-PACE SEVF2I EIGHT PAGES rinri- n r vnrT ;ri ' V ,.,,1,3 C ,. r 2 V.J 3 1 '- . "' I Notices, Business Opportunities Locals, LostFound, For Rent; Etc;; Classified; for Easy Reference DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON,' MONDAY, JANUATtY 13, lfllft NEW TODAY .Draymen Notices XBW TODAY. .. Each new dvertlement will be run under "uw T.d.r" for the riret Ineertlon only. During pubeiviuent fnetrtlone of the ad it will appear under It proper claaairication. FOIl KKKr - FurnlxhiMl apartment. ; 5112 Watirl v . "i ; ; ., ' CALL. yiSNLAND' BROS-' rN TO move your houaehold goo.!. IVIe ohon. Alan biiKHttge trlnfer- rlng and heavy hauling. Architect CAH OF CflX.N, received today for poultry ni hijtc feed. ftlyrinxt'ln & - li ' ' FOB SALE- Ouk if urnlttiro, .ratine mid heater. flood ax new. Inuulre 7 J r, Ann: ' . , ; , j WANTED Someone to tlte contract i to level a few nerea of land. In- AllrutlonH for C'raaJitrt Permit. Nut lea 1 hereby given that all ap pllcutlon.4 for permltH to graze cattle, horwa and aheep within the UMAT1L I.A NATIONAL. KOKHST durlntr the seunon 1919. muat be filed in my office, at Pendleton, Oreffon, on or before Jan- KAYMOMD W. HATCH, AKOHi. uary 31, Full Information in taot. ; Phone 7S2J, I'endelton. Oro- regard to grazing feea to be charged Ton. ' " (and blank forma to be used In making - j - . . 1. . .applications will be furnished upon : request. . . , j . W. W. Coder, Bupervlaor., iiulre "T," thl office. 4 ! Fort HE NT 4-rnnm j Phone 4ir.J. furnished apt. ! FOR 8AI-K HeUtered Poland t'hl na boar. Phone 1. Christopher, yi Aitunia, Ore. 1 FOIt HENT Sleeping rooinn. Phone WT AO COI,TJMf ASU Cl.ANNII-IKIj UIlttCCTOKY. Counting elx ordinary Korda to the line and charged by the line. ' ( Want ad and locale. Ratra Per Llaa, '?Mrt Ineertlon, per line ift Each add. inaertton. per line, 60 One week hIx Ineectton), each initertlon, per line........ So 1 mo. each Insertion, per line 4e 0 month eontraet, each - lo aertion,. pir line le 12-month contract, each Id- '' aertion, per line ...... te No ada taken for leaa than....2bo Ada taken over the telephone only from Jat Oregonlan cub acribera and thoee Hated in the Telephone Directory. Copy muat be In our office not later than 1:30 o'clock day of publication. - rKTHAYKD From my place near Jle I -,Hx ono umall Jersey cow.. Notify iE.'J. King. Phone 228 W. Pendleton. For Sale FOt BALE Modern Jiouse and four lota with garage. 225 Jane St.. Pemilirton, Ore-, . S. Butler; 1113 Indluna Avenue, Spokane, Wanh. COWS FOB BALIS Call up 4F11. APPLES FOR SALE l'hone 1F22. FORD HUO FOIt SALE 1814 mod el. Inquire City ' Meat Market. Phone1 703. FOrtD KOADSTKIt FOR SALE In quire 21S JJIletii St. Wanted WANl'ED Good, dean ga at The East Oregonlun office. WANTED Be wins, phone 4tl-W. HEMSTITCHJNa at the Singer aaop. ILail ordera promptly attended to. For Rent COHY AI'W jlose ill.' 401 Aura. AITS. AMD ROOMS ALT A APTS. Attorcejs I D. W. BAILET, Attorney U Boom 7,, . Pepio llullding. rUBNISHED APT. Hamilton Court. GEORGE W. COOTTS.- Attorney HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, (91 Clay- room, (00 WANTED Stuoble and atraw pasture : FOR RENT SUSEPINQ for 25 or 30 TiMid of 2 year old colts. Willow. Pbone 482R. Addrewi p. & Thompson. Box 172. Pendleton. -. I Nice sleeping rooma. 723 Aura. CARTER SMYTH E. Attorneya M Jaw. Office In rear of American National Lank Building. -Z 1 WANTED nv renponfiiblo paity, leae!FOrt RENT Furnished houHf-keeping on 320 to C4U ex-res jtood wheat; rooms. Inquire 619 Johnaon.. Innri t,. 1 t. w m,.r Vft!l r Will ltllV' outfit if reasonable. . Adlrea with FEE Si FEE, Attorney at Law. Of fice In Deapaln Building. ' - StH'kni' AtK'nllon. For Bale, imported bluck Percheron atallton. 8 ycara old, weight 1900 Ion Kind rttupoKliiim or will trade for "took rattle. For particulars addreaa Hox HT, Weston, Ore, FOR SALE OH TRADE- One 4 5 H. P. Holt engine in good condition. 0 bargain. K. J. Kln. Thono 22 W. Pendleton. full particulars. Hox 85, Weston, Or. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room bun-. icalow. Inquire this office. . MlsceOaneoiu FOR SALE One 75 Holt caterpillar, SEE FREE demonstration. New sub stitute for coal and wood .(11 Main FOR RENT Large front sleeping room with bath. Inquire 719 Ann j 'street, evening. Just rebored, with new crank shaft. I Street. FOR RENT Largo front room with or without board. 201 Water St. See Glenn E. Scott. Pendleton, Ore. Horses Strayed. ' Strayed irom my pasture near j FOR SALE Note of $5000, due 2 Moacham. 6 head horses, 3 bays three; yearn, Int 8 per cent, secured by years old end 3 blacks two years old. ' Pendleton Income property. All branded 98 on Jeft stifle. Suitable j cash or bonds. Write 609 reward will be paid fyr return or In- state Bldg-, Spokane, Wash Torrnation leaning 10 recovery 01 same. Win. Slusher, Pendleton. Ore. Accept Empire FOR SALM OR TRADE for lease on grain ranch, 220 acre ranch on west side of Summer Lake, I-uke county. Hiib.lrrigaled land. Flue Improve- ments.' Grow 5 to 7 tons alfalfa. Inj finest range country. Price (27. 11(10. l.ond appraised tor that.! Will lake! lease for ( 1 0,001, lHtle cash and mort. liage for balance. Also 2R acres -vlth paid up water right, unimproved ut (40.00 per acre. Will be worth (125.00 per acre when cleared and seeded. Easy to clear. covered with suge. Will sell or trade I separately. Fine stock proposition, F. ! M. MoCullcy ami Son, Summw Lake. I Ore. ItElJGIOXS MANY TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Autn Slaae AT t'OlTXCIl. TARLIJ Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:4( a. m. and 12:45 p. , Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:10 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight ' Store) for Weston at 10 a. in. and 4:00 p. m. JARIS. Jnn. 11. Many reli gious faiths will be represented when the peace-makers gather. Marshal Foeh is 11 devout Ro man Cuthollc. Marshal Halg is a Presbyterian, President Wil son is also a Presbyterian. Lloyd 'George was brought up a 4 I'nttnrtnn. Premier ' Clemen- ccau and General Petaln . are Agnostics. Arthur Henderson, Rritish labor lender. Is a Meth- 4 odlst. Hughs. Australian pre- niler is a fighting Ilaptlst. 4 FOR SALE Late model Maxwell touring car. Cheap for cash. E. M. Goodman, Rieth, Oregon. I3II,L JENKINS, tho expert horse shocr. formerly with the Sloan NICE FRONT room with furnace heat and bath for rent In private R. L. KEATOR, Attorney at tw Room 24, SmUh-CrawforoS Bulld- S. A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office In Despain Bid, , I 1 3 A. KEWBKRRT. Attorney at lBw. I Smith -Crawford Building. ' J PETERSON BISHOP. A?torneya at Law. Rooma 1 and 4, Smith Crawford BulldhiC. shop, now located at 022 Cottonwood, family. Call 224 B. Main St., Phone near Heck's teed stable, will hoe youj horses 'satisfactorily. WHEN YOU NEED good, pure milk, call George Wachtel, 266J. Succes sor to Ed Morgan, . Farm Implements Second-Hand Dealer )4444)4444 l'hone 271 W. V. STROHLE1, dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods, cheapest place FOR SALE A few pure blood Rhode Island Red hens and pullets. Also Ilirea3 doxeu broiler sized pullets. Rred to lay. l'hone 10F5. FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1916 model. O. H. Olcott. 1001 West A It a. MONEY TO LOAN on farm The State Itod Hoard s now loan ing on improved farm lands not ex- wood street. ceedlng S5000 to ono person- Apply I to Clius II. Carter. Pendleton. Oregon. 1 THE "NON-SKIP" WEEDER gets all the wieds the first time o r the field. Saves one-third the time ana ands. I ,joe, lots better work. Ordjr now. Pendleton Weeder Worka, :t Cotton- Aactioneerg WRITE M. FITZMAl'lilCE, Condon, Oregon, for wheat lands, stock ranches. Sales only. -4l COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer. . makes a specialty of farmer stock, land machinery sales. "The man that: JAMES B. PEltltr, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. RALET AND BALETT, Attorneya at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. : . - FRED B. SCHMIDT. Attorney At Law. Room 84, Smith-Crawford Bldg. . , Notices gets you the money." I.eave order ' at East Oregonlan Offlco. THE WALES Adding Machine Com tkiiiv wants a high class part time FOR SALE 1 rotary' White sewing I resident agent to handle local tcirl- '"your ad should be in machine for (ao. 220 East Court. J tory on commission basis. State qual- when the man with a Job Cosy Apis. Close in 401 Aura. i Iflcatlons: Address: n. A. Fisher, j looks at the "wants." 1 . ' TUta- RAO Alnelr. Ttl.W Ciflttlo 'h i your an. should put you in toucn f with a new Job before you have be gun to "worry." ' 1 Taken Up. f There came to my place at Middle Cold Springs about Dec. 6, 1918, on small grey mare, weight about 850 Ins. 7 years old, branded circle on . 1 i right stifle. Owner can have same) evidence ' by paying charges. to offer U. J. CAMPBELL, , Box 6S6, Pendleton, Ore."" If reading the ads will help you to Tour ad should be mere when tha Ypur ad. should serve you quickly buy more wisely, isn't the task worth 'servant YOU OUGHT TO HAVE look when the cook leaves. j while? , , . at the "Heln want." If MEN'S FINE ON - SALE AT k- . - Youna: M-tii'm and Men. It-rtfiilnr. Slonls ami Ijoorm liltut S'rmn iiuUiilwil. Womlrrfiil iili!C'to 9.!V00. fiiinraiilcd ill I-wool fabrics. I'itiPst worklMiuislilp. AllrrniiiiiiH .SjiI Ktartn Manday, .Inn. 13th KmcJn Kiitimlay ntfthi, Jan. IHih. BOND BROTHERS Pendh-lnn's Lending clot tilers SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT M SIf TIJE Klli FYS AT OXCK W lll:N HACK Ill RTS Oil tl.AI)li:i llOTIIKItS. growing. The fourth to die as a re sult of the eating of asparagus salud Tuesday night was Mrs. Eleanor: llldge, following the death of Mrs.! Clara Schukark Hubbard, which oc-j curred Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. j Smith, at whose heme the dinner par ty was given, died Wednesday after noon. All are well known -colored people i of Rnle. They were invited to the j .Smith hi) me for dinner and ate home No man or woman who eats meat j canned asparagus. mistake by ; ; FOOD WORTH BILLION AND HALF GOES TO EUROPE BY JULY To Speak in Oregon For. World league; tories, Mr. Hoover said that the presi- j Ex-Pl"6Sident Tflf t .uont nan tne muttfr unuor considera tion. Norman Uatig was named as the other American member of ' the council, w hil France has announced j I the aponpitinfiit of Etienne Ceinon- j ' tel and M. Vilsrain. The FritiNh and ' Italian members of the counci j not-been named a yet. r.ajj Raid. The Oregon branch of the league .'ill arrange for the northwest "leagu of nationfv" conference -and by the time it hi held H i anticipated concret ' ; information as to the form of the pro- rORTIuAXD. Jan. 11. Former; ..nsed loacue will be had from Versail- have President William Howard Taft will s. ho the principal speaker at an Oregon- k jt waa aL0 decided to call upon the In discupsing the food situation in j Idaho-Washington "Ieague of Xa j Oregon legislature to adopt a re-solii rrguinrly can make .f.UHhinsv the litdneys occaMiimaily. nah a well known iiuttioniy- ivieai nirinsj W VSIIINGTOV. Jun. 11. The will- nii, liifliiding (lie 1 H.I it or Wushins- j ton Mate. Salin Situation Sc-yIoii-;. uric acid which ring the kidney of w,4.rtt vs,. Wiu, Am-ri.an pores so they KluBhly filter or struhi triMH is uniioiiwod today hy the wnr only part of the waste and P0"s J (rwrtutciit. Tho IMu ldo if due In New from the blood, then you get l"kiynrt January 17 wftli.casuul rompa- Neariy all rheumatism, nenoaencs. nv er iron hi, nervousness. constipation. dizziness- Fleeplessness. Madder dlsor dera come irom Vlugglsh kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your .back hurts, of tf the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scaldinK. Ret flbout four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliuble pharpiucy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water i before breakfast for a few days ana your kidneys will then act fine. Thin famous salts Is made from the add of grapes and lemon Juice. combinea with lithla and haa been- used for generations to flush clogged kidney and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine so It no longer causes Irritation, tlius end ing bladder disorders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot i Injure; make a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep th kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding seriom. ' kidney eompllcatlons. 1 Germany, Mr. Hoover said ,th;it thCjtUns" rally in Portland February 16. i United Slates has 38 officers travel- according to information discussed at PAULS, Jan. 11. Herbert C. Hoov er who lias been appointed director of allied food relief In newly liberated, neutral and enemy territories in Eu rope, t-nid that Ocrman ships totalling nearly three atillton tons will be used to carry food to Europe and that licrmim passenger boats will be used to send American soldiers h-mne. "Food worth 1 . " 0 o.fi 0 o must he. imported into Europe J.iuti-wi-nmv and July 1." said Mr. Hoover. "Lib- crated territories will be fed first but fiALKAf. or.. Jan. 11. With evenfinl)Ch nf this territory has no olher nurses and assistants at some of thej government than that of wattered hospitals becoming ill from influen- nuuiicipalities: it bas no credit and is unable to pay for food. 'Poland, Armenia, ('xccho-SSlovakia and the Jugo-Sl.tv republics r. re in this condition as well us many other suf- ing through that country conducting ' a meeting of the executive committee 1 an investigation. He said that as yet , or the Oregon branch of the League to' reports are not sufficiently complete ; Enforce Peace. Friday evening. Pres. for a definite statement of the CJer-i ident Lowell of Harvard university and I man position, but he thinks 4hat im- ' Frank Walsh will also be speakers of; tlon favorable to a league of nation ar proposed by President Wilson. I the it nut ion here has become R serious that city authorities have in timated that the already tfKht ban may be drawn even t ighter unless radical steps are taken to preserve the regulations. It is even possible that the prohibitory measures may be ex tended to apply to all but absolutel essentia! businesses, such as meat markets, groceries and drug stores and that other merchandising estab lishments will be ordered closed. It Is estimated there are fully 1000 cases of the disease in the city. fering sections. Most of the necessary food must come from the United States and representatives of that government are conferring with those of the allied powers as to means for paying for this food." ' Tho Money Question, When asked how the United States will raise the money to meet the im mediate demands of liberated terrl- rnediate relief will possibly not be im perative. In any event, he indicated that -Germany must wait until - the other sufferers are fed. lioiiitKHs (.it y.vi.mm iv itoNns NKW UASTLK, Ind.. Jan. II. The first national laiik of Ix'alsvillo wan ohhtfl of f.VMMM in lilXTty bond l'uni-h I toll.. Say Women. national prominence at the meeting, it (during the iiiht. SPANISH INFLUENZA-JUST GRIP CAMOUFLAGED UNDER A NEW NAME TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 11. To ellm- inatf partiality, which, It is declared has been shown to men in the eli- fi.reoment of the city vice disease or-, dinance, the Woman' Club of Tacomn i " nrn. disease is Simply"" for men equal that imposed on wo- j men offenders. Mine Convention Cullod. SPOKANE, Jan. 11 The . annual convention of the Xorthwest Mining Association, comirising mining oper ators of northwestern states and tht District of Columbia, will be held here March 10 to 16. it was announc ed today by. Frank C. Bailey, the sec retary. f , DOINGS OF THE DUFFS . t -fl,.-c-..r rr i i ee j I T."l.. juTrrnr Wll r 1 w as luciei e.vei tisutj; tu tvccij ji i uici iu. BY ALOIAN I ! Woman at National Republican Meet is Novelty for Chairman CHICAGO. Jan. 10. -Women to-, (lay participated on an equal fooi liux with men In (lellhrratloiis ofv tho hiiMT coiini-'ll of tho rcmihll-, , ran party. Two women when the) Kutiomil rcptillllean eomiiiltloo tviiit into Pxwulivp rsson. were in Uip scats. Iiolillnir "proxies for miil innmltt-tncii. AxorliiKr to the notional chairman lip ha.4 iim-rr iH-fore1 seen women seated III n national committee nicetiiiur. CIVIO PAItTV WINK in iiaii-;n t'OI'KXII.WiK.N, Jan. 1. K.leetl ons for a national eonventlon In Ha deii resulteil In n. vletorv for the dvlo Party, liicludlnir Hoctnl tlenioornts. eiix lists and conservative. They polled 90.IMIO votes attains! I I.OIHl for Hie Inili'iH'iiileiii soeialistH. I'XFIf.r.F.U TXNAGK UFCREASFD NFV VOHK. Jan. l(.-r-l;nfllll Intinasc of Uie I'nlletl KtaUn sleel enr pom t Ion vvas J.37II.I.M8 on laecejiilH 31, It Is announced today, aualn-t H, I2l.:i N'ovcauuer 3U. For Banting Eczema Greasy salve and ointment should not be applied if good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 35c or $1 .00 for large siie, got a bottle of Zemo. When applied as directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, bums, wounds and chafing. It pene trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is a clean, dependable and inexpensive, antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effec tive and satisfying. ', The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. CHICHESTER S PILLS Til I1AMNI BRAND, X X C-V-V hl.ck -v-r a Jllr..dV 9m mtV. I Tnk -vttW. Wh fjrwr , Ij w frBit. A.kiovf iii.cinLiM.'rrMii I C AJF ItlAMUND II HA Nik 11 A fJ 11.1,1. frtr ttS CM. atWdal Bf, Slt. Alwtysl Krllal.k soLflsypfiiooJSistvmiv France Bleeds From Battle Wounds While Germany Kcpairs Havoc PARIS, Jnn. 11. The corro- spondent of the I'et It Journal. with the French armies, draws a strong contrast between condi- Hons In the cities and throughout the country In France and Oer- . many. France, he says, al- though victorious, Is stiil bleed- lne- from Innumerable wounds. whereaa vanquished Germany ! already repairing the Jia,voo of defeat and .bustling activity has been resumed In sonic of tho fac- tories, After depleting the woes In the devastated regions, the cor . respondent adds: . "Travelers riiirniiiir from Germany report that tlermnny Is proetlcally pn- scathed In that In some places the people even preserve hope of revenge- IM goes on aa former- ly; loonia aro In operation, en- glnes are liumniing and recon- siriiotion work ia already unflor vny. In Franco, on the con- triiry, mine shifts must he con- solblated and reinforced, bouses and cities rebuilt and fields lev- eled." Another race that Is going to fore, i'olwin Kalnd Kills Four. Itoisii. lirahn, Jan. H. Tbe'tia Kcdy lu (.lie usiuugua l-jlaon cane la ! H r"1'1" KM 1" 1 1 i S3 2 mm-TTmmL i I -g-r-s ' II I If VRTTN Five ACROSS TrX VWf: . j :i I a i i mmn .? ihh I the Old-Fafihioned Grip, the Same That Has Sweat Over the World Times Without Number. Since 1831 the United States Has Had Five Epidemics. The Last Epidemic in 18S9- rifl,bed in over the "arts untn the skin OH r.nmA 1? Pr.n!n U ' u" iniwiy ana cove re a w vomt l iuin uuwia vj with two thicknesses of Way of France and Has Leave the hot flannel clothing' loose o T?nU A7-, T 1aro.una in necK anl te hat nf the vj i vii a m. itutu iiaiuce Aa bod' Grippe. This Time Conies By Way of Spain y liberates the Ingredients in the Jtjform of vapors. These vapors, in haled with each breath, carry the medication directly to the parts af. Ifected. At the same time, VapoRub -ORIGIX OP TIIF IISESF ' is aDsorbet through and stimulates Spanish influenza, which appeared he -skin. attracUng the blood to the in Spain In May. has swept over the'surface- and thus aid in relieving the world in numerous epidemics as far (congestion within, back as history runs. HinDocrates re-! '0 OCCASION' FOR PAXIC fers to an epidemic In 12 B. C, which) There is no occasion for panic ln- lis regarded by many to have been in-jr'"112 or enp has a very low per." ifluenza. Every century has had its centage of fatalities not over on w attacks. Beginning with 1831, this death out of every four hundred country has had five epidemics, the cases, according to the N". C. Board lixti in iftiO.n lof Health. The chief -flaneur lie in , TiiK SYMITOMS.. Grip, or influenza as it is now rall ied, usually be? ins with a chill follow ed by aching, feverishness and some j times nausea and dizziness, and a ; general feeling of weakness and dc ( pression. The temperature is from 100 to 104, and the fever usually lasts complications arising, attacking prin cipally patients in a run down condi- tion tho.e who'dont go to bed soon enough, or those who st up too early. HOW TO AVOID THE DISEASE. Evidence seems to prove that this Is a germ disease, spread principally by from three to five days. The perms jhunvtn contact, chiefly through attack the mucous membrane, or lin- 'coughing, sneezing or spitting. So. ing of the air passages nose, throat avoid persons having colds which ;and bronchial tubes there is usually 'means avoiding crowd a common ja hard cough, especially bad at night, drinking cups, roller towels, etc. Keep ioften times a sore throat or tonsils, up your bodily strength by plenty of jand freqn-ently all the appearances of oxreise in tho open air, and good 'a severe head cold. food. ' TI1K TltKATMFXT , KFF.P FISFF FKOM COLDS. - ' Go to bed at the first symptoms " Above all, avoid colds, as colds irri- take a purgative, eat plenty of nour- tate the lining of the air passages and. tshing food, remain perfectly quiet render them much better breeding and don't worry. Nature herself is places for the germs. the only "cure" for influenza and will I'se A'ick's YapoHuh at tho very throw off the attack if only you con- first ulcn of a cold. For a head cold, serve your strength. A little Quinine, molt a little VapoRub In ft si io on and f Aspirin or Dover's Powder may he inhale tho vapors, .or bettor still, use J, given by the physician s directions to : VapoRub In a benaoln steant kettle. If $ allay the aching. Always call a doc- this Is not available, use an ordinary v tor; since the chief danger of grip is teakettle. Fill half-full of boiling wa ter, put in half i teaspoon of Vapo-1 Hub from time to time-- keep the kettle just slowly boiling and inhale the steam arising. XtH'K Vick's VapoRub ia the dis covery of a North Carolina druggist, who found how to combine. In salve form. Menthol and Camphor with such volatile oils as Kuealvptus. In its weakening effect on the system. which allows complications to devi-lop. There are chiefly pneumonia and bronchitis, sometimes inflammation of tho middle ear, or heart affection. . For these reasons, it is very import ant that the patient remain in bed un til his strength returns stay in led at least two flays or more after the f- ver has left you. or if yon are over frt Th me. Cuhebft, etc., so that when the or not strong, stay in b-rd four day 'or more according to tho severity of tho attack. j FXTFHXAT, AIMMC VriOX I In order to stimulate the lining of the air pasigcs to throw off the srip j germs, to aid in loosenm-i the phlegm and keeping tlie air pass.i'-'fs ojn-n. 'thtss making the luvn thing easier, 'Vick's VapoRub wul! ho fouml cfie--, tive. litti, wet towels shoula .e ap salvo is apptiftl to tho bMly heat, thse ingredn nts are ltbrat'd In the , furm of vapors. Vaioltub can be had in three sizes at all druggists. While eomparattvrlv new in certain parts of tho North., it is the standard home remedy in th Smith and Went for nit forms of cold troubles over six mil lion jars were sold last year. VapoKuh is particularly reeommeuded fr chil dren's -riip or colds, as It is ex- plied over the thrjit. Jrt and back , UTuatljr applied and can, therefor, be between the fdiouldrr blades to open usi d fn-t ly and cften without the the purea, TiuJU VVti;u Uuuia. toUitUtCit li4iuiful WUcU.