East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 31, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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n. r t'k ft a $
Mil IlBil'l
IUHlj' to Milton. i the window from nine to ten o'clock.
Tho body of A. ltoy Stanford wan ' AH who live on city carrier routes
Bhlpped to Milton thin morning for may si t their ninll by calling between
tho funeral and burial. ' theHe huurx ut the office 'of the pont-
1 .' . " , i initHtor. AH stores, bunks and liublic
llus New JK-llvery Itllf. offices will bo cloned all day tumor-
The Troy, Laundry hail udded a new ' row '
delivery rite,, milking two autoes now j , .
employed In thla work. .Increased Uui-uuch to lose.
uiihIiichs made the addition rieceKFary. All Kuruges and automobile houses
. . in rcndleton will be cloned tomorrow
AhhImI lit iiurlH t'omimny. 'afternoon from one to three o'clock in
Carl IIIcI m, returt'd wddler. Is order that the proprietors and em-
worklng At i,hB Charle Company dorr ploj'ees may attend the ; funeral; 1. of
Uits the lllueKH of Jack ClilldK, who is kcnut lH tioodalo.
suffering -with the Influenna ut the ' ; 1
honpltal. ; i ; !liw CnuM-N lM'lay. '
V 1 i.'- -. j.'-Hnow In the nmuntainH is auin
Committee. ) Xuuuxl, r ' ' (causing a delay In west bound trains.
Mrs. I.lna tiiurxlH, Mrs. J. T. Rich- Train number 17 scheduled to arrive
uitlson and Mrs. XV. U Thompson have ut 1 1 : J r a. m. was murked up for
been named as the committee on the 4:15 this afternoon. Trail number 5
community kitchen for : New years' , Was two hours lute.
day. j 1 1
i .Ml Itooininu IIoiiku l.lci'iiMi Kxplre.
t ailed to Kt. I'uul. ! With today all rooming house 11-
Willlam Mlclielsen left Sunday over censes In Pendleton expire and new
the -V. I', for Kt. I'uul, where he has licenses will be issued for the coming
been called by the serious illness of year. In ull .68 licenses were Issued
his mother. Hl llttla dauirhtcr. during 1S18. The license ordinance
sheep across but lands and pasturing
same on. tho laud. The land 1 lit. the
went cud of the county. -
Appraisers. Appolutcd.
W. A.,.Wrck, II. C. Rothrock and
M. K. Mayberry have been, appoint. 4.
npprulsers of the estate of. John 11
t' erguson : deceased.
(.-V. Clerk 1U.
Miss Ilainfu- Klees, O.AVV. billlns
c;ler.k( ,11 i;i wlt,U fnflueum at her
hotio. Several of the employee ol
the office are confined to their homes
with, the. diMoeise.. .
Mary, uccompunted him.
calls fur one dollar
! lug houses.
a yeur for room-
lluhy Hoy lles.
Tho seven ntonths old son of Mrs.
idu Hunnuil of Reed and Hawley
mountain, neur Weston, died yestur
day. The child will bo buried ut
Brown l-'inierul Tomorrow.
The funeral of Mrs. Kllen lirown,
widow of the late Jeff Krown and a
L'matilla county pioneer, will bo held
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the undertaking parlors of Hill & Mc
Martiu at Walla Walla.
liuitvirx from liifliicnzu.
Miss Allc$ Fluneil, popular former
l'ondle.lon high school girl, Is here l'o ut llo-pllul.
from Portland for a visit with Miss' l-eah Dillon, aged 41 years, died
Vcva Conic. Miss Klnnelt has recently '"Is morning ut tho state Hospital.
recovoed from a serious attuck of ; Oeceused was a. former resident ot
the lntluenm.- j 'ale and was committed to the Instl-
; i union from Mullicnr county In May,
Comes to lVmllcton from Denver". jl91. She has relatives living In
Mrs. I.e.ma McAllister Is a new ar-i Vale. Kuneral arrangements are not
rival In Pendleton, coming here from completed,
lienvcr. Colo., to make her home.!
M HI,. AIIIl,.i- hnu .iv,.nlrl n iml. ' l.llHMIlWl TrtK "aH illllW.
In, i. us murker nml sorter at the Troy. lighting the cunUles on
Lnuiolrv. She has had much exoeri- i 'ree lust evening at her
enco In this work. ! 3 1 - Thompson street,
ItoudiiuiNii-r Victim of l'lu.
Fred itruwu, roadnui-ster of the
Northern IJacJfic Railroad, died of ln
flne.niii yesterday til. 1'asco after an
Illness of five days. Jrtls. successor
has not yet been named.
Seeks Judgment for $7'll-H0.
Suit has been tiled in the circuit
court by Will M. Peterson, attorney
for S. A. Uotter against M E. Ho:;
kins In which Judgment for $7.36
with J10U attorney fees la asked as
the 'amount alleged to be due on a
promissory note.
Scck Collection for Slcrcliaiidise.
Alleging that William and Minnie
K. chelf are Intebted to them in the
amount of $44.42 for merchandise,
Speigel. May, Stern Co., a private
corporation, have filed a suit for the
collection of same .in the circuit
cou& through Attorney K. W. last
Christ -
!:!' Thii,Kf,)i Hlr.,ir. Mrs. T. If. Itelu-
i bolt returned to the room a few min-
luy IK-atc In 'rnuttilla t o. . , utes later and found the tree In
It. Sparks and J. IK Sparks, broth- flames. An alarm was turned in and
ers. are leaving Pendleton today for the fire soon extinguished, damage
Portland, .after spending a- wek , mnntt commeu to uic ouh.o.k ...
hero. The former Is recently from curtains and a chair
Oklahoma and has been so favorably by Insurance.
Impressed with I'mutllhi county that
he will probably return here soon to
make this part of the state his home.
Loss is covered
Hue oil otc-.
ft. M -Klce versus M. A, Sturtevant
Is the title of a suit filed in the cir
cuit court in which plaintiff asks for
Judgment for $2000 with $200 attor
ney fees alleged "to be. owing on a
promissory note, James A, .Fee la at
torney for plaintiff.
(oodtilc ServHVs Tomorrow, J
Tho funeral services of Kenneth
(loodale pronrtnem automobile man;
who died In Omaha last week, wl'l be
hi-ld ritiiuii-rnw aflerntton at 2 o'chtek
rt thrt i.i,.n nir al ilollchlH (?OUf t on i hls is
Asks Tor Sale, or l.ol.
Adelia li. and J. 1!. Smith are the
plaintiffs In a suit filed In the circuit
court against Frank Hlnes In which
they ask that certain lots In the
town of Milton be adjudged as to title
and that their Interest In name be der
lermlnud. The prolable value of the
$1 ."(". R D- Peterson Is ut-
I'unt-rul Held Tmlay.
Tho funeraj of Mra, Paralee Hailey
Meighan, daughter of Judge and Mrs.
John Hailey. was held this afternoon
at the Church of the Uedemer at
i: 30 o'clock. Interment was. made in
Olney cemetery. -Owing to the In
fluenza ban. the attendance at the
servicei was limited to 20 persons, in
cluding: relatives and a feW personal
friends. Rev. Lockwood officiated at
the services. ...
College Mreet. The services will be.'
under the direction of tho Knights of j
paddi( oil in M- -P"n 'ix fumu.i:
to Portland for burial.
ri-t Office l lie Closed.
Tomorrow being .ew Years day.
(the post office will be closed. Those
Hvlshlng to get their mail may call at
turney for plaintiffs.
Asks lujunctlou.
.1. A- .Mi.nese Is the plaintiff In a
suit filed through his attorney, Jas.
A. Fee against Joseph Cunha In
which he seokii to recover the sum of
.Claim and also asks for an Injunc
tion asulnst the defendant driving
KrUiriirt.Ui Seattle.
Joseph Colesworthy, who has been
visiting with his parents, . Mr .and
Mia. C. F. Colesworthy. here for the
past week, left today for Seattle
here he ia attending the naval re
serve ensign school. The school will
close the fi of February. Miss
Margaret Colesworthy, who has been
attending the University of Oregon,
will not return for a. time.
101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 10-1 101-
January 1, 1919
The awful experiences, the sacrifices of the
Old Year have been awakening a new life. This
is a new world upon which we enter January 1,
1919. Nations are in distress; unnumbered mil
lions need help; the moral spirit of peonies over
whom ignorance hovers need the bright rays of
the new" life absorbed. Shall we not in parting
with the Old Year take new courage and greet
the New Year with a deeper love for humanity?
Make it a joyous beginning and ring out in ac
cents clear Hope and Comfort for all in wishing
A Happy New Year
Pendleton Cash M&rket, Inc.
i blutur ut Wcton and Allodia
Qeorge H, Bishop, mayor-of Free
water, is in the city today on business
He reports good sleighing on the road
Jberween Freewatcr and here. The
Hleighlng starts a few miles before
reaching Weston and quits near Ad
ams. . The Influenza situation nt
Kreewater he says is much bettor
than it was. There are less than half
the number of cases there now com
pared with a few days ago.
CoU'ttruUtl ew Year Iinuturely.
A- A. Hardin before Judge Fit.
CeraUl this morning charged with
having whisky In his possesion and
being drunk und disorderly was fined
$."0, This was the first arrest since
the 17th and Is but the fourth case
In police eom-t d'U'ug the month. De
cember promises to- be the lightest
month In police court business since
Pendleton put on. the airs of.q, city
by establishing a police coyrt.
- Peru, has raised Its legation in1
Washington to tlie rank of em-'
bsssy. j
The new United State ambas
sador will be Benton McMilltn,
now minister to Peru. Peru has
transferred Manuel da Freyre,
now minister to the United States,
to a Joint post as minister to,
Japan and China, and is sending'
Dr. Francisco Tudela. one f iU
most prominent puMic men, to.
Washington U3 ambassador. . ;
' CuiK-axus Hails I-'micli Mission.
PAHIS. Dec. 31. The French mis
sion to the Caucasus received a hearty
welcome on its arrival ut Kkaterino
dar and Novorosiiskoe, advices receiv
ed from tho Caucasus show. At the
latter place, on the Black Kea, the of
ficers of the allied fleet were feted.
while the government of Ekaterinodar
gave a dinner at which toasts -were
drunk to the allied armies and to a
"greater and regenerated Russia."
Centrai Powers to Wait.
PAltlS. Dec. 31. The central
powers will not be admitted to the
peace congress early in the negotia
tions, according to an outline given
the Midi by a French diplomat who
is engaged in framing the program ot
the preliminaries to the congress.
to ( aitMtii Hty.
WiU am Wtjlch. exwsheriff of Grant
bounty, and h, well known ciittlt'inan
of ihut cuuuty. 'i In rcMidltfii torliiy
fn his wav to Canyon City from
Wiilliv U'iLlJa 'iiem; where ho is win
tering, a lurwo band of heof cattle.
News ttiJit tho .Sumjitor VnlUy Kail
rt.aU tit Faker is to bo tied U by a
strike New Year's day - ns Mr
WYisli gucKins, und he ma,v chance
crtlin fvT th , mountains through
Canicui FrairiQ in hltf cur.
, j
X i
it ', 1 . .'.. . '. ' ,..f: "5
,'ohnny Erers of bmseball tim
ins returned on the steamer Lor
ra.'ne from Franco, whore, as phys-
leal director of tae Knisbtt of Co
lumbus, ha hat been. -.tejscltfnK,
kaseball to Cho Freneh. ' i
I He says that the doughboys sra
strong for basebalL and tht tbss
game is due (or Its best season
rhen the boys ret am.
I- This picture of Johnny" waaj
tninped on the deck ot tbLA?
We still have a few exceptional buys in
our used car department. You will be
genuinely surprised to see how cheap we are
offering them. For example, there is a
1917 Ford Tourinpr car, just overhauled and
8-) per ct. new for only $393. Also a Ford
Roadster with a rebored motor, three new
tires etc.; for only $290. Several other high
class cars at exceptionally low prices, in
cluding an Elgin Six and a Dodge Brothers
Touring Car.
We have several shipments of new cars
due here right away, that's why we must
sacrifice our used cars for we need the room
for the new ones,,- ... r,-,. . ..
Liberty Bonds at-Par-tm usad cars.
Cor Cottonwood & Water Sts. "Thone 530
Washing for I iu to Sam.
John l. Kauiiuhm has act-t'iUed u
loKition aa marker and sorter with
the Troy laundry. Mr. Kan Ink on but
recently received hte discharge ; from
(he uaval auxiliar sei"vico in which
he naw JS months' service. For two
yeara he wan In the I. S. lighthouse
service, and for riv years hd charu
the t'. S- cava' ry laundry on tho,
MfiViuMtiti llamlK. All his work. fr
Mih or inn net and in the ervk-s
hit, lievu ii Ahtt liviimlry work. 11 i
discharge fmn , tje ervite was se
cured thnnipzh the I. S. employment
office-. IaV- Mie laundry. , ,
M.VNXfcK M1M4 1
wai; SOK.IIT
ISoy SUovU l'thor lcad-
FAVYTL'CKLiT, K. I. rec 31.
Jose Ml Devliu. 13 years old, shot and
killed his father, Bernard. foUowlns
mi avjiutneiit between hli father and
uiuthtr- According U tlio Iniy's story
at tul'l to the pcilicc. he was in bed
when his father came in and de
manded some money of his mother.
Au aUercutiou followed, he said,
Uiirint; which the man grasped Mrs.
l-cvlhi hy the threat and hurled her
t j tho floor.
Yuliiij Joseph declared he could
'Tot woe his mother alused longer, and
Jiinfjr tt a bureau hlawer he secured
a le ohor. M. ppini; Into, the Kitchen
tic ,-t- oil dirort'y in front of his ffith
ve and fired five idiots into the lat
ter s body. IXvlin died almost in
.suintl.v. a bullet ju.st . over his heart
ctkifciu.? ue;ith , .The lad was arrested
mul w.l :bo uriaiineJ Jn the .loth dis
tikl euirt on a charge of inanslau;h
Peace on Earth
Good Will to Men
Peace never meant eo much, let Good Will mean
more than ever. : '
In extending to you the season' hearty greetings,
though mindful of sins of omission and commission
during the past strenuous year, hope to merit
your continued Good Will,
Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
AltGEXnVE jroltSR MtAISEl).
rcxliji Are Iaylii Ilili ll'cei for
Stock rroin Kuropc. '
CHICAGO eq. Hotofaso is he- j
Ing hailed as the greatest race horse 1
ever bred in the Argentine, which j
country has set the pace n paying high J
prices for the best British and Eu-
ropran stallion He Is a 4 year old
by old Man, out of Korea, and oo '
September 22 won the kold cup. with .
$3H,fH cash, to the winner. $4000 to
the second and 2000 to the third
horse, distance nearly two mi'.es.
FSotofago has two opponents. One
waa Cracker by Dieudonne and the
other was Divindad by (Bridge of
Canny, who finished in that order be
hind him. Botofago won in a can-
er and made the other starters look
oolish. i
The annual agricultural show took ;
jlac recently at Buenos Aires and (
far exceeded previous shows In qual- i
Ity and quantity of blooded cattle.
Messrs. Handley, Jennings and Green
were present from Kntfland to judge '
the cattle and spoke of the exhibits
In the highest terms- Senor Martlnv '.
de Jtoy bred the jirize bull and slrt .
;:im under the hammer for $4 2.4 75.
which t! thoujfht- to stand as a record
price except for the ?4."i,3."0 paid not.
lopi? ago In England for a Hereford
bull. ,
ffenor do Hoy also bred and own
the champion colt of the year, Cor!
cato (by Craffanonr).
. bolosnaV lk -;
.- Paris logins to ask
Wilson on bis visit to Italy will b
able to so present tbe principle
for which he stands as to check
the growing desire of Italy tor
territorial gains.
t Tbe return of Italia Irredewta
and the making ot Trieste, oa
tbe eastern shore of the Adriatic
an Italian port hare been antici
pated in discussion ot the settle
ment with Italy. . '
But revelation of a secret
agreement among the European
allies in 191a thai Italy should
have the greater part ot the Dal
matian coast brought vlgorouar
protest (rota Jugo-3LT. ,
Now claim to all -of the ast!
roast of h Adriatic and to eoo- -
to rais om ot the major prob-
.ieaaa ot tho MSKmV. .
rFliSTlPlChTRlESlOlC '
SAN FltANHMS X). Jan. 1 . rSuffer
IiiK front nervous brealtdowu us a
result of repeated threats against his
life. Long Tin. YAK, president of tho
Canton lUuiV and China Mall Steaui
hiu Company.. ha tlecided to relMi
tpiish his bnsbiess affa'rs and make
a trip to- China,
Tho board- of directors of the Chi
na Mail ieaiuship ouipany today
placed conspicuous advertisements In
local papers offering a reward
Mo.uuti for the arrest and conviction 'announced here today by the Ameri
of the institttttors of the nihrder of r)U1 , ,imniittoe for Armenian and Sy- I
1'lrector Kong M'lng und $r.00it addl- iiui relief. i
tli.nnl for tho arrest and conviction Tiu t'nitrd States government,":
of the nctunt peprretrators of the the statement said "has loaned to the)
murder. coirniittee a T'Muujon transport, which!
will sail about the middle of January t
ki im:v i:xri;iiTu
, Y(M;K, Dec. '31. An Ameri-
cm relief expedition carrv ing ph si- 1
cut ns, nurses and supplies will sail !
l next month for (he near east, it was
'with a commission of agricultural ex-j
P i ts. dor-tors, nurses, medical sup- i
Knvoy I .cava VUxi;Tnd.
WASHLNCrT X. Jx'C. 31. All dip
l"Uiats id left i'clrograd, the Mate pM,s and great numbers of modern;
depart men!, was advised tudiV, ex- , ihi u a n fit rut implcuients whieh
eept thosv of the Swiss naU I'crisian v. til be nv-d in hu-ieasing next year's
b'KMtions i':Ml'."
Tin miuistet-H from Swrdon and
Noiwity hae departed from the Km' Kry useful Itklna should b used,
sian capital, leaving clerks iu charge Sell that used rtioW - to Bombodf
of ihclr leBrttlona- iwbu neda It ijrougH th classified.
-n;;4 ar,iiin r -
. '
C?i us. inroLj
ThU U th tint picture, of
New York's most exclusive olub.
the nsw "Chateau Thierry," Fit-tletb-st
and East River; la a com-
Membersblp la flmlttd 'to Ameri
. can soldiers, sailors and marines
, In hospital In Nevn. York, who have
lost a leg. an arm. a hand or have
some other serious wound. These
men are. taken dally In ambu-.
tortabHold three-story j. home. lances to thl"Cheryy sttlgJllJ'r,4
oa the Road to Horn" sad given,
the 'freedom and comfort Of the,
cosy rooms.
The wounded marLut skowa at'
th letl i Cecil Wilson. To hi
right ttU Jam aistisa f It
v a
r ;i
5 - 3
( .