PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5,-1910.- EIGHT PAGE3V tefrf 't. y-mgr pniarifr ablls,h4 tNMlr Sunday) utJ BMBl-WMkir at 1'endl.toa, Oregon. r th. Arr owaoNiAM ruituisHiNa ca Entered at ta aoatorrica at Paadlel Oracsa, aa moid-clM nail natter. Tales-boa. 1 A IJfI)EPK1KXT NEWSPAPER ON HALE IN OTHER CITIES. ImperlalHotel New Stand, Portland Hnaw Kiwi Co, Portland. Oregon ON FIL.S AT Chicago Bureau. (0 Saeurtty Build lac Weahtrton, TO. C Baraaa Ml Ior lh Ktmt, N. W. SUBSCRIPTION RATU UN ADVANCJBJ Dallr. aa rear, by mail Dally, six month by mall Dally, thraa months byv mall Daily, on month by mail Dally, on year by carrier ' Dally, ix month by carrier Dally, 'tbra month by carrier. Daily, or month, by carrier . -II. It . . i. . .M - T.M . .Te - 1 ( At Semi-Weekly, oa year, by mall .( Semi-Weekly, aix month, by mall .Tt Beml-Weefciy four month by mall . If the apple blossoms knnr It They'd come bursting: Into light; ir the violet could ea through in They would break the roil to- . night If the roses down the' valley Could bo sure It is the sprrnir. venire. The filibusterers have given us a sample' of bolshevism in the senate. The direct action advocates have nothing; on men S like Sherman et al. They are A nfitlni. aa... 4 .- t "ciiu uic vuiiutuuuii uy try- ;insr to appropriate to them- And the birds amid the bower Selves powers which are lodged i in the executive. The Repub- j lican senate organization wants I to be the peace delegation and jthe president They are j pledged to fight the league of i nations covenant before the J subject has been presented to i mem. me jury nas agreed on i its verdict without hearing the evidence. The senatorial obstruction ists are vindicating President Wilson for asking the country to select a congress with a dem ocratic majority. If they keep up their work they Will drive the president to run for a third term and be elected. ' Of the quiet dreams should sine;, Oh, we'd murmur even then, dear. That the spring would be too lone. That like needed more of win ter Just as life . sometimes needs "Tronic To put In the heart and spirit Nobler purposes, faith and love To keep on In earnest combat For the things that lead above. Too much summer only surfeits. Too much cweetnea merely cloys: i In the balance, of lire's beau ties - l.-..rt-jii4. . Dwell the! richness of our Joys. BRIGANDAGE lit 3JN, their road efforts to har- rass the -president and show their hatred of the league of nations certain Re publican senators, given license by the Republican senate orga nization, used brigand tactics yesterday. They defeated the army and navy appropriations, the railroad appropriation and much other legislation of conse quence. It is a line of action the country will generally con demn as about the . limit of ruthlessness. ; V In refusing to give in to the threats of the obstructionists President Wilson took the only course possible. Under the constitution and Itis oath of of fice the president is solely re sponsible for calling a special session of congress. The repub lican senators sought to coerce him into giving up a power vested in him, by the supreme authority of the nation. Being unable to bulldoze him they have penalized the army and navy and other branches of the government in a spirit of re- much damage. But somehow the bad SUNSET DIVISION men and the bad llcker always get to. I rP A CPU I'D VICT (other and spoil any little reputation alcohol ever did have-" Washington Star. ., Teachings of KxiKirkuMV Here is another story from Mr. J. C, CAMP DIX. T. JvaUreh 0. Tlte 41st or Sunset Mvlslon. passed Into history Inst week when Its life as an Percy's "Hulls and Blunder. A .organisation ended with the demobll- cranky. Impecunious doctor was trav. j (ration of Us headquarter here where el'ng third class when laborer gut; the division Is reporting In sections ax Into the compartment at a wayside lit returns from overseas. Major Gen. station and Immediately lighted 111" Trnub, Its commander, wns not In pipe. The tolacco wns strong and camp, bring In Washington, the smoke got Into Ihe medical gen-i With the demobilisation of Ihe tleman's eye, nose and throat- At ' headquarters, following the transfer length, he could stand It no longer, i of ,he enii8ted men to the 15Srd Pe so touching the "son of the soil" on;,,,,, Brigade and of the organisation the shoulder, he quietly remarked: ( offl(H!r8 to the cairn officers" de. Vou will pardon me, but I am a tac.nmen, a plnns for tho 8erea o( medical man. and my 21) years trades which have Wen arranged perlcnce has taught me that all the.for Npw Yotk nd olhM. cMet) wer6 bd cases of cancer of the tongue abandoned come rrom smoKing oaa moacco. 'Well,' said the lalorer. removing his pipe, and looking straight Into the eyes of the newly-made acquaint ance has taught mlsgkq ocllttle. ,xk ance. "my to years experience taught me that nil the bad cases of black eyes and bloody noses come from interfering with other people's busi ness." London Taller. t llll.D TAKKS FOISOX P1I.KS, D1F-S IX AtiOXY DENVER. March 6. Amelia B. Burns, 4 years old, felt candy hunsry Tuesday She -was at her home, 2159 A coma street. Her mother was down town shopping. Climbing up on the dining room table she saw sixteen little white ob jects in a glass dish. ' They looked like candy, they tasted like candy, so she ate them all. .Within ten minutes Amelia was dying of convulsions. Instead of eating candy, she had swallowed sugar-coated strychnine pills. . " According to Washington dispatch es, tho war department gave permis sion for" the New York parade, but no Information of this had reacheit naa'. headquarters this afternoon. With ine regiments nroKen up ami some oi tho men already on their way to oth er camps. for discharge, the last hope for the parades took wings. Tho Sunset Division originally wns composed of organisations formed In the Pacific const states, but In Prance It lost this Identity when, as a re placement division, its entire person nel underwent rapid changes. Few of the original staff remain and the enlisted men' returning for discharge come from every section of the coun. -. - TAFT WH.Xi ItRTIKX TO YAI.E TO TEACH NEW HAVEN. Conn., March 6. William Howard Taft will return to Yale university nuext fall as Kent professor of law. tt was announced at the university Tuesday. Princess Patricia's WWldintr. InfiM-psta LONDON, March 4. Prlnceiw Pa tricia of ConnuuKl't and Commander Alexander H. M. Hum nay, It. X, were married Rt WostmlnnliM nbboy at noon ThjimdH-jy. Crowd ust-Hnnblod a Ion jr tliu rout ovrr which tho frtn ct'ss drove with hrr father, the Duke of Con nan if M, from Si. inmt' to Westminister Ah hey, Tho ceremony was performed by tho Archbishop of Canterbury, assist ed by the "Dean of VeiminHter and other noted ecclesiastic. In tho prea enre of Klnsr OeorBe and Queen Mary, membera of the royal family. dUtln Rtrished official of the Hritish nnd foreign government and friends and vUUurn from' abroa't , .Ambassador uuU Mrs. John V., Iny! were present. Sensible Ireataient hriiheumansm HANDWRITING OF THE. GREAT IS ILLEGIBLE "'''' i (.(. -,,,-r ,T .1 ., , - -I.ONIX)N, Fet. 12. trty mall.) wTh. visitors' books ut the liu- tel Majestic and the Hotel Asto- rla In Paris should be worth their weight In gold to tho auto- graph fiend, Cclqbrlties from, all over the world have signed their names In one or the other, and the books stand as lasting proof of the - illegibility of the handwrlt- lng of great men. - . lillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililll: Drives Out the Millions of Tiny Pain Demons That Cause the Disease.. Thorn nre many way tt treating Bhciimatism, but thoro is only one right way. If you are beginning to feel tho first light touches of Ruouinatam, there ii untohl pain and suffering nheml of you, if you f ollo-sr blindly in the same niiadireatcd foot-stops of unintelligent treatment. Vor remcniVer tl"t' thou- sands -of vletims of till painful dis - case have spent countless hours, - ro doubt, as well an their baril earned dollars in a vain effort to find a cure. And vour own experience will be just B disappointing us theirs, if you follow tho olil, woru-out and worth less methods of treatment.- . ,,,. When you realizo that you must get Tid o( the cause of Khounatism,Iaml that its torturing pain will disappear when their cause is removed, then you will bo on the right track, and thoro is a splendid chance for you to rid yourself of tha disease. The most common form of Rheu matism is caused by millions of tiny disease germs which infest the blood. Tho ono nnd only scnslblo tretmon therefore, Is one wuicn ! -blood of these germs, and louts ihonj entirely Out of the circulation. And everyone know thut thi eunnot bj done by rubbing th urfnco wild liniments. ' . This is r.hy S. & 8., tho greatest Lnoun blood purifier, is o ucneful ia Iho trentmor.t ot uneiiinaii.n.. . ij a powerful cleanser of tho blood, it promptly rout all disosa gorma. H. B. 8. has been uso! for moro than half n cwiti.ry.'niil itwIU P""11 bcn'v Peinl in any rasa of Jihounmtism. I If yit nr vio'iU ' th, UJ"", why waste furllier lima with ths wronn kin,' of jL-onlr-iint, , On to your, drug. gist (,-duy nnd gt A bottlo of . B. and begin a coureo of trout-nond that will dellglrt you "irttU' JU' insult. 8. a ji will romov tho diaouso gerna tlint't-aiwe your Ithounmtisbi, afford ing relief tlu.t i genuine Wo maintain a modicol dopnrtnuint in charge of n Bpcciull it oa Kheuma tism, and nftor beginning treatmoBfc with R. Q. 8. yon are invitod to writo for free medical ndvko about your own easo. Address hicf .Jfoilicnl Adviser, 104 Swift Laboratory, At lauta, tlu. (Adv.) Ci I Whitman's I j THE ROAD VICTORY c1 i CASTO R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beart the 'lu jl. 'It llal I mi nm HE absolutely overwhelm- mg vote in favor of the road bonds makes the most gratifying: news Umatilla county has had in years. It means our people are awake to the situation and are ready to move intelligently to serve the best interests of the rounty. By their vote the people have given the county court and the state highway commission the fullest possible powers for the carrying out of the road pro gram. It should mean good roads with -a capital -; G. -On the question of state aid. there ! can be no objections on the! score that Umatilla county isj hot ready to do its full share. - - 1 By a trick of fate the politi cians who insisted on passing the lieutenant government am endment now fall into the pit which they dug for Ben Olcott, If the amendment should be voted by the people in June the appointment of a - lieutenant governor will rest with Gover nor Olcott. Such is life, v The Portland Journal is tak ing a vote on the league of na tions plan and the results are more pronounced than was the road bond election in Umatilla county which is saying, some thing. Just think how the road el ection might have gone , had there been a heavy vote. , "IEJ Hi! mUSIS GARDEN GUDE There's one for your borne. Just aend D your name and, without any obliga tion on your part, we will mail you this inuructive publication. ' Every man, woman or child interested' in gardening should luve teia practical book of loo pagct profuse'y iHustrateiL Complete lit of Morte Grand Prize Vegetable nd Flower Seed. - Morse' Garden Guide will be ex tremely helpful ia tke raismg of Irm, pUnu and vcubks. It is the I most complete and c-wwprchgative maa ti.d of Pariric Coast gardening ever pub lished. oa't delay lead for yout ojjr todT ! C. C." MORSE Sc CO Wilson and Taft share the same views as to the reliabil ity of the senate. - The bond buyers will not be afraid of Umatilla county road bonds. " T. P. W Pure Food Shop In Our Model Sanitary Basement CLEAXUNESS . ECONOMY t SERVICE . 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. . All Other Departments Phone 22 T. P. W. Goods are Sure to Please. , T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee, pound. . . ... 40c T. P. W. Teas, Japan, pound 75c, Gunpowder, pound , 85c ' T. P. W. White Laundry Soap, 4 bars ...... 25c T. P. W. Bath Tablets, Peroxide or Glycerine, 2 bars . 25c Pure Extracted Honey Jars 55c $1.00, $1.90 ! Extra Fine Line of Canned and Smoked Fish for ' the Lenten Trade. -k MNMITW1S GREATEST DtP.RT.HFVT STOHr." ? ' 2)iWP9oples kreKouse!, . t.M-'j,iMrlt IT PY5 TO TRAP- I " '" '1 "'! a". & Just received, a larije- vaply.i ...yon can't buy -beHer oandieiv bettor asaortmentjs anywhere in: ' t world than rlttht hare. tVe have tried to carry policy of seleotlnlr the through out our business. this best 18 1 Tallman & Co. 1 i fading KrupKists ' S 5 illllllKlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli? & - - - 9 r4MniFSHtffARMERv- Chickens ahd'Yfial Country Butter and Eggs WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE. Come In and Judire for your self how well we have succeeded. DRUGGISTS! VICK'S VAPORUB I ...... . -. . t. . E OVERCOME AT LAST SHORTAG THE FUNNYBONE j Alwars Hopeful. "The judge gimme six months. Ton said you'd get me acquitted. "I know I did." admitted the law yer. "And since I reil aown on inai ITomise, I'll agree to get you par doned-" "How long wUl that take?" "About six month." Philadelphia Bulletin. The Deal Scheduled for Last !ns- B,,d to this ''einand they rcspond- .' . ii-i i W"cl noDly- Hetail druKKist kept open HUVemutr, nmcn. naS day and night and slept where they Postponed On AcCOIint Of I dropped behind the prescription coun- jl. .. ' J : i!ter- Wholesale druggists called their the lnllUenZa JbpidemiC, IS salesmen off the road to help fill or-. -NOW Ke-inStated tjrOOd, dere hundreds wired us to ship i3 vick s vaporiuD Dy tne quickest route, regardless of expense. '. y.m .n.av. ,,4, . it Pendleton Trading Co. "It It's On the Market We Have It." t SaV-sW'BWW,'aVWWWW',V a.aTh. " . i i a i a aa. a - ! - v v . fW v mm- BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT la assured by tha us of soma of these, beautiful future of our. They give a light that Illuminate the room perfectly, but that doe not tlr or strata tha cyo. They aot axpen alv aonslderlng tnlr extra ef ficiency and erira beast. Way aot at , least sea them J. L. VADGHAN During the Month of I March. OVER ONE IX- TRRMRXDOI'g JOB TO CREASE OIR P1IODVC- milliOn Tins- . JARS t OF VAPORUB do our part- We scoured the country " PRODUCED EACH lfor nw materials our Traffic Man- J-f .IV W ager spent his days riding freight cars - .'eeK. ' j in we shipped raw materials In car- ''-. ' " ; load lot by express and pleaded with de- It ui with pride that w announce to , manufacturers to increase their the drug trade that the shortage of; liveries to us. Vick's VapoKub. which has lasted ! But It was a slow process. Some of since last October, is now overcome. . our raw materials are produced only . 5 Since January 1st. we have been run-; in Japan supplies ; In (his country ning our laboratory- twenty-three and ! were low and shipments required a half hours out of every twenty- three months to come from the Far four. Last week we shipped the last i East. Then we had to recruit and of "our back orders, and retail drug-train skilled labor. We brought our !f5 gists, therefore, are no longer request- salesmen into the factory and trained ed to order in small quantities only.. t them at foremen. We invented new NOVEMBER DK.tL RB-IXST .TEI. j machinery, and managed to Install It This deal, which we had expected J on ChriKtmas Day, so as not to inter to pat on last November and which fere with our daily production, had to be postponed on account of the 1 1 13 JARS OF VAPOIU'B EVERY shortage of VapoRub. Is re-instated jnxrra n.w a.nd xight. for the month of March. This allows i By January 1st we had 'everything Uncnistie Troubles.- a discount of 10 per cent on ship-'ready to put on our night shift, and N'eysa Moran McMeln. the young , ments from Jobbers' stock of quanti- i since then our laboratory has been and charming New York artist, la en-', ties of from 1 to 4 gross. S per cent (running day and night. To feed our tertaining the troop In Franco and of this discount is allowed by the Job- automatic machines, which drop out sBe tells a story to illustrate the 1if- i ber and S per cent by us. I one hundred and forty-three Jars of j nrulties of the Krencb language-. . 1 - W'e advise the retail druggists to VapoRub a minute or one million and i "Kverythlng to so differently . pro- place their orders immediately, so eighty thousand -weekly, has required , nouncedr no her story begins.' "It's I that the iobbers will be a hie to ret a force of 5& nenDle Our Cafe le- the pronunciation that stump the'prornpt shipments to them. iipartment. created for the' benefit' of j S3 doughboy. j TIIAJfKS OF THE ITBMC iTK TTIK ! these workers, served 7000 mea.dtir- ! S3 "A doughbov usher at a Red Cro I imt ; TR IH M KIWi TUB : lng the month or January aiorv t concert had dfirflculty with a French! INFM'E.N'ZA HHIBIIC. ! '-.MtMJfW JARS (IK VAIfUfl B! coumel In showing him his seat. f The thanks of the American JHJblic ' IISTRIIJITEI RlX-rK Ot- - . . . i i . - : .1 ,k. ... l .. .1 -v.. . i .- t ' l - Tt tl( v- I t 1 dour h bo v. 'called for row R. but he trade retail, wholesale and mant'fae- .An Idea of the work we haie 4 said he wanted row A- I showed hlmfturing for what thw accomplished Vomp'h'her (nig Fa) may be given . by hi m ale ic- l!MLlIiHI!lil!!l!ii m . - ' ei I JF or JpniQiate ipliul M H i fill 1 1 I t 1 1 I i . !H ..V - - ,...' ' . I j 1 I eAt lrgrw Fmm im tit U'mU lit Print Street. Ssa Francisco row A to satisfy him. and he shook during the recent influensa epidemic his head and said that wa row R. The war caused a shortage of physl- 'We ain't got no row R, colonel." 1 1 cian nurses were almost Impossible Mys. 'Your seat is row E I to 'btaln the demand on the drug - 'Hut he pointed to row t say In i trade was unexpected and overwhelm- ithat ni tow E, and then walked lnto raring the Influenza epidemic. Vick VapoRub was , row r. .... m isnio w m me ion lau as an external application In connection with the phy- Oe was In rrw A. :lcian' treatment, and thousand of people, unable to ob- ""TouV. think.- ended the dough- m relied on Vick' almost exclusively. boy 'you'd think a colonel ought to uterally million of families all over the country, from (Know tne aipnanet. wouian t jtout California to Maine, and from the Great Lake to the Gulf. VVZZ? Vt"TT , . 7, oTi i'-roU Free Pre. have found Vick VapoRub the Ideal home remedy for r..Xi.-.-Ier ' j croup and cold trouble. ...,.4,. ... aMM T l' . . 1. T . J "What are vour view on the rab. fi.SM.. ala. 'Ject of prohlblttoa V v. . - . .. -Welf replied t nc le Bill a. M....i.-(ii.r-.i,jtM.' (c Itop, -if you could regulata rum lo luntt the eombinatioa to good tX.lW, od ao4 Ucker tbera migbto' our production rignres Jars of VapoRub manufactured and distributed since last October one Jar for every two families in the entire t'nlted States. For Spring Work 'It H 1,1 ( ,! i, 51 A ! Ut ' the,b- las iClCSlAPORUB i't be m, Etj ,. , , , , ,niM. , -j ,.n n i ii it iiiM aar,taw . Agent for The Holt Mfg. Co. 1 1