.00 One pint, delivered per month... 2.00 Three pints, delivered per mo. 5.50 Five pints, delivered per mo. 9.00 Extra milk, pint, Sc; quart, 15c. , Mv former prices that were advanced by the combine were: 5 pints for $ 8.50 3 quarts for 9.00 4 quarts for 12.00 Advanced to .... 9.00 Advanced to 10.00 Advanced to 13.Q0 Our milk U all produced from our own cow; cooled ntnl KRIES DULY bottled oil tho premier.. TWO DKI.IV- PERFECTION DAIRY f. ii. mvti;i:i: Prompt ami Reliable PlKine M '3( i ! ! h t;i P. Tallman & Co,