v" w EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1919. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE mam EM V J We Help You to Get Something Ahead It isn't what you make that makes you rich. ' It's what you save. You al Plant Sweet Peas flow! Our New Stock of Fresh Seeds are Here. D. M. Ferry's Seeds, the best on the mar ket, for sale here every year. Mandeville King New York Seeds. Onion Sets to Arrive Soon. Make your selections early while the va riety is good. MR, Tfcoe, YOU MUST , YOU MUST - NCAR ?i - .'-3 I'.i r-3 3 53 c3 ope is a ways save when you buy here. UimhI IHilss UliiKliuni!) Ill 8triHi, 1"IIIh and Checks, IM-r surd 2 io MIh.ni-h' Olid IiHUleH' llob Uvuiih Middle in nil sizes $l.8 anil 2.4 New Ilne IjuIIos' While I.uhh Waists 9 He, $1.23,. $1 40, $t.B8 and $2.98. You 'can av biic money at our remnant counter and you will find many valuable patterns, just what you are loaklnir for. Worth twice what NeiG-MSO or YOVRS we ai-c asking for tliem. J. & P. fonts Crochet Thread . KiilttlnK Silk, K-r HlKHtl 1 Jul leu' Kllixui Veils. .......... 1-Yuiry lVarl Buttons l'r card 12o . . . ... ...... 3o 10c, ,2Bo and SWo ..... So and ina H Jjieo I'UIkIiiich and Insertions, yard . ; .,. . 2o and So CasJunere Ilouquot Soa, icr bur. . .i. . . . . . . 23o lin kers Tar Soap, cr bar j. 2:io Cntlcura Soa, per bar Silo 2 E3 I 3 3 E St 1:1 I; ve win nave iun line 01 seeq roiaioes. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 823 Main St. ! Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronlo and Nervous Diseases and Disss sas of Women. X-Ray Blso- tro Therapeutics. Temple Bid-, Ruom IS, Pbose 41S CECIL COSPEIc PCBUO ATOl'MAVT INCOME TAX ADVISER 14 Maiu Street Pendleton. Oregon 5 Room 7, Temple Bids. ' 9. B Phone 772 ' f 2 Dr. H. A. Schneider I Zk DENTIST 5 1 Pendleton . Oregon j j WaVHnm!nii i DR. R B. ROBBINS Dentistry Judd Bldg. Court and Main Sts. TAXICAR7 PHONE I Books 25 Rides for $3.50 PARKER TAXI CO. Why Pay More. chaw.(5.x, r issur.6 .you j, .though toe- Meex no iNTt?otuaTtoM. mo uUT 13 VeTTY HcH.t CQUAINTCD I WITH OUR fWMtCY AFFAIRS. H6K PMON6 AND OUR.3 Ale. ON TH6 -nTiuo-party limr iyM A(lT U)6 OPT&M --r&Si jm C4YCH FOOT POWER LATHE FOR SALE Just the thing1 for farm work. Good for turning iron, brass or wood. Price very reasonable. . 722 Cottonwood St. ALE WHEAT RANCH 1040 acre improved ranch north of Tehdlcton. !40 acres tillable. With the place goes 425 acres In winter wheat and SO acres ready for spring sowing. Balance in stubble. The whole outfit also goes with it, which includes 20 head work horvs, hogs, chickens, cows, combine and balance of equipment. Price $35.00 per acre, with only $11,000.00 cash, which is what any renter would pay for an outfit. ALFALFA RANCH Have three good alfalfa ranches for sale, also, on fine terms. Also a swell little place right in town where a retired farmer can find just enough work to keep out of mischief. House, furniture, chicken coops, cow, horse, over 200 chickens now laying 6 dozen eggs a day at 80 cents per dozen. Can you beat it? Price 95000.00. Half Cash. SEE ME ABOCT A LOAN. J. C. SNOW Phone SS. 117 East Court. IXSCRAXCE FARM LOANS REAL, ESTATE PRESS OF COUNTY SUPPORTS ROAD BONDING PROPOSITION IF. ioivsor & Co. Pumps and Storage Tanks For Gasoline or Distilate .Retail or Ranch Use F. M. Kennedy Phone 238-W P. O. Box 242 We Have Sold Between 60 and 70 Used Cars Within the Last Three Months. Many good bargains left. Scan the following list Every car is an exceptional value. 1 Maxwell, Practically New. , -1 1914 Ford, Good Condition, a Bargain. 1 Light Touring Car, 1st class shape. 1 Reo Roadster. Some good FRANKLIN values left . Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 Court and Johnson Sts. Pendleton, Oregon THE ROAD PKOBLE3L (Milton Eagle.) Few Improvements can be mor berfeficiat to this section of the north west than good roads; by good roads we mean hard surfaced roads; high ways that will stand up under the strain of heavy truck hauling1. More and more the truck is coming into its usefulness on the farm and as a means of marketing the products of the farm. . Farmers demand good road now as never before. Not only do good roads benefit the farmer but the merchant as well. A hard surfaced highway from Spokane to Portland through Walla 'Walla. Milton, Free water, Pendleton and other interme diate points would be the means of diverting much tourist travel, it would stimulate trade and scatter wealth throughout the territory traversed. It would put this section, one of the most productive In the northwest, on the ,map. A hard-surface, highway would also increase the value of the land, as a fair" estimate, r0 per cent. Residents and taxpayers of the east end of the county should consider the road problem now before the people of Umatilla county as one of much importance; so much that If an elec- tlon Is held for the voting of bonds that there will be little opposition to a system of good roads In this and oth er sections of the county. However, It might be well to have definite as surance from the highway commis sion that the money will be expended on roads in this section of Umatilla county. We believe If this assurance 11 given there will be little opposition to bonding the county for an amount, that, when added to the state aid fund for the county, will insure a hardsur- fAced road from State Line to connect with the already completed hardsur face a few miles this side of Pendle ton. The time appears to be right for better roads, tret's have them. IT SPEIJiS K)D IlOAIS. (Hermiston Herald.) At last the silver lining to Umatilla county's road cloud is beginning to appear, and at last the county court, with the help of taxpayers from ah parts of the county, have devised a plan that when carried out will spell good roads to all nooks and corners and a state highway passing through from east to west- Perseverence hns bee.n the watchword for years anerjt a trunk line road through the county, and this Is now practically assured should the plan carry that was evolved at the road meeting in Pendleton Thursday of last week, when a prop osition found favor among represen tatives from every community in the county to call an. election for the Is suance of 11.050,000 of bonds and ue this money in constructing a perman ent system of highways in the county. TIIK PIAN To BOOST. t (Weston leader.) j "I am in favor of good roads- but," will hardly do in this instant'. ' Do not stuter, hesitate nor equivocate. But us no huts", as it wcr. Umatilla, county now has a comprehensive road bonding plan, hh fair as may bs to every section of t ho coiinly, (hat wan unanimously put forward by a i large and re presently I vo gathering of level-headed farmers and buslncMh 1 men. If -ou really want good roads, i this is tho plan to boost for. j FAVOKAm.K TO ItOVDS. (Athena Press ) Htnce action was taken last week at a meeting held in Pendleton, favor ing bonding the county for permanent road improvement, by delegates from -various parts of the county, the Issue r rum uuHervunun, uuimun wm i be united that If the state cornea through with Its portion of the funds necessary, no difficiulty will be en countered In roiling up a rousing ma jority favoring the bond at a special election. Further, this seems to be the only question the question of th state having its half of the funrt available In the way of saying right now that the bond issue will rarry, for there is no nn who will fT-iinsnr (hut1 the county would ba the winner In any good roads movement wherein the state matches dollar for dollar in the cost of construction. The proposition appeals to every district in the county, apparently, fo, the reason that each and every dis trict seems to be getting what it wants In the bill as proposed. Athena's first Interest, of course. Is centered in the hardsurface comple tion of the macadam, before the pres ent road ied has deteriorated to the extent that its value for hardsurfaclng Is totally exhausted. Then, too, she, has Interest In a few feeder roads which, with proper work at the right time, wodld greatly bene fit the farmers who use them. HOOVER DEFENSE STIRS SENATE IN LIVELY DEBATE WASHINGTON", Jan. 24. Defense of Hoover against the charge of plot ting to aid and protect American pack ing interests plunged the senate into an angry debate on the hundred mil "Super-Sale" 1000 Men's High Grade su IS On Sale At Tltin bit iiiflmlcH yovrr one half of our .stork. All the casoifs latent models. hUM-icty Itrantl, Klrctihainn, Wulloii jClolhes, l.tc. 1'he sale represents enormous savings to our customers. You Can p Do Better H At We Lead, Others Follow J Incorporated J p . - Tit ''imr 7ffl'AJ 1 A Nationwide Institution. lion "famine fund" bill between Sena. I From the bolshevik! the German tors Borah and Hitchcock. The latter j bourgeoisie learned that the hand that defending the food administrators, , ,g the machine gun controls the said the packers' profits would have1 been much higher If it had not been frmcd government, and they for Hoover. j appear to have beaten the radicals to tho guns. WILSON'S MEALS NOT AS FANCY AS THE TITLES APPEAR Much 4s heard about the tremen-' dous engines of war the allies would have had In operation soon had the war not ended. Maybe Germany heard of them In advance and that is whf, the war ended. PARIS. Jan. 25 While President Wilson Is known to be a frugul eater, some of the things prepared for him at his residence of Prince Murat have titles In French that would give tho average American the impression the president" "is eating his head off." Hut such is not the can. A French version of two meals eaten by the president on an average day would read something like this: Luncheon. Hors d'oeuvre a la Francaise. Oeufs en concotte comtesse. Selle de behague Ville main. Cour ele Celerl dame Slmone. Fromages ct fruits. Dinner. Creme Kmeraud. Supreme de Sole vievllle. t'otellettes de levraut Uerthil Kndives flamandes. Bom bo Helene. Fromages et fruits. The waiters on the corner, however would call out tho luncheon in this fashion: "Hors d'oeuvre. eggs, saddle of lu,h hraiuAH p.lipv n ml n littlA cheese and fruit," while fhe dinner In American nomenclature wauld be: .Soup, fish, hare cutlets, stewed chicory and iced pudding. Not favorable to Consolidation. BAKER. Jan. 2f,. A bill for thh purpose of consolidating Haker and Grant counties Into one judicial dis trict has been Introduced and was thoroughly discussed this morning by a majority of the lawyers of Baker. It was the concensus of opinion that It was not advisable at this time to favor annexatlng more territory to this dis trict. , r i i 2 i 1 aTfist '4 The Burning Question Best Answered By Using Our Dry and Seasoned WOOD You are still urged to Save Coal I k SMYTHE -LONERGAN C0.f Phone 178 Quality Quantity Service mi If EVXB3TBODT KNOWS VAITS'IttrHEAB MANS BU22S 0) A, V7t 1 1-1 s.M . ---3 m S3 If S3 Suits of exceptional at m low a price. finality hIc and fabric Kvi-ry style iiMltnlcfl. The I torn I IIm is our pled go of sat l.nf action l you. Allfratifins Free BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Lead I mi clothiers LilNTty Bonds Taken in Ex. ehunge for Merchandise. I American i National Bank Building, Pendleton. Eyes Scientifically j g3 examined. ! z- i Glasses ground to fit 3 DAI.R ISOTIIWEI.L j i Ontomefrl"! and OpMrlan evnsofii races The assurance of material for quantity production of Buick cars enables us to establish the following prices on various Buick models, effective January first, 1919. These prices will not be changed during our present dealers selling agreement. Three Passenger Roadster H Six 44 $1,785.00 Five Tassenger Touring II Six 45 $1,785.00 Four Passenger Coupe H Six 46 .$2,300.00 Five Passenger Sedan H Six 47 .$2,525.00 Seven Passenger Touring II Six 49 $2,100.00 Seven Passenger Sedan II Six 50 $2,950.00 Above Prices F. O. B. Pendleton. OREGON MOTOR GARAGE INCORPORATED 119-121 East Court St. Pendleton, Oregon r 3 mil!''!!!!!!! Illiliililllilfl :il!lii!M!!M!"Hm!HII!!!ll!!!!!IMi!"ni!m 1 lMlHlllMMIiHillMlfiMilHHMiinU(IUKI!M0HHilMIMIIIIIMIIUHillllHMIHIIIIIflillMIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIMlMIMIHtlMIIIMHMMI I.IIIMIlllllliHIIHIIKjllllll.lHllllillMlMlllililllMiHM,.!!,!