i, ' FAT3E SDC ' DAILY EAST (lOlN, FENlETOK, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 191gwu-, 'ErGTlT PAGES-. THE BURNING QUESTION VElERaWlltiBly : ENGLISH BRIDE HERE ' T " ' -' --- - -T Thi PKiRiam committee ft the' of her brother, rett tmiishtrra .of tlie .lei-lean Ucvolu-;vas accompanied from Arlington by tlon announce a Silver tea and exhibl- her aunt. Mrs. J. Kecnan. Miss Nra- tlon of antique on Washington's 'gle 4j-is been unending Miss Catlin's lilrthday. February 22, In the County school In J'ortland. Library club room. Heirlooms 100i . years old or oldnr of American or for- ,, AIr ,i,irai.n -P cign orlKln sro reslred and will celvlns consratuhHlons on the birth ; Hotel Pendleton. cared ror hy a committee- J no ioe lowing Instructions are offered Neaglo. She Arthur Prague of Aberdeen. Mrs. Prague was formerly Mlsa Kfther ommervllle. A- II. Olson, of Moscow, Idaho, Is in the city today. Mrs. n. E. Taylor, of Spokane, is at of a son at their home at Echo on unduy, January 1?. He is to Kindly murk each article plainly lnjcale(1 ilem. Hilmer, ins, wnn in IIMI1IV, Ul - ,;, - -owner, name and aire of the article) one of Portland's prominent ywung and by whom formerly owned, or a;KPr women j,lrs. Glenn H. Ticcr. is brief statement ot Its historical inter-fin g,,,,, rf,iri legislature. .Mrs. est. Flense attach such logs securely. 'Ti(.er was nmabello Crawford before Tor' further Information phone Mrs. her nmrrteKe. lfor husband, who is F. TV. Vincent, 403 Water street. B. L. Valleni lsa "Pendleton visitor be today front Spokane. R. K. Frost of Seattle Is In thu city today. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Morgan of Chicago aro Pendleton visitors today Mr. and Mrs. K, U Klnkenny, of Portland, are in Pendleton today. Ctrl Kngdahl of Helix,, was here France. Salem , yesterday. I Phil Hetnen -was hero 1 'from Dayton, Washington. The Neighbors of Woodcraft met at I J. O. Maggs of Hermiston Is a v"- a lieutenant in the army slst division in Statesman. is w ith the yesterday . Mrs.. F-. B.. Kins left yesterday fo a vlxlt with her sister. Mrs. D. A. Kcnti i ftilsvllle. Washington. Mrs. Kin. i,iint in lie awav about' ten davs. . Moose Hall last night for installation liter in Pendleton today , Jof officers. The officers for the en- John Clother is a Pendleton visitor " ,, v.fi ittt. SU'"S lwn are: G. N., 1.011130 Lamp- 1 today from Pilot Hock. ,-rnS trJ. .Mn' p" x Sarah. Ketchen; Adv.. Frank oray was here yesterday on 1 u.mf". - . Eiijia Noreen; Mf., Myrtle Ixiedinp; business from Pilot Bock. iaro on a ousniwa . 1,.,. Iclerk, Lillian Camion; attendant. An- Paul Jones ig hero today from Her- '' ' Ina McConnell; cajitain of guards, So- miston. Jiecause of bad weather and roads pnia Thompson; (musician. Dr. Lor- Omer Stephen was In the city yes fe lVndleton people attended the etta starba; I. S., Helen Belts; O. S., terday from Athena, production of "So Lons, Letty." niu-!AuKust Benson; banker, J. P. Walker; j C. L. Forbes, a In. orande business Bioal comedy starrinft Charlotte managers, Mary Johnson, Charlotte j man. ,ta in Pendleton today, stopping Greenwood in Walla Walla Monday ,('0ok and Ora Hamilton; press cor., at the Hotel St. George. eventn. One party, however, was nr. ptarba. The "four foot rule" of j Frank Sloan, stockman from Ptan cuinposed of Mr. and Mrs. Harold tne. t ordinanco was strictly ob-j field, is spending a few days in Tort Barnett, who had been visiting at the served and only necessary business land at Hotel Imperial. L. I Rogers home here. Miss Gwen-wa3 transacted. The Circle however, j Mr. and Mrs. John Smith left last dojine Rogers and Miss Helen Thonip-, members declare, plans to make upj.nlght for Walla Walla to attend the son. umer rmim-mn iuik n ..-: tor losl uma sociany ivucn tne iiuuneral of Mrs. Smith s aunt, who tended Included Mr. ana jars. x. has flown." worn nas oeen received ny ir. anu son. Nesmith Ankcny, formerly arrived lasi nipni .urs. j. i-ouie 01 me iiuni t-enaieton, new; or walla Walla, were attend the funeral of a son last evening to Air. and Mrs. m the city yesterday attending a meet Uarrotighs. - Miss S'ell Neaglo frm Portland to a idied recently. ' " ' f Levi Ankcny. of Walla Walla. f and y Mr. and 'son. Nesmith Ankcny, formerly of It Kee ps Right, On ! During thewar, Grape-Nuts stood in the foremost ranks in providing the utmost in food values and food economy. ..It Keeps Right On! C3 stands i' 'unique , among ready-to-eat cereals in percentage of available nourishment, ease of digestion, and flavor ,It contains its own sweet ness, self-developed from the grains in the making, and it is a delicious food, , eatable to the - last atom ! ''There's a Reason" RflUST BE ORDERED "'MOVI' To Insure Your Getting One V Dl!!)M0 .'O.liliyuOIS FORMERLY E. L. SMITH Cf CO. Agents for Holt Manufacturing Co. f, in ot the siockholders of the First ; National Bank. , that the governments attitude In the Mr. and Sirs. Don Adams arrived Present controversy would be t allpw today from Weiser, Idaho, for a brief stay here. W. W. Green, county school super intendent, is visiting schoolsl at Mil ton today, , Mrs. Gale Sturdevant and brother, Harold W tester, returned on No. 17 from a business trip to La Grande. Mrs- T. C- Taylor, who has been a jrtiest at the home of Mrs. W. Brock, returned today to jVtrtland. Kugene J. "Owen, special represxw tative of the Economy Hojt & Cuttle Pmvder company, is in Pendteton on a business trip. ,- Mr. and Mrs. A. I" Dunlap arrived home this morning' trom a trip on which they visited ut Seattle. Tacoma, Bellingham an Vancouver, B. C. Miss L,Uli;n Wattenherger, teacher in the Petdteton grade schools, ar rived today from Kcho to resume her duties as teacher. She has been at hnme during the Spanish Influenza epidemic. NAVY WILL FORCE WAll IlOAftD AWAItUS WA SHINGTO X, Ja . 2 2. Every power of the navy department will be used to force the acceptance by companies with, which it has contracts i of awards made by the war labor ! board, Secretary taniels Btiid after 'conference with Joint Chairman Taft ; of the board on the situation grow- I ing outof the Bethlehem Steel com i pany's refusal to put Into operation I one of these awards. ship construction on Puget sound te come to a standstill, rather than as sume the increased cost of construc tion entailed by th Increased wa?e. Secretary Sutton of the strike com mittee declared If such a position Is taken, it will not only be answered y a general strike here, but by a de mand that the government immediate ly provide employment for all idle men by reason of such walkouts. Tho announcement of the proposed formation of a soldiers, sailors and workmen's council was Included In the strike committee's statement that demands of the working clans would "be made a c!ass" and that "we will put ourselves on record that we de mand some of the democrary talked of so glibly during the war, tho first principle ut which Is more money In order to nve 1 Socialist Lcadur Talks. A big meeting of blacksmiths and machinists was addressed today by Adam Barth, socialist leader and for mer candidate for-mayor. He made a revolutionary talk on "government by tho workers. j ANNUAL MARATHON TO BE RENEWED V: 1 ' i 1 J it mm Yni ' 1 'Hi- - ' f-"-'T"- .. JU:;:.i: i i. i HATCH Who ntd th wr wasn't over? It has just txten announced? that on April 8 the annual Mara-j thon race from Milwaukee to Chl-I eago will have It's renewal. I Anyhow sereral entries for the ' race hare already been received. I : Moat prominent of these ts Hid-.' nejr Hatch, who won the race In 191. beating the previous tine for the event by over four hours. Hatch Is now In the army, bnt expecu to be relelsed In time for i the event. URGE LLOYD GEORGE TO COLLECT IN FULL LONDON, Jan. 22. Before his de parture for Paris, Premier Lloyd Georgo was given a memorandum Is sued by the Associated Chambers of Commerce embodying" fthe- views o chambers In all parts of the country regarding the peace terms. The fol lowing points were urged. r The payment by the enemy of all war expenses. Compensation for loss and damage to property. . Compensation for all personal in juries, including a sum representing the cost of all pensions. Compensation for the loss In na tional power caused by the loss of po tential producers and the disorganiza tion of production and transport. The payment of all enemy de"bts and Interest on all charges from the date they are incurred until final payment. ; Hill tmrby, formorly a meut cuttor ul the Oregon Market, who has seen uver two years' service with the Cana dian' Pioneers In France, end who re ceived Beverul wounds, la bringing an Kngliith wife to Pendleton with him. In a letter to Mr.' and Mth. J. Body, ho says he expects to bo liure some time in April, hut Is now on his way to Germany. Following Is the letter: Hlavro, Belgium, Uec. 21, 1B18. Dear-Jim artd Nora: 1 ' ' Just &' few lines In annwer to your moMt welcome letter which I was bo pleased to receive. I got it Just be fore the end of .hostilities, and l knew you would be rather anxious to hear. , Well. I not throtiKh all sufe. but I reully don't know when I will get my discharge. I thlult about February or March If I have good luck. , Well, Jim. old boy, I hope to see you about Ajrll. Anyway-1 will sure have a good time. Weil, Jim, If you knew of a good meat cutter's Job going any where around , put in a word for nie. 1 am coming around that part once again. AIko a houne and a big gar den. Wouldn't mind If It was a email farm as long as It was clone to town. I .guess you know I will be bringing my partner. I think I told you I was married. Well, It's tough but I am. but I was JuBt home on leave to Eng-" bnd and the misses said the firnt time swear or go home the least bit. in toxicated she -Is going to return straight to Kngland. I said to myself. Oh, you Moose club. I wlh you a afe return. Well. I am much different now. ,1 have learned lots of things since 1 have been In Iho army but of course a weo drop don't go bad. eh. what- Well, I am longing to bpo all of yon, especially .tyimnio and Mary. you asked me If r had a letter from your sister, WcJJ, no, I never got one. ! was a month In hospital lust ,July and my mull all seemed to get tunnled up. I heard from Mbis Kllgore. Tell her I will answer as soon as possible I may write tonight If 1 get time. 1 buve another tone to write after this and r don't, ur)te many letters. Well, j must wish you all a Merry Ohristmas and a Happy .Vow Year Hoping to see you all soon. With love, to alt I remain your loving pnl. ISTI.r.. 4G368I J. W. Darby.. A Cos. 7th Cana dian ICng. fall.. It. K. p.. France. Tpap.k very much for the Hound lp papers, piud to know It is still ?olng. IIopo to lie there next year. 1 am rxpectlng to go to Germany nexl month. BII.U , T ..rnrrrrt'C ! ' ".' 11 NEW INTERNATIONAi DICTIONART containa cW v accurate, final answer. It l an Indispensable self-help to suctcsi. Hundreds of thousands of people In all walks of life use, profit from ind enjoy thi. vwt fund ormformsuon. Ar You Equipped to Win rj with ths new dl- EBUlAIHdlnlJIA-WHUiMin. t WRITS for StKrfmeo ,n."!T?l iton...c. FREE.. t of pocket a.BS ir mention thi osper. ' O.AC. MERRIAM CO. Springfield VtS ' - . I) V f ' Iji' 2700 p. j I Ing PrwmyBl for several days lsist by land and air, and conditions in the town are described as terrible. The gas and electrio plants have been Uesttujed aud there Is no lllit in the' town. Water and food also are lacking.' Vienna expelled a largo ha nil Itusslnn bolslievl.sts un Sunday, fol lawlnitllio tvumplft of Iho French and Swiss authorities. Twenty ot those sent ont of the city were spreudln propaganda, while :bomg-iengaed os tensibly as Rl Cross workers. y a . - ':- - i- , ! .i- - - - REALTY TRANSFERS j Deed I). M. JtiiKHRll to C. o. Harrison. 1.2UH. Descriptive'' tract of - ZS( acres in fiec. 10., township 1 south, range 82, , J- A. Ilagwell to Standard Oil Com pany I)escrltlve tract adjoin ing town of Helix. W. . Hnnks to 8. I,. Key 3000. !. acres In ,'K 1-4 UK 1-4 Bectlon 3r, township 6 north, runge 36. A. F. Hchlarbaum to M. F. Dick 1175, Lots 1. 2.. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7, 8. , 10. 11 and 12 of Block "A" Town of Al- bee. J. Jj, Kharpsteln to Ilertha Church IKI0. ,M 1-4 SW 1-4 XE 1-4 und NH J-4 SW 1-4 NJ3 1-4. section 33 township 4 north, range 37. J. It. Sams to H. C'ockburn 10. ft.84 acres m .'B 1-4 NW 1-4 section 31. ownshlp 5 north, rango 3s. A. -H. Hoftver to C F. Morris, 1 Uit 14 in block 42, Hescrvation add to Peniltony - , ' - ' I UKRANIANS SIjAY 2,000 IN G ALICIA r.KXFVA.'Jnn. 22 Two thousand persons have been killed at przemyysl Callcla. by the Ukrainians, according lo a dispatch to the Xeue Freie I'l-esse of Vienna. The Ukrainians have been bombard- , few RcnM. There .are tew Indeed who escape having at Jeust one cold during the winter months, . and they re fortu nate who have but one and get through with it quickly and without any. serious -consequences. Take Chamberlain's Coueh Itemedy and ob-. "lerve the directions with each bottle.: and you arc likely to be ono of the of this remedy, has been fully provn. There are many families who have al ways used it for years w hen troubled with a . cough or cold, and with the. very. best, results. Stmnacli Trouble "Before I used Chamberlain's Tab lets I Kloctored a great deal for stom ach trouble and felt nervous and i tired all tho time- These tablets help- j ed me from the first, and Inside of a week's time 1 bad' Improved in every , way." writes Mrs. I A. Drinkard, i lefferson City, Mo. , i Mrs. Islrys l-ltcr., - In a recent letter Mrs. I. W. Isley of Litchfield, 111., says, "I have used Chamberlain's Tablets "for disorder of the Stomach nnd as a laxative, and have found them a quick and sure re lief." If you ore troubled with indl' etton or constitution these tublct? wilt do you good." I mm AND O'Coats 'ON - SALE The Halo of tmiu hit a Ixcn In Mi'tuul roKims for owr a wtH-k. Ut Imw now aUdcil 100 ovtffoatH, ' IiiHiidfd In Oils ttttlr nm Scrtecs, nifxrtl mill faiHy W i)rM4il-., iihM hilhis, ox. Tnls 3IHtoii!H, riti'UHM. i-fe. .Many nixes ami Ma lew. Madn y fMdiH of the hvnl hoiiMtf In Aiiii'rtca. llneHt in laflorhi aiiil tlr iM'itituhlc' rainfM. , Jtrjtulitr vulHt'-ilo 4f:t5 M Friocs ? lt tho nnml MYMitnt4'Ml (lino to lm t-lolhcs joii'H m.i In liiiuiy moiitlis.- ItROTIIERS I'ctulli-ton's Lending I'lotljlrrs I Jim ly Bonds taken In . I'liungc for nicreliniiflise. STRIKERS ASK (Continued from page one.) t will be oi-Rfinied nt a npeclal Mrlke meeting Ihip thl afternoon, the hlp- yardH Mrtlie ciiinniittee has annunc-j . ed. Avium will be taken at , the I ! meetlw? toward th pjctenHlju of the) Htrike to include all trades, and crafts Ui the city, vi llh the announced In-j t-ntlon of roinpietely larib2iiff T-1 coma InduMrlefu v ' -riiiiii'tit Aicnlimt liiTruro. J i It i learned through official source ARM AND'S The only NEW face powder in . the past 50 yrs. , - Oh. yes, there -are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is abso lutely different from any you have' ever had. Thev , price, ;a - roason ablei too 50c KOEPPEN'S . Have It. ... IT ' ANOTHER CARLOAD Of; COMING i . to. f yon liaie Ixvn walling pnlleillly for the lime when yon muhl gel that uevv J"OItl TOl lll.Nti CAIt, e arc going In ie jou lliut your vtalllng dnjs arc slsuy oer. ' ' , Carload of touring: cars now on flip road. Come In and sign up thai oiiW today and uinkc sure of gelling delivery. ' " i i " ' ''r '- " ? ' v ? . Ford Touring $609.95 f. 0' b. Pendleton 4 Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sis., .- . 1.. 1 . - . . ; - v, ,r., , ;. : , u ti x ' . Phone 408 1 rM