'.W MS : ' ' ' ; tTAIIiY EAST ORE00NIAN, PENDLEf ON, OREGON, frlWnsfrAY, JANUAftY 16, ISIS.'-" rains setoi' bMWttMHPvMfl flfehMttfattH BMsasBles3v VMUidMHMUfaV Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Foun'd, JFor Renlj Etc, Classified for Easy Reference. MMHMttWMi siMsl kmfljgsjjjgp r NEW TODAY HEW TODAY. Each new advertisement rtll be run under Niw Today" for the flrat Insertion only, Purina: aubaequent Insertions of the ad It will appear uedr,l proper A- Found FOUND Hunch of keys. Owner can ' huve name by Vailing at this1 office 'and paying charges. FOR SALK Good seeing' f machine.' Phone MV. X - I V'' J ; Fort SALK Typewriter, gqod ns new. Cull FOR BALK Various sizes of blacR pipe. Xew or used. Kastern Hide and Junk Co. WANTED By competent man and! - wife, work in restaurant or on 1 ranch. Address 605 W. Alia. , j WANTED Experienced girl clerk for aoda fountain und candy store, j Will teach dipping'' chocolutea. If ah j winnei to learn. Apply at once to Tne Palm, 623 Main street. waiit ai coi,tmr iwd CLASIiriHO WIIIliXTOllT. Counting lx ordinary words to -, ,, lot line and charted bjr . FiU,-;''"4rnt ada an locals. , , ': .Kea. Per Lien. , . ,, Flrat Insertion, pel Una 10 "'Inch add. Insertion! tw line- So Jr"t)n wonk (tela Inaactiona), 1 each insertion, per line..MIW pe 1 mo. each Insertion,, per line 4. I month contract, each In- aertlon, per line Y6 12-month contract, each in- aertlon, per line ta No ada taken for less tlian....S6o Ada taken over the telephone only from East Oregon ion sub. scribers and those Hated in the Telephone Directory. Copy muet be In our office not later than 1:30 o'clock day of publication. Notices AMjllcatlong for Grazing Permits. Notice la hereby given that all. ap plications for permita to graze cattle, horses and sheep within the UMATIL. LA NATIONAL. FOKKST during- the j seaaon 1919, imiKt be filed In my office at Pendleton, Oregon, on or uerore Jan uary 81, 1919.. j Full information In regard to grazing fees to be charged and blank forma to a used In mailing application;' will , be ..furntahed upon request,.'!1!',."" ",' .'.!; ' .,..,!. JW..W. Crydar, Supervisor." For Sale FOR BAI.fi Modern iiorjue and four luia with garage, . 25 Jane St.. Pendleton, Ore., 8. S. lautler., - Ilia Indiana Avenue, Spokane. Wash. jSTRAYKD From my place near He lix bne small, Jersey cow. Notify 13. J. King. , I'hoije 228 W, I'endleton. GARAOR MECHANIC wanted at once. Addresa llox 106, Weston Oregon. Kotlrr. Phone 286J for high class milk. ;eorge Wachtel, successor to Ed Mor. gnn. ' " , Application fur raKing IVrmlla. Notice 1s huretn Rh't n that' all arv pllcations fur permits to nraa cattle., horaca, and sheep, vithin.thc WKNA J1A NATIONAL, FOREST during the 'si'uaon of 1919. "hi bat bb filed in my office at Walla Wallu.-'Wbstilngton on br before March 1, 1919. j - J. C. KUHNS, supervisor. ' j The Mada' teach you much abou 'the relative merlta of things help Ung you DISCRIMINATE. Another Bolshevik Republic Declared, " . Disturbance Spreads 10I0 Jan. !. Brvmcn'has been declared an lndcemlnit so. dallstlc republic and will "ad here to the lariiK-iplea of the bol alievlki" a Cologne di"lat'li totlay reported. It isaid a prot'lumallon : was issued by a self apixdnted die tntor wlio idanwl the city utiilir . martial law, lvlslicvlk disturb. uiiccm arc reported to liuve wcur red Monday in .Mmik li. 8tutts(art, , . lU'Knsbiirg and Xuwbcrg;. . IIorHeo Strayed, fltrad irum my pasture near Meacham. 6 head horses. 3 bays three years old and 3 blacks two years old. All branded 96 on left stifle. Suitable reward will be paid for return or In formation leading to recovery of same. Wm. Sluxher. Pendleton. Ore. COW3 FOR BAL.E- Call up 4F11. APPLE3 FOR gXVKiane 1UFZ2., FORD liOADOTKW' FOK SALdSj-Ia-qMlre 215 Ufleth iSt,-' ', ...; Wanted WANTED Good, clean rag Kast Oregbnlan efflce. The WANTED Sewing,' phone 4IJ-W. HEMSTITCH1NO at the Singer ahop. Mall order promptly attended to. WAXTEI) Someone to take contract to level a few acres of land. Ia qulre "T" this office. , , FOR HAI.K Note of 6000, adue . yeare, Int 8 per cent, , secured by Pendlctort Income property. . Accept cash or bonds. Write. 609 Empire State Bldg., Spokane, Wash. - WANTED By responsible paTty, lease on 320 to 640 F.cres Rood wheat S i land for 3 or more years. Will buy outfit If reasonable. . Address with For Rent Attorney COHVAlTUClose in." 01 AuraJ' I- W. BAILBT,' Attorney at Ilooma 7, 8, . Deapaln Building. APT3. AND ROOM.S ALT A APT3. ' T , GEORGES W. COUTTa Attorney at FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court Law, Room IT. Schmidt block, r HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, (01 Clay CARTER aV SMYTH E. Attoraeya at . Law, j Office In rear of American FOR RENT SLEEPING room, National JBank Buildlns. . Willow. Phone 1H2R. , FEE & FEB, Attorney at Law., Of- FOll RENT Furnished housekeeping! ficea In Deapaln Building. .... rooms. Inquire 619 Johnson. I ' . " , R. L. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. FOR RENT Large front sleeplna ' Room 24, Smith-Crawford BulW- room with bath. Jniulre . 719 Annjlng. ' -street, evening. CIR.L WANTS - employment. 1149W. , Phone I WANTED Sewing1. ..Phone 263R. FOR SALE A few pure blood Rhode Island Red lions and pullets. Also three dozen broiler sized pullets. Bred WaNTKD tl'sed afe- to lay. Phone 10F5. 1 , yij D. D.' Phelps. FOR RENT Large room for light housekeeping. Mrs. W, B. Mays, 201 Water. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 602 Water. Ktorkmen Attention. . For sale. Imported black Percheron ' .11... .. -.II1 t .1 fur stock cattle. For particulars address Box 85. Weston, Ore, FOR SALE Ford touring car. 1916 model. C. H. Olcott. 1001 West Alta. TO LEASE Small furm home at Weston; 8 room house, spring wa ter, sub Irrigated. Berries, fruit, some alfalfa' and garden land. Very reas onable. Phone 395 M. or address 211 Jane St. t ' ; Second-Hand Dealers I Coupling experience In buying with I up-to-date study of the "ads." a wo- man becomes a highly EFFICIENT 1 member of the home-making partner ship. . V. STROBLB. dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid ' for second hand goods.' dieaptret place to buy household goods, mo B. Court Phone 271W. FOR SALE 1 rotary White sewing machine for $20. 220 East Court. Cosy Apta. Close in 401 Aura. Miscellaneous IVOR RENT- 476. SEE FREE demonstration. New sub stitute for coal and wood 311 Main Street. -Sleeping rooms. Phone lor at law. Office to Deapaln BldaT. 8 A. NEWBERRY. Attorney at lw. Sshith -Crawford Building. Farm Implements FOR HALE Refflftered Poland Chi na boar. Phone I- Christopher, Fl 7 CAR OF CORN received today for poultry and hog feed. Blydenstein A Co. Adams, Ore. FOR SALE One 75 Holt caterpillar, Just rebored, With new crank shaft. See Glenn E. Scott. Pendleton, Ore. - WRITE M. FITZMACRICB, Condon. ( Oregon, for wheat lands, stock ranches. Sales only. Draymen The home-woman may not always realize tjat she Is a 'business woman, yet she is engaged in the biggest bus iness In the world that of buying for the home. CALL PENLAND BROS,' fait TO move your household goods. Tele phone 3.19. Also baggage transfer ring and heavy hauling. Your ad. should put yon in touch with a new Job before you .have be gun to "'worry." . The store "ads" give you light on the subject of the next purchases you plan to make. After reading them, you KNOW and do not have to "suppose." or guess. THB "NON-SKIP" WEEDER gets all the wjeda the first time nv r the field. ' Saves one-third the time ana does lots better work. Ordjr sow. Pendleton Weeder Work, 63J Cotton wood street. Architect PETERSON BISHOP, Attorney at Law. Room 1 and 4, Smltst- Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. RALEY AND RALEY, Attorney at Law. Office in American National Bank Building. FRED E. SCHMIDT, Attorney t Law. Reom 24, , Smith-Crawford Bldg. RAYMOND W. HATCH, ARCHI- tect. Phone 732J, Pendelton, Ora- I gon. . . . Auctioneers j Notices Taken VP. There came to my place at Middle , Cold Springs about Dec. 6, 191g, one COL. W. P TOHVTTA Ai,ilnn.r 'Small grey mare-. -weight about nsBO makes a specialty of farmers stock i ,Bg- T years old, orandca circle on and machinery sales. "The man that . r,Sht stifle, owner tan Dave pmt get you the money." Leave orders 1 W Paying charges. v j at East Oregon Ian Office. "" R- J- CAMPBELL, box. 680, i-enaieton, ore. Every useful thing, should be used. Another sort of entente cordiule Is Bell that used article to somebody being built up between this coiaitry i lot of "advertisable" commodities to Your ad should be tnere when the who needs It through the classified, and France by the American Soldiers 'offer Is earning favor for only 'servant YOU OUGHT TO HAVE looks 'who marry French girls. GOOD VALLES are "adverti.sable.". iat the "Help wants." . The merchant who always has a i : lot of "advertisable" commodities to t FOURTH DAY , OF OUR - ;toEN$ SALE Many men IkiiikIiI suits In the first three days of this great sale. We know that In ho next two days tlio mimbt-r of eus tomerx will equal if not sur IM1.HS those of tiic first three. Yon will not be able to du plicate the values for toino time to come. Men's fine suits, Itcfriiliirs, Stouts and 1-ongs. Blue eierges inellMled. Values to $:I3.0 SALK PRICE Buy now and saie ! BOND BROTHERS iVmUi-Um a Kr"dinjr Clothiers HTHONO KVIDKXCE hi the Statement of TIiIh Ieiiletin Woiiiua, Hackache In oftn kidney che; 1 A common warning of werlous kid ney HIk. "A Ptltch In time caves n!n" lont delay una Dean's Kidney Vill. f'roflt by the expcr.enr of Mrs. Mary A. 1. Kllis, 3t0 K. Hluff Ht.. She xay: , "When T feel in need of a kidney medicine, I take Doan'v Kldno Iilln nnd they always Klve uplendld ffatlnfactlon. I am mMiJert to kidney j disorders at times, byt after T have 'taken Doan's Kidney IMIls a week or j two, I feel aa well as ever. I am glad to recommend' loan' for I know they "WTlflt Will AntCriCa are a meatcinw or merit." I7ic,irf-m-5lr5 Prim flftr nt nil di nVr. Don't UO ASK l01SIie 1KI fllmidy ask for a kidney remedy get Doan'ff Kidney I'M Ms the Pa me that Mrs. KHIh had. Foftter-MIIburn Co. MfBrn., Buffaia, X. Y. , , Germany May Soon Be Called To Time PARTS, Jan. 16.- The question waa not only of the dilatory methods of the Germans in carrying out the con ditions relative to the handling: over of material, etc.-tout of - other considera tlons of a more greneral ' character. won what attorneys called the first round of a fight to put through a $15, 000.000 deal for the purchase of the local street railway system of the Puget Sound Traetlon. Uffht &. Pow er Companv. Judgre King Dykeman of the superior court, sustained the city in test cases brought by taxpay ers attacking the validity of the bonds tc be Issued to purchase the lines. The case Is to toe appealed to the; REALTY TRANSFERS 14.; Deeds. . J. Warner to L. B. Sullivan, NE 1-4 SW 1-4 KB 1-4 section j township 4 north, range 28. W. J. Warner to P P. Sullivan, tl, S 1-2 SW 1-4 XB 1-4 and all that part of XW 1-4 SB 1-4 section 14. town- ter of $100,000 to defray the ex penses of its delegate to the peace 1 conference at Versailles. Dut to General Chang Hual-Chih. one of China's military governors. tlOO.OHO is but a matter of a few hours luck at cards. The general accumulated Just that sum in a game with other military governors which was Incidental to Hsu-Kliih-Chang parliament. , , , " " ' " , v"u"1" "" '" . supreme court for a final decision. N'ot only did the general profit by tloularlv held by the reports of In- T i ii nn rnnrl t nno In fiprmailV and the 1 the enterta n me nt features or tne rpv , v eltllation ,n Bremen. ,f KMloSivo t'n.anl Combine. ship 4 north, range 28, lying north of eombi nation family treatment are Xan:,He1!noUr.0 wast' connection a. the ....j tKDOX, ,n. le-Twenty-ninej .f S' ' - - warni.y recommended , - iriven a little nurse of JSO0O for the am'lned Into the Polish situation.' The , Hl.ltlsh hiBh exiosIve companies soonl . " . : ILta?c" regularly, Hood'a Sarsa- cntortalnment she furnished. Hermans, contrary totn stitpuia-. w, i,e operating under a combine tol ' Martin, $S00. El-2jparilla betoro. meals, I'eptiron after tions or me clauses in m hi -iiiuii ; b nown as the Explosive Trades. "rJ 1 ' 1- aua 1-2 1- meais, ana 1100a 8 I'llis at nifrht as with reuard to the eaptnTront. are,Lt(li ( the companies tction I0- township 2 south, rango needed, they are reasonably sure-to reported to be maneWn in every K approV(,d bv tne Brt)sh government. 33' I keep a fafaiily in health and prove to way so as to impede the Poles In or- , , ,,lEest companies in the! N". Kinnison to Albert Kinnlson. 11. be reliable and alwava readv fri,.n,U m, hat. .n(,nt.r aTf In li.fonrl. . ... . T .... . . - .. .trnt .. . ... combine are the Hritisn isoutn Arricaios 11 ana js in oiock v, ing themselves against the advancing; j fTxionlve Co.. the British Westfalite'town of Pilot Rock. WHEN A FAMILY NEEDSA FRIEND In the Absence of Doctors Nobly Gen to War, After Influenza, the Grip, Those wonderfully u.:!ef jl medicines. Hood's Sarsaparilla, Peptiron and xtooa s fills t-omnrisinf; the new (TOCKHOLM, Sweden. Jan. 10. Ilolshevik agents here believe America holds the balance of power in a com ,ing contest between bolshevist eastern Europe and democratic western Eu- colis. sulprurlc 'acid is used, ticabllity of this feature of utilization, therefore, would upon the cost of the acid. Prac- I rle--rnhl One of them approached when depend I was In conversation with some Swed EPIDEMIC BAD IN WASHINGTON TOWN CHKHALI.IS. Wash.. Jsn. 15. deplorable influensa situation is ported at Morton, terminus of the Ta- Ish politicians tsocialists) and asked this question point-blank: "When the bolshevik! overrun Ger many and threaten franco and Italy, will the American troops join the Ilrltlsh and French to drive back?" That Immedintely started a hot dis cussion,. In which It was clear that the Swedish liberals, as well as the bol- bolshevik force- (nnraiitee Ocnianded. It is understood that as the result of the various reports the council de cided that further guarantees would be Tequlred of Germany for the re-. newal of the armistice. The guaran tees, it was said, would be both eco nomic and military, but In exchange. It was added, the provisioning of Ger many might be considered. The object of these new guarantees them 1 demanded careful study from the mili tary viewpoint and It was this fact that led to the calling of the experts together. i coma & Eastern Railroad, 40 miles shevlkl from Russia.' consider Amerl- east of Chehalls. Within the past'ea will be the deciding factor. week there .have been six deaths: C.I ' Cramer. Mrs. Ihuv Clovlnger and Mlss DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Kva Johnson. Mr. WInsbcrjar was Mor-j f ton's most prominent general mer-1 c hand tne dealer. Miss .TnhnKon was a teaeher In the ftand.e piil'llc schools.' More,;than 200 cases arc reported The one local physician. Dr. Harry 'FoagJes, has been working to the Uni It of endurance, averaging 20 hour 6t service dally sinpe the 28th of De cember and answering calls from over d' stretch of country Extending from Mossy Hock to Handle. and MlneruU Co., Cotton Powder Co., Curtis & Harvey, the K. C. Powder Co., and the Kinsrs Norton Metal Co. The author ized capital of the combine Is 18.000, 000 pounds. Youthful Thieves Jailed. Riiittlo Wins IVst Case. PKATTT.K, Jan, 15. Today HOfi DHTA'ER. Jan. 15. Merle Cook and Howard Lucas, 16-year-old boys whd confessed to stealing an au tomobile at Astoria, have been arrest ed by Sheriff Johnson and are being held in jail here awaiting the arrival of Clatsop county officers. The boys ran the machine off a precipitous roadside while en route to The Dalles. They were arrested after attempt- wasting to sell the wrecked car. Who said camouflage BY ALLMAN COHN-fOHK MAY WIKI.O COM-tlUtt IAL I'UOOrCT XBW YORK. Jan. It. rtlllxatlnn of corncobs for commercial purposes Is one of the possibilities of peacetime Industry being Investigated by com mercial men here. . Adhesive gum. cellulose. glucose, and alchol are among' the products nl rcady obtained -from cobs In experi ments. Chemists of the rntted'States the commercial possibilities opened up by the experiments asvery jreinlnlnB Corncobs constitute an enoymou" Hem of waste. In the great corn states of the United 'tttntes. They are used In many Western towns and rural communities fuel. To some extent they are ground with the "corn for cattle feed. But mostly they rot In great piles, or are burned to get them out of the way. Glucose extracted from corncobs Is of excellent finality , chemists find It crystallises readily, nnd it nenevea to be fully as good Tor commercial Purposes as the glucose now made from starch. Glucose is widely used in commerce and Industry. For extracting of alchnt from corn- Smokiiiff Ordered Stopped in Senate Chamber at Salem SALEM. Ore.. Jan. IS. For the first llinc in its history the senate ndjourned yesterday for the committee on resolutions to bring In a report on the usual 4 resolution to prohibit smoking while the senate is In session. The resolution wos Introduced by Senator Pierce. The commlt 4 tee reported in favor of adopting the resolution and 1t was agreed to with some opposition, Argument BKalnst the rosolu- tlon was made on the grounds that tohnceo smoke is effective ns a preventive of . influensa. Fdr'hc committee to frame the x rvpprt a roccss of'15 ntiutes was 4V ' taken.' ' i. ; - " ' ' ''.!. CIIIMKSK GUNKItAI, WlXS 1H AT CARDS PKKIN. China, Jan. 16. China has had great difficulty over a little mat- A WORKIVti KIRI.'S MfK CHICHESTER S PILLS telir! Aik jwr wnif (ih w At it.chtMWKj' IMaatanii ttra4 IMAMIIND ItllANil I'lt.I.X t ' J?lPBriRWiGISI5VRVWHtR2 Dav In and day out. month after ! month, she tolls. Often she Is tht ! brwudwlnner of the family und must, work that othei may live. Hn'n r : fhine, warm or cold, she must be at! her place of employment on time. A j ret majority of such girls are on - tthelr feet from morning until nlsht j land symptom of female trouhtes nrr (early manlfented bv weak and aching ; hacks, drsKKlng-down pains. head- , at-hes and nerv ouHness, Such girl i are h'ked to try that most successful of all remedies ?or woman's 111m Lyd'h K. IMnkhain'si: VeetaMo ' Cimiuoum , w1.1i h for more than forty years h.if I been giving Kil ls strenHth to do their I WOrK. I f i it i in ' " iti unAwi. i tj-im 1 -i I ' I 1 1 1 1 I' Jvr ""i "n" w.w i i i in - ivc. iilu hblem Brswtsan i , MUlla roi NodmW poKen. fl Aooonr thosb pokbr ,gj l fS?M ' VD LCHlPS? I ' 1 CHIP AMD NT 8HE WSRBCARWCi fit lirk3t)5EHOtlRIGrJrriOWfv 5 . : x . J I t I 1 1 H(MsBSEzr?an. I . .r 1 1 TJLW ' 1 - - ' ' ' " "'' P. T. Boone to 1. H. Boone, tl. W 1-2 KW 1-4 section 20. "township 4 north range 28. W. B. Mansfield to C. W.' Connor. 1 SW 1-4 SE 1-4 section 2S. township 4 north, range 29. L. Dunning to Jennie Albon. Stanfield Orchard Outlots Xos.- 12S 129. 130, 131, 132. 133, In town of Stanfield. J. Albon to G. L. Dunning, $1. SW 1-4 XB 1-4 SU 1-4 section'27. except original.' TjjeV- purify the blood, build .'up Bireu-;iii ana reflate tne system. Get all, or any one, as vou tliftrk yoa need, from your dniss'ist today. AROMA OF ITSH OILS t I'ltESEXT IX EUHOPE STOCKHOLM, Jan. IS. Smell of fish is all over Europe. In all homVa. except where they have much casli. portion lying S westerly of right of i the sniffy pervasive aroma Is manifest, nay of I. S. feed canals, section 27, fata are scarce. In Sweden the gov townshlp 4 north, range 29. - Icrnment decrees that all the lard of J. B. McDill to C. H. McDIll, $l.hogs and the suet and tallow of cat B 1-2 of lots 1 and 2 In block 49, Res-jtle and sheep must be handed over'tft ervation addition to Tendleton. the food administration for a strictly J. W. Parks to C. L. Grogan. 17000. ! regulated distribution. Before ftie SK 1-4 xb 1-4 xb 1-4 section 36. government passes out these fats, they township 6 north, range 35. are mixed with fish oil. F. Van Patten to F. V. McKlrath t ork shops can be bought. But no 12500. 6 1-2 acres in SW 1-4 0. ;streaks of fat go with these chops. NTV 1-4 section 26, township G north, range 35. H. H. Cump to A. L. Hnrrell JI300, south 5 acres of X 1-2 MV 1-4 HW l-j and north 20 rods of s 1-2 XW 1-4 1-4 section 22, township 6 north, i ramie 35. F. A. WVod to Western Land & Ir-1 rigatlqn Co. $1.00. s i- s'E 1-4 j Ms 1-4 section 13. township 4 north range 27 and X 1-2 XW 1-4 section 33. township 5 north, range 28. Whale oil butter is sold In Norway. Looks like cow's butter, yellow and golden. Passes for butter till yta taste it. '1T- To Gc IJfo Term. -' PORTLAXD. Or., Jan.- 19. John' CatII Liard, convicted of the murder of Deputy Sheriff Twombley on No Ivember 19, will receive sentence ttoi morrow morning'. By the terms ol the Indictment, which charges sec- C. Hinck to A. Jl.i-ellan $10.00 de-""d degree murder. Judge Gantenbein scrlptlve tract in XW 1-4 XB section 24, township 6 north, 35. 1-4 has no choice but to give tha life sen- FRILLY BLOUSE tence. Miss AusiiKtA Citrlsoti u hn wn range. . . 1 uri ni.ri.t . and murder, is held at the county Jail but no charges have been filed against her... ' . Webster's New International DICTIONARIES rre in use by bui i:ec3r?CTT,cn"inccra, bankero. i. ulcer, J-c'.i'.DCts pfeyaiciana. a rr.z-.:, i i ;---r-l ras.i and Lorn;.! ; : u:-.' :'.tr. " - Aro Vr:: H-bpesI U Win? i Th.": lie? I r.t -national provklea thz znca:ir t3 success. It is an all-l::io-.vir.g teacher, a universal ques tion cn-r.vcrer. Iiycu s th tfTicieacy nnd ad vancement why nat rnnkedaily t:;e - f itlo .uj; .-.'.Jof inform u;icn? 4eS.M Vor-ibtiUryTerm,. TTflePnv. fc.'Grt lliu.trvo.'tr-.. Citlor.d Phm. jO.tHll.. -ur. olili-jl SubjucOJ. fc'.ui;rj;'..iKal Lnlriwa. Uef.'Ur ci.d 1'iJU-Papcr E ilioia. ' Th cure for nndu j ureas it inns, so the ciever woman t ! cnooses a mouse ricn in rurtles ; ! or frills to relieve tha stern line i. , of th coat nlt. Of sheerest ha ' tiste. and of frillinejs extraorJiu I Qrg 1 this model, , 4 le severity in , r . . UV.'-l mm. ta C.4C. 1