V'. -I- V 1 M. P?LY EVEfiiNG EPmO'i Number copies printed of yesturdav'g Kulljf Edition. 2,802 . Tlito paper Is a mmbfr and audited" tir the Audit llureau of Circulation. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL30 ' " f" " mm mi 'm,n-4Smmm4zJ'iZJC ' i'ipSm jiawamj 1.i...i.u).iiui).mi ,i.ii,..lnin'ujnu.i .1.1.1 mi - ' . ...i.i-.inn...-..l.,..ii,ii,iii,iil.i.i , . yc ' ..... mum- .,-..,i-. .,...,.i..i..SH; . ULI CiL mM ilUJ Ir txmMlinUt lic! mar b ehtnt'iml at all It ntay be lid tiimttga am . Oregonian want ad. Tla trail ad ntctixxl is a great tiin Mnr, CITY OFFICIAL PAPEH DAILY AST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1919. NO. Mil CO BUY BONDING FOR ROADS URGED BY fffl OF ALCK FflOi i ALL PORTIONS OrCOuimA S OTION Or HIGsirM PIuLew iARL UEBKNECHT AND VOMAN ACCOMPLICE OFFICIALLY SAID KILLED. CITY AGAIN IN CHAOS BERUN DECLARES SPARTACAN LEADER SHOT DURING BREAK FOR LIBERTY ON WAY TO 3AIU DEATH PLUNGES FOLLOWERS IN RENEWED REVOLT. Ben Did Not Know That Fred Lockley Would Follow Him IONDOV. Jan. 1 7. Karl IJebknerlit mjk! Itose Luxranburg luvve been killed, an official Itorllit dispatch today announced. . FtraiM who commit ted tlie murder will bo severe! y punished. Several arrests Lava boeo made. - BREAKS 1X11 WBEItTV, SHOT AM8TKIUA.Vf, Jan. 17 Ucbkneolit stabbed a guard and made a break for liberty while bring taken to jail, a iurlln dihfwtch today reported. ..An aulomobllo In which tlio Hpartacan wan being taken to Jail broke) down and Uie racort proceeded on foot. Ulehknoclit stabbed one of the guards with a knife lie had concealed, and ran and soldiers In tlio escort fired at Itim. -O ttEVOIAITfOV Hl.A7.IX AGAIN r.;'n HH. Jan. it. Tlio Sparfaoan revolution haa been reilied on a larae arale in nerlin ajid acreral of the provlncea. follim1ii)c the dentil of Ltebknedit and Koita lyuxcnilKirjf, a dlwnatch. today KNirta. Tho coveni' ment In CTTKM-fed u take violent rneas irea In an -effort to supiimvi tlie new d(iirdeen.,yive new dlvlxiona of rot. eminent troops have arrived In Ber. Iln. The dty irlvea the Impreaxlon of bninjr occupied alnwmt entirely by sol dier. . . BAMIK, Jan. 17. The Frankfurter XrIMna- today ofriciully confiniiH tlie death, or, Karl Uebkneclit and Itosa fjaxemlmry. Tlie former waa ahot by an racort while trying; to eacape, and tlie woman waa beaten Into li'weiul bllMy by a mob and tlien drowned In the Ijuidwi'lir canal. DIIAMATIC FIOniB IS THAPPED. fly FYaiik J. Taylor (Tnited Prena 8m ff CorrcHiiomlcnt.) HKIU1 V. Jan. 17. Karl Ieliknecht tlie niont dramtle fiRvre In Grrmany, j waa shot dead while trying- to eacape from heavy (wore of sovcrnment troopa. At the name time Ills chief lieutenant. . Itoca Luxemburg, waa lynched by a blob. The wau-tacan leader who fell Just short of over throwing the Ocrtnan government by a country wide revolution, waa trap ped In his home and taken 'prtnoncr Willi Ills wlfo and mis. lie waa later captured and taken to Jail. XAUUOWXY KSOAPED WEDNES DAY. 11Y PRANK TAYLOR (United T'res Staff Correspondence.) BERLIN'. Jan. 15. (Delayed) Karl Llebknecht Ik still at liberty fol lowing his escape from a trap set by government troops while he was vis iting his family. His wife and sons were captured. (DiNpatches today of ficially report that Llebknecht has since been murdered.) UKSPKICAPOE& rLVXOKIt CITY The Spartacanv are becoming more and more d too rita nixed, but ar con ducting a guerilla warfare from win dows, roofs and hiding places In the streets. There are occasional out breaks In which rifles, machlnefjunB and hand grenades are employed, but these, are rare. Many desperate ex j convict have taken advantage of the. Spartacan revolt to conduct a cam palgn robbing and plundering. Many persons, mostly Innocent, are killed and wounded dally. Foreign Minister Brorkdorf Kantxau, fn his first public statement January 10, urged the Ger man people to unite, that their peace re presen Halves may offer a stable gov ernment as the country's contribution Co & league of nations. Above I a llkoiww of a wett known AincU-aii who attended a I hum 3 confcreiKio many ycum ujfo In Paris, following tlio surrender of Cornwalll at Vorktoun. Wcro JUx Franklin alive today he would be 21a yearn of ase, thl 1m1iiic tho annivcr Kary of his birth. (Xmsiderublo a tent ion it lieliiff ald to tho Franklin anniversary this year beoauKe of Poo Kirhard'fl Haying on tho snbjot't of thrift. When Fred Ijockloy wa In Frani he met an old French lady who pos HfHed oonie original letters written hy Franklin alxiut tho time he made hie visit to Paris following the revolu tion. The letters were written to a beautiful Frenrh wimmn of that day. The poesior of the letters refusetv to allow Mr, IHkJey to read all of five letters eeause some Mrtlons were Of an extremely private nature. 25,500 IN N. W. PLAN SHIPYARD WALKOUT KKATFtM. Jan. 17 Tlie metal trade council, reprcHenllng t Hlilpyurd unions today nerved 110 tiv of a Ntrlke on Keattlo ship, yard owner Tlie strike, affect ing Ai.O'MI men, occurs Tuesday. It may tiiclude tlie entire north western slilpbiiildiiig Industry, ao rdiiur to union leaders. Tlio council ordered a walkout follow lug tlie n-fiiKal of shipyard heads to awIe l tiieir demand for wage liicivaHcN, cieht dollars a' day for certain clusscs, seven for slMxdaiisIs and six for unskilled laborers. Tacoina, Vancouver, Olympia and Abcrdn unions as sured local leaders they are ready to support the strike- ' GOVERNORS COUNCIL MAY DISCUSS JOBS SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ; ; WITHIN 60 DAYS; MEN FORMERLY OPPOSED TO BONDING FAVOR IT The rwrmlfi of Umatilla eountv are eoin$r to vote on a road bond proposal some- fimo Viotuopn Pehniarv 9H and March 15 and thev are eoine to vote yes: this is as sured by sentiments expressed at the road meeting yesterday when farmers and bus iness men joined in urging a bond issue. Prominent among those supporting the bond ing plan were men who two years ago and four years ago were the leaders in opposing bonding for roads. . , The bonds to be voted by the county will answer the question as to how we will ob tain nnr sharp nf state aid and the whole nrocram will assure Umatilla county an era of permanent road building that will be of the greatest value to all sections of the county. s , -. . The schedule as agreed upon yesterday is as ionows: MAIN HIGHWAYS STATE ,A1D Mil. County State Fed. Totaf IRISH ASSEMBLY JAN'. 21. m'HLIY. Jan. 17. The lrlMh con Ktltuciit. assembly w-lll oieai liern Jan- nary 21. if was ofrfc-Jaily announced today in Sinn Erin headquarters. It Is believed the government will not attempt to prevent tlie meeting. ..... 7 WILSON OPTIMISTIC Oil EVE FULL PEACE CONGRESS OPENING. 25 COUNTRIES MEET By Robert Bender uited Press Waff Correspondent.) PARIS, Jan. IT. On tlie eve of (lie formal oienbig of Ilie full iieace con gress. It may lie stat-d authoritative ly that I'resident Wilton Is feeling more optimistic regarding the gener al situation than at any time since, his arrival hi JviiroiK'. PAItlS. Jan. 17. Twenty flvo conn trim will Ik represented at the formal opening nf the peace congress tomor row, it Is officially announced today. In addition to the 21 states which particiiwted in the war, there will be Peru, Ecuador, ITruiray and Bolivia, which severed diplomatic relations. ' . I'UBIJCITY QtTKSTION NKAll .' SOIATTIOY. ' 1 BY FRED FERGUSON (United Press Staff Curreapondent.) PARIS, Jan. IT. Thai qunstlon of representation for the peoulev them selves, throuKh newspaper' correspon dents, took precedence over every other problem before the peace con ference today. The Importance of this matter was evidenced by the fact j that the Ieafftie of Nations, the Hussl- an situation, and other vital subjects ! had been subordinated to reaching an I amicable solution of the manner in which proceedings at the peaco table t are to be made public. President Wil- son is understood to be leading the fight for one of his principal points "open covenants of peace, openly ar rived at." There is every indication that a satisfactory aKreeuisnt wltl noon be reached between correspondents and the peace delegates. WOULD DEVELOP VAST POWER OF DESCHUTES SAI.I'.M, Jan. 17. It Is learned that former Senator lay of lnrt land, is behind a big iMindiiur trill for dcvcloimiir tlie vust home IMiwer on the IHrscliutes. He and his associates. It Is said, can show tliat Juice can be delivered to Portland ehcaiier than at the rate now clmrged, and that , there would lie enough power to oper ate, nil Industrial IHiints on tlio Pacific mast. It Is believed the trill will provide for $a,0Oo,O0O bonds. VICTORY LOW NKXT WASHINGTON", Jan. 17. The, next war loan will lie called the victory liberty loan. Secretary Glass lias announced. LEST WE FORGET Herman liclinkc,' Vmapino far mer, refused to contribute to the United War Work Fund. Nlclc Grosaebaurer of Cmapine, whose prone crop last year was worth in tho nelglinorliood of $IO,w0, contributed only 95.00 to tills fund and tliat reluctantly. ed Melhoff of 1'raapine ' ro fued to give money to the agen cies helping our beys in arms on tlie grounds that he had to send money to relatives in Germany. William Swash nf VTmaplne, said to be worth $20,000. re r used to contribute to the I', w- W. fund. J. I-'.. Ifoon of Milton refused to contribute to' this same fund. CENTRAL IjOYALTY C-OMM1T-TKK. WAHHr.VOTON", Jan. 17- A confer ence of governors here to plan with '.he department of labor for putting the growing army of unemployed to work Immediately was proposed todav by Senator Kenyon. Kenyon and other members of congress are alarm ed at tho rapid increase of unem ployment and lack of any government plan for providing work. There la no lack of ideas in congress for cre Ulngr Job in the future, but how to supply w.irk now Is the problem worrying the legislators. Congress is being urged on 'every ' hand to solve the problem, which it is agreed. Is rapidly v.nin acute. 300.000 Jobless.' Kenyon said: "I am going to sugi gest to the department of labor that the governors of the states be urged to attend, either In person or through a representative, a conference with the department officials to work out some means of putting to work Im mediately more than 200,000 men. who, according to my Information, are jobless In tho United States. If the states will begin an emergency pro gram of work at once or as soon as weather conditions' permit, it may be possible to prevent untold suffering. Most of the state legislatures are now in session and could provide the ne cessary authority for, the emergency work." In addition Kenyon's suggestions two other ideas were advanced. Sen ator France of Marylu-nd, would move workers from Industrial centers where there is an oversupply of labor to places v here workers are needed- Withycouibc Against Meeting. SALEM. Jan. 17. Oovernor Withy, combe of Oregon does not favor a conference of governors in Washing ton now. He said the governors held ccnferclirrw In December and discussed tho unemployment so they nro well Informed now and bo thinks the exec utives are needed more in their home stales at this time. Washington line to loot Mil ton Hill 7 BO.OOO Milton Hill io Weston . . . - - S0.O0O WcMon to Athena - ' o,o Athena to Fastland ' 7.3 . 5,O0O Pendleton to Union County Mile . ; 35 I00.OOO Pendleton to Morrow County Line to 350,tKM Totals . , , $575,000 NO STATE AID. Mil. Connty $ ftO.OOO 87.0OO 39.000 70.MH o.oofli 210.000 $130,000 17,000 at.ooo 13.5,000 l,O0 4SXI.OOO $576,000 Fed. M3LMrt Total SiiiuiYHkle to Umapine $ 3O.0O0 Pendleton to Cold Springs : 30 1S5.0OO Pendleton to Pilot Iiock ; 11 70,000 Pilot Hock to Xye '. 20.000 Xye to Morrow County , J. II 15.00O Nye to Grant County 45 5,00O Havana to Helix 10 O,O0O ; Totals i " 220 $175,000 i I $1,050,000 $50,000 Grand Totals $ 30,000 iss.neo 70,000 :' 20,000 ' I5.0OO 115.000 O,O0 $533,000 $!. 7(1,000 ' IN THE BERLIN OF TODAY ENTIRE COUNTY UNDER FLU LID Instead of lifting the Influenza ban! In Pendleton today. It is extended to I cover the entire Umatilla county. Th order aa Issued by Dr. dj. j. McPaul. county health officer, . is against all social gatherings, literary entertain. mants, public or private dances, any place in Umatilla county. This action as taken by the county! health officer and backed up by tlia county court after a conference with, ;h0 Jendleton Jieatth officers. There has been complaint that Pendleton people attending these country par ties are the cause of many "flu' cases here. Influensa conditions In Pendleton are probably better today than any other town In the state. Conditions are not so good, however, In other parts of the county, but with the ban extended over the county it Is thought there is a chance to stamp the mal ady ou entirely, - J1" 1 v i' 1 -' -: Jl Zl Vs ' ' K- I, i,,. r"-i ' ' - 1 V - The road meeting yesterday was the most remarkable gathering of the sort held since tlie time when Moses led tlie children of Israel across the Ken sea by tactics that have never been repeated. Tho Lord was given credit for helping Moses. S Benson bad a lot to do with bringing county people together yesterday for his refusal to give state aid on the Echo road unless it followed tho river caused sentiment to crystalize for a bonding plan as the only course open If the county Is to share In reconstruction road work. . . After the subject had been fully dis cussed for three and a half hours yes terday a resolution was unanimously passed asking the county court to pro ceed at once to have petitions circu lated calling for a special bonding election. These petitions will soon be In circulation and they will be return ed In time for the February meeting of the court. The court must then call an election to be held not sooner than 20 days nor longer off than 40 days. Objectors In 1lne. A feature of the meeting yesterday was that men who had previously op posed bonding for roads were active in the discuse'on for bonds and in framing lip' the proposition' to 'submit to Uie people. Among these were' W. W. Harrah and other prominent mem bers of the Farmers' Union. Assessor C. P. Strain, and others. With them there were all the good roads war horses, old and young, from every part of the county. - The only discussion of a controversial nature was mild in character and related to the amounts to be specified for the Cold Springs road and for the road from Nye to the Grant county line- Changes were made In each Instance es requested j and thus harmony and good spirit preserved. One of the satisfactory features of the bond schedule, as explained by Mr. Strain. Is that the amount pro rated for each section is almost absolutely in line with the percentage of assessment in each section. Hence the plan is not only workable from a construction standpoint but is ethical from the standpoint of assessment. I Committee Will Handle. . The task of helping the court put over the bond plan will be In tha hands of a mamoth advisory commit-, tee composed of all who were present ' yesterday with additional men from each road district or community not represented at the meeting. An ex ecutive committee of 10 will have di rect charge of the campaign. Thompson Is Endorsed. On motion the meeting voted unan imously recommending that the gov ernor reappoint W. I Thompson aa a member of the state highway com mission when his terra expires (0 days hence.' Mr. Thompson was a speaker at various times during the meeting and explained much as to the work ings of the commission and the pro cedure for securing state aid for the county. After the tentative plans had been outlined by Judge Marsh and W. I Thompson, a general discussion en sued and all delegates present were called upon to make suggestions. The (Continued on Page 1.) 500 MISSING, FRENCH STEAMER HITS MINE rALKKMO, klnn. 17. Hve huu ilrwxt assenitfrs are mtettiiif; from I lie f-"mili utonmrr X lmpmi whirl, struck a mino In tlio Mes sina MraiH himI sank In four min iitcfl with .M imjriMrtTs on Imnrtl . A Itritlsli Ktcaincr saved .V- Tho remainder are believed to have itorisliccl. nine Smallpox CASES, 3 OF FLU The epttltmiic situation in Pendle ton Is chanfring rrm Influenxa, with present indication that It is becoming one of smallpox. A total of nine cases are now reported to be under quar Jantlne in the city. Two reported to JdaV by C- O. Breach, quarantine offi cer, are u mkpw, .a pi. Aim i too ru in house; Milton lloss. 30(1 Perkins. The need of a place where those cases can bt? isolated fs most urgent and anyone having; a fxirntehed house that can converted into a hospital is re quested to notify J a tries H. Kates or C O. Breach. This Is the third day in which no new influensa cases have been report ed. The number of homes under quar antine remains the same as yesterday ! three. IMPORTANT CLAUSES ADDED. ARMISTICF IS EXTENDED A MONTH PA 1 1 IS; Jan. 17. Tlie armtsUtv, iv (Mi several hniw-rtant Hatuae added, has been extended ono nimth. It Ih officially announced KMlay. clauses eonccrtriiuj agri cultural material. Hiissiaii war ItriSonerN, naal conditions, resto ration of material taken from In adcd diMriet were signed. Coke,' Coal Zone, Price v Regulations Suspended ,A310NKJTON, Jan. IT. Zoms ula&iHiR onl coke and all coat except Pennsylvaaia anthracite wil- lb Bin pended February 1. the fuel admints , tratlon today announced. Likewise all price regulation will be suspended XKRripONDKNTS t'AIXKD FV PAIU Jan. Ill Peace aoJegrat today decided to call newaper cor rcftpoiideiita of the allied reprewenta ties into coirferciH-e for an Inter chain of vlewH. H is believed Mm j recent secrecy' order will b brotig-tit I up and it It predicted It will bo ma ) tc rially modified. , . , j SKCRKI Y SCOKKl. j WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Secrecy ' at the peace conference mean- an- : 'other world war. Senator Ixwis, dcni oeratic whip, declared In the senate J today, lie echoed the criticism of the reported "I KM Mime up of the peace i conference, voiced by Stnator Rorah, jwho (loclared. with lew1s that tlie ! discontinuation of p-rtt dtokDUte . j meaiLS dreams of wirld fieace ohim' true. jl'luA MOTHER vlnTr' Tonight - and Saturday rain- COUNTY UN i BILL URGES $75 . MINIMUM SALARY FOR SCHOOL TEACHER j HAL.KM, Jan. IT. A bill will be In , troduced next week fixing the mini mum salary of nchool teachers at $75. T QUOTA. IS RELIEF FIRST IN STATE Above la sliown ihe American' 'mt In Iferllii iiwtv!ii-!i wcit killed roccutly In S(rtx rivhunj. Tlie report did not Jf leans had beca killed-.' ,. ' . I.K.XINE IX IlAltttlLM A. Mnisi., dan. it. .-h-koii icn- iio iktsoii . uir iinsHlaii iiremK-r. arrived tixlav In any Aim-. Karcolnia aooorUiiur to a Madrid dls- A draft for li;u was forwarded tllla county Is tire first In the atatii to lust night by the l"atrlotic Service i send its quota, as It was aUo the flr.t . League to the New' Tork headquarters' over the top In the drive last ymr for j of the Armenian and Syrian Keliei this fund. j committee. This supplements a pre-) H. c. Jaqulth, national crtry. in jvloua draft for 170(10 and completes acknowledging receipt of the first 'the quota for I'matilla county for the, draft says now la the time the money Armenian and Syrian relief drive now .Is needed. Immediate relief I being launched la the state. Vina-1 the aaTlsf c thouMoa fit Uvs ijpaecn. .,!