EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON,' MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1010. FAGHTHREi fas ws OF tho mnuluin el,,. rattw ana IIIIIJIIIHIIllHlllllllllllllllllHIIIIHJIIIIIIIIIillllHiMl IIIIIIIH!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMSIIIIlllllHIMitlllHlllHISUHIHMIM!IHI!IJ!Iim Koeplte lire freHhtr.en, but Ktlll who ha' ... - . . already been prominent in track and, football nt the University In ti i'Jniw.; Miirt'IiiKO. J.lrnwo Issued. Oliver Fi Hurt of Hei'mlston. anil V"f Hmlt b. of Keho, were Issued n niarrluKii Muiut'tliiy by County Clerk Mron. Koieuwd Ou IJoml. Jlwk Nelson, who was arrested a few daya bko n a littutor,v chance, was released thin mornlnir on 131)0 cash ball.- lifting of the ban will he celebrttttidKlven b.v ail Instructor who possesses 'by a MS ball given by the IScho Li.. such, a. certificate. Mtoif. flaJen ur brary board ;ntt, Mrs. Muude K. Hoyden and Mies ' Jlun-lot K. Youns? have received cer- llorc. m l-'uiiouitli. - .ttficateH for jiluuo harmony, while 1-Yancla Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jw. H. K. Inl.w wan granted one lor C F. Daniel, arrived this morning on ivoice. a 30 day furlouh from New York. ! . He has been to France seven times Will I'llod for 11-oualo. and back aboard the I!. K H. Frederick, i The will of Mary A. Wilder, de- .08 Inches of Know. Muxlmum temperature, 4 2. Minimum temperature, 23. Weather, cloudy. Wind, west. Know, .OS. j Will SigKrt Awuroprtution. i Mayor J. I VaUKhan has a : from Senator Chorion r. MeNary, injc that ho will support the appro! ! priutlon for the continuance of the1 uuua; labor bureau. - wire ; iz say- j s: rrr?n ceased has been filed for probate. A. ' jA. Wilder asks to bo appointed exo- 'color. ilr. Mfll'ltlill ill lorllauil. IxlioVbll Itaise Ijit I'lu ItoHlrUillon. I If-. J. Frauds Morimn, new pastor 1 The last echo of the Influenza epl-for 11,0 I'resbyterlon church, left this Wca XnltJt improving; Klowl.v. Ii'tnie rouies? fcoili Kiho, .where Feb. i mornlntc for I'oillund, accompanied Ve Noble, who was badly ruary Hth has been set as the date bv (ludKo J. W. Maloney M. It. Chessman lo Portland. M. K. Chessman left this mornlnir I for Portia:, u ou business, connected Jwlth the publicity for Umatilla county jJS :in the raisins' of funds for the Inter Injured !natonal JJvesto;)c Kxposittoit build-;C on business In n .ro'snllne evnlnalon reoentlv il Im-i HIT.'-- A O. M. riUmniertKOB Irm Mr., di- i for I wb have for llftlnir the, 1nt t ihn n.i connocted with the church. On his ufovlna- slowly at Ht. Anthony's lion-, "" to Condon, Oregon, Hons l)n that date the ban OKatnut 't""a, Ir. MorKun will make lils plial. While bis burns were very" sn-: t'hessman will in l'ortland ive dunces and uhoum n iii i... n-i, j headouarteis at Hotel Pendleton until rlou. there la hone for hl recovery, 'rvtion for the publicity, acting; . he secures a residence. '. . f 1 . ' - . . . . ! tlae stockmen of this section, rineil S5. auDgcriDeo fiu.uuv. ( K. A. .Vernon was fined the mln - ..-,.. ... . nuim fine iiosh bio. after o eadintf a mi i ui awuw I nuilly to a vagrancy charge In the' Orval White is In Pendleton from Juatice court before Judge J. H. ! faauie, navinK ueen catlea nere oy I'arkes. ' jthe sickneHs of his mother, Mrs W. H. Jones, 314- Lewia street. Mr. White if. a former l'endletou man, who ha Advance Spring Fasnions to Te Great B Moneys rfi" Ma says - and she ouiht to know- tfttffo, PostToasties f MOC OF COSN I cookind. saves time and trouble , - Morrow Michael Maulre, former resident t'matllla county but who has been i living In Morrow county, at Lena, for I the past four years, says that the win ter there has been mild and that the i outlook at present is for a good crop; j In' Morrow county. "it .i' i According to information received at the hfjch rhio, four teachers of mtiHlo of this city have recrtvetl rrti ficHtoB from the State Board of Edu cation. Under a new Rtate rulintc stu dnnta of the school can receive' credit for the study of muaic only when it is We ilne IWHx llfwtetn " Kor once thero U nwne enow in dleton than t Jielix. f.vl to Iia-KenHf-rs on the So: ;:ern Pacific Uain morning. There was U'sh emw at Helix thin morning they say thun appeared at Pendleton on the ar rival of the train here. :.ude hi home In Seattle for many j years. As a hoy Orvall attended the ; f'endleton HchoolH and grew to man-.2: hood here. 101 101 101 101 101 101 ioi 101 mi 101- H EI N Z PURE SWEET CREAM SOUPS Heinz Cream of Green Pea Soup, prepared from ; Fresh, Tender Peas. s '. Heinz Cream of Celery, prepared from Fresh, White Celery. Heinz Cream of Tomato, prepared from Choice Ripe Tomatoes. All Are Enriched With Pure Sweet Cream, and contain no Meat or Stock. Serve Steaming Hot with "Snow Flake" Sodas, Dainty, Crisp Salted Wafers. A DELICIOUS COMBINATION Order them from Pcndlelon's Most Popular Table Supply Firm, the Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. Fine Groceries Fresh Meats 301 E. Court St , Phones 101 (Private Exchange Connecting Both Dept'fi.) II a IloiiR.it; More. J, K Heard la the new the McCutehoon Brothers Xolin. Mr. Heard is making additions lo the stork and expects to make the eMlabliKhment a modern deportment store. Irpfte Jinx'k from Semice. s: Corporal Harry A. Jeppe, who haK:n" j been in army wrviee for the past year! 1 and a half, has returned to Pendle- j j owner of-ton' A'ier receiving an honorable diF- S f'f'harge at Camp Lewis. He was al-! store ai j ri-aoy 10 sail lor rranre wnen tne ari mistiee was flgned and had grone to S ' Homboken. New Jcrwey, to Newport j News, Virginia, aboard tho transpn-t. : Introducing styles that are exclusive and had only at Alexanders. Smart tailored suits, developed in navy tricotines - and serges', braid trimming and vestees. . We also have large assortments of Capes, Wraps,. .Dresses, ," Gowns and Blouses, Ml'." Xew -t H'rk at Hotel. Ilnry. 1'ape is a new employe at Hotl 1'endleton and commenced his f Judfre V. W. Jent of Fpoltane, spent j IS I Saturday and Sunday in I'endleton, 1 the Buett of Will M. I'eterwon. Judge;' diiies yonterday as day clerk here from The JjW'Aaadoyed . ua. clerk in The Pa lies ...... - He cuiue j Zwnt' president -tOr TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT of the Spokane bar rallcs, where he has a "Social Ion and was lormerly judge j or tne superior court or raseo ana ; Ititzvlile. Wash. Ho and Air. Pe- tf ron have been close fiends for many Harry Otvcuo Here. year. Harry owena. formerly of this eity! t where he was employed aa clerli at i. Men Xeeded fur Ho(hii forpa. Hotel I'endleton. Is viaitins In the city M. Itulison, local navy recrultinB of- after aerviee in the I'. S. nay. He is ficer. received -word today that thai on furloiiKh at present but expects toiXavy J3ureau of aledieine and Sur- uet hla disehariie aoon. (Jwens, who Rerv has issued an urKent call fir I weara a Bold stripe for foreiKn aer-jnien for the hospital corps. Applies vice, has made four tripa to lbirdeaux ' cants first enlist as hospital appern- and four to lirest, aboard the L'. S. H. , tices, necond class, and are sent tp jj! Mallory. tstdiools to receive instruction in ana- - . toiny, firat-aid, auryery, chemistry, H Tax I-Xpcrt Jlerc ' ! hygiene, and care of the sick. Pay to 2 o. a. Davis, B. Frank Miller and start is 35.0 a month, including- Norman Meljiren. tax experts from : Hoard. loauuiB. instruction ana 1U'!, the l'ortland office, arrived today and j worth of clothing, are at the tax office in room 25" to i -II I'loalilht rnuntv men n ! -tw n mi n-iiainou .mm .. .Mole income lxr ached. ! u. ,tt. l.r.menart, wno nas lor too IMist six years represented M, Ji. , . MAJ?CII DESIGNERS 'are here.' Patrons having' sub-" 'scription card71eaYe and get yours: " ' asaiKt inaklnir out ilea hefure March 15. They will re main until that date. W. I). Chamber. houser. the grain buyer, in Pendleton, lain r. dei.utv collector of inter-; haa resiKiied the position, effective to nal revenues, returned this mormng i day. and will hereafter be with the from an extended trip to Gilliam. 1 I'endleton Auto Co. For the time be i jt Murmur Mnnllu a ii d 1 ln Walter Mitchell, who has been will be In the office to give assist- 7 .NEW. FRINGES A shipment just came in. Somei plain and some knitted. Offered in colors of navy, brown, gold, taupe, etc. As you know fringe is very pop ular this season ; we are fully pre pared to take care of your wants. The yard 65c to $1.50 BOYS' HOSE A real good strong hose for boys' school wear. Heavy rib, a full run of sizes. The pair 25c ' COLORED UMBRELLAS For rail or shine. Umbrellas of the best quality, with cords and trim mings to match the top. We are showing all colors... Each $5.00 to $10 - KNIT GLOVES AND MITTENS For the little ones. Keep their hands warm now. Offered in all col ors. The pair r . . 25c to 50c MAKE UP MIDDY BLOUSES and suits from our regular middy cloth and romper cloth. We also have the Emblems and Middy Braid. All styles and colors. '. rimtiimnmmiiiiiimiiiimimi MiiiiMHiiMniMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii;)iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiii!iiiiiii. a nee also. "INSURANCE Is the Best Policy vot m-: tuk j,A'irom and pay iiext Tp KOMi: UK Ah IWJAINS IN IfOW.S. ' Five room lioune. modern, on Aah t., Jut off Vvtt Wuhli St., $2700. $1000 to handle, balance like rent. , Hnven Unom Mouse -on Grant St., tttrlctly modern. $4 t2hi0 down, balance 4.o uii tlve buyer. Kvnn-rooni houtic on High St., 9250 down, balance In seven yours. Six rooms on Kaley St., strictly modern, $3500. H.'mo down, balance on eny payments. K!'veii rroru, house, inodnrn, on I'orklns Street, J.'iouo, $ Liiiio ilu u, balance In monthly pnymenta or $2'.ri. An many oiA:rf. hhip: mic you avakt a iiomk on earv TKUMS. 40H KKRIJ5Y t uecctir to Chan. K. llenrd. Inc. Insurance Loans Real Eslatc 721 Main , Pendleton, Oregon "See Me Before (he Fire" Cm Srt4U-d Out of Court. The case of Y. 1,. Camplioll versus Spokane Flour SI ills, owner of thn I'eiutloton Koller Mills, sot for trial in the ciroiit court this morning, was set tled out of court by on asreement be tweon the plaintiff ami defendant. W hen thn paities to the suit rcaohed an asrecinenl Judtse l'helps ouporecl that the enso he tiianitTOed. Another case where J. D- .Morrow was the plaintiff against the same company was also settled In the same manner and the cane ordered dismissed. The cases involved a question as to the quality of some seed wheat. connected with the office here, will be in chuine. Air. lthlnehart left to. day on a business trip lo The Palle for the" Pendleton .Auto Co. .I'uiAtlllu County toy clmsra. .SterlliiK Patterson of this city. y.rfcitcd Hull. The city of I'endleton is richer ko f'ay by J.'oi bail money forfeited by Anron M nihoin, chared with reck, less driving while intoxicated. This is the fourth or fifth time that Mill thorn has l.een fined for reckless drivtnff, and A. A." Kohirts. chief of I police, says he will lake the matter j before the -state authorities to see It j his aula license cannot be taken away ! from him. Mlnthorn, who is 4111 In- j dian. sold a tract of wheat land about a war nr.,, for over tO.OOrt and has since been soinit o fast pace with an- j los, having spent $10.00 for auto-i. mobiles. Friday beforu being arrested ! Lloyd Still of Milton, and Henry he wrecked it larse Cole S on Koepkc of Athena, are three t nmtilla county boys attending Vniversity of orefton who have been chosen by Trainer Hill llayv.ard in issuing a first call tor track men. Instead of wait ing for the men to report. Haywnrd has resorted to the selective dratt Court street, breaking two wheels on the curbing and doing other damage. Three Track Meets. There will be three leading track meets for the high schools of t'matilla county during the spring. One in the method and has picked the men from east end, for the schools east of Fen- GIANTS' OUTFIELD RANKS HIGH r r. CYLINDER GRINDIN G? YES, WE DO IT. 1 W illi our rxlcnsftc ciiincnt in both our repair shun null inilchllle simp we lire the mfly Barose in I'ciullcloll wuriij .ui mi liiiir Jiour i r (i l 11 BOiicrnl overliaiillng d A cillnclcrs crouiid mill in ilstons mid l ings rilled, i willioul rl of, tliciwirk Ix-iitg tnkrii out null imlilli d ' mi m ( f; ' Think whin Ihls m- nns In .aving of time ami unroi'in- g , r ......I. ...1..... ..... !.... ...... . ...l,ii.,l..l llliu fa 1 .I,"" .n. ... ......... m K(iilni lo In' In sIuiim- lo,siunil (h,' long, haul grlnil.oii the rontls this coming siiniiucr. I Cor. Cottonwood & Water Streets. ; . Thone 530 llon't rorgct the Auto Shim, March Flth. I ltd anil loth. lT fi flit - V y. J. ----4r- '.' ' . r- 1 - 0 l.VIUy U .Ull.WAX MM)S ON .-hXtT HtMl' " ' ; . .. IL....-JJ fi,i"l"l L I I II ' - " i. l.'.h' ' '-" iwwtWWl II..--.. t V? -jx irfr till. vr'1.. 'yJ5 t r 1 II " r 4 V, a wact .T,I or tne OCSITlHieU Oil trie 11:11. Tst. in iiiciuii. vim ...t. . jcolinty for those of that section. Ths looking over the list Teputy Sheriffs 'third will be held in Pendleton with ehristoffei-soh and .-Vhrimer saw that three teams competing In the east haJ lend and west end meets the three in-. " ners of each event will qualify for the been billed to the I mon Laundry corn keams to represent the east and west pany. Their suspicions were aroused lends at the big meet later in Pendle- Hnd they hastened to the Couch ROUND UP "JINXS" 10 ADVERTISE SHOW ton. In this way the Pendleton team will be against the best of tbe two sec tions of the county. street dock, where the W'apama. ws moored. After rummaging around in the ship's hold the officers finally un earthed the barrel. ;Hoprcsciilliis hales Co. i Kohert J. Larson, H. H. Clark, II. M. Maybe. V. Clark. J. B. West and J. H. Llerbin are in Pendleton on a husi 'ness trip, representing the Interna tional Sales Company. Wednesday night of ihe auto show in Portland this week will be Kounil l"p night; for Pendleton automobile men representing; cowboy's and In- The barrel contained soap powder, dians. intend to Invade the Hippo- aure enough, hut that was not all. Se- drome building to advertise the auto curely packed in the center of the bar-I nhow here March 13. 14. 15. rcl was a ill-gallon keg filled with; Xot alone will a delegation leave SOAP POWDER HIDES IvECi Or WET GJUUS -In thn hold California whisky. The mixed ship ment was removed to the sheriff's of fice. In the meantime the officers are "waitm? for some one to put In a claim for the whisky. Nttt to he outdone by the deputy sheriffs, two members of the police department seized S2 qunrtB of whisky this eity t be present In Portland but all Pendleton people viidUnfr In that city wll be asked to be present fop the Kound-Cp "hixh Jinks. PORTLAXP, Feb. IM of the steamer Wapama. recently ar- in tle Pame ship last nteht. rived from Pan Francisco, there was a quantity of wet gnids lhat was not Youm HOW THIS LITTLE BOY j ItnwTrntI StreiiKlli After Sdi-klics I Oarrett. Texas. "The measles left my little bo?.' ased nine years in a very" weak, run down condition he coughed a (food deal, and a medicine-, did not seem to help him. wo finally took him out of setmot. and thousht he would never hp strong aKuln. fine day I read about the cod liver and nron tonic known as Vlnol. and such a chanKe as it lias made in my little j hoy It stopped his couKh. he Is back In school, strongr and well." Mrs. K A. Wright. I There Is nothing like Virol to re store strength, appetite and vim to pale, sickly children. We Mronsly recommend Vlnol for th s purpose. ! Koeppen's liruar Store ami rii-usci-! i Everyu here. ! p. s. Kor children's Reacma. S.il jsalve is guaranteed truly wonderful. ONLY 3 tVVlLLFULLY . 0EMJE8T IS Thou-ih the lea sue of nation fence around the world may he "hoar titxht, hull Htronjc and horse high." a United Suites senator a micro-wope may find holes In it bifc enough for a reac tionary politician to crawl through. onstitntioii of tho league of may not wholly prevent wrtr. Ill inche war ho difficult ami expenjuv that the end will scarcely justify the means. nt of a total of uhout tn men r'i.-4,.red in Vmatilla county by th; dratt beard only thre have Veen clH..-ed as will'tilly delimiufut. plae inu tin' in the Rimo aa deserter.-. In . the final report made by the local board id names appear on the list of dflfn pienirt. The board feeU that 76, of tht'e are iirh "Through iKtutrnnt. 1 r nd not w llf n!ly delimuienl. J. S, I Iti-kw;th. t hief cleik if the brcui board iv;i c:i!1!hI to Poi'tluml lal week to make the fln.il reiHit cf tho, wurk of the hrnrd tn I'mattlla county. 1 I n format ion v:im wanted prticukirly ,( t.out (ielimp' its. What Htep will oe uii.cn ;ht-re toward nmnit.K down il.L-u df Uniucnt3 hi pot known. For Burning Eczema Greary salves and oinuncuia rnuld not be ai r Led ii g'od dear ehut i wanted- From muy druKisI fat 3rx or SI. 00 for large si2e. get a lad tie d Zerno. When anphed as dieted it eltcctjvcly removes eczt-'ma, t;)i"M-, stops iu hin.. nnd heals kin tr'' ai?o vnvn, burna wounds and lU:ua. It pene trates, cieanses anil sontne. Ze.'iio i a clean, ck'petidaUle and i:ieXnnive. antiseptic lh;ud. Trv t, as wc bebrvt; noibinfiyoii tiavcevtx uwd i as cfi'eo jv and jtu:vir.K ' The t. W . Kouc Co., CkvLkjJ. O.