li i m w ''if i-m DAILY EAST. OgEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919. racurmi COIOY'S 525 Main St Free Delivery. Phone 640 CASH GROCERY BEST CREAMERY tvJJ 11 II IC li If 1 LB. 572 LBS. $1.14. l ft''vVllf ayImore?.;' , Best Brooms $1.00 and $1.25 Bnider's Catsup, pint bottle . . ... 25c Palace Car Jams, in glass .' . 30c Quaker Corn Flakes, package . . . .' 10c Sea Foam, 2 packages .' .55c Citrus Powder, 2 packages 55c Bulk Ginger Snaps, 1 lb. . . 20c Fancy Cookies, bulk, 1 lb. 35c UPSET STOMACH Poland la to reculn Its national life and haJaS a gaiewny t (lib sea. In that not aomethlng new in history a natloB jtorought to llf after bulng dismembored ? ii i . February has fewer tag days other months. On gurus why. r m iplj 'WW 9W. JOoW. ' sfi'' .-WMftTF iffgi Tu Kven a crow may take lila liquor straight. At' DIRECT FROM ITS' SENSATIONAL, RUN IN JMCW YORK UJ' 1iffV . WLimFf-m The Biggest Production inTen Years; Too picture you'll mw fwrt tupoodoaa thome. A veritablo rovoUrJoa of unoodiao woodon. A reaaUKoef too stooI wr, o lr of tno loro lhl paortll oil aaoWataadios. mi. rwo "Ota (Ao moof otfr- Haf f'tmt ooor ere. IHnWlnWn rors." 'Sptmlm thrlllt fe If wilA en'soW- -Mrtaw ''Total root oWf A too tgrmmi mmtt oroarooo o ,rso "Oot eoVro Ir. f o 'Too Htart of" Hmmmnity. " "Of Ih. ituity. "1 -MmIWOWWW "4 dittinct mcUut. mmnt in motion oic-. fore crootioo. " . " eorfoi fo (oera too Aoorf a aonioai " . . oa.rooaji nth " efoaatafarv ott'f AoM roo to (Ao oW. " ' . Mteao r" CmwmiotJ toilA a) ooa ini'ltitmnc. tkmt lift it AifA aeoo. 'Iff fowf 1010.1 oriol. W.M Jul ti ii IQ M IT) ''Btmf olarjr i, Tni the picture tor your whole famWy Brktg litem arcade theatre Wednesday, March 5 ADIXW .Vk? 'Mm rini.DiticN sac "S" yd' ARCADE THEATRE TODAY TOMORROW REX BEACH'S MOST POPULAR NOVEL i6thB TTfo 99 pfflBTllBir -Ol-Iorltiii - ! ' . t :j . 1 ' The Stars: MITCIIEL LEWIS, MABEL JULIENE SCOTT RUSSELL SIMPSON and a Score of Others. Special Music by Stanficld's Orchestra. Afternoons 2 to 5:30. Evenings 7 to 11 POPF7S WAPKP8IV AT ONT'K KND8 KOUII.VKKH. OAHKS, ACIOIlTf, IMDIGI'iT10N. Undigested food! Lumps of pain ueicnintf kbb, ticlds and sourness,. wnen your Htomai'h Is all upset, here Is instant relief No waiting! The moment you eat a tablet' of Papa's Dlapepsln all the Indigestion pain, dyspepsia misery, the sourness, gases and stomach acidity ends. Pape's Dlapepsln tablets cost little at any drug store but there Is no sur er or quicker stomach relief known. MOTION PICTURE NEWS What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell You. HEX BKACir MAKKS " J i i 1118 OWN' JHOTOPLAYS Paai&us Novollnt Ontanlzm Oompanj Ifrt 8crocn Hl "JICHt-KcUcrs," , 19 1 distinction or being the first author to produce hlw own books In motion plctuea belongs to Rex Beach. America's most famous author, who recently organized the Hex Beach Pictures Company for the purpose of making multiple-reel pictures of his hovels. The first of these productions, "The Harrier," will be seen at the Arcade theater Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Rex Beach is deservedly one of the most popular authors America has presented to the world of romantic literature, for his books are true to tho most Interesting of . all American 'type. ' : ; :( m The sale of Mr. Beach's book rims Into the hundreds of thousands, and their popularity la constantly Increas ing. "The Barrier," the most dra matis and thrilling of them all, wa one of the "best sellers" for a long period, and still heads the list of flc tlon most called for In public llhrar les. It Is peculiarly adapted to Hie motion picture. Its scene Is laid among surroundings of unusual beau ty and grandeur, and the powerful situations of the story fairly tumble over each other from the first lncl dent to the final climax. The principal characters In "The Barrier" are, as Mr. Beach announced when the bonk was first published token from life me.n and women Whom the .author mt and knew his I've years' experience In Alaskan milling' campM.' Hence his assistance Irt the., selection of the cast as well as 'bis' supervision of (he production of the picture, ; nsures Its accuracy f Interpretation and ad Is greatly to its Imerctt. hi ' -,l -t To continue the pro duction of a good qual ity of milk it will be ne cessary to advance the price March 1, 1919. 15c per quart, $4.50 per month. 8c per pint, $2.50 per mo. Operating expenses of the business demands the advance. F.BL I Phone 8-F-51- Y I J'vPerfectioh Dairy.? ( AVTA TODAY. llayakawa Holds the Bamurat word of His Anvettora. Sessue Kayakawa, star of emotion. al drama, who is featured In a new Haworth Issue. "His Birthright." In which the famous sword of the Samu ral is Involved,, uses a sword in the production which has been in the Hayakawa family for 400 years. Hayawaka belongs to one of the oldest families in Japan, one whose traditions Involve the succession of the oldest son to the family troubles and guardianship of the family hon. or. He Is also custodta. of the fam ily sword most precious of family possessions. "Time was not so long ago, either' remarked the actor a- few days ago. "when a man'a honor consisted Ir his preservation of certain tradl tlons that In some Instances were not worthy of preservation. Among these was a too ready use of the sword to avenge insults, sometimes1 Imaginary ones. i . "Now we take our troubles to the courts, lust like Americans- The sword of the Samurai is a noble tra dition, but 'we don't use It with old time lndlscrimlnacy. It hangs on the wall In the place of honor among the portraits of our ancestors who were good old fighters of a different re gime." I 1 1 ! , "Tlie Heart of Humanity" Ooming. "The Heart of Huumanity," to be seen next week at the Arcade theater, limns on the gray background of the last days of the conflict, a tender and appealing romance of loyal love and unswerving devotion. The whole pro duction, from beginning to end. Is i fraught with the spirit of those great days when an anxious world hung i breathlessly upon( word from the seething battle front in Flanders. It reflects the hush that fell upon civ I illzation when the forces of human ity came to final grip with the ruth less night of autocracy, and It echoes the great cry of Joy that sounded round the world when, the Hun line crumbled before the alued attack and fled backward toward the sheltering frontiers of Germany to sue for peace. Into the midst of these stirring scenes of Immeasurable potent, there makes Its way the gentle romance of Nanette, .an American girl reared In the northwood of Canada, and of her Canadian lover, John Patricia. Jolnee Today Only A U4 CHILDREN 10c )V Today rOniy ADULTS 25c l i IN THE FIRST PICTURE' MADE BY HIS OWN COMPANY HIS RIGHT TO HIS FATHER'S NAME. PATHENEWS -Late World Happenings. Special Music, Alta Orchestra, Prof. Nagler, Direct'r WHY SCPFEU SO? Why suffer from a bad back, from sharp, shooting twinges, headaches, dizziness and distressing urinary ills? Pendleton people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Could you ask for stronger proof of merit? Lj. Greenawald, 414 Lincoln St., Pendleton, says: "I suffered a , lot from backache and soreness across my kidneys and It troubled me day and night. 'I was also bothered by my kidneys acting too frequently and the secretions were scanty and burn ing in passage. One box of Doan'a Kidney Pills cured me." (Statement given May 17, 1910.) Dn May 12, 1816. Mr. Greenawald said: "I am glad to back up every word of my former recommendation for Doan's Kidney Pi Is. Now and then, it I notice my kidneys are in any way affected. I take Doan's, Kid ney 1111s and they never fail to re lieve the trouble. 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Mllburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, I. Y. iffy uvuO&tS m When you buy meats here you are assured of qual ity. The kind that is tender and juicy. The kind that puts enjoyment into every meal. FISH FOR FRIDAY Fresh Salmon Fresh Smelt Fresh Halibut ! ' ; Fresh Crabs 'u Kippered Salmon' ' ' , Salmon Eggs BULK LARD Bring your own pail and save money here. Fine Kraut, 15c quart. FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Rib Roast Rolled Prime of Beef Grain Fed Pork any style Extra Choice Young Veal Baby Beef Choice Steaks Dressed Chickens Young Lamb any style Liberty Market 739 Main Street Telephone 187 :' y as war is begun, as war progresses they are separate! to meet again I where the giant guns thunder their challenge on the fields of FVance. Thither- John goes as an officer in the Royal Flying Corps and there' Nanette, hearkening to the cries ofj the homeless and motherless children, 1 follows In the garb of the Red Crofv-v. 1 There comes the laHt great Iun at- ; tack the last terrifying: drive towaru' Paris When Chateau Thierry became another Verdun and the might of. America, thrown into tho balance, j stayed the enemy, halted him anil fi- j nally drove him back, until his re- treat became a rout and he cried j aloud for peace. Graphically, all thei hopes, the prayers, the fears, the faith ' that stirred the heart of humanity ) in those days of vast import are re flected in the Allen Hoi u bar romance of the war. In the confusion and chaos of at tack and counter-attack, John and Nanette, servants of the great cause, drawn by their love, are once more brought together and the scenes shift from the fields of Flanders back to the Canadian lands of the whisper ing pines where the benediction of the world peace fnds them reunited In their love. ! The role of Nanette Is played by . DorotfiM Phi Mps. William Stowell is seen as John Patricia and others i in the large cast Include such well- known players as Walt Whitman,! Robert Anderson. Frank Bra id wood, George Hackathorn. little Gloria Joy, Margaret Mann and Lloyd Hughes. PASTiM TODAY CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 25c PASTIME TODAY. Autuomatic Soldier May Win Victory for Allied Armies. Science having produced all sorts of Infernal machines which have been thrown into the war it remained for a Danish engineer to perfect, the "Au tomatic Soldier," a device," which is bomb and shell prool. and cam standi liquid fire or the mosx vicious kind of gars ? l I,? The.automobile. soldier consists of af special double steel cylinder made of shell-proof Tungsten steel or .the like. There is an outer stationary cylinder j in which a second cylinder telescopes. The plan is to set great numbers oti these in trenches, to replace human soldiers. When the ''soldier' goes into action, the Inner cylinder Is raised eighteen inches by an electrical de vice, controlled by wireless and oper ated from a distance of five or more miles. The Inner cylinder firs rises .above the trench, then pushes a machine gun through a slot In the dome, then ro tates to direct the fire, and finally is fired for 400 rounds. The device also can be made to spout gas or liquid fire This interesting mechanical con trivance, which does actual fighting, i has a rival, at least from the spectac ular und Inventive standpoints, in a device just perfected In Europe where by a whole war can be fought with manikins It has been employed In a William Fox production, "Tell It to the Marines,' featuring Jane and Katherlne JUeev, .-, .Toy soldiers go; through all of the actlTwes of actual 1 warfare, as It Is now being conducted on the Went front. The picture1, snltl to have taken six months to make.! will be shown today at the rostime theater. I Something new in pictures! Perfectly manipu lated toy .soldiers enacting every detail of fight ing on Western front ! - SHOWING EXACTLY HOW WAR IS WAGED WITHOUT PRESENTING ITS HORRORS As Scientifically Accurate and Detailed as a West Point Laboratory Experiment. Months of most patient and painstaking work required for filming of picture. " SEE Airplane Raiding Squadrons.' How Armies Are Munitioned. Life of Soldiers in Trenches. How Gas is Used Liquid Fire Long Range Bombardments Creeping Barrage Mass At tacks. ALL REALISTICALLY PRESENTED in the WILLIAM FOX Production ML IT TO THE MARINES" h Featuring the Remarkable Actresses I JANE AND KATHERINE LEE.-. Now Being Shown for a Limited Engagement. LKO COMEDY CHARLIE, THE LITTLE DEVIL Laughs Roars. 0 f ' I II O 1 11 , I" , .-11.1,,.- 111.1 ' ...... .. ; w slon covers his acts at Glenn's Kerry. 9 Nampa, Idaho. Baker ana la uranae. Montgomery and his wife were ar rested by Chief Koberts In local rooming house. Mrs. Montgomery was sent to the Pacific Coast Kescu home at Portland last week. ejTHE UNIVERSAL CAR T, The Ford One Ton Truck may, well be classed as an agricultural necessity, it fits mta and fills so many wants on the farm. 4 tvuifcsscs Violating Mann Act. John V. Montgomery, arretted sev eral days ngo by Chief of Police Al Roberts for vlnkitlng the white slave law, made a confession to the author ities Tuesday evening. His ronfes- Among others who repudiate the idea of an International league nre Trotsky. Lonlnu and many German The Farmer's; Truck It is a reliable bearer of farm burdens, not only do ing the work of several horses quicker and better than the horse, and loes not "eat its head off" when not working. The aggressive farmer has only to con sider the possibilities of the Ford truck and he is ready to buy one. We jwlge this to be so from the way farmers are buying them. Truck Chassis ?634.10 f. o. b. Pendleton. Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sts. if aid x Phone 40S 9 socialists and autocrats.