EIGHT PAGES I 2 3 6V3 II II E i 3 PAGE EIGHT DAI 01 jl 5 WE WISH OUR MANY FRIENDS A Happy New Year This store will be closed Wednesday, New Years Day GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 823 Main St Exit 1918 Enter 1919 The year 1918 is a tiling of the past and will live In memory only. -- . ' 1 It is wll to forget iw bitterness and enter the new year with that sweet hope, that undaunted courage, that unswerving determination, that strong will- . power, which will lead you on and on to the coveted goal. May it gain yon the. American Manhood, the Am erican Womanhood, just now or suclt unusual signi ficance in the world's annals. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon nninniiiinminnnnmmmnnnninimnnnniimnn Auto Owners ATTENTION Our radiator man has returned from the war and we are again in a position to repair your au tomobile radiator. , Mr. J. R. Kay, who has been in the service of his country, is back on the job. He understands the radiator repair business and we guarantee you conscientious work and ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION D.'D. PHELPS THE PLUMBER 317 East Court St. Telephone 443 Our Big Stock of Cars Are almost gone. We still have a few good bargains, which must go before January 1st CALL AT THE Pendleton Auto Co. Established 1907 t . ,Y EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1918. T. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE iI'M COOK(NJ fOR. A SUCK CUY BY Th. MAMS O JAKE - YOU KfOiU nlM J r JH6 MA'S rAATieii THIS VFT6KMOON TO THS UIIDOIU FOUR. SMACC iLy w 1 . 1 EA WIDOW AND fWR KCIKS IFTrWS TH6 CASE HC WOWt FROM. MC il EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. Soldiers Entertained by rsanquei ai i-iioi ivock R for several months, a letter to homefolks Newt oyer says he spent a week In Lon- . j don recently with his band. While . - , o 1 . ' i there he visited Westminster Abbey (East Oregonlan Special.) hlfrtHe1 !.. H. has PILOT HOCK, Dec. 31. Company M"a omer D of the Home Guards elected officers ,tl"n B' l" at their regular drill practice Sunday oanquet o.. , r ' ' ., , u... ness men were hosts, was given her afternoon. Captain Staver and feecond , .: .ihi, ,hn Lieutenant Warner, who have been serving the past year, resigned. The following officers were elected: Per cy Folsom, captain; Karl Kankin. first lieutenant; Boot Paulis, second lieutenant. The new non-commissioned officers will be .appointed later. Rev. J. T. Bickford has recovered from an attack of chicken pox and church services were held Sunday. School will be closed during the coming week on account of the epi demic. Both public and high schools are closed. Mrs. Ralph WeBner is ill of influen za at the home of her mother, Mrs. Buster Kcott. A letter written since the signing rxt tha nrmistice was received this I week by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schles ! el from their son Itarry, who is in France. He tells tho exact location of the lumber camp where he is working. It is about fifty miles from Verdun. Harry has been near the DON'T NEGLECT A RHEUMATIC PAIN Go after it with Sloan's Liniment before it ftet9 dangerous Apply a little, don't rub, !et it pene trait, and good-by twingel Same for external aches, pains, strains, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises. Instant relief without mussiness or toiled clothing. Reliable the biggest selling liniment year after year. Eco nomical by reason of enormous sales. Keep a big bottle ready at all times. Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. nil " . : i 1 lf Whitman's! fCANDIESf 5 Just received a large 5 1 1 J supply. You can't buyS. , J better candies, better g d assortment, anywhere 5 t in the world than rieht 2, were here to spend the holidays and uIho for those who have received hon orable discharged from tho service. About 25 men were present. The announcement of the engage ment of Iff) Maud Bradish to an Am erican soldier from North Carolina was received here this week. Mis Bradish is now a Red Cross nurse in France. ,., The quilt , which was made by Mr. Patrick Ca3sidy for the Red Crosa. waa given this week by Loren Thorpe, local restaurant man. Mr. Thorpe Jias given the quilt back to the Reu Cross and it is to be sold at public auction soon Mr. and Mrs. Jean Kirkpatrick were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. , Russell Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs. I. M Schannep were invited In to spend the evening Charles Hicks who taught school in tho Porter district last year. ha re reived his discharge from the army Miss Ida Kldridge, who is home from Milton to spend the holidays, entertained a number of her friends at a rook party Thursday evening. Those present were Alta Smith, Ver na Fulltnwider, Alta lioylen, KIrna Itoylen, VI da Brae her, Lucile Borro. Victor Bracher, Iowell Sturtevant, Ievt Fldridge, Arthur Bond, and Boot Pau I is Cecil Hicks, who was a guest at the Kldridge home thin weekend, was ta ken to Pendleton Sunday morning ill with Influenza. Mr. Hicks In a resi dent of Milton. 1 Velta. Itoork is 111 U her home with chickenpnx. ' Marvin Roy returned to Vancou ver Saturday after spending the holi days with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. h. K. Roy. The 1 ion d Auto Co. recei ved two m-w Ford cars thin week Mrs. C. T- Fanning of Portland ! a guest of her daughter, Mrs L. C. Soharpf this week. Mrs. II. 11. Mc Key no-Ida left Thurs day for Preweott, Arizona, to visit her son Sidney, who is In a hospital there recoovering from the effects of g. Dr. J. I,. Gilliiand of Pullman, V.'iiHh., was hero Tuesday night, hav ing been called to Pendleton to e( lifrt Johnston, who Is seriously til there- Professor Ij. K. Decker Is here and will begin his work as head of the public fichool as soon as the schools are opened again. Mr. and Mrs. John Runyan left Thursday for Missouri where they will ppend the winter visiting friends and relatives. They will also visit In Oklahoma and will return home by war of California. -1 Mrs. M. G.' Edwards is on the sick list. " ' Frank Rheberg has received htfc honorable, discharge from the arm and is visiting relatives at Alhee. P!"!"!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!' in'lllll!l!l!!lll11IHI!tlll!!"lll!ffll iilliliilitiliiiiiiiilitllilillHIIililliiUlutlllill iiiiiiiii imiiii! Hiiiiiii iiitiitimiMHtn !!!!!tr-"r"I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!:!:!!!"l A Joyous New Year WE WISH TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAT RONAGE WHICH HAS MADE POSSIBLE OUR SUCCESS AND TO EXTEND TO YOU OUR SIN CERE WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND SUIXUSS- .3 II E I i i 5 . FUL NEW YEAR. J. C. PENNEY CO. m pa i 13 nmti.-s Leclgerwood will return with her to care for her during her Inability to do her work Mra. Walter Welssenfluh of Lorn? Creek, who has been In Portland while her husband was at Camp Lewis, passed through town last Wednesday to visit with ( her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dalrd of Lone Creek. Frank Shlpp. aiwlBled Mossle Bron. over the mountain with two hundred head of cattle which they will winter at tho half way station where they purchased feed for the winter from H 1 Wright. . Mrs. Rmma Iena, who has been 111 Is Improving. May Ingram has been absent from school for a few daVs on account of Rlekness. ' Frank" Chapman ami fnmily of Butter crwvk are vlnltlng during Christmas week at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Mettle. , Tom Ledgerwood and family ot their home. Mrs. Thrasher still hasher for a few days with relatives. Another letter from Clair Sturde vant to his parents states that he was to be in New York December 2. but did not know when he would get to come home. Gail Dick of Alba, who has been at a traiolnB camp In Texas, returned home the first of the week. Fred Orooms. who has been at Pendleton on business for the lawt two weeks, returned home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Vergle Caldwell snd Fred Grooms are assisting this week In taking an Inventory of the Uklah Mercantile stock of foods. With good roads, the stages are now making good time. reaching Uklah before dark. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hilhert of Bridge creek, visited Chrlstmaa with Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Hllbert ot Uklah, Miss Myrtle Quant of Alba, who W attending the Pilot Rock high school, returned home last Friday to remain during the holidays. Charley Lorenx Is still a very sick man and Is suffering Intensely with rheumatism. Rev. and Mrs. Herbert visited Thursday at the Hynd ranch with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hynd. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Allison are visiting on Bridge creek this week with Mr. and rs. MWilllam Meengs. J. D. Kirk left for Bridge creolt Friday on business. ernor for many months and tn. charge was openly made by former Warden Charles A. Murphy of the state penitentiary that Keller was the real governor of Oregon and thai what he wanted he got. Much of the turmoil that has Involved the peniten tiary during the Wlthycombe admin istration has been laid at Keller's door. Governor Wlthycombe refused to confirm the report tlutt lie had tola Keller lie must go. Luxemburg's Hoie Divided. 1 l'AIUH. France, Dec. 31. Th presenco in Paris of a delegation of members of the Luxemburg . govern, nient draws attention to the uncer tiiiinty as to the future of that state. The midillo class faction seems to fa vor union with Belgium, while the working people favor union with France. Both Franco and Belgium I would welcome Luxemburg within their frfontlcrs, hut thim far there has beon no evidence of a dispute be I tween them.' The question will doubt, j low be left entirely to the decision of ;th Liremburgers themselves. Tour lul. should find a tenant who pays rent the day It is due. ' It Is a wise old saw that cuts with lis wisdom teeth." - WITHYCOMRK FITtES JOE KF.II.KIC PAKOI.K OFFICER, IS HUMOR SALEM. Dec. . 30. It was reported about the capltol today that State Parole Officer Joe Keller, the most re cent Btorm center of Governor Withy combe's administration, has been no t'fied that he will be out of a Job aft er the first of the year. Keller has wielded great Influence over tho srov- SORENESS, PAIN, ACHING JOINTS i u. ; 3 i 4 THEY ARE YEAR WATCHING THE OLD OUT TONIGHT It's a pretty and time honored custom We know their last hours of old 1918 will be most happy ' THEY ARE KEEPING WARM WITO SMYTHE-LONERGAN FUEL We trust 1919 will bring you a continuance of thi3 same happiness with more than your share of prosperity. "Boy Howdy." Happy New Year "zoom 4 J. SMYTHE-LONERGAN CO.: Phone 178 Quality Quantity Service DOST SUFFER! RELIEF OOMFS THE MOMENT YOU RUB WITH OLD "ST. JACOBS LINIMENT" to 5 here We have tried carry this policy of se- 4 lecting the best through" j out our business. Come in and judge 4. A for yourself how well J 5 we have succeeded. 5 2 5 Tallman & Co. f S Leading Druggist. 4 4 Good Weather at Ukiah, Stock Still in Pasture Don't stay sore, stiff and lame! Limber up! Rub soothing, penetrat ing "St. Jacobs Liniment" right In your aching muscles, Joints and pain ful nerves It's the quickest, surest pain relief on earth. It is absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. "St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers P8ln. It Instantly takes away any ache, soreness and stiffness In the head, neck, shoulders, back, legs, arms, fingers or any part of the body nothing like It. You simply pour a little In your hand and rub "where it hurts," and relief comes Instantly. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle now from any drug store. It never disappoints six gold medal awards. FOR SALE ALFALFA RANCHES I have two good alfalfa ranches for sale on fine terms. You can't beat the prices, nor the terms. Better look Into It NOW. TAXICAB711 PHONE I U Books 2!i Rides for $2.50 PARKE1C TAXI CO. Why Pay More. DR. R. B. ROBBINS - Dentistry Judd Bldg. Court and Main Sts. CECIL COSPER PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT INCOME TAX ADVINEIt CM Main Mrovt I-endleton, Oregon 1 Dr. Lynn EL Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Blso- tro ThsrapsQtles. Tesnpla Bldg Boom It, Pbooe did American National . Bank Pendleton. Building, Eyes Scientifically examined. Glasses ground to fit DALE KOTIIWELL Optometrist and Optician Q Room 7, Templs Bldg. '. K Thone 772 S Dr. H. A. Schneider rA DENTIST t; 2 Fendleton Oregon 5 t d!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I CARLOAD OF NEW I I 1918 I mtk Here for immediate deliver Have also some good wheat ranches, and Pendleton homes for sale. Plenty of money to good farms. loan on fRast Oregonlan Special.) UKIA1. Dec. 31 The good weath er still continues, with mt enough snow In the valley to cover the ground, which means much to the stockmen, whose stock is still In the pastures and doing well. .Henry Inn. brother of the late Hugo Ienz. of Wyoming, arrived, on Christmas day to help look after the IjiiFlne interests of his brother here. Ed Thrasher of Diile, came over Thiirxduy to tako Mrs. Thrasher to Weston, are visiting in Camns Prairie arnj bound firmly to her side whir Insurance. linn Loglis, Ileal Estate J. C. SNOW, , , Phone ',B6. .. . 117 East Court M, Oders Filled in Rotation. it wilj rviuao, jgr vw9 time, ciaudj Oregon Motor Garage 5 I CTOORPOIUTEB , I1T, lit. Ill, ltd WM Court St, VetephoM ddd iUain!iniU!ll!!IIIllIl!lII!lll!IIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIllllIIlllI!l!llSi:illll!!lllll!llUlIU2