' ' ' ' ' "' ' ' ' ' SIX TAfrftS j . ITATL? EAST 0REC0N1AN. PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, 1010. Children '.Cry for FIctcIicr'o I h f j r . j. is i 0 ar- is km lir. f-.lf-n mist and lWf" of Pernlle--. K. P. " J- here from Portland aiig t ww market tn Europe. The ... '"fHifiine fumd" will probably be pass- ton are visit ttr-r 1 he . .y Mr. .'today. t . oi.it Mra. 1. A. HUM J J'ortlaud. ; . ii Af is m Peadle ; ! nhvut Hoovers demA iiut auniin titration lifters admitted they .are The- Kind 'Yetf'HaY- Xlwayi Bought,-and wbkti las been la use for m thfrty years, has borne the srsnatare of 2y? ''I. ' has been macje under his per. K '7'sJ&'-ft?'' -Bonal supervision since it Infancy. -CWf fvC : Allow BO one to dcceivs yott in this. (A iter ;iei Kitn. h lias Kfif,w"m ,wtiM tmiay. - - r. hoaorable dwrharec fiTiu servrf . aiw, vum.ng f'" pan-tits ml"rt.l1anJ I'ElJ ...... , . -."A v worried over lire tremendous opposi tion. ' ti o. F. linn n zniston.:. are ill .1 r'WIHtatn rlH' 1n sne it- vm T. I Hrt of Her- he city today. . i w v-1..-. h.'rfc ..f Renmstoa. was 1 riatly Imhic i luijrj ester-day. t PAIUS. Jan. 2J.-Hirr today ftut ait r..nnrfths.llHi!rion3 iti!nJ " Just-as-gwM " are hut It! 1 w , v.-..'-.,'-"-- i J IL hViTvl 7v w ':? .itxik tr.; 4 2"i ,TT,t fyHnw.'! iCk,r.j ksperfmetw thai trifle wKS iid-'eadanKr'the- health ot , ' Af ay: " J r v ,'Vfi.-.'., v .-, 1 i.l r. - .1 .f. t 1 ff ' : '"' ' ". '" " r'"' P .t?t Mi4 ' f -JiC vMht Uf ivirfiJ, stie-n,! 'iM,fo rM L. ; - TVr Sooth's? Svruw.. If to rJeasaat. - It contains r? i.. 1 ' vr.Tn,,r t. tn.' x.retM. . . . ... .i. nt l I .J u v.. th. : . lUidUM. i I'liiionu i.fji.orrow at i ,ha day (in Pendleton stoptilng at the! J1" q ' ttcei t. t;arKe. p. Jonra of Baker, was tn tn. itomlled frith. . I , , "- j r rixrwin I'lrcle No. 3J.. A--H, lie held '..Wa ..v...l- t yiru.uA hull. . FrftVUiuB lufluenxa ordman if ' i iftTt?r a' vii ti tiermisinn. I j t t , Jn. cnwr.s an alfalfa ranch at Her- ' ; r.' .' ' . : . , '.mint ..,' . " t . The FMueer MelhodlM rhtirch SB ? Mam lreie F'rker. Red Cross dle Vuira Wl.j dertied fi ferrw and a , tjciaIV, returned lat night from Uma jrr.fuion of narcissus tikjaxoiaa. riiia, hare lie has h,n in charge ot " lat evening the scene f I "r",tT ' t he " Alet . kit. hen of the emergency the da 'don't imairme the iaciiw .would oi- , - ' 'prteate avtule circle of such friends. is sending) AUXILIARY PUNT ' NEEDED FOR CITY veddlnc at hKh. Mine il! f ttvt ni: bruunt the brUie of 'vro . ..... . ..i.. IJimniBU, - n..rr vwiihw": - mhn ! known in I'end-:1!. I. u hroiher of J. M. IMUininU-.. tf cerenionv was twerforened t XT. T- Lane beneath latticed arch nf"reen and white ni--sn and hjUMms- y j The bride, who was t"ic..n.n mar-, riage hi nrr father, J. V I-oi-e. (was Comned In gray ailk raiwUll .and . or- ( Sette crepe, the frmrk worst wuh.a large Wack hat and arm -bou.$iet. vpitBl.i ; f i J110D7ER" CABLE MAY SAVE FAKE VTARHIXOTOX, Jan. -Herbert i Tltc Imt of electric poT for M-cra hours lliis nioniuijt is n"Rmilile for the rcdncU iIh; f this issue tif I he Kax Orvgtm an.- Puvw Mnk walnut re storfd nutll 1 1 :M and an ouvlliarT xa cxiainc lirouht into uc fail ed l w.a-k aUractoril-. . , ,Tlie pliiht of III- .cily ti lU.mkvtt ie iwisinr mn1t ailvo- 'uxttiary ntrnier Jilant for uui mi that srevicc coiiM Ha--.matntkiAnl rtfn f tlioniili iliT MlionkI lie a tVrraik on ihc mam line. f i r'iihiT rtnium. Miyfiin not other narcotic mbctanceJ Its " rg,e is its guarantee. For more than thirty year? it has-' b.en in constant uvse'forthe relief of Constipation, Flatultncy,' Wind Colic and Piarrhoca; . Haying Fsvcrfchnej arising therefrom, aid by regulating the Stomuca and Bowels, cids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sletp. ' The Chihiren'a Panacea The Mother's FriernJ, GErJUiriEASTORIA auVays Bears the Signature of 7 ; I: ;Use":Bor Over 30 Years i iJt The Kind You Have Always Coughi 'v .asBHWKtS.Tr sb tiMi..rtrerw- AVtVK'1 wrth th vcoixtt Tul tftoover fiat .. . . . i .a-iva iha hunrirail 'riillhnn irollar ' 'XnV- - tund" from defe. O..V,,.a JT ... -,eJ - M" N ft r..,,ion hf'd at the hon) oi .-tates senate. . . AinuniHrau'i "f 7" .' " " ----- utts. . m. Kaipn . .. a recevO'-n ias.ne,n ax ne . h,,,.,,.. -,,;., hi uinM, ,l dath of our loved! ' ..! not until Ti waier had dona sonii1 . y"''V l3.01"'"1 T 1 hv i rifnul' r Senator Porah .oe' and to tho-e who ri,rr,llwd theJ,' ' ,ie who motored to diiiil-iee. All office bookn wetr Niveo tiKlniinnfnr left todav laor cnartea tnatne arranK nn . Amfii- . uvmiiihiil iwBr - ... 1'endieton totiay. ana wno wui iet,i a . 31 r. and beaiiliful Tlowers, we tender oiirnjik- trlr. to coa-.i points. T5.ev rlaa' to can P-caerti so "J "TrTTPavu- m-t.PHr.EV ' , ' and other meats at high prices hycre-; , : AXD CHILD REN'. I Dunning left today IJor matte theis feolno' in Walla WtUia to Athena this evening- ' k' " T F fcrf AWW,r.a-r!f riD7 LlTIHTIATIOrfAL DiCn0NAftES r m use by Wi ners rucri, cnineerr, ank;rt, fai3i t-i-. ba.r-tt s-1-- Arc YEqx-pped Wis. The New Liitaroatiooal provider knowin teacher, uuv tkm aaiwcrcr. , . ' . if ycu vIp cfocitrjc ' nd qd- onc of titu V2t i enrf cl mkmm atioa? VrwnbukxvTerm. 27M Pajtce wf UtustTatiom, 4kr4 FJim. AO,ci rpiiU(f Si.bCS. 4Wtt bcr"pi.ia Eatrks." a ae- it o. t c. - MERR1AM' J CO. -sisforttM sTm I GSJtSCXjr? Is the W. acaaaancai" BCasf pswte. It is and at lbs avrart iscTedxats is aarnet icasabfle yrepwttoas. Cratasai Tmian nt warn . mMsi k adds ta tbrmiziaff and tkea agatk wbaa baa at afrpBS." M jm caa desaad sinwiaialT p CraKsal te prodncs the most wbolewsM, Kgkt aad aaaUy diftstM bacattv, cakw aa4 knada, - Writs fc JMa OmA '-v ' r-T'-r.'.i Croons Hit- C. BaatOa, Wash.' ' X- -" "aaw. " ' v " - ' c - ; 1 as W. A. Kearns. iK)keeier ifr the 'firm, had not taken the book's frofm . 'the safe. ; ; fard of Tlianfc. ' .' - , . We desire to extend to the tiiany i lUi-lneM' huuw and off19 were k'nd fiienda our heartfelt thanks and ; r.mtlall-! deserted this1 forenoon, appreciation tot the heautlful florai;inn iwvs and one or two adventur nfferlnu and kindness (luring our'id1,cu. lrls climlied to the top of ad iiereaTenient In the death of our-4a- jolnfng liuildinas to see the excite a.v nA t.rrther. ; -.i.ient. The local telephone o.flce MB. AND MU8. "PRAXK: NEAGI..E ; flooded '!'" calls deuiaiiding AND DAUGHTER XELUB. j in t ho fire?" FiRt LOSS OVER $100,000 (Continued from page 1.) Where lfecdnse of the absence of elevtrli 'lights. flashliKhta were much in u imaiid and eniployea.of thei IVoiil.-i. I wurehoiiMa were kept busy commun j deerlns; tlie stock of local hardware Mores. " . - .. . !. l'sckaieea and parcels at the Anier- j the Collins office were broken as t!iliraI, Kxprewt office, next door to the j as those on t ho left side, brit the glass j Collins" office, were basttly. removco on the riht is unmarred. Buih places' to safety. Motor trucks were rushed I have been roped off to prevent eii-i,0(j ,ne scene and the packages piled Quality Prices t ff and Service Guarantee 309' -West Webb ' . i. ..... .... ..:-. . " S ' ' K .,I?hone334 A t . . Worfcmen .re busy in Ibe basement j tif the t'eopliif VVwrehouse today extri cating the 11. V. Cull ins &&fe from the j wreck He. The itafe fell through the floor during the fire. It-in thimght t the contents are uninjured. POCKETS IMPORTANT .IN TAULOR SUITS I" t f '' r t i r l. ' f a a- iv rrv : :. w 4 v. e--i' 1 S I Look what we have to 'offer you in; gooo) things to. , eat for tomorrow, fishday, and for Sundays dinner. j f Come to this ejcplusiye meat rnarket J ano! get your i;i meats prepared dar'eiii Jly antfsold rights if M FISH FOR FRIDAY if. t MA FRESH SALMON ' ' 4 FRESH HALIBUT ; SALT MACKEICEL I . OIH If I Ann BIrrgvTiiWtfpl ,JW : UUaaill fct-imfc' and safe mofiey here. Fine Kraut, 13c r fit If ' i r, 1 if.i Vt .( l.ii'J ' . .;n'f . '. -'k 1 W''ni.i-' . .' ur ;For .SUNDAY DINNER Rolled Prime of Beef Grain Fed Pork any style Extra Choice Young Veal Young Lamb any style Pork Sausage Link Sausage Rib Roa,st Dressed Chickens Pork Tenderloins Choice Steaks " Pickled Pigs Feet Salt Pork Weiners, Hamburger I Liver Satisage: f. ' U i--T :,. " -A i I i '. W 1 - I h f :" 5 1 ..- " -. ' '.7 ' ll ? ' I.-. Dv n jon them. SEATTLE LABOR (Contlnsed Xrom Fags' 1.J the gallery., attempted to' break Into the meeting on numerous occasions being repeatedly threatened "with eviction by angry . delegates on the floor. Mention of the Kufsian bol shevlkl at one time brought storms of cheers from both the floor, and ga".- lery. . Strlko I-vnilorKl. TACOM A, Jan, The central la bor council endorsed the Tacorna sol diers', sailors', and-workmen's council j which was formed yesterday. Action i of the metal trades council In racing I the shipyards strike was also endorsed. J . . pr.rLynn K. Blakeslee Cbronlo and" Nervoaa tilsewaa aad .iUllM or women. A-nw !. .... ..' TheraDentica,,.. --" Temple BUtf., Rooai 13. I'taooe 4l ' n 1 . "' ' ' -J.:JL-J1. -. mil !JL J-iJgL!'l- ".Ji'Jt.-J.J FOOT POVEK?LATHI C FOR SALE Just tb!hrfor"filrrii' worlc c 4 fur JuiiiU4 itan. Iiai, yr od j;--. fries W.ry roaoratiie a. i "7 721 Cottonwood SU 1 1 "f. .. I 733 Main Street ( ha. II. Lluhm (iotlicb Kurile Telephone 187 ,. .... . . ... .... .... . 'altef L:' Cederdale N'ew'rnodels which Vsug-resli-i iereiy auggest, the approach of priog (how that the tailored, suit lvore a fitted waistline, rather fgh, and severe tailoring except' I the case ot pockets. This model' rea pocket for ornamental pur oiei and. indulges in three - at' ...h mlA - e, 'iiMvery aruT srVf -ihonl, j be used, aell thiw nae iaitlt-W '-ro'1 loinebody ' ww nceas tnroogn' tne aiastwiea AND OrCoMs; otf SALE ' Tbe Mile of stilts has been in f actual' progress for. over . wi'k, have iiow added (00, overcgaLs. ' ', " liiiiudcd in thin snk- . aro j. Serges, v ttiltc-il and fancy ' Wort-tcdf. . I'liliM'billa'S 0.. ' fonlB. Mlllons,..(.iii-Tk.li. etc. . ' Jluny Viisea orl'jtl. Mtf4(j(jftie'!st lp j.iti J'liu'st of tailoring lH-nilablc ranrlf-s, t '...f.l. J.;ioi' 1 f viKciihiA tasiai'j tu Miulit He in tie- . m': ti-1 !f- Sf .F. -Doivseij Go, Pumps ancT Storage ; Tanks " ' J Fpr Gasoline or Distilate . F. M. Kert,nec!y Phone2JS-W" 5 P.O.Box 242 ANOTHER GRI;0D OF . . I It's (tic i'ihsiniii-nl (linn 4 to Inn j (oil-, you'll ,1a f many liioiithh.' .1 BROTHERS-. - fi.niIU-U)n'a Ix-aillng , lot biers ',illKCOfind lakcn In ex- ehanc for mcniiaiKllsc. b '.. '., If oU have Isvn Hailing imili-iitly for iliu tiiiu. nlirn yoh tainld jfet Unit new Ft)ltl 'rtl 'llOfp v. Ml, w! lire golu to Icll itiu Hint your waiting days uro alHiul liver. , .' . i Carload -of louring cars iioh mil Hie roml. t'oml' in mill .lu ui . , I ... I .,1 1. 1. luu.f , ... 1. n . aiiru of Kftljng ilrlhcry. Ford Touring, $600.95 f. o. b. Pendleto! : .' ,' ' ' ' " . Simpson Auto C Water.tJMmson Sis. , Phoni 403 t saga, T