East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 03, 1919, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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-XTbs. Greatest Name In Goody-Land
117 UuLjkkJliLS
'" 1
i - J
' - rt.
Ilr How about
8 I tonight? Itl
? itD il
; giiJV' ' KEPT RWHT " ' ' JS&jsl
'irr r The Flavor diiAfl
&K, QU know the
realm of child
hood dreams
land of
Make some of
those dreams
a delightful
reality by
taking home
Dictates to- v Stenographer
Who Takes Shorthand in
4 Languages.
(I'htted Press Staff Correspondent.)
I.ONIHJ.W Dec. 26. By mall,)
Alexander Kerensky, former dictator
"i Kussia- Is living quietly in the horn
in at Friend on lambrJdRi Stairs Ter
race., by HeBent' PaTk, in London.
h his little study, which "ho occu
pies a la ri?o pArt of Thd'Gay he is pre-
)wrin his memoirs, re-reading and
restudyina document tvhjch once rep
resent ad ire destiny df ' Kussta, and
dutalint? to his Russian stenographer,
who can write shorthand in mour lan
guages. Kerpnsy has just finished a book
on the Korniloff mutiny.
liny Pi jti to, Sins.
Ho seldom goes outside his friend's
beautiful, cozy little house. Once
? everv flv hn uulks nltiim- Ihrmieh thav
i winding.' graveled paths of Regent I nusbn1 has proved most effectu-
wunuuc umtrmn. v- . . 5,iv.i. & acres In NTJ 1-4 NR 1-4 sec-
He has a, wonderful .pfavrya. power, tlod tawiwhlupu jnurih. range 35.': -
K.wiwuiyi- Him exireineiy ; ;in J, ;'HMh , r. Weldert, SCauft.
t'Slii-tdslva. J can jovk the.nioBt do- ; K" 1-4 wivtlun, townships north,
lishtfully nniiiat'd ' one ''ln'oment : nil , mnite 36, ; . ,
he next the most , Sv4uiyi(Un.sl' no-1 K. I Find v. j. tollman, $1
" 'Ulte most B,nieriif men. ho.I-olo nd s In linck ;K" in the mltll.
tTftie Jhls mind CtrfPlK.ily' . upon tlou to tle udditlun ot Jacob's Add
.'iich s, parnl lu ht,.t , .!pi,d nvr'l- to I'endleton.
Home tiultilins Co,. in JC. lfl. , Mc
Ml.llvn, $10. 3-5 of lot J), block );
the seconr odd to oiisinal town of
HornilHton.- .
Matloek-IHitta Investment Co., tu
W. W. Kdmlnaten. tl. B 1-a of I,nta
.. block 5 In Golea add to I'endle-
ton. ...
A, MutlocU to .Win. McGregor,' II.
Iota 7 and 6. block S3, Reservation
add to Pendleton anil lot 8, block S3.
Arnold & Haley's add to I'endleton.
H. Kfflnser to 7, p. Casper, 10.
SB 1,-4 SW 1-4. Rection 1, township
6' north. raiiKo 30. and descriptive
: trat In SW 1-4 SW 1-4, section 16,
Ios hiB iipitHptlon-uR thQ present In
tant to Jne .eloiuled. Iy. Kiuin-eVur 4iu
piesslona irout .the past, t
U ' '. ' ' , 'It.
XRW YORK,' Ji- 'S1.5 The
British Vho1 'ho ' copy of !
the 1919 issue, nf which fia. just I
been received liere. Il.a the puin-' j
mender in chief of the Am'erlcan ;
forcea in France i'as .'; "ijeriera'l - j
Kir John Joseph Fvrsbiiis, 5. V-
, On July 1
awarded the Brand rrosa tit the
Order of tm- Bath' to! General
T'ersliing. The award of the
raud of the Order or ho1 Bath
to a British subject aulomateul
ly mikes a knight of the recip
ient. . , f. j. -
: -4 ... , ...
HELENA, Mont., Jail. 31. The lacy
'ink just across the road.
He likes music, plays the piano fair
al in Montana in compelling fathers
to support their families, according to
I S3
. " - . uoreau of Child and Animal I'rotec-
i voKime of Russian vocal , , hts anur report to (iovernor
j music Often he sits at the piano in .gam v. Stewart . .'
, the little parlor on the second story j Ther'e have heen numerous' Install-
,nml slims throuKh, one Russian masterces in the experience nf the-bourd In
auer anotner. . which fathers were indaoI to so to
Sometimes he stops slnginjc to think work rather than run the rusk of trial,
of hfs wife and two little boys, hos-, Prosecutions have "been eomparatively
tijreu ' in . Moscow, Imprisoned by the few. . ' . ' ,r r :
tolshevikl i, Vion after the. jrreat de-i The board recommendsf.leirislatlon to
hacle, and later released fronv prison Prevent the marrla-re of jfeeble persons
when Mrs. Kerensky sigrned a pledge '.and cites an Instance where repeated
they would not leave Russia. j inter-marriage of a number jf such
It is aiT exquisite little room, this : faml"-'s nas thrust due fruit of Idiot
second-floor v.nrior finished i,, ; children upon the state for care.
,V 1-4 SW 1-S, section 17. SB 1-4 813
jl-4 section 18, north 1-2 NB 1-4 sec.
j tlon 10, township 1 south, range 32.
J. A. Feeto K. L. Kl(?in, 15.000. W
1-2 section 15: W 1-2 NW 1.. und NE
I t-4 XV 1-4. section 22: X 1-2 section
21; SK 1-4 XE 1-4 and KE 1-4 ,VK 1-4
section lti, township 1 north, ranga
I-,. E. Elgin to J. A. re! $1500. ftot
4 In bbck 22. Arnold and ; Haley's
addinn to Iendleton. .
J,. W. Jenkins to A. K. Hostwlok, f 1.
Tract in C. W. SW 1-4 SW 1-4 section
36, township" 8 north, range 21.
V. Clark to X. Wellmaii.- 40O. NE
1-4 KE 1-4 section IX, township 6
north, range 35'.
' U arrant Oat fr liet. H. B. 'Blackw ell is in the city toda
SPOKANE, Feb. 3. A warrant for from Grant county.
Ihe arrest of William ("Lonestar))
Dietz, football coach, who wa in- ' :
dieted by the federal rrund jury for Your ad.. sh'otiW 'serve "yem qnlckly
alle&ed falsification of hist question- when the cook leaves. ;
rtaire. was lisTed In federal court.
with a mnnster white polar bear rug
on th'e middle of the floor, several
big- Rray-upholstered cushiony arm
chair and a wonderful couch into
which you sink as into a feather bed
There is also a recommendation that
the marriace of first cousins he pro
hibited, in the belief ThYit the Issue of
! ' i- : 1 in.-,-. 1-1.
feeble-minded than where consanBut
nity is not close or non-existent.-
when yon sit down.
One wall is a Hnnk of French win- j pKTITIOX FOK (iOVKRN.MKXT
mws, through wl.loh creep the gray I.OTS Tt UK OX -MAKKLT
lights uf a Londim day. A fire In a
fireplace. at one end gives a homey
tiut'h to the scene.
Kerensky a lawyer.
Kerensky was a lawyer in . Russia
before the revolution. He is still in
terested in law and devotes part of
his time to legal questions.
Ho is a man of remarkaMe person
ality. He has a smile that wins you
at first meeting, a real, friendly-Hke
smile that 'convinces yo right away
he Is interested in you. He, is direct
and unaffected. He talks immediate
ly to the point, like an American bus-
TALKEETNA, Alaska, Fei. .
Citizens of this place have petitioned
the Alaskan Knuineering Commission
that government township lots in
Talkectna be placed upon the market.
The townslle of Talkeetna, which it
12S miles north of Anchorage, on the
government railroad, was jdatted last
summer by' representatives of the
'United States land Office.
s '
The stock was purchased Tuesday at 8 p. m.
The sale started Saturday at 9 a. m.
The objective of this sale is to close out the sale in
18 days the Inland Empire Bank having bought the
lease. -
$10,000.00 worth of the everyday-wanted things to
be sacrificed.
Everything on sale was previously owned by The
Leader, nothing has been added.
In no instance has the price been raised before be
ing cut.
As long as this phenomenal sale lasts there will be
wonderful opportunities for the purchase of staple
and fancy requirements values extraordinary.
Crockery, Millinery, Glassware, Graniteware, Tin
ware, Stationery, Hosiery, Jewelry, Toys, Hard
ware, Candy, Notions, Underwear, Eetc, all radi
cally reduced for quick disposal.
Take advantage of this sensational sale.
J. M." Hodges to P. , Stubblefield
!j-,ots and 10 in Kluek 1 of the North
addition to PlhJk lU-k., ,
I P. stubblefield to.. i Eldridge' $420
part of lots 9 and V0. .block 1, -North
Addition. Pilot RocksK.. ; .
II. M. Buchan to G. I Hlglrt. $1500.
Lot 4 in block 22, Arnold-& Haley's
Addition to City of Pendleton.
(Continued from page 1.)
issu would he left entirely to the drs
cretirii of the. cnmittee. Vn to 'Int
the provisions of the new hishwny l ill
hnve not beii changed and will i rob.
abl; remajn as the main proposition
o? the new law.
ltcpresentatlve Woodson rr Umatll
'a aid Morrow counties who had been
working so (juietly during the early
part of the session made four speeches
on the floor of the house Thursday,
which showed that he not oSiby la
cureftil legislator but a very forceful
lro!oses pw Herd Law.
Senator, ftitner is preparing a ne
herd law for I'matilla county by re
I ti est of a number of the people. Th
iev law will be an amendment to Sec
tion 1. Chapter 145 of the Session
laws of the slate as amended - b
l - i - . a
i ... I. ... .,,.,.l.M.,.,it """" y;p 1 1 1 1 I
; y ........
. ' Hero i Broshkovskaya. "the little grandmother" Qf-the"RuRlrt.
revolution but not In any yay allied with Bolshevism In her white
-woolen cap and black shawl, and with her Jane Addanis, beat known of.
America 'a woman social workers, who met her In Chicago and ar
ranged the meetings which the 76-year-old Russian woman addressed
there. Forty-six years of her life Breshkovskaya spent in exile in Rus
sia, bnt it haa not lessened her will to bring freedom to her country. It
. is the Kereiuky party, the tittle Russian woman says, that will tav
The story of the Initiation of sailors .ate and-gives pills made of dough and
i-oavemie: or perhaps me eieoiit
whe for the first lime cross the eipia
t.jp la told jhy M. Kulison. C. C.M.,1-.
S.' N., In charge of the nuvy recruit- j
ing office here: . ' , I
, One of the Kreat e-ents In a sailor'ai
ciireer la when he crosses the euuator .
and is Initiated into the mysteries of
knife" ia used. The Konl demist
then gives a hypodermic of tobasco
sauce, after which the victim oe to
the Royal l.'arber. He Is lathered
wiih oil, graphite, lump black and
rotten etsgs or any omer ingreaiein.
Chanter 114 of the 1615 session so as the. deep In the domain of "His Ma
. I I-natly the barber chair collupsca and
to Include all of I'matilla county ex
cept that portion allotted a ca'.tlo re.
v-rves in the YVenuha forest eserve.
Vhe lilil will be introduced during thjand lightning,
oinlnsy week as the twenty day limit , messenger.
"xjiires in a few days but may be
ar.iended before passed.
Mr. Marlon Jack of Pendleton Jias
t'een stopping a few days In tho Cap
tal city.
E. S. Taylor, formerly with the nc
'amution Service at Hermiston, hot
now' with a San Erancisco law, fine.
The night l,he 'uht,er plunges head first Into
jesty. King Neplune Itex."
handled by the Royal Hears and Mer
maids. Now he Is a lubber no more.
Pretty rough? Yes. but m one la
He notifies the captain that tho ship 1,1 " ioji-u ... . e
is approaching the domain of King -anxious i r me ...no .... , v...
in 1 1 ia i u uuH'ic. i ii iui'-B i i" -
... i ..i.:.. - mrue i n tx pcu. witit-r n-ir mi.j
ueiure iiif fuutmr i ni:iiit.i uic nnii' i .... . .
ia boarded, ;i,inid a nreat storm of hail ;
toy Jving Neptune s ,
M. ur
:2. Ferierul building.
ISO.V, t. C. M.t V. S. X.
VotitunM It v f 1 1 lir et ?i 1 1 Ihn
and all the finny tribes and that the-1 foriimnce are on display at the rwcruU
king will he Aboard ori the morrow m ornce. rM.ni
with his royal court to Initiate all the
land In libera so that they may associ
ate "with shiirks, mermaids, polly-
3as been doing soujie work in the thtvd ; wogs, and sea-serpents.
house for the pat few days.. . . I j ! The captain gives his approval and I
Your ad chould Interest an owner
of uninvested money in your plan.
Representative Iodd occupied fihe , the messenger departs amid another j
speaker's chair for a shu't llnio furious storm. ,
Thursday afternoon while Speaker j The next day the crew Is called to) , ,
Jones was getting a 'breath ot fih uunrters and King Neptune, arnini j CATAStJI'A, Pa-., Keb, 1 Cataiio.ua
air. Some of Mr- Uodd's contempor-; panied by his royal court. Inspects the. has a novel plan for a 125, "Uv monu
aries sought to confuse him and have I crew. The tf.iptain makes a short ad- ment that it plana to erect for the
a little fun at his expense but he dress of welcome after which the cere-I heroes of tho European war. The
by with the intricacies of parliament. monies begin. memorial is to be financed and tjullt
W. F. Owens to George K. Allen, inry law in fine style.
l- NO -
Come today.
Sale Conducted
Vndcr New 31anagcment.
Corner Court
and Main Sts.
I -W J
j The land lubbers, who have never by the Catas.pia Memorial Community
lerosse'd the line before, .are suinmonrd j association, it is proposed to Incor
one by one and asked to anwwer vari- poratc wllh a Capital of ?2'tI).tM0 with
ous charges made by the King. Guilty 2000 subscribers at once c ut a day,
or not -guilty, the lubber is compelled j 1 500 at two cents a day, f,(m al three
to tnke tho treatment. I cents, 500 at five cents, all for five
The Royal lioctor Is' first, to opcr- 1 years, this plan netting JlS;noo.
I 1 HU II Hall I "
lawtfffyi, T--M-IHIII I
THIS is just what you need, madam. Many
women who were troubled with indigestion, a
sallow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and
habitual constipation, have been permanently cured
by the use" of Chamberlain's Tablets. Before using
these tablets they felf. miserable and despondent.
Now they are cheerful and happy and relish' thejr '
meals. Try them. They only cost a quarter'.'"
It is not necessary" to go to tho ,
ocean to find mermaids. . ' I
At least thai is th opinion of
Columbus,- Ohio, swimmirfg lana,
who witnessed the recent record
breaking feats of j Miss lailh
Smith. , J
Ruth and her twin sister, Elean-
or, though but fourteen years old.
already are listed among the
swimmers who are placing Amer
ica In the front rank. 4
t It was during the competitions
of the Allegheny Mountain A. A.
V. that Rnlh established her two
Amoricanreeord - '
f In the ISO-yard back stroke she'
made It in 2:18. clipping 8 2-5
seconds from the American record
of Miss Dorothy Burns, and 1 2-5
seconds from the world's record
nf 2:1 2-B held by Miss Lucy
Morton of England. i
I In the 200-ard breast stroke
championship, Ruth, hard pressed
by her slater, Eleanor, eel a mark
of 3:16 4-5, clipping 7 seconds
from the American standard aot
by herself last winter, and com
ing wlihln 2 4-6 seconds of the
worm a records, also held by Miss
- ' 'i j' n . i
If you liae been waiting imllciilly for llu4lnic l-n you could
get that new IHlil TOI ItlXti CAR, c are going to t. II you lliut
your naitliiK days arc uhuiit over.
Corload of touring rnrs noi mi Hit- road. Come In and algu an
tliut, order iialay and make sure f gelling delivery.
Ford Touringr, $(!08.95 f. o. b. Pendleton
Simpson Auto Co.
Water & Johnson Sts. Fhonc 408