tact, m n EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, ftKEGON-TUESDAY; DECEMBER f J cum ors CASH GROCERY 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640 ' Large Oranges, dozen . . . . 80c Honey in Comb 30c ; Bulk Ginger Snaps, 1 lb. . . ..v.,;,.. 20c I , Fancy Cookies in Bulk, 1 lb. . j ....... . 35c Snlder's Catsup, bottle, - v. i . a I ... J ... . 25c Fpjjpr'l Ensign Coffee, 1 lb.,. , , . . . , . . . 25c Vah Camp's Soups, 2 cans . .,'.'. ...... 25c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, can. ; . 15c, 25c Quaker Corn Flakes, package ........ 10c ' Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, pkg. 10c Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box. 55c ; Best Corn, can . 15c 1 Solid Pack Tomatoes, can 20c Mazola Oil pints 40c, quart 75c BIG SIEflf.iSHIP Lines, air service RETURN OF. DECOLLETE Many Hour (Vnild im Hcliedule. to New York Part Way ut cm by l'lyitifc TO OUR CUSTOMERS Will you kindly bring your bill with you when pay ing light and gas bills? PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. "Always at your service" 5 't -HI 1 . LO.VDON, Iec. 31. 'Indications that airplanes are to play an Import- ant part In transatlantic competition with the resumption of normal con ditions by the Informal consideration among mi mo shipping men here a to the possible ue of alrplaneM to car ry main and passenger from the principal ports to London. ' While some conservative shipping men have not given their entire sup port to the Idea, The World -corre spondent learns that those who force the UOHsible development of aerial traffic In, the future adhere to the tie lief that many hours may be lopped off steamship schedules with the co operation of air forces. - The chief point of competition transatlantic traffic will be to cut down the time between London and New York It Is argued by aJr enthu slants that business magnates will be able to cut off many hours by taking an airplane from Plymouth to Lon don In fact, cutting In half the for mer express train schedule between Plymouth and London. It Is argued also that by the payment of audi. tlonal noftiige fee certain clauses of letters will reach Ihelr domination many hours sooner. finch an airplane service Is believed possible eight months in the year. Shipping men believe that the Ger mans Intend using airplanes In con nection with transatlantic competition In the future POLAND SEEKS BAR ON PItCSSIAN VOTE ZURICH. Dec. 81. Polish govern ment has decided to Issue an ulti matum to Germany demanding revo cation of the prohibition against East PrusBia'a participating in the elections for the Polish national as- sonrbly. according to dispatches re ceived here today. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos-i trite and End Bead-Colds. Vou feel fine in a few moments. Your cold In head or catarrh will be gone Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your "head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache: no hawk ing, snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a Klnall brittle of Rly's Cream ISalm- Apply a little of this fragrant. antiseptic cream In your nostrils, let It penetrate i through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen. In flamed mucous membrane, and re lief comes Instantly. It Is Just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs- Don't slay stuffel up and mlKerable. With the passing of war shadows the forma! evening gown comes out of retirement and the full decollete Is once more In high favor. Kor almost two full sea ons evening frocks have dis played some form of sleeve over the uppet arm, though only a wisp of chiffon or lace, and bodices were tulle or lace veiled dlacreet ly. Jewels, and elaborate orna-' menta were taboo. Now our national days 01 con cern for our armies are past and women are blossoming out again In their loveliest gowns. Now evening gown of gold eol- orcd baronet satin and gold "ilk gauze hanging from the shoulders. This Is one of the new Moyen-agei gowns, a straight band around the! bodice, and a close, straight-hang-1 Ing sklrL - ' If ; v i 1 I f m & 121 East Court' BRAVEST rOLJCEMAX CIIOSE3V Former President Taft struck a sponntve chord anions inemberH of Tboman J. IMriirt-y Awarded llurrtson ( consress today in voicing regTet over Mt-dal for TlirUliii Arrest. J ine laiiure 01 ine war department 10 CHICAGO, Iec 31. When Police include Gen Enoch H. Crowd er, judse man Thomaa J. Dohney returns to vocam Btrneru m tnamo ui rtutif nvt tioir hn will hr4nr tinrk nidnut during me war as one 01 mo first class et of dicharge jpapers : general otrioors enuuea xo special from thA TTnitf. r.hi nj.vv intpiit-' reward from congress, in enect Mr. gence bureau and a shiny Kold med al. The papers will bear witness to his faithful work for the government. Tho sold badge will ho tho Carter H. Harrison mdal awarded for the bravest act dnnn ly any policeman. This act was the arrest of four men whom he caught leaving a house they had robbed February 8, 1917. Al though tho men were armed, fohney got the drop on them a.nd compelled them to throw their weapons Into th snow. Hie called a passing school by to rwover tho recovlers for him and then sent him to tflephone for a pa trol wagon- All four men were safe ly landed and tho plunder was re covered- WANT IIO.VOUK FOR ,KOVIHTlt Taft ait4l 3Iciii1mt of Omrress Say He Has l-'jtriMil lEcifHTiiiUitii. WASIflXTO.V, D. C, Iec. 31. Taft makes it clear that without the services of General Crowd er, Per shing, Billiard, and Uggett, tho fiold officers named for promotion by con gress to be "generals for life." could not have had an army with which to "gal ndistinction in activo Kervk:e. On the other hand Mr. . Taft also points out that to reward General March and General Bliss, the services of both of whom was largely In staff work, to the exclusion of General Crowder, would be even more of an injustice. It is the struggle to keep up ap pearances that keeps soiao persons down. i Picture Framing 2 All the latest moulds, to your order, properly made and at reasonable prices AT RflUtflPHY BROS. THE OL HEMABUS PAIKTEI18 Sole Agents for the Old Reliable j Phone 318 g m J . Wcgtern Msd0 for Western Trade d W. P FULLER CO. i KIN'G ItEllSED PXAV TO HUMBLE HAM This action was taken after the pres ident had sent a mnra( to the cham ber outlining the necessity for such powers. ITnder the new authority granting President Car ran za le expected soon to issue decrees removing until June 30, 1 r 1 9. import dalles on foodstuffs, ar. tides of primary necessity to the country and on agricultural Imple ments and irrigation machinery. It LONDON'. Dec. 30. This week's Saturday Review -without, mentioning the king's name. Intimates that his majesty vetoed plans for having Field Marshal Haig here when Field Mar shal Foch and Premier Clemenpeau recently attended the lnter-allled con- The' genuine warmth of Halg's . Is expected that duties on automobiles greeting muxt have made him smile 1 will be removed for a period of three inwardly at the proposal made to mm monins. Field Marsnaa a. few week ago. Haig. commander in chief of the British army, was Invited by telegram to drive in the Tourth carriage of the Foch procession behind Barons Or lando and Sonnino. "Of course, Hale, who before all things Is a loyal soldier, was ready to run after the tenth carriage if any body was ordered to do so by the war councIL Happily a very august per son who was in France at once ve toed the arrangement, which would probably have provoked a riot. FEWER OF OVR BOYS AT FRONT SICK THAN IS PEACE TIME Enlistments to Be JtcMirned. ' WASHINGTON. D. C Dec. JI. Immediate legislation authorizing re sumption of voluntary enlistment In the army and the repeal of provisions of the selective service act limiting enlistments to "the period of I he war" was urged in a letter to Chair man Dent ot the house military com mittee, without the legislation. Secre tary Baker said, tne army after the proclamation of peace would not have sufficient forces to perform es sential military duties. Including the policing of the Mexican border. " A bill embodying the desired leais latlon Is to be Introduced tomorrow. Put an end to that delay in renting that house or apartment through getting your message to the readers of. the classified, saga. COBLENZ, Dec. 30. The percent age of sickness among the American troops Or occupation IS ununiiaitj j low, according to the estimates of the, 3d army medical officers. The num- bcr of casex In tho eight evacuation I hospitals within the occupied area is j about 4,000, most of them being in fluenza. " Figuring the approximate number of occupying troops at 300, onn, the sickness amounts to less than 1 per cent. In peace time the sickness am ong soldiers averages from 2 to 3 per rent. The excellent conflition of tho men is duo partly to good billets. The 3d army has five modern hospitals i.i Culilenz and two at Treves and one at Mayen. 'amuia's Power Extended. MEXICO CITY. Dec. 31. Bxtraor dliftiry powers In financial matters have been extended to President Car ranza by tho chamber of deputies. HOMINY FEED The Heart of the Corn the most economical Hoff Feed. Also Wheat and Bar ley Chop and other hog feed. BLYDENSTDN & CO. 1300 W. Alta Phone 351 EAST 0REG0N1AN WAPJT AD RATES WANT AD COLUMN AND CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Counting six ordinary words to the line and charged by the line. Want Ads and Locals. . ' ' ' Kates Per Line First insertion, per. line 10c Each add. insertion, per ; line . 5c One week, (six inserti-. ons), each insertion, per line 5c 1 mo. each insertion, per line 4c 6 month contract, each insertion, per line .... 3c 12 month contract, each insertion, per line 2c No ads taken for less than 25c. Ads taken over the tele phone only from East Ore gonian subscribers and those listed in the . Telephone Di rectory. Copy must be in our office not later than 1:30 o'clock day of publica tion. , NEW TODAY " Each new advertisement will be run under "New To day" for the first insection only. During subsequent in sertions of the ad it will ap pear under its proper classi fication. Telephone 1 II a "Want A )E't Try to Can Do It for Y 9 the w HEN YOU have use for a telephone, you use it counting the cost as reasonable, almost trivial, perhaps, for the service rendered. You thus take the "short cut" to the result you wnt to secure. When you have business that can be consummated BEST through using classified advertising, USE IT! For the usual "want ad tasks" are such as can be accomplished satisfactorily ONLY through want advertising. If you are harrowed by anxiety about the tenantless property, a "campaign of classified advertising" is the only BUSINESS LIKE SOLUTION OF THE MATTER. This "campaign" may not need to extend beyond a few consecutive insertions of your "To Let" ad and the expense of securing a tenant, and restoring the EARNING POWER OF YOUR PROPERTY, May be al most nominal. IF THE FUTURE SEEMS ALL ASKEW TO YOUR VISION BECAUSE YOU ARE OUT OF W ORK, A "WANT AD CAMPAIGN" BECOMES A "REAL BUSINESS PROPOSITION" TO YOU ONE THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN UP WITHOUT AN HOUR OF DELAY. If you have property to sell, and the "TIME ELEMENT" is important, a real estate advertising campaign is, probably, the most urgent business plan you have before you today. A series of "ads," published consecutively UNTIL THE PROPERTY IS SOLD, may involve so little expense, measured by the result, that it will hardly "count" at all! ...... IF YOU GET, FROM "WANT ADVERTISING," EVERY VARIETY OF SERVICE IT CAN RENDER YOU, YOU'LL FIND LIFE A GREAT DEAL SIMPLER AND EASIER. , The rates are shown in this advertisement. It's easy to write the ad just with the facts. Try an East Oregonian want ad today and start getting results. Telephone 1. Your Want ad in the East Oreg'onian will reach more readers than if placed in any newspaper in Oregon, east of Portland.