East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 04, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Section Two, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    W , '
, .era :rimvQ
. "YourNoseKnows
The Encyclopaedia Britannica says
about the manufacture of smoking to
'bacco, " . on the Continent and in
America certain sauces are employed
. the use of the 'sauces' is to improve
the flavour and burning qualities of the
leaves." Your smoke-enjoyment depends
as much upon the Quality and kind of
flavoring used as upon the Quality and'
aging of the tobacco. H, Tuxedo tobacco
uses the purest, most wholesome and de
licious of all flavoringschocolate!
That , flavoring,' added to the finest of
carefully ag id and blended burley to
bacco, produces Tuxedo the perfect
tobacco "Your Nose Knows."
,'-. . , . . .,. . '
Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly in the
palm of your hand to bring put its full aroma. Then
imell it deep its delicious, pure fragrance will convince -you.
Try this test with any other tobacco and we will
let Tuxedo stand or fall on your judgment ' "
" Your Nose Knows"
i ...
". ,.-' - i
j.-"UJBlUTtcn tn cATI5r i 1
i i i ;
A V 'I V i V V A A'VAV
I. . 'zZU
"'' - 1 i
Have you tried Tuxedo in the New Tea Foil
Package ? It has many advantages Hand
ier f its the pocket. No digging the tobacco
out with the fingers : Keeps the pure f ra- 5
grance of Tuxedo to the last pipeful. Not I
quite as much tobacco as in the tin, but 1 0J
Tbo Perfect Tokvcc for Pipe mjai Cisuetta
b Cuararrteed bjf ,
"Sw iiinnmi iimpiHII
' Dancers Best Soldiers,
Says. Lieutenant Shawn,
Dr. J&mfcs' Headache Powders re
lieve at once 10 cents a
You tak Dr. James' Headache I
Pbwdr and in jut a few momenta r
our hend tlani and all nearalgfa and t
4litrcM ranches. It's th quick j
mnd uri ulief for benduebe. whtticr i
lull tbrobbing, splitting or nfrve- ;
raekifi. eni aomfooe the dnig
Uht and pet a dime package tow.
ui( fufftriuff jta ao nwdlw. C lie j
urc you j;et Ir. Jamen' Headache l
lwil'ia then there will be. no diaap- f
I ea to the work performed by the be
I g. inner in dancing. ; Oiie should be n
I r,feHHimal danrer to appreciate the
Ruth St- Denis' Husband i differenc- Men who have danced a
v , j prent it Hi nave ineir minus uameu
" ; to receive and execute an order im-
"Dancera make the best ' soldier. ; nediatel and they have more en
The exerci?eM given the men in the j durance.''
tratnrnjf caraf.a is child's plav Vnnipur J ThiK is the emphatic opinion 01
r ' , 1 T-itut. "Ted" hawn. recently mu-
tered nut'of the 32iid infantry, gnown
f ttirouKhout the I'nitPd Statef uh a
' prot'efHioniil dancer and the husband
: f Jtoth Kt. DentH.
"I received all my military training
i at Camp Kearney and demonstrated
j the fact that a dancer la not a molly- ;
jcrdrile or effirninate. . I
f "i made rxd there, enlisting hh a
i private and getting my firnt com- '
m iwHlon as aecotid lieutenant in leas
For Coated Tongue
Bad Breath, Sour Stomach,
Bloating, Gas, Biliousnew, Sick Head
ache, Indigestion, Constipation, take
the always rcliawc
They clear the bowe.t, sweeten the stom
ach scd tone up the liver. Do not gripe.
J. E. totver. 103 Labor Temple. Lot Antfcles,
Cat.: "Aher Si years' ezptrrience with all aorta
' And kinds of cathartic remedies, I got wise to
Foler Cathartic Tablets, sod tbey are the best I
ever used."
I a -a a4-a
j ' IkttnoHlct) Fotrttotw, ; .
j, Out, S cui8 boiled putatoi's in tUce,
season with iwiit ana pepper, make
a white sauce of 1 cup milk,' 1 upoon
Witter and I aptton flour. Haon with
it and' pepper. Butter baking- rilxh
put ' in layer of potatoes, layer ' or
j white Kancp, then prinkle with tfrated
cheese. Then put in another layer
of potatoes, etc., until the dtnh Is full.
For the top take l cup bread crumb,
moistened In spoons melted butter,
and spread evenly on the cheene.
PotMto iNlfft. (
Two cups mahed pojato, 1 cup milk
r egs. . Kpoous ouiir or uutier auu
slltute, tnl and pepper to taste. Beat
until 11k tit. pile in a dish And bake 1-2
hour. "
ltat stilail,
I pon lettuce leaves place- a layer
of thinly altcert bread, boiled potatoes,
Ut ami pepper and 'a little prated
onion. Pour naiad drensimx on top.
Cream dressing Is preferable.
Hy way of variety diced -beef and
celery my be added to the potato
and a layer of cold, boiled e.sfga. .
;Htilloedi lOtatlaTSt.'''
Putter an earthen dish and put tn a
layer of -sliced, cokl boiled potatoes.
Season with pepper, salt, bits of but
ter and . 1it.of onion, chopped fine.
Put In another layer of apotato and
season as before. ' Continue a before.
"Sprinkle crttckrr brea crumbs on
the top- and add enough milk to iyar
ly cover. Ba.ke half an hou.
li.voiiiialao )tutcxv.
To l npoon chnppen'onlon, fried In
3 spoons butter or butter wubstlttite
.until brown, add 1 quart cold, boiled
potatoes in dice, a little salt and pep
per. Stir smooth with fork, being
tareful not to break the potato.
Hashed Brown.
Hub 2 spoons fat In frying pan.
Aid 3 cups cold, boiled potatoes,- fine
ly chopped, pepper and. salt to t8te.
Mix otato with tit, cook, stirring con
tant', then let stand until brown.
Fold as an omelet and place on hot
Potato .Soup.
Let a pint of milk come to the boil
ing point., then add slicea, cold, boiled
potatoes- Season with butter, pepper.
alt." A little onion and bits of salt
codfish ma' be added if desired.
lutnto Croquettes.
Two cups mashed potato. 1-2 cup!
cracker or bread crumbs, 3 spoons
melted butter or butter substitute, 1
eggr. .Make In balls and fry brown. '
Creamed Potato. ' '
Slice cold, baked or bolter potatoes
In saucepan. Pour over milk or
cream to cover, add butter, salt and
pepper to taste- Cook slowly, stir
ring constantly until milk is well
?ooked into potatoes. " " "
V Spiced Cookies.
One-Quarter cup of butter, 1-4 cup
of lard, creamed together; 1-2 cup
brow? sugar, 1-2 cup of white si tsar.
1-4 cup of sour milk, 1 egg, 1-2 tea
spoon soda. 2 cups flour, 1-4 teaspoon
each of-, clove and names', one hall
teaspoon cinnamon, one half teaspoon
lemon extract, one half cup raisins,
one half cup chopped nuts. Drop oh
buttered tins; bake in quick oven.
IMtum Plo.
One cup water (let it boil), add 1
tablespoon cornstarch, 1 tablespoon
tnitter. Take from fire. Then add 1
esr. grated rind and piece of one lem
on and 1 cup sugar. Pake with two
crusts. This makes one large pie.
Hr amble Turnovers.
One cup sugar, 1 cup chopped rais
ins, i rolled cracker, l'egg. Juice of
lemon- -
liroUTi II read.
One cup Ir.dlan meal, 1 cup rye
neal. 1 cup white flour, 1 cup sour j
milk, 1 cup sweet milk. 2-4 cup mo-
lasses, 2 teaspoons soda, 1 teaspyunful
ak. Pake 4 hours.
Johnnie Cuke. "
One cup granulated- meal, 1 cup
sour milk. J-2 cup flour, -4 8ff. Heat
all together; then add 2-3 cup sweet
milk. Stir into tho sour milk 1 level
teaspoon soda. A little sugar may be
added If desired. .
Charlotte Itnw-c
Dissolve 1 ounce of gelatine in 1-2
O'nt of milk,, and add tdyit when dis
solved the yolks of 6 eggs and 1-2
pound of white powdered sugar.
Whip up 1 tjiiart of sweet cream In ona
vessel and the whites of ft eggs In an-
J wwawwsMi wi isiiii i ii iii i if m m f rrisssCM
..: , Nct Conti 15Flind Drafthn 1111
f A fof
j 1inillcSlCHnclisailB(vls
Qiccrfulncss an kcsuw.--!
neither Opium. Morphine n
Mineral. Votjmhm
, -i..r..luI-mpdvfbr
i loss OF SLEEP
racSimilc SitfnBWreo'
Forlfafants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Eiatt Copy of Wrapper.
Bears the,? fjr
Signatured U;
U For Oyer
I ;(
: Clear, Peachy Skin:
:: Awaits Anyone Who h
, Drinks Hot Water
8y n Inilds bjith, before brek- f -
f fait helps us look and feel 4
clean, sweet, fresh. : t . ,
thk eMTun eoMfANV. wen' v... err..
for tile fin, lldft. 000 equipment of th.
TnlU'd Stirtes Spnice curpuratlon was
announced yesterday 'by ' the sales
loard of the npruee division, which
Is' now returning thousands of certl'
tied checks to the' respective bidders
on the Immense nnd-varied lot of
equipment." In the opinion of ; the
salcM bourrf the bids were, in the ffreat
majority of Instances, nltoirether too
low: ' '
t'onslderation Is also belntr given
by the sales board to the establish
ment of a temporary store of Us own !
for' tile sale -of groceries. is bids in
this particular were also incommen
surate with the value From the com
missary Btock of the spmce division
ureal nuatitltles' bf provisions " have
been offered for -sab", their aKgrregate
value Approaching 13U0.OO0. .
iniblic lias la-rn iirK'Ialim d hi f.uxcm
biinc and ;miid IHiclicss C'liarlotlc
flcil. j '
SpnikllnB and .'vivacious liierr,
brlKlit, aloit a id, 4 clur skin and
a natui'l, rosy, healthy complexloi.
aii assured only b" irurf blood. ' It f
duly every man and woman . coiilu
be Induced to ndolU the mornlnsr In
sldo 1ut,h, what, a : tt'Htlf0riff j haiiK"
would take place. Instead of thfcj,
(honsands tit sickly, anaemic-look In:, .'
men. wiunen and K'rls. with pusty or .
muddy complexions; Instead of th
multitudes of "nerve wrecks,'1 rub.
downs." '"brain fts" and pesslmlHls;
'n should si-e. a virile optlinlstlu
throiiK of rosy-cheeked pvople every-"?"
where. , ."
An Inside bath i had ! JTiiiiklnH;
each imirnliiH.' before breakfast; u,'v
Kluss of real hutk wuter wilK a tea. j,
spoonful of limestone phosphate in- u !
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre-;
vlous day's' IndlKesllblo waste, "
firinehlutlons and." jiolsuns, thus t
cleniiHlnK, sweetenlliff and freshenlnH
the entire alimentary canal before
JailtliiK more" food lirto the stomach. ,
v Those subject to sick headache. Ml.
Ioiihiicsji, nasty breath, 'rheumallsm.
colds; and particularly those who have
a pullld.sillow vontplevtlon and who.
I are constipated very often, are urged:
i to obtain a quarter pound of llnie
' stnno phosphute cit the "druji store
h!ch will. cost but a trifle, but Is suf-
flclent to demonstrate the quick and
j remarkable cluume both In health 01101
apliearancej. awaitluK those who prac. .
jtlco internal sanitation. We must re
'member that inside cleanliness is .
iniore Important than outside, because
!the skin clos not absorb hnUiritles,to
i contaminate the blood wBle th pores
In the thirty feet of bowils do.
r.i-rriu.u' itKinntTKo ix i.i'xi-:.tr-mitti.
PAICIS. Mnnii S.riK-oiiflroi.-cl ri
IKjrl' were received -today that a rc-
r . t, ' r. a -1 1 ''
Closxn'a Xlalmcr.t scatters
the congestiori pnd
relieves paia '
A little, ppplicd vH'.himt rubhinz, will
pmttrai inlmetliatcly and rest and
soothe the oerves.
Sioan's Liniment w very effertive In
atlayicg external pains, strains', brutsVs.
aches, stiff jtiisr sore muscles, Iiimlu
go, neuritis, Sciatica, rheumatic t wigc
Keep a big bottle always oh hand
for family use, Pruggists everywhere.
. ' s
j k--'-xx- J - L
II '
I (X)
Kin-, mil-. i .Jo
Lame Back"
StiJT Neck
than four months. Shortly, afterward j olho, when, the Kl.-itine etc. to
1 was prornmeu u, nsi iixuiennm. , near)). ,.,,, Btlr ,t Kr!l(uay into thB
Neuralgia, Colds
Pain! Pain! Grippe,
What else oTers- relief so
'safely? Don't suffer!
Adults Take one or two
"Bayer tablets of Aspirin" with
water; if nfceessap repeat dtfsc
three times a'dai-, afler steals.
wDayer -Tablets "A
Th"Baycr Cross'on C5enuino Tablis
20-ccnt packnge Larger sizes. Tliij
only regular Bayer packages. Owned
by Americans Entirely!
The public believes a profcnntonal
male lanc?r to he -effiminate- That'fc
! iill wrong. I am Jtiwt an mutichi a man
i a.s any Urbacro-MpittinR. hard-wnrkina!
I lafKttvr p liiKiJie8 man. Through
a mistakt? I was advertised extensive-
cream. Then add ' thewhlten and HtirJ
up the whole together; . I'our It tn a;
mdt'iW and" set it -odtKe Ice for an,
hour. f :t t""r7 - ! i
Aspirin I t!ie trade marVrtf Bar'1 Maniifa
turc vt MuiiuiCt'titaciUctttcr u( Salicylicacid
ly throughout the I'nited States as jGllII That Stl'Hf f C(l
'the most beautifuj man in the world.'
1 f :im noKhe nutt beuutiful man and
j oon't want tf be.' 1 Jiate the namn
i i.-4(tutifii)' foi a' rtfan. They got me
j mixed wit hi otne"'' efiminute male
! erenHir-M fn Xew -Yrk -e'ty.
phone 431
17 Mailn Street
UKF K1.MVS A ItlllltlVli
... -Paris Still Mystery j "
SvvipTnf tl:t Rimini HtrtT. nirlit it tl:
A Anmind, In tlir ri'-miiilfiti of Nrw Zmlnrtfl, rm
rlif Hlt day ni rrtntr, mn'li1 h thn
fi rirtMT l'intmtviunar of Uie utatu uf (irufnn.
Big Mask Ball
,1 gitjsn by iriiB " '1 1
Wed.CJJat-ch 5
$15.00 IN CASH PRIZES$13.00
$5.00 for best Pressed couple; $5.00 for best
sustained lady character, and $5.00 for best sus-v
tained gentlemah character.
Admission :Gentlemtn maskers, 50c; gentle
men not masked, 75c. Lady maskers, free;
ladies not masked 25c.
ivcH.id dilrluK tli.
Nootlles and Chop Suey.
Meals At All Hours
Rcpular Meals 30c
Miml Ti;l4ns SI MmtH tor .00
Highest cash price paid
for chickens and
fresh eggs..
'c Ctr Uc MwrfcliiemcB.
i Kub Musterole on Forehead
1 and Temples
. i A headache remedy without the dan-
Conqutrrs rain never fails. .' gers of "headache medicine." Relieves
Hub soothing, pfnetrating "St. Ja. headache and thct iniserabla feeling from
oss lAnimenV riisht on the ache or colds or congestion. And it acts at once !
l.i.ln. and out cni-s the neuralgia Musterole i3 a. clcEii, v;hitc ointment,
misery oade with cd cf mustard. Better than a
H-rJ's a. io ful eiocrliiient' Try If mettrd plactcr and doea not bli3ter.
tlruggist; or a little In your hnrid: mc(Jjcincs da. - - " T . '
i.a rul It xentlv- on the sore, aching; E;fl:c!!t.nt fcr throct, brbftcllitls,
nerves, uod tefore you realize It in . crenn ccc'.. -ectbisa. usuralcia. eon-
jit ii ii)uient --nil pain and . neural-1 gKzc j.lc iriry, ihcuir.ati3tn, lumbago,
tte l!niie;r. it's almost muglcal. I su pacts' i tu&cbof t&i fcack tir Jbmts,
liH the fiy 1. Uiat the misery doesn't, spruiiis, ecr; trtisco, chiujlains.
it me tiack- No! The nerves are ; Iiosti 'J tcct, CO'iZ OI UVi CICZt 1- Qlten
sotuhed and conttestlon Is reliered and ' prc-vent3 preurxnlzy. .
your iitilKia i over. onie. ! i&J EC?Kai MOB
Htu oiff.-rinK! Its needless neu-
lalula and J.ain of all kinds, either in
the fact. head, limbs or nny part, of
the oody, Is Instantly lianMied. "?lt '
Jaels I.irilrnent is perfeetly harm-1
Hiid ''ifoesnj burn or discolor ' the j
suiii. In use lor half a century.
. OX tUK KHlb,.tVlK 2. (Ity
Mail) Tlie wecrt't of "III e lUrfTia ! '
thn Imtre gan that. -tired ujhui
Varin, Hllll Im J-aH'Mly KitanU'tl.
f'rcim a oniniirtm tC, lifuli Hvr
man arliilrry 'sMrh fvnt tit vtm
U-r wttli 1Ih Tlilril nrniy, .m'r
tan rric.'r4 atti'nilMs'il U vlivl
mmto dcluilH of tin- b-x kiiiim,
The Herman ofttocnH frmikly i
ai1iiilCrl that Um- kiK'w lltfli
alNut It- j Tluy dcflnrad that In
forntaijfMi alMMit thtr Hix Her
lnlias" huh It' it wtjrtJt ft'vt'n from1
the hlKhfst taVriiiuii artHlrry ofri-i-cts.'
(jiiy-a viMfclully oick- ?
vti oTfivem Uuow f th loi-aiton
or drtaflM of the numnier, and -the
vrvw of lfkfd Jtiii . tti'n1
KWotrn.t.1 wcrcc)' and.4ft Iwilatcd -fttmi
pfher mtUHvr,t t - :-
Tliw.Vww u-ro iil(!r ontii lo
ttmtmit mik'ld- to avoid ciijHuc
or rrvi'uliiiir infoniiatioil alwtut
ft tins. Tiw ;riiiiui offfiwrM
fluliiifii thry dtd not know what
Ihtuiimt of tli ifiniH HfVr the ar
iiiiMfwr. hut tM-ik-! tlrt'y wcrtr
dMrof?d. i ii,'
Net irir
tn fr , , .
Intcro-t. fliTtrltiidi ind it-nt re
(Ivpil dirrtiia t1i- year
Iiicim'- frr,m nituT anorca Jiirlns
tlic )nut
r,n7, -jr.,9i
Srt Ii -s psii) ilurlna thp ypjir, in-
rthiilltia RilMlntirftit xpri-4 . ..$ 137.2S8.3A
i'onmit'.-i.in and ialarlc tw'd dilT-
lnit lit .-.far 130,03.1.0(1
Ttir. and ft-et palil dur-
llir yrnr 3fl.rl'.li$
Amount of aii other eiiendltil w ' .'iO.ilMO.4ft
Total rwmtiturc Ull.HM.HH
ralf of ral wUl own rl tmarkrt
rli-l I 260.000.00"
Valii" tyf a1nrh and bondt owned
) ni rV -t n Im )
fa-li fn bunk and on hand
j'tpfniiim In cimre of fdllrrfinn-
writt-n alucc Hrpt. SO, 1!Hft. .
InUTrst ami rrjiU due ami n-crHfd
Spriui riiilpinfiit flldff,
IVHtTl-AXb. tfvK" "27. AlmoHl
whvleKHle rejection of, the recent bitin
" '
Totai iwU admlltfd in Or,nn. J ,lfl,HH a
i.i.AHir.iTiis '
ftfoia rlafm for Ic-ff unpnid. , .$ 32.001.ir5
Ann tint nr mifarmd ircmluin on ,
t NlJ f.nt 'tammisr n-Ito a!X!l.II
I All oilier IJaliditf , a!.irWi.7
T.ttnl llahtlltlfrt,' cirhaia" tf
r-i.tinl -l... . 4S3:..V71
i fi.vi-:vM ix m;;)X nut thk kah
(Irna iir'-miuina m-t-in-d d'trhnt
Hi yr t BO ftMS 01
fmnitntm rrtiirnr-d UnrltiK Ilia jftat 1 0,;tr4.2ff
I ii.'sw umd UorltiK tin j-.ir l-'.U'Ki 1
t.c -n iiif.rirnd dnr)l; th jfr.. 10.NM.ua
I liJt'J K D.
0 U H. HfKTFH.
f . t Viitarff and Atlirn'r in -'at
fftatnlorjr r'-id' ni aiioim-y fMr uf? .(:
v- 4. h ji:TMA.NN, I i. Siiij. it.-li, Portlamt
J'endJetoiw Ore.
-THE . i
Oldest and Largest National 5ank
in the State Outside of ' TorHand