DAILY JAST OHmONtAN; PENDLEf cWREC ON. THURSDAY," JANUARY 23, lfllfl." - six paces , mat rASE FOUI? .(..'' J 4 ' ir-'S reonfari A!ff lliMtabrd f mriw (escent Sunday) .and SUBSCRIPTION JtATfii nl-Wek1 m eiidlatiiii, cast onEoo.MA.v ruuLitsHixa co. Knlrrrd mi tfee (uwlufrm M Pendle ton. Oregon. econd-9laM mill uttn. Telcphons OH IN (ITHKR CITIES. Tmrirrinlllotrl NVwi Stand, Portland (tow man. News Co.. Portland, Oregon -V ON FILE AT dak-sce Harass, Su3 Security Build in!, i ,,. ' ...- ' Washington, n c. Bureau Four teenth surest. K. W. i j- ' .UJI AOYAXCB) ,m Daily, one year, y mall Daily, six month by mail Daily, three months hy mall Tlly. one month by mall i .5 00 t . 1.6l .!.( . 5i1 Daily, one year by carrier 7.&0 tly. ix months by currier.. t.Tt j Daily, three months by carrier.. 1.95' Dally, oae month, by carrier .6".; Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall.... J.5S5 Semi-Weekly, alx months, by mil) J.T5 Seml-WeeKly four months by mall ,68 s mx: Id and Ion 3.1ft -the old exulting sons; Pins; tiith ilii'am by the sea, " " He has cast the mighty down;) f . Horse am! rider sink and . drown, . ' ""He him Ir'i l iefi eloriojOy: 1 ,",v ; HnUeri out! " All wltirn n,d all hont 4 Shall a rrihirr- life ecinr ' Ihc the unlvi.-s As it i oils its heavy cu-5 ' On the dead and buried Ein! ' ' Tt to .done! " in the -circuit of tt sun . Shall tb sound thereof go forth. 11 shall bid the sad rejoice, ' M shall etve the dumb a voice, "It shall belt with joy toe earth! . the American navy escorted and guarded the transporting.! I'l r . i - 1 1 i a oi o.i3 per cent oi an our soi- diers. , ; f I These figures pretty effect- !ually dispose of the too-ready j a, sneer on the part of certain.. j hostiles, that we had to 4le- , jpend on the efforts of the Eng- 1 Jjlish to get Yankee fighters to i 'the places wherev they ould i i j fight.- All things considered,!, ;the record is I liH. unci R'Uf and swing, ' Dolls of joy! Op inorning's . wing end ths wing of praise abroad! . With a sound of broken chains Tell the nations that He reigns, . Who alone la Lord and. CloA! f r Jobs Greenlessf Vhittier. . '- 4 WITH AMERICAN $HIPS V ACTS have now arrived 1c fir 'controvert tfle-assertions of those who should have known better to the effect that British ships transported about all of our armv to Europe. They show, as given. - out . in Paris, that 46.25 per cent of all the American troops were car ried over in American ships. British vessels took across but 2 per cent more. In addition exceedingly 1 . Umapine refuses to own J those who are being published i as slackers and say they be-. long to Fruitvale : the names of j some of the gentlemen give the" 4 COMBtfY'S'SS. 525 Main St'- Free Delivery. Phone 640 1 s Wallftwa Cieamery Citttei 1 lb. 8c, 2 lb. $1.35. ; - Dark Karo. ; :'5 lb. an 55c; 10 lb. can $1.00 'isco-lVlbi can fiOc, Sib. can1?1.10; 6 lb. $2.10 l-J.mliilli.liii.uii.i.iiii.iiiMh.ii.niiiiii u in 'ii'ii'i'"" '"" '"' '('"" r can ';'V - j T lanuu . . . . . 01jnipic Pancake Flour, pkg. . Quaker Corn Flakespkg . . . . ' Seeded .Raisins, pkg. Folgci-'s Ensign Coffee, 1 lb. . . . pt. can 45c; qt;an 85c 10c 15c 23c 5 ' I I E 1 1 i I II i CQIXIE-OrJiPIJ J mm IH NEW"MliTEL-EURdPAw, . . . . .. Jr Ml S. J) -RUSSIA No'Gsffee Rea-ction' WhenVbu 'Drink POSltJM ' A hot drink that braces one on a winter day withr out artificial stimulation and true susequerrt 7.'' letdown some ! times -felt by : coffee drinkers No"crf"feine"in POrND GERMANY" O K ff i . i IT PUTS THE "FEi into : Corflhination of Petit iron. The Pepsin, Mux, Iran, Celery. This is what makes J'optiron nf wonderful therapeutic vitlms nml so isui'wsst'ul after iiilluenaii, the prip and in blood 'nml nein-e trouliles, Itiipmin, jmleness, nervous wenknes and the exhaiisiiiiK worry and .unx-' jrtv.over the world war., it is a'real iron blood a iy I nerve tonie, esiwially benellrinl in th weakness followinjr the influenza and frrip, to worn-out, nrnrti-f agjjed nierij delicate womeni Behool-Hd RH'ls, and to fast-jrrowinR boys, invalids and convalescents, the ntfod and in firm. .It actually puts iron, a natural strongthoner, into the blood, and ro t ores,, the wasted red . corpCsulos Yont.druggist .knows its grwt me NOTICE , r A.'X to announce io ihe public t half" we have oiyned up. ,in the olJ Ronii-Vp -"itvery ."tfible fv pIocKs from main t. . oi? wstVebb st., uicAneral re-! pair shop and Kara&e. We aim? to treat everybody rinht and? make our -work our best adver-' tiaer.'. find asifle from ' repair ing Automobiles, our Bpecialttea ji-e overhauling- and repulrinf? 'Caterpillars . Harvesters G&s and Steam Cngines , ' and all kinds of other machin-' ery. t'e ha-e lots of room and woulii.lic .plad to fiKure with any' out and siltiiify them that 'our5' charges, are riBht. K. . P;ltK8. . , y w, h. nkikih;ai, - 1 I . 5 i i hit e. .a i i J s i z i I i ; r 3 7 r i i - ; i B i j I 5 11 li t 'X 111 ff s -nr. e l--"-: , tf? 1 JU -l2J SJ . M1E FirjEI- kin. i ib. ... r mm. i In tee and In War the 7 KDflGra Methods ipons'in!: and W "iV S I jimpreRsion they originated . , ift iuermany. Our prohibitionists want the league of nations to make the twhole world dry; what would the poor rrenenmen annK; Some of the .Oermao -simps formerly In this country want to bo forgiven and e permitted to return. We could keep ut -ttl ,foi-Rivih!f better if the" euaranteedto stay in Gnrmary. ANY LASS WOULD HAVE SWEET DREAMS IN THIS a :-. a-U- -- I 1 - ... i ; i i .Mil " 11 With'Sbups t-and broths.You will find Snow Flakes satisfying in every particuWr tYou wiil fenjoy' immensely heir 1 1 1- - ... . rtr-V. texture Don't "aslT f orcrackers, ay Sncw Flakes.? " ' , kYour grod can supply you. ' k'f ,vf-V?. si m if---' ' I 1 r i J ' "- , fa ! : v v.. -Ill .. J .1 -:- c j j ; Ml-? - j i ?vl -;'!i'yJ-.4; :C: 1 c - ANP O'Coats ... Tlio KSlo-of ull has beon 'In j, notiHii im)trrs for ,vcr a jAtn Wc linvo iMmJaildiHl Klo oveiaowiH. t ' -.1 . lm ludiHl in ! lilo arc foriois, Msca m1 faiM-jr W othIiiIh, -riihnllla,S Ox; fnrdH. ,Hllton. "lpvln.. eic. , . Msny nines mid styles. Mode hy some of -tlic lst houses 111 AnMkriii. ... J l'iocit sjf ' inllorlna , iw lu iidsliic fabrlcH. HeRiiliir vntoi'S to $r.." . . . , Sole I'rliii It's Hi niosf nmoihWwl llnw to fmy Uclotlics jiin'11 In mini) driKiilis. ; EOBJD - BROTHERS IVitill.KitCs i-cdhi Clilhkw , The ' mndest iiuartir will n'( ' I have mii'ur ojiortuniiy for luviuitiuciit.'" -1.it Hi; : , Itmuls tul-' In far liiiT4'lmddlc. EAST OREGONIAN RATES . WxktL AD bOLOlN AND CLASSIFIED DlftECTORY Counttng'six ordirviry words to :th'e linfi and jcharged( 1 , by the line. i---' Want Asds and ' Locals. ' ,y ' . Rates Per Line I f M First insertion, per line 10c Each ,adq. insertion, per llHt t, f One 'week, ? (six mserti t ,ons), each insertion, "jper tine . . . i . . .... J mo. ach insertion, per .'line . 3 -month contract, - each insertion, per line . . . , 12 month contract; each i-i. insertion, 'per line ..... No ads taken for less than 25c -;' :"' 'V ' : . Ads taken over the tele phone only from East Ore gonian subscribers and those ljsted in the Telephone Di rectory. Copy must be in our. office ; not ; later than 1 :30 o'clock 4ay of publica tion. - . f ' , , NEW TODAY ' Each new advertisement will lie run wider "New To day" for the first, insection oniy. During subsequent in sertions of the a'cl it will aiV pear under its proper classi- f fication. : ;; N - Telephone 1 M 5c j 4c 3c 2(f " J& end an -army into ac tion equipped with the wea pons of fifty years ago would be to send it to quick destruction. , ') . To try to .do business now-' adays, on the lines that were ' usual fifty years ago. is equal folly. . V Fifty years ago the muz rr' gle-Ioading rifle was the '; vogue. Today not , even squirrel-hunters us it In modern warfare it would pe ) ' , little better than a elub. ; ' ' - ' ' ' ' " 1 , ' , y Fifty yeafs ago . business , was conducted on the muz f zle:loading plan. If a man . sought work he walked about asking his friends to look out for an opening ior , " iiiiii. If -a man . wanted, to s, ' sell real estate, he placarded ij JLt. If he sought tenants, ' k placed a card' in theyndq-wi ' of the vacant property. I 1 '' l' . , All that constituted "muz-;. ; glc-loading publicity.", ..' ::;' 'TcKlayi iguiick firing pub-., V ' 'Hcity is the vogue. ; s 1 " ' , ' , "t .' East Oregonian want ads ' v ,give to Ayour proposition ' - , quick fire publicity. . ' . r -t j-.- ' 1 Using it,o'u: afb on ' An equal fofi; withfvtnr com petitors, eglectm it, and revertingito , muzzle-loading publicity, you have no com-' pt'titive chance at all. llllttlllllllllllllllllllllll! liiiiuiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!! iiiiiui VI i S t. 'i I l J I